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Is dannyboys another lib troll? Trying too hard to make reps look racist? Well, it does come easy to those that are, so it probably isn't that hard....

How many does that make now?

And why is it the Dem city strongholds all seem to have these ghettos right on their fringes, and yet nothing ever gets better there? All talk, no action, because they can keep their stranglehold on the people that live there easier.
Think about it, these are the ones I know of: Dallas, Houston, Chicago, St. Louis, Miami, West Palm Beach, New Orleans, DC...
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Let's add Gary, IN, Oakland, CA, Birmingham, AL, Philly, Baltimore...
After the mid-terms Obama is planning to let loose "the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s radical “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” rules. These would compel all cities and suburbs to change zoning laws to distribute public housing projects in the name of racial diversity."
This means we can expect to see 'public housing' AKA the place where the negro gang-bangers and drug dealers live in your once relatively peaceful safe clean neighborhoods.
The new 'rules' are sitting on Obama's desk waiting to be signed into law.

looks like another cracker shitting in the pants thread
After the mid-terms Obama is planning to let loose "the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s radical “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” rules. These would compel all cities and suburbs to change zoning laws to distribute public housing projects in the name of racial diversity."
This means we can expect to see 'public housing' AKA the place where the negro gang-bangers and drug dealers live in your once relatively peaceful safe clean neighborhoods.
The new 'rules' are sitting on Obama's desk waiting to be signed into law.

"We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population ... I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it." :eusa_whistle:

José Angel Gutiérrez, then an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Texas at Arlington
After the mid-terms Obama is planning to let loose "the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s radical “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing” rules. These would compel all cities and suburbs to change zoning laws to distribute public housing projects in the name of racial diversity."
This means we can expect to see 'public housing' AKA the place where the negro gang-bangers and drug dealers live in your once relatively peaceful safe clean neighborhoods.
The new 'rules' are sitting on Obama's desk waiting to be signed into law.
Do worry after november funding for these obama programs will be cut off.
The White population is going down. BUT the negro population is also going down. They are fucking murdering each other at a rate pretty much the same as the thirteen year old 'baby-mamas' are dropping them.
The races who are increasing in numbers in the US are the lovers of the negro and the Hispanics and they hate the negro even worse.
The White population is going down. BUT the negro population is also going down. They are fucking murdering each other at a rate pretty much the same as the thirteen year old 'baby-mamas' are dropping them.
The races who are increasing in numbers in the US are the lovers of the negro and the Hispanics and they hate the negro even worse.
The White population is going down. BUT the negro population is also going down. They are fucking murdering each other at a rate pretty much the same as the thirteen year old 'baby-mamas' are dropping them.
The races who are increasing in numbers in the US are the lovers of the negro and the Hispanics and they hate the negro even worse.
Maybe so pal.
But I'm telling the truth.......and you know it.......and so do the Asians and the Hispanics. HA HA!!!!!!!
PI stupid.
Actually, it is YOU who is stupid. And racist. And ignorant of our history.
Just let me know how long the list is of Whites wanting to more into negro ghettos. LOL
I hear the Ferguson City Hall has been inundated with inquiries about the housing market by Whites.
Everyone already knows about the negro's history.
Of the 800 Nobel laureates a grand total of 15 were awarded to negros. Of those 15 a grand total of 11 were for 'Peace'. That's a laugh. "Ya those negroes are sure into 'Peace'." Tell that to the little dude Big Mike committed strong arm robbery on and then threatened and shoved.
I honestly believe at this very moment some negro is filling out the papers to submit to the Nobel committee recommending Big Mike for the 'Peace Prize'.
I do feel sorry that the supply of used tires in W. Africa is basically non-existent hough.

So, in a nutshell. You are stupid, racist and ignorant. White people don't utilize public housing or commit crimes and a Black person would have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in the 1900's.

