Concerning the so-called "Reverend" Al Sharpton

The need to delegitimize all perceived enemies is the mark of someone more interested in feeling good about their selves than understanding a situation.
A huge step in the right direction would be to stop listening to Al Sharpton and start remembering Martin Luther King.


There's nothing funnier than when you guys try to play the "MLK" card.
One was a peacemaker
The other is a war monger


I'm confident that if you'd been alive and politically conscious in the 60s, you'd have said the same thing about MLK that you say about Sharpton now.

You're missing the common element between them, which is what makes your attempts to re-appropriate MLK so laughable.

There is nothing common between the two.

I want to say one other challenge that we face is simply that we must find an alternative to war and bloodshed. Anyone who feels, and there are still a lot of people who feel that way, that war can solve the social problems facing mankind is sleeping through a great revolution. President Kennedy said on one occasion, "Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind." The world must hear this. I pray to God that America will hear this before it is too late, because today we’re fighting a war.

I am convinced that it is one of the most unjust wars that has ever been fought in the history of the world. Our involvement in the war in Vietnam has torn up the Geneva Accord. It has strengthened the military-industrial complex; it has strengthened the forces of reaction in our nation. It has put us against the self-determination of a vast majority of the Vietnamese people, and put us in the position of protecting a corrupt regime that is stacked against the poor.

It has played havoc with our domestic destinies. This day we are spending five hundred thousand dollars to kill every Vietcong soldier. Every time we kill one we spend about five hundred thousand dollars while we spend only fifty-three dollars a year for every person characterized as poverty-stricken in the so-called poverty program, which is not even a good skirmish against poverty.

Not only that, it has put us in a position of appearing to the world as an arrogant nation. And here we are ten thousand miles away from home fighting for the so-called freedom of the Vietnamese people when we have not even put our own house in order. And we force young black men and young white men to fight and kill in brutal solidarity. Yet when they come back home that can’t hardly live on the same block together.

The judgment of God is upon us today. And we could go right down the line and see that something must be done—and something must be done quickly. We have alienated ourselves from other nations so we end up morally and politically isolated in the world. There is not a single major ally of the United States of America that would dare send a troop to Vietnam, and so the only friends that we have now are a few client-nations like Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, and a few others.

This is where we are. "Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind," and the best way to start is to put an end to war in Vietnam, because if it continues, we will inevitably come to the point of confronting China which could lead the whole world to nuclear annihilation.

It is no longer a choice, my friends, between violence and nonviolence. It is either nonviolence or nonexistence. And the alternative to disarmament, the alternative to a greater suspension of nuclear tests, the alternative to strengthening the United Nations and thereby disarming the whole world, may well be a civilization plunged into the abyss of annihilation, and our earthly habitat would be transformed into an inferno that even the mind of Dante could not imagine.

--Martin Luther King, Jr., Remaining Awake Through A Great Revolution

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too much of a burden to bear.

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

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A huge step in the right direction would be to stop listening to Al Sharpton and start remembering Martin Luther King.


...because King didn't advocate non-violence and civil disobedience?

One was a peacemaker
The other is a war monger


I'm confident that if you'd been alive and politically conscious in the 60s, you'd have said the same thing about MLK that you say about Sharpton now.

You're missing the common element between them, which is what makes your attempts to re-appropriate MLK so laughable.
Anyone who doesn't see Al Sharpton as a war monger is not telling themselves the truth.

It would not be wise to go to war over race in America.

The people who thought like you do called MLK a "war monger" in the 60s, too.
That's nice. I'm calling Al Sharpton a war monger in 2014.

It would not be wise to go to war over race in America.


There will never be a "race war" in this country, no matter how much you guys are hoping for it.

There is. You simply wish to laugh it away and blissfully ignore it.
I will never consider Sharpton a reverend. He is a tax evader, nothing reverential about that.

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So taxes are how you measure spirituality?

That's interesting.

No, evading taxes is not the sign of a spiritual person, interesting how you jump to conclusions.
Interesting that you are ignorant of the sin nature of man....

How am I ignorant I the sinful nature of man? We all sin, yet Sharpton has willfully evaded taxes and I have yet to hear him repent or make amends for his sins. Sharpton willfully used his position to stir racial hatred, yet I see no outward signs of repentance or responsibility. A spiritual man is humble and peace loving, I see none of that from a man that claims to know God. I am far from a spiritual man however, so is Sharpton.
Anyone who doesn't see Al Sharpton as a war monger is not telling themselves the truth.

It would not be wise to go to war over race in America.

