"compassionate liberal" an Oxymoron!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
For all the sobriquets "bleeding heart liberal", "compassionate liberal" are perfect examples of oxymorons!

Statistics show
liberals give less.
Do not donate blood.

Liberals for all their supposedly "compassion" though are more willing to encourage dependency.

And this has been very clearly show after reading Jeb Bush's article in
the WSJ "Capitalism and the Right to Rise"!

Increasingly, we have let our elected officials abridge our own economic freedoms through the annual passage of thousands of laws and their associated regulations. We see human tragedy and we demand a regulation to prevent it. We see a criminal fraud and we demand more laws. We see an industry dying and we demand it be saved. Each time, we demand "Do something . . . anything."

Jeb Bush: Capitalism and the Right to Rise - WSJ.com

As Jeb correctly outlines our society has been less inclined to let people fail!
As socialism continues to creep in, it is becoming more acceptable to have a cop on every corner, a camera in every intersection!

All because the "compassionate liberal" wants more control over our lives!

I was told an "open palm holds more then a closed fist" and
"compassionate liberals" actions show they prefer the fist!

And with more closed fists.. are fewer liberating ideas, businesses, services because why should anyone try if every effort is beaten by a closed society!
Social Darwinism, they just keep on trying to put lipstick on that pig.
Swing and a miss! I want to hear more about the compassion of Conservatives! I want to hear that sweet old song about how not extending tax cuts to the middle class is the 'responsible' thing to do while tax cuts for the wealthy must be protected as if those tax cuts were the original copy of the constitution. I want to hear how Conservatives compassionately treat sober, responsible American citizens by denying them the same rights and protections enjoyed by every other American, but can be ignored if that citizen happens to be homosexual. I want to revel in the Conservative refrain that tells the story of rolling back environmental and workplace safety regulations for the good of the working people!

Sing me a song of Conservative compassion! Sing it loudly enough to be heard in homeless shelters and slums! Sing it out so those waiting to refinance their foreclosed homes can hear it above the jeers and giggles of the bankers who robosigned the foreclosure notice.
Swing and a miss! I want to hear more about the compassion of Conservatives! I want to hear that sweet old song about how not extending tax cuts to the middle class is the 'responsible' thing to do while tax cuts for the wealthy must be protected as if those tax cuts were the original copy of the constitution. I want to hear how Conservatives compassionately treat sober, responsible American citizens by denying them the same rights and protections enjoyed by every other American, but can be ignored if that citizen happens to be homosexual. I want to revel in the Conservative refrain that tells the story of rolling back environmental and workplace safety regulations for the good of the working people!

Sing me a song of Conservative compassion! Sing it loudly enough to be heard in homeless shelters and slums! Sing it out so those waiting to refinance their foreclosed homes can hear it above the jeers and giggles of the bankers who robosigned the foreclosure notice.

I suggest you pay more attention.

Based on your post, it seems all you are aware of is the way things have been spun by the talking heads and pundits.

Just an FYI...when they spin, they are doing it for the naive.

You are not naive....dont fall for it. It makes you look silly.
Swing and a miss! I want to hear more about the compassion of Conservatives! I want to hear that sweet old song about how not extending tax cuts to the middle class is the 'responsible' thing to do while tax cuts for the wealthy must be protected as if those tax cuts were the original copy of the constitution. I want to hear how Conservatives compassionately treat sober, responsible American citizens by denying them the same rights and protections enjoyed by every other American, but can be ignored if that citizen happens to be homosexual. I want to revel in the Conservative refrain that tells the story of rolling back environmental and workplace safety regulations for the good of the working people!

Sing me a song of Conservative compassion! Sing it loudly enough to be heard in homeless shelters and slums! Sing it out so those waiting to refinance their foreclosed homes can hear it above the jeers and giggles of the bankers who robosigned the foreclosure notice.

Here is youyr first paragraph without the spin.

You know...like an intelligent adult who is aware of the intetnions of both sides of the aisle would write it....

