Condomns and Candy for Kintergarten Kids

This is yet another example of how our high schools are TOO BIG!

If we had smaller high schools you could create an atmosphere of community where kids would get more individual attention at a time they so need it acedemically and emotionally.

Well my school has over 2,000 kids. The other high school in my city has 2,100 kids.

I can agree with your second statement since I have friends who go to much smaller high schools and get more attention, more help with their work, and even perhaps a better education in some aspects.
Again, not to sound rude but most of you are basing off your experiences when you were a child or in high school.

Things have changed, they don't teach you in Gym anymore what teamwork is or getting along with your fellow classmates.

You get dressed for Gym (If you don't then you have to take a seat on a bench.)

You go outside and wait 10-20 mins for the teachers to come and take attendence.

You play Football, walk, Tennis, Dodgeball, Basketball (in the cold seasons for the last two inside) for 20-30 mins.

You have the last 5-10 mins to go back to the Gym and get dressed for your next class.

Each semester for 4 years, we learned a different sport, we had bowling, racketball, basketball, tag football, Lacross, golf, softball, paddleball, track, tennis, ice hockey etc and we learned the rules for each sport and was tested on our knowledge of the rules before we began to play the sport the rest of the semester...

It was a solid program, and should be reinstated if this is not the way it is now.

To this day, i swear by these courses and know for certain they have helped me in my adult life, (especially with my hubby, where I can enjoy watching and understanding the sports he spends alot of time watching! lol)
So is the bill he sponsored a dirty homosexual attack on our christian values where we encourage oral and anal sex by kintergarten kids, or has this thread become a discussion of the need/lack of need, rightness/wrongness of sex education?

I don't see anything in the bill that rates the attack by McCain.

If you don't want sex education in the classroom, then I don't think you would be for the bill.
That's a bummer for you. My daughter LOVES gym class, and health class. (and science and social studies and language arts, she's not a fan of math lol)

Anyway....I agree with Care, there are WAY TOO MANY FAT KIDS in America. I know it's not the schools job to reduce their weight, but maybe while playing a sport in gym, they will get interested in it and want to join a team. My daughter is on the track team and LOVES it, and trust me she's no "jock"-she's more of a rock and roller.

Maybe your school needs better gym classes!

Anyway, you will have NO PROBLEM finding a job anywhere,,,,,you have your head on straight my friend.

Thank you for the compliment and it's not that our Gym classes aren't fun.

I usually have fun in Gym class (unless they send us out in what one could consider very cold weather).

Try playing football without gloves when the football feels like a block of ice being zinged into your hands. :lol:

But despite how fun the classes can be, they are a waste of time for the most part.
So is the bill he sponsored a dirty homosexual attack on our christian values where we encourage oral and anal sex by kintergarten kids, or has this thread become a discussion of the need/lack of need, rightness/wrongness of sex education?

I don't see anything in the bill that rates the attack by McCain.

If you don't want sex education in the classroom, then I don't think you would be for the bill.

yes-----this is the type of campaign that the democrats and republicans have both decided to run. Dirty ugly false accustations about the other candidate. Intentional ignorance, misrepresentation., bigotry, sexism and flat out lies. Aren't you proud of them ?
Each semester for 4 years, we learned a different sport, we had bowling, racketball, basketball, tag football, Lacross, golf, softball, paddleball, track, tennis, ice hockey etc and we learned the rules for each sport and was tested on our knowledge of the rules before we began to play the sport the rest of the semester...

It was a solid program, and should be reinstated if this is not the way it is now.

To this day, i swear by these courses and know for certain they have helped me in my adult life, (especially with my hubby, where I can enjoy watching and understanding the sports he spends alot of time watching! lol)

My school's gym class is nothing like that.

We have basketball, Golf, Softball, Tennis, Ice Hockey, Track, etc teams for after school. But we don't learn a new sport each semester in class.

All the sports I named is what is usually played. Least the kids and I have a choice in what we want to do for a whole semester but otherwise there's not too much to choose from.

And learning the rules and testing the knowledge of the rules before we began to play the sport for us?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Teachers will let kids know the basics and what they need to know before they begin to play a sport. Otherwise? No.
JimH52 Wrote:

Yes, you're so right. No one who has taken comprehensive sex-ed classes has ever gotten pregnant. What partisan crap!

I didn't say that. You did. But I don't think it is true. We are talking about facing the issue of teen pregnacy with only one solution, "Abstinance Only."
This is advocated by Palin and the far right.

Sex education, such as was the topic of this thread, should be another tool educators can use to addess the problem.

The GOP stance is dogmatic and narrow. Wait, I think that is the GOP ticket!
I didn't say that. You did. But I don't think it is true. We are talking about facing the issue of teen pregnacy with only one solution, "Abstinance Only."
This is advocated by Palin and the far right.

Sex education, such as was the topic of this thread, should be another tool educators can use to addess the problem.

The GOP stance is dogmatic and narrow. Wait, I think that is the GOP ticket!

The OP in this thread was a comment on how some republicans were overstating and misrepresenting Obamas position on sex ed. I think its true--they have. I also think that the GOP has been misrepresented in the way the prefer to deal with sex ed.
We want the truth from our government yet find it nearly impossible to tell the truth to each other.
JimH52 Wrote:
I didn't say that. You did. But I don't think it is true.

