CNN Sues.....

There are plenty of orgs that would like to take celebrity nuthouse nothing’s place in line. I suppose when the lawsuit gets them barred a REAL news org will take their space.

Or the presidential press briefing will stop all together.
Freedom of the Press doesn't include cutting in line, grabbing mics and assaulting WH employees.
CNN will lose because they are dumb liberal crackpots.
WHO was grabbing mics? Hint: It wasn't Acosta.
No, he just wouldn't release it. It's not his press conference. Its not his microphone. He got to make his statement instead of ask a question. His turn was over. At the point you are no longer recognized from the podium, you pass the mic, sit down and shut up. You don't pull away from the WH aide whose job it is to move the mic to the next person. Acosta was an ass looking to be part of the story. He should lose his job.
Freedom of the Press doesn't include cutting in line, grabbing mics and assaulting WH employees.
CNN will lose because they are dumb liberal crackpots.
WHO was grabbing mics? Hint: It wasn't Acosta.
No, he just wouldn't release it. It's not his press conference. Its not his microphone. He got to make his statement instead of ask a question. His turn was over. At the point you are no longer recognized from the podium, you pass the mic, sit down and shut up. You don't pull away from the WH aide whose job it is to move the mic to the next person. Acosta was an ass looking to be part of the story. He should lose his job.
Ok, but he didn’t assault her, right? Just be honest
Under the rubric of 'knowing on which side your bread is buttered.....'

1. "CNN sues President Trump and White House for banning reporter Jim Acosta"
CNN sues President Trump and White House for banning reporter Jim Acosta related stories, sans lawsuits....

2. “But Trump's anti-press bluster aside, there's a clear blueprint to follow — courtesy of Barack Obama, who once claimed that he would be the most transparent president ever but proved to be no friend to press rights.

Under Obama, the Justice Department subpoenaed the telephone records of AP journalists as investigators pursued a leak.

…what happened under Obama set an ominous tone for reporters who were trying to do their jobs of informing the public.

So did the Obama administration's record-breaking use of an arcane century-old law — the Espionage Act — which it used nine times to pursue leakers.” Shocked by Trump aggression against reporters and sources? The blueprint was made by Obama

3. “Weeks before President Barack Obama was to leave office, [James] Risen wrote in the Times, “If Donald J. Trump decides as president to throw a whistle-blower in jail for trying to talk to a reporter, or gets the F.B.I. to spy on a journalist, he will have one man to thank for bequeathing him such expansive power: Barack Obama.”

The Obama administration's aggressiveness on this front mushroomed into a scandal in spring 2013, as revelations surfaced that the Justice Department had subpoenaed two months’ worth of phone records of Associated Press journalists, and that it had named James Rosen, then of Fox News, as a potential co-conspirator in a criminal leak as it pursued his reportorial records.

Which is to say that entangling the media in leak investigations isn’t a Trump-era outrage; there’s nothing here for Trump to “normalize.”
Opinion | Seizing journalists’ records: An outrage that Obama ‘normalized’ for Trump

4. “…many journalism groups say the record is clear. Over the past eight years, the administration has prosecuted nine cases involving whistle-blowers and leakers, compared with only three by all previous administrations combined. It has repeatedly used the Espionage Act, a relic of World War I-era red-baiting, not to prosecute spies but to go after government officials who talked to journalists.

Under Mr. Obama, the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting and issued subpoenas to other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases.”
Opinion | If Donald Trump Targets Journalists, Thank Obama

5. “…about the media that undercut Obama’s credibility with the absurd claim that he — unlike Trump — didn’t “threaten the freedom of the press.” Baloney.” Before Trump, Obama was an 'enemy of press freedom'

Which reminds us that the only place on finds justice is the dictionary and the cemetery.

Why do you hate Obama?

BTW, there's somethings Donald Trump and you need to read:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”


"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Of course you and he have no code of ethics, or any ethics for that matter, and will continue to sully everyone who holds no loyalty to him and you, or to any part of the Constitution which conflicts with your wants.

"BTW, there's somethings Donald Trump and you need to read:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”


"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

It is only the Left/Democrats/Liberals who demand restrictions on free speech.

Here's a real Liberal documenting same:


If you ever get around to reading a book.....

....silly me.

Send me an executive summary and I'll read it. Notwithstanding your silly ad hominem I read a very interesting op-ed by Ms. Powers.