Swing and a miss! I want to hear more about the compassion of Conservatives. I want to hear that sweet old song about how insisting on extending tax cuts to the middle class for at least a year is less 'responsible' than for only 2 months... while tax cuts for the job creators must be protected as if those tax cuts were the original copy of the constitution
Swing and a miss! I want to hear more about the compassion of Conservatives! I want to hear that sweet old song about how not extending tax cuts to the middle class is the 'responsible' thing to do while tax cuts for the wealthy must be protected as if those tax cuts were the original copy of the constitution. I want to hear how Conservatives compassionately treat sober, responsible American citizens by denying them the same rights and protections enjoyed by every other American, but can be ignored if that citizen happens to be homosexual. I want to revel in the Conservative refrain that tells the story of rolling back environmental and workplace safety regulations for the good of the working people!

Sing me a song of Conservative compassion! Sing it loudly enough to be heard in homeless shelters and slums! Sing it out so those waiting to refinance their foreclosed homes can hear it above the jeers and giggles of the bankers who robosigned the foreclosure notice.

I suggest you pay more attention.

Based on your post, it seems all you are aware of is the way things have been spun by the talking heads and pundits.

Just an FYI...when they spin, they are doing it for the naive.

You are not naive....dont fall for it. It makes you look silly.
As silly as the old worn out saw that says entitlements lead to greater dependency. Now THAT'S spin! I see that position as a ham handed rationalization for deliberate cruelty.
Swing and a miss! I want to hear more about the compassion of Conservatives! I want to hear that sweet old song about how not extending tax cuts to the middle class is the 'responsible' thing to do while tax cuts for the wealthy must be protected as if those tax cuts were the original copy of the constitution. I want to hear how Conservatives compassionately treat sober, responsible American citizens by denying them the same rights and protections enjoyed by every other American, but can be ignored if that citizen happens to be homosexual. I want to revel in the Conservative refrain that tells the story of rolling back environmental and workplace safety regulations for the good of the working people!

Sing me a song of Conservative compassion! Sing it loudly enough to be heard in homeless shelters and slums! Sing it out so those waiting to refinance their foreclosed homes can hear it above the jeers and giggles of the bankers who robosigned the foreclosure notice.

I suggest you pay more attention.

Based on your post, it seems all you are aware of is the way things have been spun by the talking heads and pundits.

Just an FYI...when they spin, they are doing it for the naive.

You are not naive....dont fall for it. It makes you look silly.
As silly as the old worn out saw that says entitlements lead to greater dependency. Now THAT'S spin! I see that position as a ham handed rationalization for deliberate cruelty.

Let me ask you a question...

If social security were ended tomorrow....would you be affected?
how does this study measure all the donations in this country by party membership?

Where on the donation form is your party affiliation?

How much time is donated ?

Not all donations are MONEY are they?

This is a flawed study for many reasons and those are just a few
Swing and a miss! I want to hear more about the compassion of Conservatives! I want to hear that sweet old song about how not extending tax cuts to the middle class is the 'responsible' thing to do while tax cuts for the wealthy must be protected as if those tax cuts were the original copy of the constitution. I want to hear how Conservatives compassionately treat sober, responsible American citizens by denying them the same rights and protections enjoyed by every other American, but can be ignored if that citizen happens to be homosexual. I want to revel in the Conservative refrain that tells the story of rolling back environmental and workplace safety regulations for the good of the working people!

Sing me a song of Conservative compassion! Sing it loudly enough to be heard in homeless shelters and slums! Sing it out so those waiting to refinance their foreclosed homes can hear it above the jeers and giggles of the bankers who robosigned the foreclosure notice.

Here is youyr first paragraph without the spin.

You know...like an intelligent adult who is aware of the intetnions of both sides of the aisle would write it....

Swing and a miss! I want to hear more about the compassion of Conservatives. I want to hear that sweet old song about how insisting on extending tax cuts to the middle class for at least a year is less 'responsible' than for only 2 months... while tax cuts for the job creators must be protected as if those tax cuts were the original copy of the constitution
The house Tea Party Republicans are playing a purely political game on this one! The Senate passed an extension without riders like the Keystone Pipeline attached. The Tea Party types never miss an opportunity to cripple Obama, even at the expense of Middle Class America.

