Comey, Brennan and Clapper strangely silent these days?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Perhaps the investigators have dragged their treasonous asses in for questioning in front of a grand jury? It's going to be a great day in America when that whole gang including Lynch, Stzock, Obama, Hillary, and co. are convicted and put behind bars for undermining our constititution and republic. I don't believe a treason of this level has ever been committed in the history of this country.
Perhaps the investigators have dragged their treasonous asses in for questioning in front of a grand jury? It's going to be a great day in America when that whole gang including Lynch, Stzock, Obama, Hillary, and co. are convicted and put behind bars for undermining our constititution and republic. I don't believe a treason of this level has ever been committed in the history of this country.
Always living in fantasy. No proof investigators were treasonous, and the Mueller report revealed collusion and obstruction.
Now we don't want to start sending people to jail in Washington.

Or if they do, the last person to leave, please turn out all the lights.
Perhaps the investigators have dragged their treasonous asses in for questioning in front of a grand jury? It's going to be a great day in America when that whole gang including Lynch, Stzock, Obama, Hillary, and co. are convicted and put behind bars for undermining our constititution and republic. I don't believe a treason of this level has ever been committed in the history of this country.

They are practicing their right to remain silent...
Perhaps the investigators have dragged their treasonous asses in for questioning in front of a grand jury? It's going to be a great day in America when that whole gang including Lynch, Stzock, Obama, Hillary, and co. are convicted and put behind bars for undermining our constititution and republic. I don't believe a treason of this level has ever been committed in the history of this country.
Considering Italy, Britain, Australia, and the Ukraine are all cooperating with the Coup investigation and are turning over documents and allowing witnesses to be interrogated over the last few weeks I can see why they would all go silent.

In Italy they are looking at charges for the co-conspirators and looking deeply at their own intelligence apparatus to see how deep the corruption goes.The Italian Pri-minister didn't mince words about the dishonor these people have brought to their nation.
Perhaps the investigators have dragged their treasonous asses in for questioning in front of a grand jury? It's going to be a great day in America when that whole gang including Lynch, Stzock, Obama, Hillary, and co. are convicted and put behind bars for undermining our constititution and republic. I don't believe a treason of this level has ever been committed in the history of this country.
Always living in fantasy. No proof investigators were treasonous, and the Mueller report revealed collusion and obstruction.

Talk about living in fantasy. All the actions of Hillary, Comey, Brennan, Homa Abadeen, Lynch, Strzock, Clapper, Page, etc. are clear evidence of high crimes, collusion, obstruction, and criminal conspiracy.
We would have heard if any of the the cabal’s asses had been dragged in for questioning IMO. Too juicy a leak.

However, if I was in that circle I’d be spending this time thinking about, interviewing, whatever legal folks I’m likely to need based on what I know I’ve done wrong. Might as well tie up the best and brightest for my team rather than they end up on someone else’s.
We would have heard if any of the the cabal’s asses had been dragged in for questioning IMO. Too juicy a leak.

However, if I was in that circle I’d be spending this time thinking about, interviewing, whatever legal folks I’m likely to need based on what I know I’ve done wrong. Might as well tie up the best and brightest for my team rather than they end up on someone else’s.
If you go by Mueller's pattern, they go after the smaller fish and then turn them against the bigger fish for the big score.
I still doubt anyone is prosecuted or jailed.
The tide has turned, Barr is determined to find from the first the who in who was involved in the Russian file, and where is came from and who put it together. When he get that info the next step is who vetted it as being all true and correct. Who appeared in the Court to swear under oath that it was true an correct. He will find out how many times this info was used to get the wire taps auth, and who again swore the info was true and correct. Its going to get messy for those who paid for the info and the Company (GPS_0) As you know one of the DOJ Lawyers wife works for the company. I should note also she was given money 500k to run for a Senate Seat in the 2016 election, she lost. So there is a lot of information connected to this Russian file.
DOJ Will Interview Senior CIA Officers to Review Their Actions in Spygate

Old media mantra: We must investigate everything to make sure that democracy was not subverted

New media mantra: How dare you investigate anyone to find out if democracy was subverted?

The walls are closing in on Brennan and Crapper, the Brennan and Crapper wheels are coming off, we've hit a tipping point with Brennan and Crapper...

The interview plans are the latest sign the Justice Department will take a critical look at the C.I.A.'s work on Russia’s election interference. Investigators want to talk with at least one senior counterintelligence official and a senior C.I.A. analyst, the people said. Both officials were involved in the agency's work on understanding the Russian campaign to sabotage the election in 2016.

While the Justice Department review is not a criminal inquiry, it has provoked anxiety in the ranks of the C.I.A., according to former officials.​

Let me quote dozens of New York Times statements about the Mueller inquiry:

What reason hath an innocent man have to fear an investigation?

Senior agency officials have questioned why the C.I.A's analytical work should be subjected to a federal prosecutor's scrutiny.
Let me quote the New York Times again:

No man, no matter how high-ranking in government, should be above the law.

