CNN Truth Squad: Did Obama destroy the economy?


Fishing, oil are just a couple of the industries he has brought to a halt or slowed way down depending on your perspective.

Are you now going to try to argue that blocking the pipeline is a job creator?

So, Obama did WHAT, specifically? Doesn't Congress pass laws?

He appointed Progressive ideologues to head up the EPA and the Department of the Interior who then enforced new regulations without ever consulting Congress.

Idealogues are the only appointees he uses. The AG would be annoyed to know that you left him out.
So, Obama did WHAT, specifically? Doesn't Congress pass laws?

Now you are playing stupid. Is it intentional?

OK, that is twice you have refused to answer what should be a VERY easy question for an Obama hater such as yourself. Three strikes and you're out...

Who was it who initiated the moratorium on drilling in the Gulf and then, when the courts ruled that drilling should resume, stopped them them from resuming.

Was that Congress or the Administration?

A nation of laws or a nation of whims?
So, Obama did WHAT, specifically? Doesn't Congress pass laws?

Stop with this bullshit.

By your very explanation Bush then bare's no blame either.

Just stop

Fair enough. The GOP controlled Congress for 6 of his 8 years in office. Yes?

During the six years of moderately ridiculous overspending, the Republicans were in charge and the country recovered from the 9/11 recession and the unemployment rate was around 5%.

In the final two years of the Bush Administration, all controls on spending were released, the economy went into a dive and the business community stopped taking risks because the rewards were being systematically eliminated.

When you're right, you're right.
Your high figures for oil job losses are ridiculous....Yes, only the guy in AZ was responsible for the killings, and those who protect the rights of the insane and criminal to buy guns. ie Pub Dupes...
Stop with this bullshit.

By your very explanation Bush then bare's no blame either.

Just stop

Fair enough. The GOP controlled Congress for 6 of his 8 years in office. Yes?

During the six years of moderately ridiculous overspending, the Republicans were in charge and the country recovered from the 9/11 recession and the unemployment rate was around 5%.

In the final two years of the Bush Administration, all controls on spending were released, the economy went into a dive and the business community stopped taking risks because the rewards were being systematically eliminated.

When you're right, you're right.

And you're wrong. A)You know what a bubble is right? Especially a corrupt Pub one? Total corrupt incompetence in ALL things, including ignoring all signs all signs before 9/11...
The verdict:

False. The Obama administration's much-criticized efforts to revive the economy may not have lived up to their billing, but statistics show the bulk of the damage was done before he was sworn in.

Say it with me now...."Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh"

CNN Truth Squad: Did Obama destroy the economy? -

Yes he fucking did destroy the economy....

How does one create a socialist United States???

Through revolution or through economic destruction and slow progressive "change?"

Problem is that the "progressive change" just wasn't slow enough and and now people see the socialists for what they are and they will be halted without question and most certainly reprimanded for their treason...
Our health system was killing us (now at 18% of GDP, 45k deaths, 750k bankruptcies, ruining our global competitiveness, #37 in world, costs DOUBLED under Boooosh!)- but I see you're a brainwashed corporate tool...:eusa_angel:
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The banks are still pretty well regulated. The easing of the rules and the demands from government that lenders lend to to everyone who cannot afford to pay back the money is what led to the destruction of the economy.

Every bank operations center in the country has multiple people who do nothing else than assure that they are in compliance with the regulations under which they must operate.

if the Glass Steagall Act hadn't been repealed, this mess wouldn't have happened. The repeal was a necessary but not sufficient condition for the meltdown.

I don't get the necessary but not sufficient comment. Please explain.

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act allowed Commercail Banks, investment banks, security firms and insurance companies to consolodate, i.e. to become "to big to fail" and repealed Glass-Steagall's conflicts of interest provisions.

Seems to me the G-L-B Act, along with greed and a complete disregard for our country's economic health is one cause of our economic problems. Failure to regulate and enforce existing laws, cutting taxes and engaging in war, are a couple of others. There is no single cause, no single party or person to blame.

Conveniently, you left out Gov't spending. That's the straw that broke the camels back.

Also conveniently, you throw out the GLB, along with "greed" and other bull shit, that doesn't add up to a hill of beans! In the end, nobody forced the dumbass' to purchase mortgages that they could not afford. I mean come on! It's common sense! Don't sign the dotted line on something that certainly WILL come back and bite you in the ass! Nothing IS FREE!

The bottom line is that DEBT got us into this shit! Debt! Debt that nobody can afford. Spending by the Federal, State, local AND Personal got us into this mess, and it is what will keep us from recovering from it. I don't care how many regulations that are placed on the books, they will never be able to make up for the lack of finacial discipline required to keep a successful economy going.

The bottom line is, you can not afford to spend more than you take in, no matter what!
First Tarp was started by GW and second the stimulus bill was not part of tarp.

But thanks anyway....................

Oh now you like Tarp?

Why do you insist on using stupidity in your replies?

A more then fair question given this latest response of yours.

Dont try to reason with her, she is a...........

