Compentency test for office as presidency.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

That would eliminate runners like Palin, Bachmann, Romney, Huckabee, Paul and lots of others. Especially is they are evangelicals. Lawyer, Doctors, teachers, drivers, etc has to take a test to show competency. Also for member of congress would eliminate people like Boehner.

There also should be a mandatory retirement age for member of our government who make laws. Byrd, Kennedy, Reid,etc and some of those in the Supreme Court should be forced to retire. With age your reasoning ability become distorted. I don’t want these old senile men and women making decisions that affect me life and the future of my children.

Bush would have never pass a mental evaluation test. Neither would Cheney, Rumsford,

Majority of the senate is over the age of 65.
List of current United States Senators by age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 2004 eight of the Supreme Court justices were over 65 years old

Competency test, force retirement and mental evaluations for government employers and term limits. Who interviews them for their jobs?
Most people like the idea of some sort of test before being allowed to vote but in the end, it's just one person thinking they're so much smarter than everyone else.

My suggestion is: "If you didn't pay Taxes, you can't vote".
Where do I start?

That would eliminate runners like Palin, Bachmann, Romney, Huckabee, Paul and lots of others. Especially is they are evangelicals. so all people of faith can't run? Lawyer, Doctors, teachers, drivers, etc has to take a test to show competency. fyi, it's Dr. Paul.Also for member of congress would eliminate people like Boehner. blather
There also should be a mandatory retirement age for member of our government who make laws. Byrd, Kennedy, Reid,etc and some of those in the Supreme Court should be forced to retire. With age your reasoning ability become distorted. uhm, what kind of degree do you have? I don’t want these old senile men and women making decisions that affect me life and the future of my children.

Bush would have never pass a mental evaluation test. Neither would Cheney, Rumsford,

Majority of the senate is over the age of 65.
List of current United States Senators by age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 2004 eight of the Supreme Court justices were over 65 years old

Competency test, force retirement and mental evaluations for government employers and term limits. Who interviews them for their jobs?

We do.

WOW That was just brilliant. Here's a hint for you; If you are going to knock on people for being dumb, make sure your rant is close to being mistake free.

That would eliminate runners like Palin, Bachmann, Romney, Huckabee, Paul and lots of others. Especially is they are evangelicals. Lawyer, Doctors, teachers, drivers, etc has to take a test to show competency. Also for member of congress would eliminate people like Boehner.

There also should be a mandatory retirement age for member of our government who make laws. Byrd, Kennedy, Reid,etc and some of those in the Supreme Court should be forced to retire. With age your reasoning ability become distorted. I don’t want these old senile men and women making decisions that affect me life and the future of my children.

Bush would have never pass a mental evaluation test. Neither would Cheney, Rumsford,

Majority of the senate is over the age of 65.
List of current United States Senators by age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 2004 eight of the Supreme Court justices were over 65 years old

Competency test, force retirement and mental evaluations for government employers and term limits. Who interviews them for their jobs?

I don't see any evidence of partisanship in this OP since you mentioned Byrd, Kennedy, and Reid.
if you have the credentials and the likability, go for it. unfortunately, i wish people didn't just believe whatever they were spoon-fed on television.

That would eliminate runners like Palin, Bachmann, Romney, Huckabee, Paul and lots of others. Especially is they are evangelicals. Lawyer, Doctors, teachers, drivers, etc has to take a test to show competency. Also for member of congress would eliminate people like Boehner.

There also should be a mandatory retirement age for member of our government who make laws. Byrd, Kennedy, Reid,etc and some of those in the Supreme Court should be forced to retire. With age your reasoning ability become distorted. I don’t want these old senile men and women making decisions that affect me life and the future of my children.

Bush would have never pass a mental evaluation test. Neither would Cheney, Rumsford,

Majority of the senate is over the age of 65.
List of current United States Senators by age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 2004 eight of the Supreme Court justices were over 65 years old

Competency test, force retirement and mental evaluations for government employers and term limits. Who interviews them for their jobs?

Who the hell is Rumsford? And don't get me started on the grammar.

Oh... the irony.

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At first, I scoffed at this. Then a little voice reminded me of the hoops one has to jump through to get a decent paying job.

Wunderlic test
Drug Screening
Background Check
I-9 form
A Physical
Credit check
And many other things not at all related to your quals for the job.