You and other readers might enjoy this piece written for the USA Today:

CNN's Kirsten Powers' Op-Ed: I Thought My Sexual Assault Was My Fault | HuffPost

Gads, you Liberals are dumb.....and lazy.

Here's part of my notes....

Silencing The Right

1. As true sons and daughters of the German totalitarian inclination, contemporary Liberals, Progressives, Democrats try their utmost to silence any voices that they determine to be iterations of their own views.

And by 'their views,' I refer to the supremacy of the state, the collective, over the individual.

a. The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

2. The staging area for incipient totalitarians is, of course, the university system, where huge dollops of indoctrination are doled out, and no adverse information is tolerated.

Dennis Prager gives this overview:

Leftism is so pervasive, that if applied to any other way of looking at life, it would be widely recognized as a form of brainwashing! Image a person who attended only fundamental Christian schools from preschool through graduate school, who never saw a secular, let alone anti-Christian, film, and who only read religious books. Most would say that they had been ‘brainwashed.” Yet, we regularly find individuals who only attended secular liberal schools from preschool through college, watched or listened to only Left-of-center television, movies, music, and had essentially no exposure to religious or conservative ideas. Brainwashed?

Of course not! Liberals are open-minded!!! The irony here is that the denial itself shows how very effective the brainwashing has been.

Now, Christians or Jews who have rarely been exposed to secular ideas and values would readily acknowledge same. It is only those on the Left who fool themselves into believing that they have been exposed to all points of view.

a. Universities have become to Liberalism what a Christian seminary is to Christianity. The difference is that Christian seminaries acknowledge their purpose, to produce committed Christians.

b. “The purpose of a university should be to make a son as unlike his father as possible.”
" The University's Part in Political Life” (13 March 1909) in PWW (The Papers of Woodrow Wilson) 19:99.
As Lord Acton stated, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely?"
Such is clearly seen in academia, where diversity of opinion is forbidden.
As Lord Acton stated, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely?"
Such is clearly seen in academia, where diversity of opinion is forbidden.

And that corruption appears in the very area in which America was once the ideal of the world: free speech.

3. Exactly can be seen in the university system, "with a spate of high-profile2014 commencement speech cancelations and forced withdrawls. These were spurred by the protesets of lefty students and professors outraged that someone who held views with which they disagreed, such as support fo rthe Iraq War or capitalism, would be allowed to deliver a commencement address.

According to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE),....during the twenty-two years between 1987 and 2008,138 protests of planned campus speech led to 62 incidents of an invited guest not speaking. the six years- 2009 through 2014- 151 protests have caused cancellation of 62 speeches."

Kirsten Powers, "The Silencing: How The Left Is Killing Free Speech,"

4. " CAMBRIDGE — Michael R. Bloomberg implored Harvard University graduates Thursday to ardently defend the rights of others, citing what he described as growing intolerance for different religions, political ideas, and even college commencement speakers.

“Tolerance for other people’s ideas and the freedom to express your own are . . . perpetually vulnerable to the tyrannical tendencies of monarchs, mobs, and majorities, and lately we’ve seen those tendencies manifest themselves too often, both on college campuses and in our society,”....

Bloomberg also condemned how, he said, college campuses seem to increasingly profess only liberal viewpoints and refuse to listen to conservative ideas. “

"A liberal arts education must not be the art of liberalism,” he said.

....he was disturbed by how numerous commencement speakers either had invitations rescinded or decided themselves to cancel appearances amid protests over their views or actions."
In Harvard commencement speech, Michael Bloomberg assails lack of political diversity at college campuses - The Boston Globe

5. ... it’s a school’s obligation to teach them not what to think, but how to think critically, including listening to the other side and considering other people’s points of view. “The more we accept political diversity, the healthier we are, and the stronger our society will be,” ...."
Michael Bloomberg Delivers Harvard Commencement Speech

Seems that Major Bloomberg is the right kind of Liberal: he's calling the other kind exactly what they are: fascists.


6. How do universities decide which speakers are "acceptable"?
Here.....take a peek into the sort of decision making that goes on:

“…the Jesuit college Fordham University welcomed infanticide and bestiality advocate Peter Singer for a panel discussion on Friday.

