

Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Obama claims he wants it. Now it is time for the Democrats in the Senate to tell us what cuts they will support. You want tax increases from the Republicans and they want spending cuts.

Lets see how many actual cuts are even offered. Meanwhile board liberals are already making excuses for Obama on why he won't compromise. Jillian for one is demanding that the Republicans authorize new taxes and no cuts unless Obama says so.

I have been in several threads where lefties on this board have said things like "Compromise means the Republicans do as we say" or words to that effect.
The bush tax cuts for the top 2% are restored as they should be, and the GOP gets their baby, military spending, but with huge cuts.

That's a fair compromise but the GOP has shown they don't know what that word means,..
Obama claims he wants it. Now it is time for the Democrats in the Senate to tell us what cuts they will support. You want tax increases from the Republicans and they want spending cuts.

Lets see how many actual cuts are even offered. Meanwhile board liberals are already making excuses for Obama on why he won't compromise. Jillian for one is demanding that the Republicans authorize new taxes and no cuts unless Obama says so.

I have been in several threads where lefties on this board have said things like "Compromise means the Republicans do as we say" or words to that effect.
None of them want the spending cuts...That's why all the mad scramble to head off the sequester.

The whole "fiscal cliff" thingy and the "tax cuts for the rich" meme are a diversion meant to try and blame the sequester that both sides agreed to on the republicans....And given the state of the propagandists passing themselves off as the media, Oboingo and crew will probably pull it off.
How many Democrats were forced to sign pledges to not cut spending?

How many Republicans were forced to sign pledges to not raise taxes?

Answer that question and you will find the answer to where the source of rigid obstructionism resides.
Obama claims he wants it. Now it is time for the Democrats in the Senate to tell us what cuts they will support. You want tax increases from the Republicans and they want spending cuts.

Lets see how many actual cuts are even offered. Meanwhile board liberals are already making excuses for Obama on why he won't compromise. Jillian for one is demanding that the Republicans authorize new taxes and no cuts unless Obama says so.

I have been in several threads where lefties on this board have said things like "Compromise means the Republicans do as we say" or words to that effect.

The last time we were facing this situation, the Republicans would not budge. In the end they won the battle as no taxes were raised. Now we have the same battle, just a different time and place, but this time, Dems have the upper hand. Taxes go up for the wealthy now, or let the cards fall where they may. It's not just about increasing taxes on the wealthy; eventually we will have to raise them a little on everyone, but we need to get the economy growing at a faster rate first. The wealthy can afford to see their taxes increased before everyone else.
Obama has always claimed he wanted compromise and then flipped off the opposition. I see no reason he is going to change it now that he is no longer accountable to the people.
The bush tax cuts for the top 2% are restored as they should be, and the GOP gets their baby, military spending, but with huge cuts.

That's a fair compromise but the GOP has shown they don't know what that word means,..

Your esteemed leader promised to reach across the Isle four years ago, and what was rammed down the throats, and what rights were lost by all Americans as a result? The GOP should give the Messiah everything he wants. The GOP understands compromise, or did you forget the compromises of GHW Bush so soon, and what was the result? When was the last time the Democrats reached across the isle in compromise, just name one example?
The bush tax cuts for the top 2% are restored as they should be, and the GOP gets their baby, military spending, but with huge cuts.

That's a fair compromise but the GOP has shown they don't know what that word means,..

Your esteemed leader promised to reach across the Isle four years ago, and what was rammed down the throats, and what rights were lost by all Americans as a result? The GOP should give the Messiah everything he wants. The GOP understands compromise, or did you forget the compromises of GHW Bush so soon, and what was the result? When was the last time the Democrats reached across the isle in compromise, just name one example?

The gop is nothing but a bunch of crybaby children that would stomp their feet and throw tantrums any time it was time to compromise.
In their mind "compromise" means giving them everything they wanted.

Last year the democrats agreed to ending the bush tax cuts for the top 2% to get the fiscal situation in order, the GOP said no. The DINOS came back with a plan that would only restore the taxes on top .5% or those making over a million a year and they still refused even though the polls showed 70%+ plus of americans and even GOP voters supported the DINO compromise and the GOP still didn't give a shit.

The nations credit rating for example is another good one. Obama brought 4 trillion in cuts to the table with 75% of them being democratic cuts, which included slashing medicare and social security, and he only wanted the GOP to pitch in 25%. As usual the GOP trash absolutely refused to cut one penny of their insane spending causing the nation's credit to be downgraded.

