Congressman Alcee Hastings (D) Says $174K Salary Isn't Enough to Live On

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
At a hearing regarding the 2016 Legislative Branch appropriations bill yesterday, Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) said that his salary of $174,000 a year simply isn’t enough to live on in Washington, D.C.

“It’s kind of a sad state of affairs that we are entering the seventh year of Congress not receiving a raise,” Hastings said. “In order for us to get a raise, we have to go to the public and prove that we deserve it. Well, I think we do.”

Congress’ current approval rating is 19 percent.

This poor congressman says he needs a raise because 174 000 isn t enough to live on Rare

The median household income in the U.S. is roughly $52k. It's around $90k in D.C. Hastings, a Democrat, the alleged party of the poor and down trodden, says Congress can't be expected to survive on $174k.
At a hearing regarding the 2016 Legislative Branch appropriations bill yesterday, Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) said that his salary of $174,000 a year simply isn’t enough to live on in Washington, D.C.
“It’s kind of a sad state of affairs that we are entering the seventh year of Congress not receiving a raise,” Hastings said. “In order for us to get a raise, we have to go to the public and prove that we deserve it. Well, I think we do.”

He may have a point. When people keep prosecuting you for your "side income", it's tough to make a buck.

Plus, those lawyer fees will put anybody in the poorhouse.

Too bad, so sad.

Perhaps Mr. Hastings should get a real job. If he can.

--------------------------------------------- Political Junkie

Senate Removes Hastings

By Ruth Marcus
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, October 21, 1989; Page A01

U.S. District Judge Alcee L. Hastings was convicted by the Senate yesterday of engaging in a "corrupt conspiracy" to extort a $150,000 bribe in a case before him, marking the first time a federal official has been impeached and removed from office for a crime he had been acquitted of by a jury.

In a solemn and tense session, the Senate voted 69 to 26 -- five votes more than needed for conviction -- to find Hastings guilty of the major charge against him and strip the 53-year-old jurist of his lifetime, $89,500-a-year position.
Hastings, Florida's first black federal trial judge, sat facing the senators as the lawmakers rose, one by one, to render their verdicts on the charge that he conspired with disbarred Washington lawyer William A. Borders Jr. to obtain the bribe.
At a hearing regarding the 2016 Legislative Branch appropriations bill yesterday, Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) said that his salary of $174,000 a year simply isn’t enough to live on in Washington, D.C.

“It’s kind of a sad state of affairs that we are entering the seventh year of Congress not receiving a raise,” Hastings said. “In order for us to get a raise, we have to go to the public and prove that we deserve it. Well, I think we do.”

Congress’ current approval rating is 19 percent.

This poor congressman says he needs a raise because 174 000 isn t enough to live on Rare

The median household income in the U.S. is roughly $52k. It's around $90k in D.C. Hastings, a Democrat, the alleged party of the poor and down trodden, says Congress can't be expected to survive on $174k.

Sean Duffy (R-IL) said the same bullshit about a year ago.

What in the fuck are these people thinking?
Hell. Those assholes should be paying us for the priviledge of running the country.

Add all those perks they voted in for themselves and their own SS system, which they don't rob like they do ours, free HC and retirment payed for by we taxpayers and they don't have room to squawk about anything.

If he and the other Clowns don't like it, Let em get another job. If they can.
At a hearing regarding the 2016 Legislative Branch appropriations bill yesterday, Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) said that his salary of $174,000 a year simply isn’t enough to live on in Washington, D.C.

“It’s kind of a sad state of affairs that we are entering the seventh year of Congress not receiving a raise,” Hastings said. “In order for us to get a raise, we have to go to the public and prove that we deserve it. Well, I think we do.”

Congress’ current approval rating is 19 percent.

This poor congressman says he needs a raise because 174 000 isn t enough to live on Rare

The median household income in the U.S. is roughly $52k. It's around $90k in D.C. Hastings, a Democrat, the alleged party of the poor and down trodden, says Congress can't be expected to survive on $174k.

If you counted the per diems of people making 90k in DC that were actually out of their home towns for work most of the year, it would probably total well over 174k. Congressmen have to essentially maintain two separate residences - they need one in DC because they work there, but they also must maintain their home residence or they become ineligible to run for reelection.
Tough to be them.

They should have taken a good long hard look at what it would cost them to become a Senator, a Congressman or live in the DC area.