They (the Tea Party types) know full well that the Senate has adjourned. What better time to flex a little political muscle and gum up a tax cut for middle class Americans! If the Bush tax cuts were threatened, the Tea Party types would stay in congress on Christmas Eve to fight for them. Yet, when any chance of extending these tax breaks for middle class Americans comes around, they seem to find effective ways to blunt them at any cost. Shameful.
I suggest you pay more attention.

Based on your post, it seems all you are aware of is the way things have been spun by the talking heads and pundits.

Just an FYI...when they spin, they are doing it for the naive.

You are not naive....dont fall for it. It makes you look silly.
As silly as the old worn out saw that says entitlements lead to greater dependency. Now THAT'S spin! I see that position as a ham handed rationalization for deliberate cruelty.

Let me ask you a question...

If social security were ended tomorrow....would you be affected?
Yes! My mother gets Social Security benefits and if those benefits were stopped tomorrow, I would have to dip into my own retirement funds to assure her an income. Then, when the time comes for me to retire, my account would be so depleted that I don't know how I could cope.
Swing and a miss! I want to hear more about the compassion of Conservatives! I want to hear that sweet old song about how not extending tax cuts to the middle class is the 'responsible' thing to do while tax cuts for the wealthy must be protected as if those tax cuts were the original copy of the constitution. I want to hear how Conservatives compassionately treat sober, responsible American citizens by denying them the same rights and protections enjoyed by every other American, but can be ignored if that citizen happens to be homosexual. I want to revel in the Conservative refrain that tells the story of rolling back environmental and workplace safety regulations for the good of the working people!

Sing me a song of Conservative compassion! Sing it loudly enough to be heard in homeless shelters and slums! Sing it out so those waiting to refinance their foreclosed homes can hear it above the jeers and giggles of the bankers who robosigned the foreclosure notice.

Here is youyr first paragraph without the spin.

You know...like an intelligent adult who is aware of the intetnions of both sides of the aisle would write it....

Swing and a miss! I want to hear more about the compassion of Conservatives. I want to hear that sweet old song about how insisting on extending tax cuts to the middle class for at least a year is less 'responsible' than for only 2 months... while tax cuts for the job creators must be protected as if those tax cuts were the original copy of the constitution
The house Tea Party Republicans are playing a purely political game on this one! The Senate passed an extension without riders like the Keystone Pipeline attached. The Tea Party types never miss an opportunity to cripple Obama, even at the expense of Middle Class America.

They (the Tea Party types) know full well that the Senate has adjourned. What better time to flex a little political muscle and gum up a tax cut for middle class Americans! If the Bush tax cuts were threatened, the Tea Party types would stay in congress on Christmas Eve to fight for them. Yet, when any chance of extending these tax breaks for middle class Americans comes around, they seem to find effective ways to blunt them at any cost. Shameful.

You mean like the enironmentalists preventing 20K people from getting jobs at a time when we need them?

Or the environmentalists causing the shutting down of thousands of Gulf rigs at a time when those workers could not get another job?

You mean like that?

In the meantime.....you dont see a 2 month extension as "playing games"?

You dont see waiting until after the election to give permission for the pipeline as playoing games?

Man...be consistant.

Sure the GOP is playing political games for political expediency at the expense of the American people.

I am mature enough and open minded enough to see that.

Are you mature enough and open minded enough to see that the President and the democratic party is doing the same exact thing?

Or are you just another Truthmatters who is convinced that the GOP wants to see the destruction of America and is comprised of some of the most unintelligent people that walk the earth?
As silly as the old worn out saw that says entitlements lead to greater dependency. Now THAT'S spin! I see that position as a ham handed rationalization for deliberate cruelty.

Let me ask you a question...

If social security were ended tomorrow....would you be affected?
Yes! My mother gets Social Security benefits and if those benefits were stopped tomorrow, I would have to dip into my own retirement funds to assure her an income. Then, when the time comes for me to retire, my account would be so depleted that I don't know how I could cope.

So...in other words.....you have become overly dependant on Social Security. So have I. So have all of us.

So if it happens with Social Security.....what makes you think it wouldnt happen with food stamps and welfare....?????
As silly as the old worn out saw that says entitlements lead to greater dependency. Now THAT'S spin! I see that position as a ham handed rationalization for deliberate cruelty.

Let me ask you a question...

