Colorado further evidence Ron Paul will challenge Romney in Tampa


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
The Ron Paul campaign has consistently maintained that it has won far more delegates than is generally reported by the media. The Associated Press projects Romney’s delegate count to be well over 600, more than ten times their projections for Ron Paul. However, Colorado has provided some evidence that the Paul campaign’s demise has been greatly exaggerated.

Colorado completed its state convention yesterday. Under the headline, “Romney lost Colo. caucuses, gets most delegates,” Real Clear Politics reported the results this way.

“GOP has chosen 13 Romney delegates and six Santorum delegates. The remaining 17 delegates are unpledged, meaning they are free to choose any Republican candidate for president.”

That’s technically accurate, but it begs a question from anyone even minimally curious: Who do those 17 unpledged delegates support? Are they undecided, or do they intend to vote for a specific candidate at the Republican National Convention (RNC)?

Colorado further evidence Ron Paul will challenge Romney in Tampa | Washington Times Communities

I think this is the most important part of the entire article:

Santorum won the caucus vote in Missouri by a much wider margin with 55% of the vote. Romney finished second with 25% and Paul was a distant third with 12%. However, early indications are that Paul will win far more delegates at Missouri’s state convention June 1-2. According to Fox News, Missouri’s GOP leadership admits that Paul may get all of the delegates from Missouri.

The Iowa GOP leadership has previously acknowledged that Paul may win Iowa as well. Iowa holds its state convention on June 16.

These are all states where Ron Paul lost the popular vote by a wide margin. In states like Maine, Alaska, Minnesota and others, where Paul finished a close 2nd or at least did much better, he could win the final delegate counts by wide margins.

Note to the Anti-Paul Brigade: I am not saying Ron Paul is going to wrest the nomination away from Romney at the convention, but I am saying that he's probably going to have far more delegates than the "official numbers" are giving him credit for.
Thanks for posting this. I think the numbers they have are a little off based on what I read elsewhere but this is one of the only reports that attempts to look at things honestly.
I read that today too. It's really going to be a wait and see game going forward. But I'm confident that the Tampa convention will show the MSM just how badly they have erred on this by marginalizing Paul.
Then of course, the climate has to be just right.

Will the gop party die-hards rally around a Paul nomination if it, by a long shot, shoud happen?
I read that today too. It's really going to be a wait and see game going forward. But I'm confident that the Tampa convention will show the MSM just how badly they have erred on this by marginalizing Paul.
Then of course, the climate has to be just right.

Will the gop party die-hards rally around a Paul nomination if it, by a long shot, shoud happen?

Of course they will... No matter what Republicans or Democrats will get 40-43ish % of the vote in the GE.

Jeb Bush could run as a Democrat and Al Gore could run as a Republican and they would STILL get 40+ % of that parties vote. Look at Mitt, he's a liberal through and through, yet he will still get 40% + of the vote just because he has an R next to his name.
So if I'm hearing you Paul supporters correctly - you are counting on getting a majority of the delegates in state where your candidate got like 12% of the vote?
You find that "interesting."
Let me tell you what I find "interesting."
Libertarians abandon the Libertarian Party to latch onto the Republican Party thinking they will sway the Republican Party into becoming more like the Libertarian Party. The mainstream GOP rolls their eyes and snickers into their microphones when your candidate debates. But they keep cashing your checks.
At what point to Libertarians get it? When do they realize the GOP is treating them like little 3itches?

As I'm not a Libertarian or a Republican (or a Democrat for that matter) I honestly have no dog in this fight. I'm just amused and wondering.
The convention is going to very insteresting and because of dishonest reporting from the MSM, most of the GOP has no clue where this race really stands. I hope Romney doesn't get the nod on the first vote just so I can hear the heads explode all accross America.
So if I'm hearing you Paul supporters correctly - you are counting on getting a majority of the delegates in state where your candidate got like 12% of the vote?
You find that "interesting."
Let me tell you what I find "interesting."
Libertarians abandon the Libertarian Party to latch onto the Republican Party thinking they will sway the Republican Party into becoming more like the Libertarian Party. The mainstream GOP rolls their eyes and snickers into their microphones when your candidate debates. But they keep cashing your checks.
At what point to Libertarians get it? When do they realize the GOP is treating them like little 3itches?

