Commie babe loves China and hates Hong Kong freedom seekers

She is convinced that the Hong Kong protesters held illegal protests....illegal by who's law?....China signed an agreement with Hong Kong and they have been trying to break it ever since....just like they will break any agreement with us....on trade or anything else....

Yea, China realizes no one is going to stop them if they take over Hong Kong completely.
We could not free eastern europe during the Cold War, but conservatives like Reagan never abandoned them either the way libs want to abandon Hong Kong and Taiwan today

”Mr Gorbachov tear down this wall!” still echo through the decades to us

She speaks 4 languages which is impressive

she is also very representative of the nationalism that infests china

As I pointed out on Youtube she is exercising a right in Germany that she does not have in China

Hong Kongers always looked down on the mainlanders
The mainlanders are like our own democrat rubes

She speaks 4 languages which is impressive

she is also very representative of the nationalism that infests china

As I pointed out on Youtube she is exercising a right in Germany that she does not have in China

Hong Kongers always looked down on the mainlanders
The mainlanders are like our own democrat rubes

Many Hong Kongers are refugees from the communist dictatorship

thanks to Hong Kong they escaped the ravages of communism

and they dont want to go back to it

She speaks 4 languages which is impressive

she is also very representative of the nationalism that infests china

As I pointed out on Youtube she is exercising a right in Germany that she does not have in China

Hong Kongers always looked down on the mainlanders
The mainlanders are like our own democrat rubes

Many Hong Kongers are refugees from the communist dictatorship

thanks to Hong Kong they escaped the ravages of communism

and they dont want to go back to it

Also true ....the anti socialist leanings have been pounded into the youngsters by their grand parents and parents .

If the usa could only be what the hkr believes we are

She speaks 4 languages which is impressive

she is also very representative of the nationalism that infests china

As I pointed out on Youtube she is exercising a right in Germany that she does not have in China

fuck that stupid bitch, she is a propagandists for the CCP

on the bright side (for her), that qualifies her to be an anchor on CNN

Probably has a box full of job offers from Goldman Sachs and Microsoft already by now, and from Jow Un Biden as his personal assistant.
Yeah but, what happened in 1953, square Bizarro world Joe? I tell you what...The U.S. tried a "regime change" in Iran..and it was a failure, and IS a failed idea, but they still keep trying it!
When something doesn't work..go back and try to find something that does! Geez!
If something is not working, it's time to try something else, duh!

I think you are a little confused. What happened in 1953 was the Iranian people voted to throw out British Petroleum and make the Shah either a constitutional monarch or get rid of him altogether. We sent in the CIA to stage a coup against the democratically elected government.

After 25 years of BRUTAL rule by the Shah, the Iranian people had quite enough and threw his ass out. We've been spending the last 40 years punishing them for it. Then Obama said, "Hey, they clearly aren't going anywhere, let's try engaging them."

Of course, the Zionists weren't going to have any of that.... how dare a Democratically Elected President do something that makes sense.

She speaks 4 languages which is impressive

she is also very representative of the nationalism that infests china

As I pointed out on Youtube she is exercising a right in Germany that she does not have in China

Hong Kongers always looked down on the mainlanders
The mainlanders are like our own democrat rubes

Many Hong Kongers are refugees from the communist dictatorship

thanks to Hong Kong they escaped the ravages of communism

and they dont want to go back to it

Also true ....the anti socialist leanings have been pounded into the youngsters by their grand parents and parents .

If the usa could only be what the hkr believes we are

Yes, sadly true

we are a divided nation barely able to help ourselves these days

Actually, they were whining they didn't win an election. You know, an actual election where their guy lost.

None of our business.
You make them sound like hillary voters

i have no specific knowledge that elections in Iran are rigged to the extent they are in china

but I do know that iran has a very young population

so support for the mullahs may not be as universal as obama (and you) may think it is
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She speaks 4 languages which is impressive

she is also very representative of the nationalism that infests china

As I pointed out on Youtube she is exercising a right in Germany that she does not have in China

Hong Kongers always looked down on the mainlanders
The mainlanders are like our own democrat rubes

They should look down on those Communist bastards but as the enemy they are. Communists are evil and should be marginalized by the world. Hong Kong and Taiwan are the only hope for the future of China as an integral part of the world community. Red China is the enemy of the world. That's why they have to pay countries to be their friend. They're like dope dealers.
I suppose some (mainland) Chinese think that Hongkongers want more than freedom or more powers for the local government.
They fear they want independence (and that's what the Chinese government maybe fears too).
This girl seems to be one of them.
You make them sound like hillary voters

i have no specific knowledge that elections in Iran are rigged to the extent they are in china

but I do know that iran has a very young population

so support for the mullahs may not be as universal as obama (and you) may think it is

I actually met a young lady from China, and they have elections, but there are no real choices on the ballot, they just have one candidate for each office, for the Communist Party.

