Congress is a disgrace


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
Many thanks to Jon Stewart for taking members of Congress to task

The firefighters, police officers and others came to the hearing despite illness and injuries, Stewart said, but some members of the committee chose not to show up. The first responders attended the hearing to advocate for the financial compensation they are due. Evidently some members of Congress were to busy to show up.
The House of Reps is the Worst. They have spent three years fighting The President and have accomplished NOTHING.

3 years? 2 of those years, it's been Republican Controlled. Are you saying that Republicans are the worst? Well, cupcake, I agree with you. Hell, I agree with you with ALL of congress. Each and every one of them. Both parties. And let's toss Trump and his criminal bunch in the pile in the process. We need to charter a very large boat, put them on it, only have enough fuel to get it halfway across the Atlantic and have it set afloat with the whole bunch of them. Then get people in there that will actually do the work for Americans for a change like we are supposed to pay them to do. Then do the same thing to all the Lobbiest but that'll take a larger boat. Let's make it a barge.
The House of Reps is the Worst. They have spent three years fighting The President and have accomplished NOTHING.
Stick to the issue of the OP.

Do you think it's the Republicans or the Democrats that are giving the 9/11 Firemen the shaft?
The House of Reps is the Worst. They have spent three years fighting The President and have accomplished NOTHING.
Stick to the issue of the OP.

Do you think it's the Republicans or the Democrats that are giving the 9/11 Firemen the shaft?
I think it's you and your minions giving America The Shaft. Why do you want to exterminate Black People?
The House of Reps is the Worst. They have spent three years fighting The President and have accomplished NOTHING.
Hey, I thought gridlock is what conservatives wanted.

That way the gubmit can't destroy our liberties, something like that.
Gridlock is preferable to anything The Democrats want to do.
But not preferable to what needs done for the country.
The House of Reps is the Worst. They have spent three years fighting The President and have accomplished NOTHING.
Hey, I thought gridlock is what conservatives wanted. That way the gubmit can't destroy our liberties, something like that.
Gridlock is preferable to anything The Democrats want to do. But not preferable to what needs done for the country.
So if it's for stuff you want, gridlock is bad.

If it's for stuff you don't want, it's good.

So it's not about gridlock, it's about partisan politics.

Okay, got it.
Many thanks to Jon Stewart for taking members of Congress to task

The firefighters, police officers and others came to the hearing despite illness and injuries, Stewart said, but some members of the committee chose not to show up. The first responders attended the hearing to advocate for the financial compensation they are due. Evidently some members of Congress were to busy to show up.
Thinker, for all the times I have disagrees with you, sometimes unkindly...on this issue, I couldn't agree more. Thank you for reminding all of us of our failure to kick ass on this issue. New York responders couldn't have a better spokesperson than Stewart, but so far most of the rest of us have all sat back and let him fight for those heroes alone, and you can see how he is ignored. Your post is a reminder to me to do my duty and start harassing my Congress Critters.
thats what a congress rated in the 20 something percent approval rating gets you....some of the worst people ever in the history of congress.....are we special or what?...
Many thanks to Jon Stewart for taking members of Congress to task

The firefighters, police officers and others came to the hearing despite illness and injuries, Stewart said, but some members of the committee chose not to show up. The first responders attended the hearing to advocate for the financial compensation they are due. Evidently some members of Congress were to busy to show up.

And for those who wish to actually READ the article, without having to submit to WaPos draconian anti-privacy rules:
Jon Stewart tears into Congress over 9/11 victims fund

Yes, few in Congress showed up and those there clapped slowly. They didn't come there to work in Washington because they cared, they came there because they DON'T.

D.C. is that little state-but-not-a-state where its residents live in their own tiny bubble above the rest of the country.
So many of you try to make this a partisan issue, what the hell.
So many of you try to make this a partisan issue, what the hell.
Tell me how many chemical fires have you had to be in.
Tell me if you scuba dove in a Sewage Canal for a murder weapon
Tell me if you ever were draged by a car for a block and got two broken legs
Tell me if you got shot in the back during a robbery.
Tell me if you got stabed in the chest by a crazy man.
Tell me if while helping a gun shot victim that you got shot by a sniper
These are all the things first resonders have to deal with. You want the job?
So many of you try to make this a partisan issue, what the hell.
Tell me how many chemical fires have you had to be in.
Tell me if you scuba dove in a Sewage Canal for a murder weapon
Tell me if you ever were draged by a car for a block and got two broken legs
Tell me if you got shot in the back during a robbery.
Tell me if you got stabed in the chest by a crazy man.
Tell me if while helping a gun shot victim that you got shot by a sniper
These are all the things first resonders have to deal with. You want the job?

Ok, so you who do you want to blame, Democrats or Republicans? As far as I'm concerned this is not a partisan issue...dumbass.
The House of Reps is the Worst. They have spent three years fighting The President and have accomplished NOTHING.

3 years? 2 of those years, it's been Republican Controlled. Are you saying that Republicans are the worst? Well, cupcake, I agree with you. Hell, I agree with you with ALL of congress. Each and every one of them. Both parties. And let's toss Trump and his criminal bunch in the pile in the process. We need to charter a very large boat, put them on it, only have enough fuel to get it halfway across the Atlantic and have it set afloat with the whole bunch of them. Then get people in there that will actually do the work for Americans for a change like we are supposed to pay them to do. Then do the same thing to all the Lobbiest but that'll take a larger boat. Let's make it a barge.
Who would you suggest? Name a specific person you feel would be better than Donald Trump.

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