Commie babe loves China and hates Hong Kong freedom seekers

Actually drug cartels have taken over every American city.......................


Really? They've set up their own governments and their own systems?

Seems to me that we are locking up millions of people on bullshit drug charges when we SHOULD be treating it as a medical issue.

But never mind, always fun to watch the reflexive anger of the right.
Drug users should be locked up for 1 year on a first offense, 5 years for a second offense, 10 years for a third offense and a fourth offense is life. Anyone dealing automatically gets life. But the dopey dems like you can't have their voting base in prison As a result 100 thousand are dying a year and you do not care
in you anger at 19th Century western imperialism you are overlooking 21st Hong Kong citizens who retain the best that GB had to offer

they want to live free not as slaves to the all-consuming chinese tiger

So what? Point is, China is pretty fucking clear that they will tolerate no more infringements on it's territory.

Again, imagine the situation I outlined above where a drug cartel took over a major American city... and then wonder how long we'd tolerate that.
The freedom loving protestors in Hong Kong are not a drug cartel

thats an obscene analogy

China has legal responsibility to respect human rights in Hong Kong that it is ignoring

we should support the anti communists with every means at our disposal short of war

The 30-year kowtow by globalists in the west to red china has to stop
Drug users should be locked up for 1 year on a first offense, 5 years for a second offense, 10 years for a third offense and a fourth offense is life. Anyone dealing automatically gets life. But the dopey dems like you can't have their voting base in prison As a result 100 thousand are dying a year and you do not care

Hey, Dummy, the War on Drugs has already been a failure, tripling down on failure isn't going to work.

The definition of insanity is trying the same thing and expecting a different result.

The freedom loving protestors in Hong Kong are not a drug cartel

thats an obscene analogy

Hong Kong only exists because the BRITISH were dealing drugs in China, and then went to war with China when China tried to put an end to it. Look up the opium wars, stupid. Then you might get an idea about why China isn't so warm and fuzzy about Hong Kong.

China has legal responsibility to respect human rights in Hong Kong that it is ignoring

we should support the anti communists with every means at our disposal short of war

The 30-year kowtow by globalists in the west to red china has to stop

Hey, guy, until we stop the racism and other shit we do in this country, we really have no business telling other countries what they can do in theirs.

Hong Kong is part of China. Period. Full Stop. China tolerates Hong Kong's status for economic reasons, but otherwise, it's an internal affair that really isn't our business. Legally, they could send in the tanks tomorrow, and there isn't shit we could- or should - do about it.
Hong Kong only exists because the BRITISH were dealing drugs in China
I thought you’d resort to 19th Century history to support an inhuman 21st century dictatorship

the people of Hong Kong want the liberty that you and I have
Drug users should be locked up for 1 year on a first offense, 5 years for a second offense, 10 years for a third offense and a fourth offense is life. Anyone dealing automatically gets life. But the dopey dems like you can't have their voting base in prison As a result 100 thousand are dying a year and you do not care

Hey, Dummy, the War on Drugs has already been a failure, tripling down on failure isn't going to work.

The definition of insanity is trying the same thing and expecting a different result.

The freedom loving protestors in Hong Kong are not a drug cartel

thats an obscene analogy

Hong Kong only exists because the BRITISH were dealing drugs in China, and then went to war with China when China tried to put an end to it. Look up the opium wars, stupid. Then you might get an idea about why China isn't so warm and fuzzy about Hong Kong.

China has legal responsibility to respect human rights in Hong Kong that it is ignoring

we should support the anti communists with every means at our disposal short of war

The 30-year kowtow by globalists in the west to red china has to stop

Hey, guy, until we stop the racism and other shit we do in this country, we really have no business telling other countries what they can do in theirs.

Hong Kong is part of China. Period. Full Stop. China tolerates Hong Kong's status for economic reasons, but otherwise, it's an internal affair that really isn't our business. Legally, they could send in the tanks tomorrow, and there isn't shit we could- or should - do about it.
Yes genius, go smoke your crack
I thought you’d resort to 19th Century history to support an inhuman 21st century dictatorship

the people of Hong Kong want the liberty that you and I have

Awesome. When they can convince the other Billion Chinese that's a good idea, then they can have it.