Singer has long lamented the societal stigma against having sex with animals. “Not so long ago,” Singer wrote in one essay, “any form of sexuality not leading to the conception of children was seen as, at best, wanton lust, or worse, a perversion. One by one, the taboos have fallen. But … not every taboo has crumbled.”

In the essay, titled “Heavy Petting,” Singer concluded that “sex across the species barrier,” while not normal, “ceases to be an offence [sic] to our status and dignity as human beings.” “Occasionally mutually satisfying activities may develop” when humans have sex with their pets, he claimed.

In addition to supporting bestiality and immediately granting equal legal rights to animals, Singer has also advocated euthanizing the mentally ill and aborting disabled infants on utilitarian grounds.

In his 1993 essay “Taking Life,” Singer, in a section called “Justifying Infanticide and Non-Voluntary Euthanasia,” wrote that “killing a disabled infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person.”
Campus president condemns Coulter event, silent as professor who calls sex with animals potentially ‘satisfying’ speaks

The very same Fordham effectively barred conservative columnist Ann Coulter from speaking on campus last week,
The Jesuit university’s president, Joseph M.McShane wrote in a statement the day before the Coulter speaking engagement was canceled. “There are many people who can speak to the conservative point of view with integrity and conviction, but Ms. Coulter is not among them. Her rhetoric is often hateful and needlessly provocative — more heat than light — and her message is aimed squarely at the darker side of our nature.” Op.Cit.
Campus president condemns Coulter event, silent as professor who calls sex with animals potentially ‘satisfying’ speaks

Have a better example of "Silencing The Right"?


7. Earlier I pointed out the relationship of Liberal/fascist thinking in demands for bowing the head and bending of the knee in respect for big government and the collective.

It's a good time to point out that the view was propounded by the neoMarxist 'Frankfurt School' brought here during WWII.

"Herbert Marcuse (German: [maʀˈkuːzə]; July 19, 1898 – July 29, 1979) was a German-Americanphilosopher, sociologist, and political theorist, associated with the Frankfurt School of critical theory."

Herbert Marcuse - Wikipedia

Proving that there is nary a difference between communists, fascists,....and Liberals, Marcuse wrote strongly in favor of shutting off opposing voices, and that curbing freedom of expression in favor of leftist ideological aims is absolutely necessary.

From Marxist tactician Marcuse:

"...define the direction in which prevailing institutions, policies, opinions would have to be changed in order to improve the chance of a peace which is not identical with cold war and a little hot war, and a satisfaction of needs which does not feed on poverty, oppression, and exploitation. Consequently, it is also possible to identify policies, opinions, movements which would promote this chance, and those which would do the opposite. Suppression of the regressive ones is a prerequisite for the strengthening of the progressive ones."

Repressive Tolerance, by Herbert Marcuse (1965)

How many good little Liberals, or Progressives, have mindlessly marched down this totalitarian path....

...yet still imagine that they support liberty, free speech, and the unalienable rights that are mentioned in the Declaration of Independence ?

It is no wonder they are identified as 'useful idiots'.... propagandists for a cause whose goals they are not fully aware of, and who are used cynically by the leaders of the cause."


Be prepared for a quiz.....

This ^^^ is not an executive summary. One, maybe two paragraphs of salient points; one of my English Teacher's, Mrs. Lynch one said, Edit, edit, edit.

BTW, did you read the op-ed and Ms. Powers conclusion on the Kavanaugh confirmation?
"CNN and Acosta attempt to portray the suspension as a reaction to the "content" of Acosta's reporting:

But on November 7, 2018, Defendants revoked Acosta’s White House credentials because, in the President’s own words, Acosta failed to “treat the White House with respect” at a White House press briefing. This severe and unprecedented punishment is the culmination of years of hostility by President Trump against CNN and Acosta based on the contents of their reporting—an unabashed attempt to censor the press and exclude reporters from the White House
who challenge and dispute the President’s point of view.

