

Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
Communism, as diluted as the meaning has become, has good aspects to it.
elimination of money. Face it, money runs our lives.
no products of pleasure. As inconvenient as that sounds, I think it would eliminate ALOT of problems a society of our advancement have manufactured. Such as laziness.

BTW people Stalin, NK and Cuba are/were NOT communist. There hasn't been a communist group since the American Indians. I guess there might be some in the jungle or something lol.
Please refrain from typical ignorance when discussing this subject :)
production is planned democratically with aims at providing for people rather than profit.
war would be eliminated. No need to fight for natural resources or religion.
I don't think the oligarchy would like that, no money that is.
I know Cuba and NK are medium enemy for U.S. and China are real enemy for U.S. with communism in one portion country. Never trueless with one party country as these communism. Even I will no communism and no normalthinking by in land born(normalthinking) and will raise but I will Democraty like in Denmark and Norway even there is raise + woman and children. Only Finland with communism in Nordic I will or they change them to raise also ??
im not saying I am a communist or even want communism. I am just pointing out good aspects. The road to get there would be painful. VERY painful.
Only maximum 1.5 million communism in Sweden. Many medium Svenssons(Swedes) and Christians + racism and nazism and gay smaller arts in Sweden or racism are biggest of this third ?? Communism is boring I know and blacks are hated by Nazis. Nothing fights happens when I am musician and racist.

One gang in my house will fight when he know I'm Nazi but that will never happens.

Accept Sweden now and third biggest arts.

Christians are best of biggest arts in Sweden.

USA, Great Britain, Denmark Norway and Canada is better Swede and Finns.
Communism attempts to ignore human nature. Human nature will not willingly comply with mandated altruism, nor will it be changed at the barrel of a gun, which is the only way Communism can be enforced.
Communism attempts to ignore human nature. Human nature will not willingly comply with mandated altruism, nor will it be changed at the barrel of a gun, which is the only way Communism can be enforced.
True communism would apply during the failed state of socialism. Because socialism WILL fail.
Any examples on "human nature" part?

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