Justice Department officials have given only broad clues about the review but did note that it is focused on the period leading up to the 2016 vote. Mr. Barr has been interested in how the C.I.A. drew its conclusions about Russia's election sabotage, particularly the judgment that Mr. Putin ordered that operatives help Mr. Trump by discrediting his opponent, Hillary Clinton, according to current and former American officials.

Mr. Barr wants to know more about the C.I.A. sources who helped inform its understanding of the details of the Russian interference campaign, an official has said. He also wants to better understand the intelligence that flowed from the C.I.A. to the F.B.I. in the summer of 2016.

The review is unlikely to be confined only to the activities of the F.B.I. and C.I.A. It could also look into the work of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and other agencies.​

Oh, hello, James Crapper.

The C.I.A. focuses on foreign intelligence and is not supposed to investigate Americans suspected of wrongdoing. It is supposed to pass on to the F.B.I. any information it acquires in the course of its espionage work about the actions of Americans.​

Paul Sperry@paulsperry_

BREAKING: In (LIVE) hearing, Nunes just pronounced: "The counterintelligence department over at the FBI is in big trouble."

8:53 AM - Jun 12, 2019

Paul Sperry@paulsperry_

BREAKING: In (LIVE) hearing, Nunes asserting investigation of Trump campaign began in late 2015 & not the official FBI line of July 2016 and that "multiple people" within FBI and DOJ were leaking about that investigation in 2016-2017

8:51 AM - Jun 12, 2019

Meanwhile, the media is buzzing that Trump said that of course he'd listen to anyone, including a foreigner, who had dirt on a rival candidate.

The media is filled with heart-ache at the gobsmacking vileness, and yet keeps deliberately omitting to mention that, Oh yeah, Hillary Clinton did exactly that, and has never answered a single pointed question about it.

Buck Sexton


Democrats never have an answer to this question:

How are Christopher Steele (foreigner) and his Russian sources for the dossier (foreigners) not considered “foreign influence in our election”?

Because he got paid AND swindled the FBI like a bunch of clowns?

Michael Tracey


The Hillary Clinton campaign paid a foreign intelligence operative to gather damaging information on their opponent -- but you know, whatever

6:31 PM - Jun 12, 2019
Perhaps the investigators have dragged their treasonous asses in for questioning in front of a grand jury? It's going to be a great day in America when that whole gang including Lynch, Stzock, Obama, Hillary, and co. are convicted and put behind bars for undermining our constititution and republic. I don't believe a treason of this level has ever been committed in the history of this country.

It would be a great day if that happened, but I have no faith in our “justice system”, especially when it comes to going after high level Dems. The Dems are like the mafia and will off anyone that gets in their way.
Perhaps the investigators have dragged their treasonous asses in for questioning in front of a grand jury? It's going to be a great day in America when that whole gang including Lynch, Stzock, Obama, Hillary, and co. are convicted and put behind bars for undermining our constititution and republic. I don't believe a treason of this level has ever been committed in the history of this country.

James Comey has decided that political candidates and elected officials should not talk about the future prosecution of any individual.

He has a point, just happy thoughts everyone!

Perhaps the investigators have dragged their treasonous asses in for questioning in front of a grand jury? It's going to be a great day in America when that whole gang including Lynch, Stzock, Obama, Hillary, and co. are convicted and put behind bars for undermining our constititution and republic. I don't believe a treason of this level has ever been committed in the history of this country.

I would like to see them both behind bars.....
Comey, Brennan and Clapper may be silent these days....but that doesn't mean that those scum, pieces of shit are not plotting behind the scenes against the President, without any success at all I might add.

Traitors like them belong in jail...or 10 foot deep under.
Perhaps the investigators have dragged their treasonous asses in for questioning in front of a grand jury? It's going to be a great day in America when that whole gang including Lynch, Stzock, Obama, Hillary, and co. are convicted and put behind bars for undermining our constititution and republic. I don't believe a treason of this level has ever been committed in the history of this country.
Always living in fantasy. No proof investigators were treasonous, and the Mueller report revealed collusion and obstruction.

Talk about living in fantasy. All the actions of Hillary, Comey, Brennan, Homa Abadeen, Lynch, Strzock, Clapper, Page, etc. are clear evidence of high crimes, collusion, obstruction, and criminal conspiracy.
Show us the proven actions that are evidence of crimes, or you are a liar.
Comey, Brennan and Clapper may be silent these days....but that doesn't mean that those scum, pieces of shit are not plotting behind the scenes against the President, without any success at all I might add.

Traitors like them belong in jail...or 10 foot deep under.
Quiet these days? :auiqs.jpg:Clapper just spoke 13 hours ago praising Trump. Of course he was praising a set up by Trump to look compassionate against the Iranian people. Lol! Trump wants to kick the shit out of Iran and get their oil. In the meantime, I just proved the OP wrong.

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