US AG Barr Played 'Politics' After All, Betrayed His Country


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
AS AG Barr publicly announced before the election that the Department of justice would not release Durham's investigation report until AFTER the election. He told America he would not do so to PREVENT FROM IMPACTING THE ELECTION.

What AG Barr does not see is that he / his decision DID impact the election.

Overwhelming evidence, testimony, and co-conspirator confess has proven that the Obama administration - that included VP Biden - did in fact collude with foreign ex-spies and members of the Russian Intelligence Service to obtain Russia-authored propaganda, and that the Obama administration knowingly, intentionally used that known propaganda in an attempt to alter the 2016 election and later in an attempt to overthrow the US government by removing the President from office based on the Russian-authored propaganda.

One of the FBI's co-conspirators has already pled guilty to the crimes and began naming names. DOJ reps stated there would be more indictments, more charges, and more convictions, to include some very big names.

The ONLY way these proven traitors would ever be held accountable was if President Trump won this election.

Barr argued that what was in the report COULD impact the election, and HE did not want that to HE made the decision to hide the facts from the American people and to allow them to go to the polls IGNORANT of the crimes and treason the Democrats / Obama's administration had engaged in.

The American people DESERVED to know what was in that report. They DESERVED to be informed of the facts to they could make their election choices based on the facts / evidence revealed in the report, not have it all kept / hidden from them until AFTER they had made their choice and the election was over!

HE made the decision to withhold the report from the American people based on POLITICS! His job was to focus on the LAW and upholding that law, and exposing crimes committed, not based on any influenced timeline! He stated he did not want to allow the report to become political and to affect the election. WITHHOLDING THE REPORT AND ITS FINDING WAS POLITICAL, AND IT DID AFFECT THE ELECTION.

Americans went to the polls to vote, ignorant of critical information because their government, again, chose to withhold critical information!

How will the fact that Biden wins affect the report?

Is Durham...or Barr...going to amend the findings now, to gain favor with the new Democratic Party President?

If Barr / Durham release the investigation finding if they arrest any of the criminal/s / co-conspirators, Biden will just pardon them....and he and his new administration will make all of this - the entire investigation of Obama's failed coup attempt go away......

And this time Biden will not have to EXTORT anyone to fire the AG / Prosecutor investigating Democrat Crime, his son, or President, he will just FIRE Barr and Durham himself. To hell with 'conflicts of interest' in firing the US AG, head of the DOJ who is now investigating Joe and his family for extortion, bribery, accepting bribes, Influence Peddling, Laundering Russian Money, etc... The Democrats will support him for doing so. Despite the DOJ, NIA, DHS, FBI, State Dept, and Treasury Dept all declaring NONE of the Hunter/Biden Family scandal is 'a foreign Disinformation campaign', the Democrats will STILL pathetically brush it all away while blaming 'Russia, Russia, Russia;'.

Oh, and the confessed traitor already in jail naming names....he will be pardoner, as well. Not one of the failed coup attempt conspirators will be held accountable...

...and it will be because US AG Barr made the decision to withhold the Coup Conspiracy Investigation Report finding from the American people until after the election.

Barr, of course, will be 'rewarded' by being fired just as soon as Joe takes office.

Thanks to Barr's blunder....and Joe winning a rigged election, Obama, Susan Rice, James Clapper, James Comey, John Brennan, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Ohr, and many more are in their homes dancing jigs as they watch the election knowing by the skin of their teeth they will escape their treasonous just deserts...

Thanks to Barr's blunder....and Joe winning a rigged election, Obama, Susan Rice, James Clapper, James Comey, John Brennan, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Ohr, and many more are in their homes dancing jigs as they watch the election knowing by the skin of their teeth they will escape their treasonous just deserts...

If you ever really thought any of those people were ever going to answer for anything ...
Then you are foolishly optimistic when it boils down to anything that comes out the assclowns in the shitshow on the Beltway ... :thup:

I knew he would...he is a swamper at heart....and now we may get a crook as a president.....Thanks asshole....
I'd fire him this week.
Unless he shows me a blackmail note where they threatened him,
he's out of there.

Trump should immediately demand the report comes out next Monday, for him to hold a press conference in which he plainly, clearly spells out every crime by every Democrat, and declares Indictments have already been issued for their arrest, that they will be charged with crimes immediately.

Too little, too late, though. For failing the American people I would fire him the last week in office.

Proven Criminal traitor FBI Director Wray should immediately FIRED next Monday, and the FBI should be placed under management by someone outside the FBI.

Were I President Trump, I would also issue an order to shut down the FISA Court until a full investigation of abuses and case going back over a decade.

I would expose Fauci's connections to Big Pharma and thathis actions have been influenced by them and fore his arse, too.

IF Trump loses the election, he has nothing left to he should 'go all out' to fire / get rid of every Deep State Swamp-Dwelling creature n the way out.
Thanks to Barr's blunder....and Joe winning a rigged election, Obama, Susan Rice, James Clapper, James Comey, John Brennan, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Ohr, and many more are in their homes dancing jigs as they watch the election knowing by the skin of their teeth they will escape their treasonous just deserts...

If you ever really thought any of those people were ever going to answer for anything ...
Then you are foolishly optimistic when it boils down to anything that comes out the assclowns in the shitshow on the Beltway ... :thup:

They got caught this time.
If Durham doesn't come through a special counsel
will be on it. ( a real one- not like the Mueller witch hunt) Too many people are wanting answers now....Americans are on this.
Thanks to Barr's blunder....and Joe winning a rigged election, Obama, Susan Rice, James Clapper, James Comey, John Brennan, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Ohr, and many more are in their homes dancing jigs as they watch the election knowing by the skin of their teeth they will escape their treasonous just deserts...

If you ever really thought any of those people were ever going to answer for anything ...
Then you are foolishly optimistic when it boils down to anything that comes out the assclowns in the shitshow on the Beltway ... :thup:


As I stated, the American people deserved to KNOW everything in that report before the election. One conspirator is in jail naming names, but no one of consequence was going to go to jail....but, again, Americans deserved to be informed before voting. Instead, Barr made the decision to keep Americans in the dark. That was a betrayal of the American people.
there are no conspiracies...there also no coincidences...just connect the dots
As I stated, the American people deserved to KNOW everything in that report before the election. One conspirator is in jail naming names, but no one of consequence was going to go to jail....but, again, Americans deserved to be informed before voting. Instead, Barr made the decision to keep Americans in the dark. That was a betrayal of the American people.

I understand your frustration, and I am not just being ugly ...
But you need to understand that the American People will never get what they need, much less deserve, out of the Beltway.

The Federal Government was never intended to be the worthless circus it is now.

An open letter to AG Barr:

You have now been tossed under the bus. You have made the biggest mistake of your political life, that is expressing - maybe for the first time in your life - a moment of integrity.

The current iteration of the Republican voters cannot stand anyone with integrity, in fact they find integrity itself something they vehemently dislike.
Think about this, we will now have a President who is literally on the take from the China Communists.

What the hell?
What propaganda are you talking about and how did it affect your vote?
An open letter to AG Barr:

You have now been tossed under the bus. You have made the biggest mistake of your political life, that is expressing - maybe for the first time in your life - a moment of integrity.

The current iteration of the Republican voters cannot stand anyone with integrity, in fact they find integrity itself something they vehemently dislike.
Except when it applies to an election.
Should it surprise anyone ?

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