Colin Powell: Iran nuclear deal is a "pretty good deal"

Once again we see examples of the reprehensible right and their opposition to the Iran accord based on their unwarranted animosity toward the president, having nothing to do with the facts or merits of the accord itself.
Once again we see examples of the reprehensible right and their opposition to the Iran accord based on their unwarranted animosity toward the president, having nothing to do with the facts or merits of the accord itself.
Wrong. The accord is deeply flawed. The US lost on every point they wanted: anytime anywhere inspections, restrictions on missile technology, payments to US citizens with claims against Iran, restrictions on how Iran's money can be spent, and giving up supporting terrorism.
Iran is not limited in anything they can do. The whole agreement is simply license to hand Iran 150B and allow European corporatiosn to sell them stuff.
Actually we went with the experts on this one. A lot of Democrats are not supporting Obama but actually looking at an international agreement which the Nuclear experts say is a very good deal.

If non-nuclear proliferation experts were saying this deal was rubbish I wouldn't be for it... I would be asking for a better deal... But they said this is the best way forward.

Iran could break the deal and we would know about it in weeks. I don't believe Iran would do that as it does not help there own people. Iran is a very young country
Iran is one of the oldest countries in the world with a distinct cultural identity, something every other country in the region lacks. It's what has held them together all this time through brutality, war and western meddling. They trace their history to the founding of the Persian empire in 500BC and it is an intense source of national pride, you can't bomb away something like that, they would fight us until the last breath of their last man.
The Japanese had an even older culture. Couple of nukes fixed that shit.
I believe Japan actually declared war on us and set their armies against us, and guess what? They are still Japan with the same history they are proud of, the same language and a distinct culture. That nationalism and cultural pride of theirs made certain that we could only defeat them at a very high cost to ourselves. It would be utter foolishness to commit to that cost against a country that has not declared war on us or set their armies against our interests.
You are a dunce, is the problem.
You claim they would fight us to the last man. People said the same about Japan and it wasnt true. Two nukes and they were done.
This time will be much more efficient, warfare having changed considerably. Iran has repeatedly declared its intention to destroy us.
How about we try something else before we commit to a war no one but you people actually want to fight (by "want to fight" I mean you want to watch someone else fight on TV).
We havent been "trying something else" for the last 4 years? Where have you been?

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