As I'm not a Libertarian or a Republican (or a Democrat for that matter) I honestly have no dog in this fight. I'm just amused and wondering.

Learn how the caucus system works then come back and we can talk about which votes matter.
Ron Paul is more conserative republican than he his libertarian, arguably. He's also a member of the republican party, not the LP. Whether the neocons snicker and treat us like bitches or not, we're backing a candidate in the republican party.

Popular vote means diddly shit in the GOP primary. It's about delegates.
So if I'm hearing you Paul supporters correctly - you are counting on getting a majority of the delegates in state where your candidate got like 12% of the vote?
You find that "interesting."
Let me tell you what I find "interesting."
Libertarians abandon the Libertarian Party to latch onto the Republican Party thinking they will sway the Republican Party into becoming more like the Libertarian Party. The mainstream GOP rolls their eyes and snickers into their microphones when your candidate debates. But they keep cashing your checks.
At what point to Libertarians get it? When do they realize the GOP is treating them like little 3itches?

As I'm not a Libertarian or a Republican (or a Democrat for that matter) I honestly have no dog in this fight. I'm just amused and wondering.

Learn how the caucus system works then come back and we can talk about which votes matter.
I find this a common Libertarian response - if you can't really debate what was posted - post something that suggests you have superior knowledge in an unrelated topic.
Tell me what does "the caucus" system have to do with Libertarians getting 3itch slapped by the GOP? What does it have to do with getting 12% of the vote? I never said Paul doesn't deserve delegates. I think it is interesting that he can get more than the 12% he actually earned, but who cares? It's their party - they can pick their candidates by any way they choose.

So how is that GOP a$$ tasting to you these days? Still not ready to seperate your lips from it? Up to you - I just don't get it - since you do have a Libertarian Party in America??? Don't you ????
So if I'm hearing you Paul supporters correctly - you are counting on getting a majority of the delegates in state where your candidate got like 12% of the vote?
You find that "interesting."
Let me tell you what I find "interesting."
Libertarians abandon the Libertarian Party to latch onto the Republican Party thinking they will sway the Republican Party into becoming more like the Libertarian Party. The mainstream GOP rolls their eyes and snickers into their microphones when your candidate debates. But they keep cashing your checks.
At what point to Libertarians get it? When do they realize the GOP is treating them like little 3itches?

As I'm not a Libertarian or a Republican (or a Democrat for that matter) I honestly have no dog in this fight. I'm just amused and wondering.

You have a very strange way of viewing the world.

Republicans claim to be the conservative vote, libertarians are very much conservative... How hard is that? Just because the Republican party moves far left does not mean someone can't run that is center (Ron Paul). Most of all elected politicians are so far left people don't even know what center is anymore. Hell most people base left and right on believe in God or evolution, neither being policy.
So if I'm hearing you Paul supporters correctly - you are counting on getting a majority of the delegates in state where your candidate got like 12% of the vote?
You find that "interesting."
Let me tell you what I find "interesting."
Libertarians abandon the Libertarian Party to latch onto the Republican Party thinking they will sway the Republican Party into becoming more like the Libertarian Party. The mainstream GOP rolls their eyes and snickers into their microphones when your candidate debates. But they keep cashing your checks.
At what point to Libertarians get it? When do they realize the GOP is treating them like little 3itches?

As I'm not a Libertarian or a Republican (or a Democrat for that matter) I honestly have no dog in this fight. I'm just amused and wondering.

