CNN’s Trump Tower Story Source ‘Doesn’t Exist,’ ‘Credibility Is Now Gone’


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

One fake story after another. No wonder the Home & Garden Channel beats their ratings.

As has been the case with CNN “bombshells” too many times before, nothing published by CNN ended up being true.

Not only has Lanny Davis said Cohen knows nothing about Trump having any foreknowledge of the meeting, Davis also admits he was a CNN source. This, of course, means Bernstein intentionally misled the public when he reported Davis was not a source for the story.

Nevertheless, even though the story has imploded, CNN has not only refused to correct or retract the false report but continues to stand by it, as does the now-disgraced Bernstein.

With Davis admitting he was the source, CNN has been claiming it has a another source, which is what Trump means when he is mocking their search for that “source.”

Much more @ Trump: CNN's Trump Tower Story Source 'Doesn't Exist,' 'Credibility Is Now Gone' | Breitbart w/links

Donald Trump Attacks ‘Sloppy’ and ‘Degenerate Fool’ Carl Bernstein for Bogus CNN Story @ Donald Trump Attacks 'Sloppy' and 'Degenerate Fool' Carl Bernstein for Bogus CNN Story | Breitbart

CNN had credibility at some point?

That's the fuckin headline. Next we'll find out there was something in Al Capone's vault after all.
Created News Network and their buddies at the Democratic National Committee (of fixers) don’t care about the facts. They got something they think their low info dupes will swallow and it’s off to the races. Only a small percentage of the losers will get that they’ve been had again but will be fine with it. Remaining stupid is easy for them.

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