That plainly is a false accusation. Acosta has been a showman and loudmouth for years at these press briefings. He only lost his pass when he got physical with an intern and refused to relinquish the microphone."
CNN sues Trump over suspension of Jim Acosta's press pass after he got physical with White House intern (Update: Hearing 11/14/18 3:30 p.m.)
Freedom of the Press doesn't include cutting in line, grabbing mics and assaulting WH employees.
CNN will lose because they are dumb liberal crackpots.
WHO was grabbing mics? Hint: It wasn't Acosta.
No, he just wouldn't release it. It's not his press conference. Its not his microphone. He got to make his statement instead of ask a question. His turn was over. At the point you are no longer recognized from the podium, you pass the mic, sit down and shut up. You don't pull away from the WH aide whose job it is to move the mic to the next person. Acosta was an ass looking to be part of the story. He should lose his job.
Ok, but he didn’t assault her, right? Just be honest

You've been told several times, and had it proven, with video evidence, that he did just that.

Clearly you are a lying low life.
Freedom of the Press doesn't include cutting in line, grabbing mics and assaulting WH employees.
CNN will lose because they are dumb liberal crackpots.
WHO was grabbing mics? Hint: It wasn't Acosta.
No, he just wouldn't release it. It's not his press conference. Its not his microphone. He got to make his statement instead of ask a question. His turn was over. At the point you are no longer recognized from the podium, you pass the mic, sit down and shut up. You don't pull away from the WH aide whose job it is to move the mic to the next person. Acosta was an ass looking to be part of the story. He should lose his job.
Ok, but he didn’t assault her, right? Just be honest

You've been told several times, and had it proven, with video evidence, that he did just that.

Clearly you are a lying low life.
You’re delusional. She reached into his body to grab the mic and he reacted how anybody would react if somebody were to violate your personal space by knocking her arm away. Not even close to an assault you snowflake.
Freedom of the Press doesn't include cutting in line, grabbing mics and assaulting WH employees.
CNN will lose because they are dumb liberal crackpots.
WHO was grabbing mics? Hint: It wasn't Acosta.
No, he just wouldn't release it. It's not his press conference. Its not his microphone. He got to make his statement instead of ask a question. His turn was over. At the point you are no longer recognized from the podium, you pass the mic, sit down and shut up. You don't pull away from the WH aide whose job it is to move the mic to the next person. Acosta was an ass looking to be part of the story. He should lose his job.
Ok, but he didn’t assault her, right? Just be honest
Assault? No. Being an ass and using his arm to deflect her from doing her job to take the mic and give it to the next person recognized? Yes. If he can't follow the rules, he doesn't deserve to participate. His rights were not violated. There are many, many other journalists with hard passes allowed into the press briefings who can report to the American people and CNN can assign someone else the task. They will not win their case. CNN needs to fire his ass. That's what would happen in my job and most everyone else's. CNN and Acosta are active participants in the resistance and have made themselves part of the story instead of being journalists and reporting. Right? Just be honest.
Freedom of the Press doesn't include cutting in line, grabbing mics and assaulting WH employees.
CNN will lose because they are dumb liberal crackpots.
WHO was grabbing mics? Hint: It wasn't Acosta.
No, he just wouldn't release it. It's not his press conference. Its not his microphone. He got to make his statement instead of ask a question. His turn was over. At the point you are no longer recognized from the podium, you pass the mic, sit down and shut up. You don't pull away from the WH aide whose job it is to move the mic to the next person. Acosta was an ass looking to be part of the story. He should lose his job.
Ok, but he didn’t assault her, right? Just be honest

You've been told several times, and had it proven, with video evidence, that he did just that.

Clearly you are a lying low life.
You’re delusional. She reached into his body to grab the mic and he reacted how anybody would react if somebody were to violate your personal space by knocking her arm away. Not even close to an assault you snowflake.
It's not his mic and he no longer had the floor. He prevented the aide from doing her job because he wanted attention. His actions were clearly wrong.
Freedom of the Press doesn't include cutting in line, grabbing mics and assaulting WH employees.
CNN will lose because they are dumb liberal crackpots.
WHO was grabbing mics? Hint: It wasn't Acosta.
No, he just wouldn't release it. It's not his press conference. Its not his microphone. He got to make his statement instead of ask a question. His turn was over. At the point you are no longer recognized from the podium, you pass the mic, sit down and shut up. You don't pull away from the WH aide whose job it is to move the mic to the next person. Acosta was an ass looking to be part of the story. He should lose his job.
Ok, but he didn’t assault her, right? Just be honest
Assault? No. Being an ass and using his arm to deflect her from doing her job to take the mic and give it to the next person recognized? Yes. If he can't follow the rules, he doesn't deserve to participate. His rights were not violated. There are many, many other journalists with hard passes allowed into the press briefings who can report to the American people and CNN can assign someone else the task. They will not win their case. CNN needs to fire his ass. That's what would happen in my job and most everyone else's. CNN and Acosta are active participants in the resistance and have made themselves part of the story instead of being journalists and reporting. Right? Just be honest.
I’ve been honest and have said that Acosta was and is an ass. There is a process to revoke a hard pass. The White House could have warned him about interruptions and if he violated the warning then take his pass away. But don’t make up a bogus assault charge and push an edited video to make it look like he hit a girl. That’s ridiculous. And then you have all these Trump puppets trying to back up the assault claim. It’s laughable.
WHO was grabbing mics? Hint: It wasn't Acosta.
No, he just wouldn't release it. It's not his press conference. Its not his microphone. He got to make his statement instead of ask a question. His turn was over. At the point you are no longer recognized from the podium, you pass the mic, sit down and shut up. You don't pull away from the WH aide whose job it is to move the mic to the next person. Acosta was an ass looking to be part of the story. He should lose his job.
Ok, but he didn’t assault her, right? Just be honest