Learn how the caucus system works then come back and we can talk about which votes matter.
I find this a common Libertarian response - if you can't really debate what was posted - post something that suggests you have superior knowledge in an unrelated topic.
Tell me what does "the caucus" system have to do with Libertarians getting 3itch slapped by the GOP? What does it have to do with getting 12% of the vote? I never said Paul doesn't deserve delegates. I think it is interesting that he can get more than the 12% he actually earned, but who cares? It's their party - they can pick their candidates by any way they choose.

So how is that GOP a$$ tasting to you these days? Still not ready to seperate your lips from it? Up to you - I just don't get it - since you do have a Libertarian Party in America??? Don't you ????

Show us all where Ron Paul was elected as LT... Ops you can't. Want me to show you how many times he was elected as a Republican?

Again, you have a very strange way of viewing the world if you think all politicians have to fit a single mold to be in that party. How did we get to where we are now if you can only elect 1 of 2 kind of people, Republican or Democrat.
So if I'm hearing you Paul supporters correctly - you are counting on getting a majority of the delegates in state where your candidate got like 12% of the vote?
You find that "interesting."
Let me tell you what I find "interesting."
Libertarians abandon the Libertarian Party to latch onto the Republican Party thinking they will sway the Republican Party into becoming more like the Libertarian Party. The mainstream GOP rolls their eyes and snickers into their microphones when your candidate debates. But they keep cashing your checks.
At what point to Libertarians get it? When do they realize the GOP is treating them like little 3itches?

As I'm not a Libertarian or a Republican (or a Democrat for that matter) I honestly have no dog in this fight. I'm just amused and wondering.

You have a very strange way of viewing the world.

Republicans claim to be the conservative vote, libertarians are very much conservative... How hard is that? Just because the Republican party moves far left does not mean someone can't run that is center (Ron Paul). Most of all elected politicians are so far left people don't even know what center is anymore. Hell most people base left and right on believe in God or evolution, neither being policy.

Yeah - I have a strange way of viewing the world.
Some Libertarians would rather carry the pi$$bucket for Republicans rather than work within their own party.
But I have a strange way of veiwing the world ????????
So if I'm hearing you Paul supporters correctly - you are counting on getting a majority of the delegates in state where your candidate got like 12% of the vote?
You find that "interesting."
Let me tell you what I find "interesting."
Libertarians abandon the Libertarian Party to latch onto the Republican Party thinking they will sway the Republican Party into becoming more like the Libertarian Party. The mainstream GOP rolls their eyes and snickers into their microphones when your candidate debates. But they keep cashing your checks.
At what point to Libertarians get it? When do they realize the GOP is treating them like little 3itches?

As I'm not a Libertarian or a Republican (or a Democrat for that matter) I honestly have no dog in this fight. I'm just amused and wondering.

You have a very strange way of viewing the world.

Republicans claim to be the conservative vote, libertarians are very much conservative... How hard is that? Just because the Republican party moves far left does not mean someone can't run that is center (Ron Paul). Most of all elected politicians are so far left people don't even know what center is anymore. Hell most people base left and right on believe in God or evolution, neither being policy.

Yeah - I have a strange way of viewing the world.
Some Libertarians would rather carry the pi$$bucket for Republicans rather than work within their own party.
But I have a strange way of veiwing the world ????????

I think you might in fact be stupid.
"Show us all where Ron Paul was elected as LT... Ops you can't. Want me to show you how many times he was elected as a Republican?

Again, you have a very strange way of viewing the world if you think all politicians have to fit a single mold to be in that party. How did we get to where we are now if you can only elect 1 of 2 kind of people, Republican or Democrat."

Oh I see - because you are too lazy to do the hard work of building your party and your candidates into viable options - you'll just try to steal the work that others have done to build their party and their candidates into viable options???
And YOU are the ones sentencing the U.S. to just two parties because you are too lazy to build YOURS!

And folks you fail to respect that are "stupid."

I'm begining to see why you all fare so well in elections.
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