The democrats have been bending over backwards to work with the GOP but they have been doing nothing but acting like a bunch of babies, and the american people let them know how they felt about that with the spanking they got last week.

The message is clear to the GOP from the american people, get your heads out of your asses or pay direly in 2014.
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who has conducted 247 filibusters since 2010?
Answer that question and you will find the root of obstructionism.
Irrelevant to the fact that the sequester was agreed upon by both parties.

Mebby Oboingo should stop with the obstructionist Kabuki dance about raising taxes on the dastardly wealthy (which will happen anyways) and just let the sequester kick in.
Obama claims he wants it. Now it is time for the Democrats in the Senate to tell us what cuts they will support. You want tax increases from the Republicans and they want spending cuts.

Lets see how many actual cuts are even offered. Meanwhile board liberals are already making excuses for Obama on why he won't compromise. Jillian for one is demanding that the Republicans authorize new taxes and no cuts unless Obama says so.

I have been in several threads where lefties on this board have said things like "Compromise means the Republicans do as we say" or words to that effect.

The Democrats already offered spending concessions in exchange for tax hikes.

Democrats Offer Significant Concessions — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

But the Republicans refused to compromise.

The Democratic plan features a substantially higher ratio of spending cuts to revenue increases than any of the bipartisan plans.

Although the new plan thus moves considerably closer to Republican positions than any of the bipartisan plans, Republicans have been quick to reject it
Obama claims he wants it. Now it is time for the Democrats in the Senate to tell us what cuts they will support. You want tax increases from the Republicans and they want spending cuts.

Lets see how many actual cuts are even offered. Meanwhile board liberals are already making excuses for Obama on why he won't compromise. Jillian for one is demanding that the Republicans authorize new taxes and no cuts unless Obama says so.

I have been in several threads where lefties on this board have said things like "Compromise means the Republicans do as we say" or words to that effect.

The Democrats already offered spending concessions in exchange for tax hikes.

Democrats Offer Significant Concessions — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

But the Republicans refused to compromise.

The Democratic plan features a substantially higher ratio of spending cuts to revenue increases than any of the bipartisan plans.

Although the new plan thus moves considerably closer to Republican positions than any of the bipartisan plans, Republicans have been quick to reject it
Good...Let's have real spending cuts, for a change.
passing a budget resolution (or general guidelines on spending) is not subject to filibuster - but the laws necessary to actually do the spending are subject to the filibuster. And the GOP has taken that (as almost everything these days) to the extreme.
passing a budget resolution (or general guidelines on spending) is not subject to filibuster - but the laws necessary to actually do the spending are subject to the filibuster. And the GOP has taken that (as almost everything these days) to the extreme.
Right...And every time Obiedoodle has floated a budget to either the HoR or Senate, it has failed to get even one vote.

But he's not being uncompromising or obstructionist, or anything like that! :rolleyes:
Obama claims he wants it. Now it is time for the Democrats in the Senate to tell us what cuts they will support. You want tax increases from the Republicans and they want spending cuts.

Lets see how many actual cuts are even offered. Meanwhile board liberals are already making excuses for Obama on why he won't compromise. Jillian for one is demanding that the Republicans authorize new taxes and no cuts unless Obama says so.

I have been in several threads where lefties on this board have said things like "Compromise means the Republicans do as we say" or words to that effect.
None of them want the spending cuts...That's why all the mad scramble to head off the sequester.

The whole "fiscal cliff" thingy and the "tax cuts for the rich" meme are a diversion meant to try and blame the sequester that both sides agreed to on the republicans....And given the state of the propagandists passing themselves off as the media, Oboingo and crew will probably pull it off.

The whole fiscal cliff is a sham anyway.

According to the Dimwitcrap holy grail of all things economy related, The CBO (cue angelic music) ending the bush tax cuts and implementing all the automatic spending cuts would result in a 0.5% decline in growth and a possible 1% increase in unemployment.

Or in other words, we'd be no worse off than we have been the last 4 years.

Big fucking deal right?
How many Democrats were forced to sign pledges to not cut spending?

How many Republicans were forced to sign pledges to not raise taxes?

Answer that question and you will find the answer to where the source of rigid obstructionism resides.

You call it obstructionism. But stopping Obama's trillion in deficits was what the People's House of Representatives were elected - and re-elected - to do, and they gave Obama the opportunity to do it with the Compromise of 2011. Obama did not take the Commission seriously, and Obama failed.

I can't see how the House Tea Party types give Boehner an out. All that can be done is perhaps going after 'loopholes' and the like as the 'revenue' which Obama can claim to be a tax increase.

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