You've been told several times, and had it proven, with video evidence, that he did just that.

Clearly you are a lying low life.
You’re delusional. She reached into his body to grab the mic and he reacted how anybody would react if somebody were to violate your personal space by knocking her arm away. Not even close to an assault you snowflake.
It's not his mic and he no longer had the floor. He prevented the aide from doing her job because he wanted attention. His actions were clearly wrong.
That’s fine, he should have been warned and she didn’t need to reach in and try to grab the mic. It’s certainly not assault for him to block her arm as she reached in.
The Trump administration's motion to dismiss CNN's lawsuit said Acosta “disrupted the fair and orderly administration of a press conference” when he refused to give up the microphone last week during a heated confrontation with President Trump. And it wasn't the 1st time either, which gives rise to the question of whether the President has the right to deny access to those who have been deemed to be disruptive. One could make the argument that by denying the microphone to the young lady who was reaching for it, Acosta did disrupt the fair and orderly administration of a press conference. I dunno about the charge of assault or battery, that seems a bit too farfetched to me but I'd leave that distinction to the courts.

And I was wondering if a person is deemed to be disrespectful to the President, can he or she be removed from the WH and denied future access for that reason? I would think so, and the person to decide that should be the President himself.

Beyond that, the WH response also said: “No journalist has a First Amendment right to enter the White House and the President need not survive First Amendment scrutiny whenever he exercises his discretion to deny an individual journalist one of the many hundreds of passes granting on-demand access to the White House complex,” the motion stated. Interesting to see if the courts agree with that. It didn't appear to me that Acosta was denied access due to his disagreements with the President, he did after all get to ask his 2 questions before going off on his tirade. This was not a debate situation where arguments are made, this was a briefing where reporters ask questions. I think Acosta was out of line and deserved to be denied further access.
Last edited:
Freedom of the Press doesn't include cutting in line, grabbing mics and assaulting WH employees.
CNN will lose because they are dumb liberal crackpots.
WHO was grabbing mics? Hint: It wasn't Acosta.
No, he just wouldn't release it. It's not his press conference. Its not his microphone. He got to make his statement instead of ask a question. His turn was over. At the point you are no longer recognized from the podium, you pass the mic, sit down and shut up. You don't pull away from the WH aide whose job it is to move the mic to the next person. Acosta was an ass looking to be part of the story. He should lose his job.
Ok, but he didn’t assault her, right? Just be honest

You've been told several times, and had it proven, with video evidence, that he did just that.

Clearly you are a lying low life.
You’re delusional. She reached into his body to grab the mic and he reacted how anybody would react if somebody were to violate your personal space by knocking her arm away. Not even close to an assault you snowflake.

You can keep tap-dancing, but everyone knows you're lying.
WHO was grabbing mics? Hint: It wasn't Acosta.
No, he just wouldn't release it. It's not his press conference. Its not his microphone. He got to make his statement instead of ask a question. His turn was over. At the point you are no longer recognized from the podium, you pass the mic, sit down and shut up. You don't pull away from the WH aide whose job it is to move the mic to the next person. Acosta was an ass looking to be part of the story. He should lose his job.
Ok, but he didn’t assault her, right? Just be honest

You've been told several times, and had it proven, with video evidence, that he did just that.

