Cold, Hard, Unbiased, Unrefutable, Evidence...PROOF That Zimmerman Is Lying!


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Zimmerman, and the hard RW defenders of the Trayvon Martin killer has been claiming and moaning on and on and on, the bogus claim that Zimmerman got his head bashed in by the murdered victim, Trayvon Martin. They've been regurgitating the BOGUS claim that Zimmerman got his nose broken. All without a SINGLE, SOLITARY, SHRED of proof nor evidence corroborating that claim. Other than the alleged word of the killer, George Zimmerman.

Well now we have PROOF that shows, what all the thinking people and unbiased people knew all along, that he lied...he didn't have a scratch on him.


Trayvon Martin Case: Exclusive Surveillance Video of George Zimmerman - ABC News

As you can see in the VIDEO, the SURVEILLANCE VIDEO, Zimmerman is walking as a healthy man, not a scratch, not even evidence of blood, no black eye and certainly no broken nose.

How do you righties explain this away now?

Why did he claim his head was banged in on the concrete? Why did he CLAIM he had a broken nose?

The man was lying, is lying and will continue to lie about the events to get himself out of trouble. What else is he lying about if he's willing to lie about such a basic and fundamental aspect of this case? Anyone that wants to defend him at this point is in league with a known killer.

I can't wait to see the hard RW flips and spin on this.
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It also never made sense why Treyvon Martin would "sneak up and attack" Zimmerman while he was on the phone with his girlfriend.
It also never made sense why Treyvon Martin would "sneak up and attack" Zimmerman while he was on the phone with his girlfriend.

Yep..and in a minute later..he was shot dead.

After completely overwhelming Zimmerman..who was really that quick on the draw.
It also never made sense why Treyvon Martin would "sneak up and attack" Zimmerman while he was on the phone with his girlfriend.

Ohh now RW you know how all those black males are ;)
they just lurk everywhere to get you.

Like Ninja assassins..they can vanish into thin air..then when you least expect it..get you with their deadly skittles and ice tea weapons.
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It also never made sense why Treyvon Martin would "sneak up and attack" Zimmerman while he was on the phone with his girlfriend.

Ohh now RW you know how all those black males are ;)
they just lurk everywhere to get you.

Like Ninja assassins..they can vanish into thin air..then when you least expect it..get you with their deadly skittles and ice tea weapons.

This thread is "Media"; I seem to get many topics under "POLITICAL DISCUSSION"...............
It also never made sense why Treyvon Martin would "sneak up and attack" Zimmerman while he was on the phone with his girlfriend.

It also never made sense why Treyvon Martin would "sneak up and attack" Zimmerman while he was on the phone with his girlfriend.

Yep..and in a minute later..he was shot dead.

After completely overwhelming Zimmerman..who was really that quick on the draw.

It also never made sense why Treyvon Martin would "sneak up and attack" Zimmerman while he was on the phone with his girlfriend.

Ohh now RW you know how all those black males are ;)
they just lurk everywhere to get you.
According to RW reports, false beliefs and talking's evident that Trayvon Martin was a ninja in training. That's the only way he could have been up to so much and so powerful in so little time.

I mean, these people are so blinded by their ideology, bias, prejudice and/or outright racism they are totally blinded to the facts, common sense and logic.

Sad really....:(
Duke Lacrosse Part Deux.....

Screw the investigation, skip the trial, let's go straight to the execution.

Not only conjecture, but strawman in one fell swoop.

LOL!!! :lol:
First of all, George Zimmerman isn't a right winger so stop pretending that he is. He's a registered Democrat for God's sake!

Secondly...what does that video supposedly show? That Zimmerman wasn't bleeding? If he were treated at the scene by EMT's should it suprise anyone that he wasn't bleeding by the time he got to the police station? Does anyone know how much of a time lapse there was between the shooting and when that video was taken? It was raining that night and Zimmerman was outside. Does he look wet in that video? By your logic...that means he wasn't out in the rain?
First of all, George Zimmerman isn't a right winger so stop pretending that he is. He's a registered Democrat for God's sake!

Secondly...what does that video supposedly show? That Zimmerman wasn't bleeding? If he were treated at the scene by EMT's should it suprise anyone that he wasn't bleeding by the time he got to the police station? Does anyone know how much of a time lapse there was between the shooting and when that video was taken? It was raining that night and Zimmerman was outside. Does he look wet in that video? By your logic...that means he wasn't out in the rain?

What's the problem with a trial then?
First of all, George Zimmerman isn't a right winger so stop pretending that he is. He's a registered Democrat for God's sake!

Secondly...what does that video supposedly show? That Zimmerman wasn't bleeding? If he were treated at the scene by EMT's should it suprise anyone that he wasn't bleeding by the time he got to the police station? Does anyone know how much of a time lapse there was between the shooting and when that video was taken? It was raining that night and Zimmerman was outside. Does he look wet in that video? By your logic...that means he wasn't out in the rain?

Does he look injured in any way?
Isn't the claim that the dead victim Trayvon Martin was BASHING the killer, George Zimmerman's head in on the concrete?
Does it look at all that there's any evidence of that? The man has a short hair cut and you should be able to see clearly evidence of such blunt trauma.
And weren't ALL you MFers squawking and squealing about his broken FACT!?!?
What about that?
Quiet as a church mouse on that point now huh?
I see...

Buncha palookas...the lot of ya. :rolleyes:
Complete bull shit.

Most of us on the right have been simply insisting that the law run it's course. MOST of us are simply saying that we don't know and that YOU don't know what really happened. The left (except Dante) is on a lynch mob crusade to jail someone without knowing all the facts.

Most of us will tell you that we don't know whether Zimmerman is guilty or not. We just know that lynch mobs are wrong.

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