Congress passes bill to make members pay for sexual harassment claims


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Congress passes bill to make members pay for sexual harassment claims
By Rick Moran : After it was revealed that members of Congress were allowed to tap public money to pay off women who had been sexually harassed, embarrassed lawmakers from both parties began working on legislation that would force members to pay off sexual harassment claims on their own dime.... Yesterday, by voice vote, the House and Senate approved a measure that would cap court damages at $300,000, but there would be no limit on private settlements.
"Time is finally up for members of Congress who think that they can sexually harass and get away with it. They will no longer be able to slink away with no one knowing that they have harassed. ... They will pay back the U.S. Treasury," one of the House co-sponsors, Representative Jackie Speier, a Democrat, told reporters.... "We want to thank 1,500 former staff members of Congress who wrote a letter to us who made the case all too clear, that sexual harassment in Congress was a huge problem," she said.​
But at least now the public won't be paying for a member's indiscretions.

It's high-time the public sees exactly where our tax-payer money went. Make them reveal the names of these politicians that have committed the peccadillos and assaults, including the amount paid to each victim. That's what I want to know. We should then prosecute offenders for campaign finance violations.
Even Cokie Roberts admitted that “for decades” the female press corps has covered up sexual misconduct on Capitol Hill, she said, "Oh, we all knew to avoid getting in an elevator with Democrat Conyers".
Congressmen and women, are not above being involved in sexual harassment/assault) and should have their names placed in a public forum and we should know who they were and where they live.
What is worse, Trump using his own money to shut up women who may or may not be gold diggers or Congress using our tax money to shut up the women they "harass" within the halls of congress?
Put out the list of names and how much was paid out. Then send them all a bill plus interest.

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