Please don't play games. The obvious implication of your post was that if Sarah Palin's daughter had received a more "comprehensive" sexual education than she would not have gotten pregnant.

What is asinine about your original statement is the obvious leaps your are making without knowing the facts. Do we know that Sarah Palin's daughter did NOT receive sex education at school? Do we know that Sarah Palin and her husband did not speak to their children about sex ed. at home? Do we know that Sarah Palin's daughter did not use contraceptives? Do we know whether or not Sarah Palin's daughter chose not t use contraceptives even though she had been educated about them?

We know none of these to speculate that if she had been provided your miraculous comprehensive sex-ed would have "spared her" from a pregnancy is nothing but partisan bunk.

Sorry...but as someone who came from a public school with a VERY comprehensive sex ed program and still knew people who had unprotected sex, had contraception not work, etc...I know that it is JUST as easy to wind up pregnant WITH a sex-ed program.

We are talking about facing the issue of teen pregnacy with only one solution, "Abstinance Only."
This is advocated by Palin and the far right.

I actually am not sure if Sarah Palin supports abstinence-only programs or programs that are abstinence-based. Its an important question and one that should be asked.

But please don't play that nasty game of mocking a 17-year old girl's pregnancy and try to use it to score political points and then try to act self-righteous...its ugly politics and you know it.

We can talk about, debate, and even attack Sarah Palin on her views...but her daughter should not be a part of any of that...we a) simply don't have the facts to make it a valid point and b) should know better than to bring a child into this for no reason other than to make smarmy comments about her mother.
AVG-Joe, I don't know the last time you been in school but...

High School? 30+ years.

All I did in Health Class last year was do some assignments, talk about drunk driving, watch a couple movies, and do a couple tests.

Gym classes, you can do either Team Sports (Outside it's football or soccer and inside it's basketball or dodgeball).

Tennis, Weight room, or Walking are the other three options.

Trust me, if someone wants to be a Firefighter/Paramedic then Gym/Health classes are the last place to look.

Last place to look for full training? Definitely!

How about the inspiration to consider what it would take to make it happen...?

That just leaves debate on the value of the curriculum for the time invested in it. I would think that curriculum value would be a subject close to the local community and best left up to the local school board.

It should be different in rural Delaware than it is in L.A.

yes-----this is the type of campaign that the democrats and republicans have both decided to run. Dirty ugly false accustations about the other candidate. Intentional ignorance, misrepresentation., bigotry, sexism and flat out lies. Aren't you proud of them ?

Actually, I am kind of impressed with how Obama himself has been behaving, even if some of his supporters are wasting time by shining light on the pointless dirt.

Actually, I am kind of impressed with how Obama himself has been behaving, even if some of his supporters are wasting time by shining light on the pointless dirt.


I thought he was gonna take the high road since it's so available but the latest screams for blood by his base seem to have swayed him otherwise.
Don't blame him for what folks are saying on these and other threads.

If you were to make a list of who has told the most lies and attacked the most, I personally think John would win at this time.

Don't count your vultures before they are elected. If he was smart enough to beat a Clinton, he is smart enough to beat McCain.:clap2:

Let's wait and see while we waste more font on each other.:eusa_whistle:
The first thing to consider is the responsibilty of government to it's people. IDEALLY children should be taught about sex and social skills at home, but there is no way to guarantee that. Some parents (a tiny minority) may teach their children well, but most don't. A very large amount of parents will not discuss these matters at all.

This lack of knowledge not only can destroy the child's life, but we as a society suffer generation after generation, each generation making the same mistakes as the last.

The desire for sex is a basic instinct. In young adults it is overwhelming. In a sexually repressed and uninformed society, people will seek out sex in any way they can get it, and where they get it is usually by getting involved in organized crime or gangs.

Then they grow up to be Republicans.
It was designed to deal with young kids in an age-appropriate way to protect them from sexual predators.

Ran into a good friend/Obamatard last night, he said the exact same thing.

First of all, props to the tofu agenda extremists - you guys get these talking points out fast :lol:

I left my friend stammering like Obama with no TelePrompTer™ when I pointed out that they already teach youngsters how to "protect them(selves) from sexual predators."

This bill is designed to give liberal teachers the power to pass out condoms and lube, er, "COURSE MATERIALs," to 6 year olds.

The American Left makes me sick.
This bill is designed to give liberal teachers the power to pass out condoms and lube, er, "COURSE MATERIALs," to 6 year olds.

Would you please show where in this bill it says that condoms will be given out to 6 year olds?

That statement seems to be just plain silly.:cuckoo:
no--I'm not a retard. National honor society, college, --all that rit rot.
MY son is 19, working, in college and doing fine ty. His comment of "health class" ? Boring and a big waste of time. He already knew it all.

Put down your selective hearing aid for a second and listen.
IF you don't have time to teach your child about how to be healthy and provide them with accurate sex ed, don't waste MY kids time at school so they can teach YOUR kid.

What is wrong with teaching kids about how to better protect themselves from child predators and improper touching?:eusa_whistle:

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