If social security were ended tomorrow....would you be affected?
Yes! My mother gets Social Security benefits and if those benefits were stopped tomorrow, I would have to dip into my own retirement funds to assure her an income. Then, when the time comes for me to retire, my account would be so depleted that I don't know how I could cope.

And that is a perfect example of how government taught us to depend on them. Before SS was created, people strived to find other ways to prepare for their retirement. Some did well, others didn't. If we did away with SS, some would be okay and others not. At the rate we are going, SS will self destruct, like any other Ponzi scheme, and everyone will be left in the cold. I'd propose that we do away with it and allow people to take that money and invest it or whatever they see fit. When they retire, if they haven't been smart, they'll end up on the government doles, but many will do well for themselves. As it is, wealthy people collect social security even though they don't need it. Many would like to opt out of paying and collecting SS and I think people should have that right.

Of course, the left won't allow us to opt out, just as they don't want to give us choice to opt out of health insurance.
Let me ask you a question...

If social security were ended tomorrow....would you be affected?
Yes! My mother gets Social Security benefits and if those benefits were stopped tomorrow, I would have to dip into my own retirement funds to assure her an income. Then, when the time comes for me to retire, my account would be so depleted that I don't know how I could cope.

So...in other words.....you have become overly dependant on Social Security. So have I. So have all of us.

So if it happens with Social Security.....what makes you think it wouldnt happen with food stamps and welfare....?????
I'm not overly (your adverb) dependent on Social Security at all. In the hypothetical you posed, I explained that my mother (78 years old) IS dependent on Social Security. Meanwhile, there are millions of people no where near 65 who are Social Security recipients.

I'm not saying some programs need reformation. They do. But reformation does not equal elimination.

Seems Conservatives want to take advantage of a lousy economy to eliminate social safety net programs right while they're needed the most. And the OP whines about "compassionate Liberalism" as an oxymoron. Well, let's hear how compassionate Conservative policies really are! Playing politics with people's lives is hardly responsible.
tell us WHY SS was invented?

what was it in response to?

Truthmatters....let me make myself perfectly clear.

I have several times did my best to engage in a fair debate with you. I have cited my opinion and backed it up with facts. You have cited articles written by bloggers and such and used them to refute my facts.

I have tried to discuss polls with you and when the polls supported your argument, I have helped show you how the polls neglected to show the demographics of those polled eliminating the validity of the poll..and you responded by saying that I just did not like the results of the poll.

I have never referred to a left politician as a wing nut, an idiot or a whacko. You do nothing BUT that when discussing right leaning politicians.

When I cite facts you call me a liar. When I provide links, you call those in the links liars.

So all that being said....do not ask me any more quesions.

I refuse to engage in a debate with you.
Yes! My mother gets Social Security benefits and if those benefits were stopped tomorrow, I would have to dip into my own retirement funds to assure her an income. Then, when the time comes for me to retire, my account would be so depleted that I don't know how I could cope.

So...in other words.....you have become overly dependant on Social Security. So have I. So have all of us.

So if it happens with Social Security.....what makes you think it wouldnt happen with food stamps and welfare....?????
I'm not overly (your adverb) dependent on Social Security at all. In the hypothetical you posed, I explained that my mother (78 years old) IS dependent on Social Security. Meanwhile, there are millions of people no where near 65 who are Social Security recipients.

I'm not saying some programs need reformation. They do. But reformation does not equal elimination.

Seems Conservatives want to take advantage of a lousy economy to eliminate social safety net programs right while they're needed the most. And the OP whines about "compassionate Liberalism" as an oxymoron. Well, let's hear how compassionate Conservative policies really are! Playing politics with people's lives is hardly responsible.


Many, if not most conservatives I know personally feel as I do.

'entitlement programs are necessary to assist people during hard times. They are necessary to assist those challanged be it meentally or physically. They are not only necessary..they are the responsibility of the American People. However, there is a small majority of people that DO game the game as it pertains to entitlementys....but they do not make it worthy for us to eliminate the progrmas. We should do what we can to eliuminate the abuse...but not end the programs'

But the spin out there has us hating the poor.

As a side note...you are a good son to your mom. She should be proud to know you will always be there for her. Best of luck to her during her golden years....78...she has many years to go!

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