Next time you post some so stupid, post a link so that thinking people won't attribute the stupidity you wrote, solely to you.
Oh dear! Isn't it a bit early to so loaded you are not able to construct a proper sentence?
'All negro Peace Prizes All The Time'. BOBO got one before and MO moved into the White house. LOL

Oh dear! Isn't it a bit early to so loaded you are not able to construct a proper sentence?

LOL....take your own advice loser....
My post went right over your head pal.
Sober up.

Oh, shucks! We're a landlocked upscale community with no available land on which to build any kind of public housing. Just our luck to have to miss out on all the diversity fun.
Not st all. Eminent domain will just take a few upscale homes and tear them down to build projects.

Now I know why the newer upscale communities use a land lease instead of ownership.
Think about it, these are the ones I know of: Dallas, Houston, Chicago, St. Louis, Miami, West Palm Beach, New Orleans, DC...

You know, for almost all of the cities you've mentioned, the crime rates has been steadily dropping and the quality of living has been increasing for the last 30 years or so.
Think about it, these are the ones I know of: Dallas, Houston, Chicago, St. Louis, Miami, West Palm Beach, New Orleans, DC...

You know, for almost all of the cities you've mentioned, the crime rates has been steadily dropping and the quality of living has been increasing for the last 30 years or so.

Amazing what high incarceration rates can achieve, isn't it?
Think about it, these are the ones I know of: Dallas, Houston, Chicago, St. Louis, Miami, West Palm Beach, New Orleans, DC...

You know, for almost all of the cities you've mentioned, the crime rates has been steadily dropping and the quality of living has been increasing for the last 30 years or so.

That's just fascinating!

however negro crime rates exceed white crime rates in every one of those cities.
If it were your wife/mother/sister/girlfriend that was robbed and raped would you still think it was ok because "crime rates are dropping"?
Obama's theory is instead of cutting out the cancer spread it around and it won't be noticed as much.
Socialist governments in Britain tried it.
Hundreds of quite/clean/peaceful/prosperous communities ended up looking like fucking US inner cities....with exactly the same type of people living in them.
Oh, please. These low income areas have seen nothing compared to the rest of the metropolises they are in. For all the promises, moneys they claim to set aside to help bring them out of poverty they remain stagnant, yet the bigger the pockets of the Dem politicians seem to get.
Think about it, these are the ones I know of: Dallas, Houston, Chicago, St. Louis, Miami, West Palm Beach, New Orleans, DC...

You know, for almost all of the cities you've mentioned, the crime rates has been steadily dropping and the quality of living has been increasing for the last 30 years or so.
US cities run by negroes are all failing.
From the Mayors on down there is 100% rampant corruption. Most of these people are only a phone call away from going to Federal prison.
The US Gov. has long ago learned never to give any of these people access to monies intended to buy fuel for the school buses for instance. Either the money disappears or the fuel disappeared. It's happening everywhere at every level.
It's gotten so bad that the Federal Gov. now has 'inspectors' sitting at school bus refueling centers. A school bus pulls up to be refueled. The 'Inspector notes the on-board fuel. Calculates how much fuel the bus needs to top-up. He/she then hands the attendant a special credit card. The attendant punches in the amount of fuel to be pumped. After the bus is filled the 'Inspector' has the bus driver and the attendant and himself sign-off.
The bus driver is reminded again that the on-board GPS is recording every foot the bus travels. When it stops where it goes to.
All this b/c fucking Nagin's 'people' kept stealing the fucking money to purchase fuel.
That's why when the floods hit the fucking school buses couldn't be moved to higher ground to help evacuate people b/c they had no fucking diesel fuel!
This video perfectly ascribes to my post

Is dannyboys another lib troll? Trying too hard to make reps look racist? Well, it does come easy to those that are, so it probably isn't that hard....

How many does that make now?

And why is it the Dem city strongholds all seem to have these ghettos right on their fringes, and yet nothing ever gets better there? All talk, no action, because they can keep their stranglehold on the people that live there easier.

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