Collective punishment in Israel: Should only the guilty pay?

As Golda Meir was quite content to kill whomever she could, just to terrorise Palestinians, by murdering them on foreign soil.

And now you're funny Bub. Do you remember why Golda Meir set those actions in motion? Well, obviously not.

Let me remind you. The WHOLE WORLD saw Palestinians murder Israeli athletes (innocent to the max) at the 1972 Munich Olympics. The Olympics are supposed to be the most peaceful event in the whole world. Now from my basic geography, Munich is in Germany, not Israel.

So here we have Palestinian terrorists (on worldwide TV BTW) murdering Israeli Olympic athletes (the most innocent civilians possible) on foreign soil.

Apples and Oranges Bub.
Murdering random people to avenge the murder of other people makes sense?

Only in your world.
Such illegality, which typify Israel's short existence, demonstrates the terrorist nation of that state,
Murdering random people to avenge the murder of other people makes sense?

Only in your world.
Such illegality, which typify Israel's short existence, demonstrates the terrorist nation of that state,

Beezle, your posts just keep getting more and more fucked up.

It's simple; if you don't attack Israel, you won't get attacked.

Attacking people without distinguishing between civilian and combatant with the goal of causing terror, in order to achieve a political/religious goal is terrorism.
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