Still not seeing how this is our problem?
A lot of American isolationists did not think nazi germany or imperialist japan were our concern either till it was almost too late
A lot of American isolationists did not think nazi germany or imperialist japan were our concern either till it was almost too late

You mean when they did stuff in their own countries, we didn't care? Um. Yeah. that was in their own countries

Hong Kong is part of China. It's an internal affair.
I strongly disagree

we cant and should not send arms to the Hong Kong freedom fighters

but they deserve our moral and legal support wherever possible

lets not be like obama who chose the mullahs in iran over the students who wanted freedom
I strongly disagree

we cant and should not send arms to the Hong Kong freedom fighters

but they deserve our moral and legal support wherever possible

lets not be like obama who chose the mullahs in iran over the students who wanted freedom

Actually, Obama made EXACTLY the right call. If he had supported them, they STILL would have been crushed, but then the Ayatollah's could claim they were American agents.

China can crush Hong Kong any time they feel like. Let's not give them a good reason.
I strongly disagree

we cant and should not send arms to the Hong Kong freedom fighters

but they deserve our moral and legal support wherever possible

lets not be like obama who chose the mullahs in iran over the students who wanted freedom

Actually, Obama made EXACTLY the right call. If he had supported them, they STILL would have been crushed, but then the Ayatollah's could claim they were American agents.

China can crush Hong Kong any time they feel like. Let's not give them a good reason.

Obama was pussy whipped by valeri jarred who told him to support the mullahs
China cannot make things right.
Half their stuff breaks. We should endorse American manufacturing.
Cheap American or Japanese is better than cheap China stuff.
That's part of why I never bought into the SKS stuff.

Bitch, I got an Austrian-made South American Mauser n shit. Fuck them steel case small bullets.
Best action out of any gun I own!
Oh yeah! Definitely!
Mauser action vs.-? Yeah..

Next best would be the American Savage, not as good, though.

I got several more in-between, too.
After American Savage comes Enfield..well, that's how the cookie crumbles.
That ..308 I bought is sad. Y U so sloppy? Wtf?! :eek:

She speaks 4 languages which is impressive

she is also very representative of the nationalism that infests china

As I pointed out on Youtube she is exercising a right in Germany that she does not have in China

I've known lots of Chinese women have been to China and she ain't so hot.

I’m sure she can have her choice of men in china since women are in short supply

She speaks 4 languages which is impressive

she is also very representative of the nationalism that infests china

As I pointed out on Youtube she is exercising a right in Germany that she does not have in China

I thought you were talking about Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.

She speaks 4 languages which is impressive

she is also very representative of the nationalism that infests china

As I pointed out on Youtube she is exercising a right in Germany that she does not have in China

I thought you were talking about Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.

The dancing bartender will make a fine china stooge someday

Obama was pussy whipped by valeri jarred who told him to support the mullahs

Again, you maybe should read the history of Iran, and realize the problem isn't the Mullah's, it's our own bone-headed policies...

Why are the Mullah's in charge? Because for 25 years, we supported the Shah who systematically killed off anyone who might present any opposition to his tyrannical and incompetent rule. The Mullah's came out on top because they were the only group he couldn't touch.

Obama was pussy whipped by valeri jarred who told him to support the mullahs

Again, you maybe should read the history of Iran, and realize the problem isn't the Mullah's, it's our own bone-headed policies...

Why are the Mullah's in charge? Because for 25 years, we supported the Shah who systematically killed off anyone who might present any opposition to his tyrannical and incompetent rule. The Mullah's came out on top because they were the only group he couldn't touch.
The students were not rebelling against America but rather the islamic republic

Obama was pussy whipped by valeri jarred who told him to support the mullahs

Again, you maybe should read the history of Iran, and realize the problem isn't the Mullah's, it's our own bone-headed policies...

Why are the Mullah's in charge? Because for 25 years, we supported the Shah who systematically killed off anyone who might present any opposition to his tyrannical and incompetent rule. The Mullah's came out on top because they were the only group he couldn't touch.
Yeah but, what happened in 1953, square Bizarro world Joe? I tell you what...The U.S. tried a "regime change" in Iran..and it was a failure, and IS a failed idea, but they still keep trying it!
When something doesn't work..go back and try to find something that does! Geez!
If something is not working, it's time to try something else, duh!
She is convinced that the Hong Kong protesters held illegal protests....illegal by who's law?....China signed an agreement with Hong Kong and they have been trying to break it ever since....just like they will break any agreement with us....on trade or anything else....

Yea, China realizes no one is going to stop them if they take over Hong Kong completely.

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