Colonoscopy went so well the doc said there's nothing to report


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Not so much as even an infection. No swelling nor hemorrhoids.
I'm 67, so I guess this one will be the last.
Prep isn't really that bad
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Did you tell the doc that he is boldly going where no man has gone before? Seriously, you should have one done every five years if you have occurrences in your family and if not, a poop smear done yearly which you can mail in. Remember, the older you get eat less red meat, more lean meat like chicken and turkey and more veggies. That along with regular exercise will go a long way to keeping you healthy.
Propofol: one minute you're talking to the anesthesiologist, the next you're in the recover room
I am on the VA smear program.

So very easy.

Yes, eat much less red meat and much for fish and chicken and veggies, and exercise regularly.
Nothing to report?

So what was that video he uploaded to youtube I just watched?!

Congrats, though, man. I've had a couple, now, and the second one was easier than the first because I knew what to expect.
Did you tell the doc that he is boldly going where no man has gone before? Seriously, you should have one done every five years if you have occurrences in your family and if not, a poop smear done yearly which you can mail in. Remember, the older you get eat less red meat, more lean meat like chicken and turkey and more veggies. That along with regular exercise will go a long way to keeping you healthy.
but I did tell the doc, I hear you University of Utah doctors when you get a byu fan on the table use a bigger reamer.
His assistance thought that was pretty funny.
a poop smear done yearly which you can mail in.

Yeah they have those commercials on tv now where they send it UPS, but doesn't it disturb people that your UPS deliverys will now have more fecal matter from the driver touching the box, well at least more then usual, and there's sometimes food delivered by UPS as well? I can see it now on
" Adam Ruins Everything".
a poop smear done yearly which you can mail in.

Yeah they have those commercials on tv now where they send it UPS, but doesn't it disturb people that your UPS deliverys will now have more fecal matter from the driver touching the box, well at least more then usual, and there's sometimes food delivered by UPS as well? I can see it now on
" Adam Ruins Everything".

Well that's about as significant as having cocaine over all the dollar bills in America.
Propofol: one minute you're talking to the anesthesiologist, the next you're in the recover room

Morphine is teh ossum!

Srsly though

There's a woman at work who last had a colonoscopy four years ago. They found benign polyps. She didn't go back.

A few weeks ago, she was diagnosed with stage 4 colon and liver cancer. She has a year to live.

Had she gone every year, they would have caught it.

Get. This. Done.
Propofol: one minute you're talking to the anesthesiologist, the next you're in the recover room

Morphine is teh ossum!

Srsly though

There's a woman at work who last had a colonoscopy four years ago. They found benign polyps. She didn't go back.

A few weeks ago, she was diagnosed with stage 4 colon and liver cancer. She has a year to live.

Had she gone every year, they would have caught it.

Get. This. Done.

That is sad because she actually had a colonoscopy

Usually they tell you ten years between procedures. If they find polyps, they tell you five years. Most insurance will not cover an annual colonoscopy

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