Combating Antifa: Erecting A Tall Statue Of David Duke Should Be Enough To Drive Them To Suicide

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Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Or into mental asylums where they could be put away, contained, and then reconditioned into normal law abiding American citizens with good Christian moral values. President Trump would of course have to deploy the National Guard to protect the glorious monument of the noble peaceful activist in order to keep them from destroying it. Of course it things got out of hand, and most likely it would, the Guard could be forced to give them a 1970s 'Kent State' lesson. All in all, this would be a glorious tactic in finally putting and end to Antifa and the terror they inflict upon peaceful Trump supporters. They would be finally done and our president could continue to transform this country into a nationalist nation the way the founders set it up to be and make America great again.

The first step for their conditioning would be to make them read, listen, and study David Duke's best selling masterpiece 'My Awakening: A Path To Racial Understanding'


Antifa is causing to much terrorism. They're now laughing and shunning Democrats.

'Holy Sh*t': Boston Antifa Rips Democrats For 'Cheering Them On' – Brag About 'Media Support'
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Needs to be made of foam rubber, so the bullets don't bounce off and hurt someone
And into mental asylums where they could be put away, contained, and then reconditioned into normal law abiding moral valued Americans. President Trump would of course have to deploy the National Guard to protect the glorious monument of the noble peaceful activist in order to keep them from destroying it. Of course it things got out of hand, and most likely it would, the Guard could be forced to give them a 1970s 'Kent State' lesson. All in all, this would be a glorious tactic in finally putting and end to Antifa. They would be finally done and our president could continue to transform this country into a nationalist nation the way the founders set it up to be and make America great again.

That's peanuts. Let's buy some land on I-10 on the Arizona Border and erect a giant golden statue of Trump.

We could do undercover concession stands selling all kinds of shit. Make a fucking killing selling anti-Trump shit.

Damn, I'm a wizard.
You describe exactly what you fascist nazi traitors want - a police state where no one has the right to disagree with the state.

Put the statue up. Really. I can't imagine who would care.

Just not on public property.

Move your single wide, clean up the piles of beer cans to make room and put it on that crappy lot you rent.
Bah, 10 crackers with rifles can put the smack down on Antifa.

Shoot the bottles in their hands.
We could call it the Fuck Trump Bar and Saloon. Spa's for the libtarded women. Tattoo shop specializing in snowflake antifa tats. I'm on to something. Anyone know any suckers in California with deep wallets?
I propose combating ANTIFA with things that fly over 2000 fps. :dunno:

From distance.
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You describe exactly what you fascist nazi traitors want - a police state where no one has the right to disagree with the state.

Put the statue up. Really. I can't imagine who would care.

Just not on public property.

Move your single wide, clean up the piles of beer cans to make room and put it on that crappy lot you rent.
It's only to finally stop their violence upon peaceful Trump supporters and the elderly, like with what they did to this patriotic nice woman holding her American flag today.


UPDATE: Patriotic Elderly Woman Tearfully Recounts Being Physically Assaulted By Boston Antifa (VIDEO)
Or into mental asylums where they could be put away, contained, and then reconditioned into normal law abiding American citizens with good Christian moral values. President Trump would of course have to deploy the National Guard to protect the glorious monument of the noble peaceful activist in order to keep them from destroying it. Of course it things got out of hand, and most likely it would, the Guard could be forced to give them a 1970s 'Kent State' lesson. All in all, this would be a glorious tactic in finally putting and end to Antifa and the terror they inflict upon peaceful Trump supporters. They would be finally done and our president could continue to transform this country into a nationalist nation the way the founders set it up to be and make America great again.

The first step for their conditioning would be to make them read, listen, and study David Duke's best selling masterpiece 'My Awakening: A Path To Racial Understanding'


Antifa is causing to much terrorism. They're now laughing and shunning Democrats.

'Holy Sh*t': Boston Antifa Rips Democrats For 'Cheering Them On' – Brag About 'Media Support'

Yes you should erect a statue of your hero, and say Trump approved it. Good idea, that will show 'em!
Or into mental asylums where they could be put away, contained, and then reconditioned into normal law abiding American citizens with good Christian moral values. President Trump would of course have to deploy the National Guard to protect the glorious monument of the noble peaceful activist in order to keep them from destroying it. Of course it things got out of hand, and most likely it would, the Guard could be forced to give them a 1970s 'Kent State' lesson. All in all, this would be a glorious tactic in finally putting and end to Antifa and the terror they inflict upon peaceful Trump supporters. They would be finally done and our president could continue to transform this country into a nationalist nation the way the founders set it up to be and make America great again.

The first step for their conditioning would be to make them read, listen, and study David Duke's best selling masterpiece 'My Awakening: A Path To Racial Understanding'


Antifa is causing to much terrorism. They're now laughing and shunning Democrats.

'Holy Sh*t': Boston Antifa Rips Democrats For 'Cheering Them On' – Brag About 'Media Support'

Yes you should erect a statue of your hero, and say Trump approved it. Good idea, that will show 'em!
I'm counting on it.
Or into mental asylums where they could be put away, contained, and then reconditioned into normal law abiding American citizens with good Christian moral values. President Trump would of course have to deploy the National Guard to protect the glorious monument of the noble peaceful activist in order to keep them from destroying it. Of course it things got out of hand, and most likely it would, the Guard could be forced to give them a 1970s 'Kent State' lesson. All in all, this would be a glorious tactic in finally putting and end to Antifa and the terror they inflict upon peaceful Trump supporters. They would be finally done and our president could continue to transform this country into a nationalist nation the way the founders set it up to be and make America great again.

The first step for their conditioning would be to make them read, listen, and study David Duke's best selling masterpiece 'My Awakening: A Path To Racial Understanding'


Antifa is causing to much terrorism. They're now laughing and shunning Democrats.

'Holy Sh*t': Boston Antifa Rips Democrats For 'Cheering Them On' – Brag About 'Media Support'
Why David Dukes?

This is the statue the GOP really wants to build:


This one would also be acceptable:

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