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The verdict:

False. The Obama administration's much-criticized efforts to revive the economy may not have lived up to their billing, but statistics show the bulk of the damage was done before he was sworn in.

Say it with me now...."Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh"

CNN Truth Squad: Did Obama destroy the economy? -

True. Bush put tanked it and put the economy in a hole. Then Obama came along with his heavy duty digging equipment and turned the hole into a canyon...
Our health system was killing us (now at 18% of GDP, 45k deaths, 750k bankruptcies, ruining our global competitiveness, #37 in world, costs DOUBLED under Boooosh!)- but I see you're a brainwashed corporate tool...:eusa_angel:

So in a socialized healthcare system, no one would die?
The verdict:

False. The Obama administration's much-criticized efforts to revive the economy may not have lived up to their billing, but statistics show the bulk of the damage was done before he was sworn in.

Say it with me now...."Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh"

CNN Truth Squad: Did Obama destroy the economy? -

Absolutely true.

However, the responses by the Obama administration have been very poor.

Which is why I probably won't be supporting him next year.

Poor? Or feasible.

Remember it was the Republicans that set the size of the stimulus before not voting for it. They also called Bernake treasonous over the quantitative easing.

It's fair to say Obama gave away much to much before going to the bargaining table.

But he has been trying.
Say it with me now...."Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh"

CNN Truth Squad: Did Obama destroy the economy? -

Absolutely true.

However, the responses by the Obama administration have been very poor.

Which is why I probably won't be supporting him next year.

Poor? Or feasible.

Remember it was the Republicans that set the size of the stimulus before not voting for it. They also called Bernake treasonous over the quantitative easing.

It's fair to say Obama gave away much to much before going to the bargaining table.

But he has been trying.

So now you are saying that Obama tried, but Bush didn't? :lol:
Obama inherited a disaster and no I don't think it was his fault.

He had two years with a supermajority and did nothing except get Obamacare passed. The economy wasn't even on his radar.

The fact that his polices and his stimulus package have done nothing to correct the problem or get the economy rolling is his fault.
if the Glass Steagall Act hadn't been repealed, this mess wouldn't have happened. The repeal was a necessary but not sufficient condition for the meltdown.

I don't get the necessary but not sufficient comment. Please explain.

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act allowed Commercail Banks, investment banks, security firms and insurance companies to consolodate, i.e. to become "to big to fail" and repealed Glass-Steagall's conflicts of interest provisions.

Seems to me the G-L-B Act, along with greed and a complete disregard for our country's economic health is one cause of our economic problems. Failure to regulate and enforce existing laws, cutting taxes and engaging in war, are a couple of others. There is no single cause, no single party or person to blame.

Conveniently, you left out Gov't spending. That's the straw that broke the camels back.

Also conveniently, you throw out the GLB, along with "greed" and other bull shit, that doesn't add up to a hill of beans! In the end, nobody forced the dumbass' to purchase mortgages that they could not afford. I mean come on! It's common sense! Don't sign the dotted line on something that certainly WILL come back and bite you in the ass! Nothing IS FREE!

The bottom line is that DEBT got us into this shit! Debt! Debt that nobody can afford. Spending by the Federal, State, local AND Personal got us into this mess, and it is what will keep us from recovering from it. I don't care how many regulations that are placed on the books, they will never be able to make up for the lack of finacial discipline required to keep a successful economy going.

The bottom line is, you can not afford to spend more than you take in, no matter what!

You're right and your wrong at the same time.

you can not afford to spend more than you take in

that's true.

but who is more responsible...unsophisticated investors/home buyers who are notorious in a consumer culture for buying things they can't afford....or the market creators/sophisticated businessmen/finance gurus whose job it is to know better, not sell to people they don't check out thoroughly, and who create debt instruments that they know are risky?

Sure. The population itself is somewhat to blame...but not as much as the financial sector. You know this, deep down, in places you don't like to talk about at cocktail parties.
Duh...blaming Obama for the economy is like blaming your hangover on the guy cleaning up your puke and making you breakfast.

Your analogy is flawed.

If Bush is responsible for giving us a Hangover. Then Obama is not the guy cleaning up the puke and making us breakfast.

He is the guy who hands you a beer when you wake up, and gets you to party even harder tonight, so your hang over will be even worse tomorrow morning.
Oh boy, a new "it's all Bush's fault" thread.

I think Obama should run on this.... or he can tout his record of inflation, worthless $, $15,000,000,000,000 debt. record deficits, monetizing debt, credit downgrade, 35,000,000 unemployed, record numbers of American on welfare and food stamps, record poverty, high energy prices, three wars, Obamacare, feckless foreign policy, crumbling housing market, crumbling stock markets, etc.
Duh...blaming Obama for the economy is like blaming your hangover on the guy cleaning up your puke and making you breakfast.

Your analogy is flawed.

If Bush is responsible for giving us a Hangover. Then Obama is not the guy cleaning up the puke and making us breakfast.

He is the guy who hands you a beer when you wake up, and gets you to party even harder tonight, so your hang over will be even worse tomorrow morning.

More like Obama's the guy that knows you have a drinking problem, so he get's you to try heroin.

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