Iran had multi-party elections for parliment and they actually have a smarter way of electing a president. Popular vote, if no one gets 50% they have a runoff. Amhadehijad got 62% of the vote. Most of the polls had him north of 55%, so this wasn't unusual. Simply wasn't our place to get involved.
I suppose some (mainland) Chinese think that Hongkongers want more than freedom or more powers for the local government.
They fear they want independence (and that's what the Chinese government maybe fears too).
This girl seems to be one of them.

Yes, that is the case. The worry China has is that there would be more incursions on their territory. China looked like THIS before World War II.


Loss of territory and domination by it's neighbors... Of course, they don't want to see that ever happen again, and who can blame them?
You make them sound like hillary voters

i have no specific knowledge that elections in Iran are rigged to the extent they are in china

but I do know that iran has a very young population

so support for the mullahs may not be as universal as obama (and you) may think it is

I actually met a young lady from China, and they have elections, but there are no real choices on the ballot, they just have one candidate for each office, for the Communist Party.

Iran had multi-party elections for parliment and they actually have a smarter way of electing a president. Popular vote, if no one gets 50% they have a runoff. Amhadehijad got 62% of the vote. Most of the polls had him north of 55%, so this wasn't unusual. Simply wasn't our place to get involved.
If by involved you mean send troops of course not

but there are many ways to support freedom movements short of war
If by involved you mean send troops of course not

but there are many ways to support freedom movements short of war

This isn't an issue of freedom, it's an issue of sovereignty. Given what we have currently in this country - a dictator who was rejected by the people flaunting the rule of law - we really have no business telling other countries how to handle their affairs.
Thanks to Mac-7 for providing this interesting video and to JoeB131 for making this a better discussion. This gives a good portrait of the way things are. Nobody can escape their history. Well maybe some can ...

This took place where? In Cologne, Germany. Many HK youth with a little money and connections have already moved away. They are angry. “Go back to China!” they say. They once were proud British subjects (Cantonese speakers mostly) in a tiny outpost of the West, taken from China by force, built up, made rich by being the outside world’s connection to China. They care deeply that HK is slowly losing its freedom. Perfectly understandable. They no longer even have the satisfaction of thinking themselves richer and “better educated” than mainland Chinese, even if they live now in Germany.

The Chinese government did not need to tolerate Hong Kong’s often violent demonstrations, but it wisely restrained itself. Shanghai and Shenzhen directly trade with the world now, provide financial services. Hong Kong is tragically destroying itself and its economy. Of course, no more drugs or foreign armies will be allowed. But that is really no longer the issue.

That Chinese young women, tough as she appears, is representative of the new educated, wealthy, nationalist youth of China. She is patriotic, but not necessarily super-patriotic. We might call her “brainwashed.” But she is not brainwashed like many of the lunatics who write comments on this message board. She is intelligent. She knows that she has more freedom in Germany to study history, to learn about forbidden subjects, and even to publicly speak her mind, than she has back in China. Speak to her quietly, and she would probably admit it.

The question of Hong Kong ”independence” is off the table. The struggle for more democratic rights in China remains.
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If by involved you mean send troops of course not

but there are many ways to support freedom movements short of war

This isn't an issue of freedom, it's an issue of sovereignty. Given what we have currently in this country - a dictator who was rejected by the people flaunting the rule of law - we really have no business telling other countries how to handle their affairs.

trump is duly elected

the people of Hong Kong have a human right to freedom from an inhuman dictatorship like communist china

you should be grateful that they are fighting against your enemy for you
The question of Hong Kong ”independence” is off the table. The struggle for more democratic rights in China remains.
Why is independence for Hong Kong off the table?

you are not a citizen of china so what gives JoelB131 or anyone else the moral authority to decide their future?

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