Congress at 13% approval, 81% disaprove...

The partisan extremism in the House and the stalemate in the Senate has resulted in paralyzed government at a time when its action is needed the most.

What action is needed?

Tell me something, why did the Republicans just pass three job bills Obama wanted if there is so much partisan extremism? Why did so many Democrats actually vote against those three bills even though Obama pushed them strongly?
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across all political lines.

At 13%, Congress' Approval Ties All-Time Low

Since more restrictions on abortions haven't improved their ratings I suppose it's time for Boehner to introduce a law allowing high school students the right to carry firearms to school.

Your partisanship is showing through.

You betcha. However, if an argument is made which is thougtful and challenges my opinions I will be happy to consider or debate it. My opinion that the Boehner leadership is focused on winning elections (and on his keeping the speakership) has plenty of evidence to support it. Country First? Only in an ends and means way.
When Pelosi was speaker, Congressional approval was 4% - so this is an improvement! Go Boehner!
This is the most partisan, inept Congress that I have seen in my lifetime. In a time of severe economic crisis, they put their political agenda above helping Americans
Who are the 13% who approve
across all political lines.

At 13%, Congress' Approval Ties All-Time Low

Since more restrictions on abortions haven't improved their ratings I suppose it's time for Boehner to introduce a law allowing high school students the right to carry firearms to school.

Your partisanship is showing through.

You betcha. However, if an argument is made which is thougtful and challenges my opinions I will be happy to consider or debate it. My opinion that the Boehner leadership is focused on winning elections (and on his keeping the speakership) has plenty of evidence to support it. Country First? Only in an ends and means way.

How about this one, that poll was taken before the bill you are blaming it on passed.

By the way, since we are talking about being focused on elections instead of actually doing his job, why haven't you started a thread about Obama and his 5 year long campaign?
The partisan extremism in the House and the stalemate in the Senate has resulted in paralyzed government at a time when its action is needed the most.

And just WHAT action do you think government should be taking? And what makes you think there is consensus in the public about what they think government should be doing? Why is it the minute the left can't strong arm its crap through, they start whining about how the other side won't "compromise". News alert -not a single Republican who won their election in 2010 campaigned on a promise to go to Washington to work with Obama and Democrats -but won by promising to OPPOSE them and put a stop to it. Lo and behold a few short months later -and they have. Democrats won't compromise with Republicans but constantly complain about how Republicans won't compromise with them as if THEY are more entitled to the compromise of Republicans than the other way around. And it will remain that way until voters decide what kind of course correction THEY will make in our government come 2012.

There is a reason why our government looks like this right now -and it actually reflects the will of the people for a change. Frankly this is FAR more preferable to a whole lot of people over having our government continue doing what it had been doing! When the people in government haven't a clue what government can REALLY do to benefit the economy, I prefer they do nothing at all rather than just keep making it worse. And they seriously have no clue or Obama wouldn't be touting his useless bill even members of his own party refuse to support! They won't support it because they paid attention to the midterm results and know the people have no more tolerance for the kind of useless, wasteful spending spree that put us on a path to financial disaster.

If you had a brain tumor would you go to a politician to have it removed? If your car needed a new transmission would you go to a politician to have it replaced? If you needed your shoes repaired would you go to a politician for that? When you have a problem you look for an EXPERT'S help, someone who knows the issue and how to handle it. Hate to break the bad news -but politicians are NOT experts on much of anything. More than 80% of politicians have zero business experience, nearly as many never held a real job in the private sector and the vast majority never even took a basic economics class. ALL of which is true about the current President and everyone in his administration!

So why the hell would you seriously believe a pack of politicians know what the fuck they are doing when it comes to our economy? What does it take before the lightbulb comes on for you and you realize these are people who are CLUELESS? Getting elected to office doesn't endow anyone with the expertise, knowledge, experience or wisdom where they just suddenly and MAGICALLY have all the answers. Whatever the problem, "government" will RARELY be the only possible answer and even MORE rarely will it be the best possible answer. But for the clueless, it is usually the ONLY answer they will have. Even when that is actually the source of the problem as it has been for the past several years now.

We have to stop electing career politicians because the only thing they are truly experts about is their own political careers. THAT is what they do best. We have real problems -we need REAL people with REAL firsthand knowledge and expertise handling these particular problems. And ENOUGH of the lawyers -OMG, lawyers are one of THE most useless occupations in this country. Expert at nothing but the creation of red tape for the purpose of pretending they serve a purpose in society. No one occupation has so seriously hijacked our government as have lawyers. Look how many people now believe it takes a lawyer to hold political office -as if there is something special lawyers know that others do not. Which is TOTAL BULLSHIT. What lawyers AREN'T taught in law school far outweighs the importance of what they are taught. No one group has caused more damage to this country than lawyers -except lawyers who became politicians. If I could amend the Constitution I would permanently restrict the number of lawyers that could serve in government at the same time.
When Pelosi was speaker, Congressional approval was 4% - so this is an improvement! Go Boehner!

LMAO, Liar, liar pants on fire.

Hey 'warrior', I suggest you read this link:

At 13%, Congress' Approval Ties All-Time Low

Unless of course your ignorance is willful.

Don't take away their lies. It's all they have.

Whats to take away.

Reid and Pelosi ranked the lowest of all lawmakers. Work on it.
You betcha. However, if an argument is made which is thougtful and challenges my opinions I will be happy to consider or debate it. My opinion that the Boehner leadership is focused on winning elections (and on his keeping the speakership) has plenty of evidence to support it. Country First? Only in an ends and means way.

Wry.....dont you think both sides have that as their main agenda? maybe one of the major reasons this Country is where its at......all these Jerks since sometime in the mid 90's started putting the Country 3rd or 4th....
This is the most partisan, inept Congress that I have seen in my lifetime. In a time of severe economic crisis, they put their political agenda above helping Americans
Who are the 13% who approve

6.5 % on the far left and 6.5% on the far right.....they love the divide .....
This is the most partisan, inept Congress that I have seen in my lifetime. In a time of severe economic crisis, they put their political agenda above helping Americans
Who are the 13% who approve

6.5 % on the far left and 6.5% on the far right.....they love the divide .....

I'm not sure what the far left gets out of a do nothing Congress, but I agree only the extreme support Congress today. Of course that's not new, as some might attest:

Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself.
Mark Twain

It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native criminal class except Congress.
Mark Twain

We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.
Abraham Lincoln

If the present Congress errs in too much talking, how can it be otherwise in a body to which the people send one hundred and fifty lawyers, whose trade it is to question everything, yield nothing, and talk by the hour?
Thomas Jefferson

I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the US Congress.
Ronald Reagan

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