On that, they carefully scrutinize and investigate:

Your college transcripts
Prior work history
Any papers you've authored
And many other things, quals related.

Then they do a net investigation on you.

What do they do for a Presidential candidate, a Senator or a Congress candidate? Any of the above?
At first, I scoffed at this. Then a little voice reminded me of the hoops one has to jump through to get a decent paying job.

Wunderlic test
Drug Screening
Background Check
I-9 form
A Physical
Credit check
And many other things not at all related to your quals for the job.

On that, they carefully scrutinize and investigate:

Your college transcripts
Prior work history
Any papers you've authored
And many other things, quals related.

Then they do a net investigation on you.

What do they do for a Presidential candidate, a Senator or a Congress candidate? Any of the above?

I'm pretty sure that all of the above is checked for any candidate. By the opposing candidate.
At first, I scoffed at this. Then a little voice reminded me of the hoops one has to jump through to get a decent paying job.

Wunderlic test
Drug Screening
Background Check
I-9 form
A Physical
Credit check
And many other things not at all related to your quals for the job.

On that, they carefully scrutinize and investigate:

Your college transcripts
Prior work history
Any papers you've authored
And many other things, quals related.

Then they do a net investigation on you.

What do they do for a Presidential candidate, a Senator or a Congress candidate? Any of the above?

I'm pretty sure that all of the above is checked for any candidate. By the opposing candidate.
I'm not.

But that wasn't the question either.
Mental evalutions... like that wouldnt shift power at all. Those in power manipulate results to get people they want placed on ballots. With the government as corrupt as it is, the process would be too tempting to anyone with power.

The better way to fix the nation is by eliminating corruption in ourselves and helping others around us do the same. Enough people do that on a individual level, you will change things completely on a national level.
Mental evalutions... like that wouldnt shift power at all. Those in power manipulate results to get people they want placed on ballots. With the government as corrupt as it is, the process would be too tempting to anyone with power.

The better way to fix the nation is by eliminating corruption in ourselves and helping others around us do the same. Enough people do that on a individual level, you will change things completely on a national level.

Interesting statement, you expect 300 million free people to become uncorrupted, to correct the behavior of perhaps 500 DC people? That is what is known as trickle-up.

So do you also agree 300 million people could take a trillion dollars and stimulate the economy by trickling the wealth upward? That would also be trickle up.
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Intresting statement, you expect 300 million free people to become uncorrupt, to correct the behavior of perhaps 500 DC people? That is what is known as trickle-up.

So do you also agree 300 million people could take trillion dollars and stimulate the economy by trickling the wealth upward? That would also be trickle up.

Those 500 people in DC are hardly the only ones in power. They are, however, our representatives. And we get what we deserve. So if we are corrupt, they will be to. The only way to successfully get uncorruptable politicians is to become an uncorruptable people.

Economics really doesn't have anything to do with this. Though by becoming an uncorrupted people, we will have a much stronger economy.

Perhaps you could explain why you don't want to be an uncorrupted person. Is there something about honesty and integrity in your personal life that bothers you?
Intresting statement, you expect 300 million free people to become uncorrupt, to correct the behavior of perhaps 500 DC people? That is what is known as trickle-up.

So do you also agree 300 million people could take trillion dollars and stimulate the economy by trickling the wealth upward? That would also be trickle up.

Those 500 people in DC are hardly the only ones in power. They are, however, our representatives. And we get what we deserve. So if we are corrupt, they will be to. The only way to successfully get uncorruptable politicians is to become an uncorruptable people.

Economics really doesn't have anything to do with this. Though by becoming an uncorrupted people, we will have a much stronger economy.

Perhaps you could explain why you don't want to be an uncorrupted person. Is there something about honesty and integrity in your personal life that bothers you?
:eusa_angel: I never said I would fight against honesty, integrity and ethics, only that what you expect is an impossibility. It is much easier to correct one than one hundred, and corruption comes from the top and trickles down, those we want to emulate and see as role models for our family and friends. I actually carry a hatred for those that lie and deceive me, and they pay a consequence for their actions. I let a house deal go last year because the seller lied to me.

You would need a form of power that is interesting enough to spread like wild fire among the people. The Asians have pretty much mastered the technique to the point that low moral and ethical values means one is unworthy of his society, and the samurai bushido honor code. Do you think you could ever convince Americans to die for their honor?

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