The people who thought like you do called MLK a "war monger" in the 60s, too.
That's nice. I'm calling Al Sharpton a war monger in 2014.

It would not be wise to go to war over race in America.


There will never be a "race war" in this country, no matter how much you guys are hoping for it.
It won't be because of Al Sharpton's lack of effort. :)


Al Sharpton doesn't want a "race war", you do.

He doesn't?

I will never consider Sharpton a reverend. He is a tax evader, nothing reverential about that.

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So taxes are how you measure spirituality?

That's interesting.

No, evading taxes is not the sign of a spiritual person, interesting how you jump to conclusions.
Interesting that you are ignorant of the sin nature of man....

"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone."

John 8:7
I will never consider Sharpton a reverend. He is a tax evader, nothing reverential about that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So taxes are how you measure spirituality?

That's interesting.

No, evading taxes is not the sign of a spiritual person, interesting how you jump to conclusions.
Interesting that you are ignorant of the sin nature of man....

"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone."

John 8:7

You should take your own advice.

For a change.
I will never consider Sharpton a reverend. He is a tax evader, nothing reverential about that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So taxes are how you measure spirituality?

That's interesting.

No, evading taxes is not the sign of a spiritual person, interesting how you jump to conclusions.
Interesting that you are ignorant of the sin nature of man....

"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone."

John 8:7

You should take your own advice.

For a change.
As should you.
You can blame the Rev. Al all you want, but that won't change anything.

I'd like you to prove how he isn't responsible for this.


That's not how it works. The onus of proof is on the positive claim.

It's not up to me to "refute" your wild claims. Prove that he is responsible - that's how it works in this country.

Out of context soundbites - seriously, you think 5 seconds of audio from 20 years ago is a valid point? - isn't "proof" of anything. Perhaps the word "escalate" is super-scary to you.
The need to delegitimize all perceived enemies is the mark of someone more interested in feeling good about themselves than understanding a situation.

Thing is, we do. We have dead black kids and dead cops. There is a war going on that you don't wish see. It doesn't make any of us feel good, it makes us fearful.

No, you're seeing a war that a part of you really wants to see, because it'll justify and legitimize all these opinions and theories that you've put together to explain black people to yourself.

The rest of us don't see it because it's not real.
I will never consider Sharpton a reverend. He is a tax evader, nothing reverential about that.

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So taxes are how you measure spirituality?

That's interesting.

No, evading taxes is not the sign of a spiritual person, interesting how you jump to conclusions.
Interesting that you are ignorant of the sin nature of man....

How am I ignorant I the sinful nature of man? We all sin, yet Sharpton has willfully evaded taxes and I have yet to hear him repent or make amends for his sins. Sharpton willfully used his position to stir racial hatred, yet I see no outward signs of repentance or responsibility. A spiritual man is humble and peace loving, I see none of that from a man that claims to know God. I am far from a spiritual man however, so is Sharpton.

Sharpton told the Times that his tax debts were not intentional, and that he is staying on top of payment plans.
'You can say I’m not a great administrator,' he said. 'You can’t say that I’m not committed.'

When the story came out, he responded saying it was 'absolutely inaccurate'. 'We have a signed agreement,' he told Fox News of his payment plan. 'And what is in the agreement has been kept. We’ve been up to date. This is the most bogus story in the world.'

Read more: Rev Al Sharpton owes 4.5million in taxes Daily Mail Online
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Most high profile religious leaders, politicians, business people leave their taxes to a CPA, that don't go down to the library and pick up an EZ Form.
So he's on a repayment plan, that's better than most and a sigh of his willingness to correct the tax issue.

A spiritual man is not humble, stop that stupidity. Jesus himself wasn't humble when circumstances demanded he not be.

The man responds to requests from families who know how the system will fail to be totally open and above board in matters that may shed them in a less than favorable light.

It's stunning that you would willfully lie and state that the man has done something to further a discourse between races, but then again, maybe you believe some people deserves a higher standard of service and respect than others.
Al Sharpton Arguably Now the Most Powerful Person in America!!!! ^

Outside of the president, Al Sharpton might possibly be the most powerful man in America right now. And no, that isn’t an overstatement. Think about what the 60-year-old activist and MSNBC host has going for him right now: Power Indicator #1: Sharpton has been to the White House to advise President Barack Obama, his senior advisor Valerie Jarrett, or both. No big deal, right? Plenty of MSNBC hosts have visited over the past six years. Care to guess, according to the White House Visitor Log, just how many times Sharpton has visited since Mr. Obama took office? Five times? Nope....


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