Sorry. No sympathy here. Its in the dictionary between shit and syphilis.
At a hearing regarding the 2016 Legislative Branch appropriations bill yesterday, Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) said that his salary of $174,000 a year simply isn’t enough to live on in Washington, D.C.

“It’s kind of a sad state of affairs that we are entering the seventh year of Congress not receiving a raise,” Hastings said. “In order for us to get a raise, we have to go to the public and prove that we deserve it. Well, I think we do.”

Congress’ current approval rating is 19 percent.

This poor congressman says he needs a raise because 174 000 isn t enough to live on Rare

The median household income in the U.S. is roughly $52k. It's around $90k in D.C. Hastings, a Democrat, the alleged party of the poor and down trodden, says Congress can't be expected to survive on $174k.

If you counted the per diems of people making 90k in DC that were actually out of their home towns for work most of the year, it would probably total well over 174k. Congressmen have to essentially maintain two separate residences - they need one in DC because they work there, but they also must maintain their home residence or they become ineligible to run for reelection.

Congressmen have to essentially maintain two separate residences - they need one in DC because they work there, but they also must maintain their home residence or they become ineligible to run for reelection.

I hear 1 bedroom studios are very reasonable.
Id need more information before I could find her comment ridiculous.
Oh but they aren't executives. They are public servants.

Public servants should work for the median wage?

In public service, like everything get what you pay for
If you insist on low wages, you will get people commensurate with that wage

If you want good quality executives, you need to pay a competitive wage
At a hearing regarding the 2016 Legislative Branch appropriations bill yesterday, Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) said that his salary of $174,000 a year simply isn’t enough to live on in Washington, D.C.

“It’s kind of a sad state of affairs that we are entering the seventh year of Congress not receiving a raise,” Hastings said. “In order for us to get a raise, we have to go to the public and prove that we deserve it. Well, I think we do.”

Congress’ current approval rating is 19 percent.

This poor congressman says he needs a raise because 174 000 isn t enough to live on Rare

The median household income in the U.S. is roughly $52k. It's around $90k in D.C. Hastings, a Democrat, the alleged party of the poor and down trodden, says Congress can't be expected to survive on $174k.

You really think this is a Democrat thing? I think you'd be hard pressed to find 10 people in Congress who wouldn't happily vote themselves raises if there weren't currently so much political danger in doing so right now. A small handful have been continually vocal on the fact. We're lucky we managed to get them to halt their automated raises when they did.

Every last one of those douche bags would happily vote themselves $10 million a year if they could get away with it.
Oh but they aren't executives. They are public servants.

Public servants should work for the median wage?

In public service, like everything get what you pay for
If you insist on low wages, you will get people commensurate with that wage

If you want good quality executives, you need to pay a competitive wage

In public service, like everything get what you pay for
If you insist on low wages, you will get people commensurate with that wage

No kidding. But for $174 K we get idiots like Grayson and much of the CBC.
In the private sector, they'd be lucky to earn above the poverty level.
Oh but they aren't executives. They are public servants.

Public servants should work for the median wage?

In public service, like everything get what you pay for
If you insist on low wages, you will get people commensurate with that wage

If you want good quality executives, you need to pay a competitive wage

In public service, like everything get what you pay for
If you insist on low wages, you will get people commensurate with that wage

No kidding. But for $174 K we get idiots like Grayson and much of the CBC.
In the private sector, they'd be lucky to earn above the poverty level.

They will get paid substantially more when they eventually move to the private sector
He may have a point. It costs $47 to park a car at a Nationals game and a round trip metro fare to the game is about $9 per person.
That's why I ride my bike there.

Oh but they aren't executives. They are public servants.

Public servants should work for the median wage?

In public service, like everything get what you pay for
If you insist on low wages, you will get people commensurate with that wage

If you want good quality executives, you need to pay a competitive wage

Sorry. All those Senators, Congressman and those that work in DC think they are better than everyone else.

They are public servants no matter how grand a title theyhave. Why should we taxpayers pay them more. Hell. Add up all those perks along with retirement and payed HC and they are doing quite well.

They do far better than a lot of people. Me included.
In public service, like everything get what you pay for
If you insist on low wages, you will get people commensurate with that wage

So how the fuck do you explain Ted Cruz? Seems that idiots commensurate with low wages are already overflowing the halls of Congress.

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