Clearly you are a lying low life.
You’re delusional. She reached into his body to grab the mic and he reacted how anybody would react if somebody were to violate your personal space by knocking her arm away. Not even close to an assault you snowflake.

You can keep tap-dancing, but everyone knows you're lying.
Let’s make this really simple... did she reach in across his body and try to grab the mic? Yes or no
No, he just wouldn't release it. It's not his press conference. Its not his microphone. He got to make his statement instead of ask a question. His turn was over. At the point you are no longer recognized from the podium, you pass the mic, sit down and shut up. You don't pull away from the WH aide whose job it is to move the mic to the next person. Acosta was an ass looking to be part of the story. He should lose his job.
Ok, but he didn’t assault her, right? Just be honest

You've been told several times, and had it proven, with video evidence, that he did just that.

Clearly you are a lying low life.
You’re delusional. She reached into his body to grab the mic and he reacted how anybody would react if somebody were to violate your personal space by knocking her arm away. Not even close to an assault you snowflake.

You can keep tap-dancing, but everyone knows you're lying.
Let’s make this really simple... did she reach in across his body and try to grab the mic? Yes or no

Amusing that the term 'simple' doesn't lodge in your throat, you being as mentally and morally 'simple' as you are.

But....what the heck.....let's smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser:

1. Here's Acosta using a karate-like chop on the young lady's elbow:

2. Then he claims he never touched her.

"CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern"
CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern

3. Then CNN says it's about silencing what the assaulter says....

"CNN and Acosta attempt to portray the suspension as a reaction to the "content" of Acosta's reporting:

But on November 7, 2018, Defendants revoked Acosta’s White House credentials because, in the President’s own words, Acosta failed to “treat the White House with respect” at a White House press briefing. This severe and unprecedented punishment is the culmination of years of hostility by President Trump against CNN and Acosta based on the contents of their reporting—an unabashed attempt to censor the press and exclude reporters from the White House
who challenge and dispute the President’s point of view.

That plainly is a false accusation. Acosta has been a showman and loudmouth for years at these press briefings. He only lost his pass when he got physical with an intern and refused to relinquish the microphone."
CNN sues Trump over suspension of Jim Acosta's press pass after he got physical with White House intern (Update: Hearing 11/14/18 3:30 p.m.)

Now.....don't forget:
Save the barrel…and you can go back to being a rodeo clown.

Last edited:
Ok, but he didn’t assault her, right? Just be honest

You've been told several times, and had it proven, with video evidence, that he did just that.

Clearly you are a lying low life.
You’re delusional. She reached into his body to grab the mic and he reacted how anybody would react if somebody were to violate your personal space by knocking her arm away. Not even close to an assault you snowflake.

You can keep tap-dancing, but everyone knows you're lying.
Let’s make this really simple... did she reach in across his body and try to grab the mic? Yes or no

Amusing that the term 'simple' doesn't lodge in your throat, you being as mentally and morally 'simple' as you are.

But....what the heck.....let's smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser:

1. Here's Acosta using a karate-like chop on the young lady's elbow:

2. Then he claims he never touched her.

"CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern"
CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern

3. Then CNN says it's about silencing what the assaulter says....

"CNN and Acosta attempt to portray the suspension as a reaction to the "content" of Acosta's reporting:

But on November 7, 2018, Defendants revoked Acosta’s White House credentials because, in the President’s own words, Acosta failed to “treat the White House with respect” at a White House press briefing. This severe and unprecedented punishment is the culmination of years of hostility by President Trump against CNN and Acosta based on the contents of their reporting—an unabashed attempt to censor the press and exclude reporters from the White House
who challenge and dispute the President’s point of view.

That plainly is a false accusation. Acosta has been a showman and loudmouth for years at these press briefings. He only lost his pass when he got physical with an intern and refused to relinquish the microphone."
CNN sues Trump over suspension of Jim Acosta's press pass after he got physical with White House intern (Update: Hearing 11/14/18 3:30 p.m.)

Now.....don't forget:
Save the barrel…and you can go back to being a rodeo clown.

How about you answer my very easy yes or no question instead of ignoring it and pasting a bunch of crap that you’ve already posted. I’m not going to take the time to read anything you write if you are going to ignore my questions. Care to try again?
Ok, but he didn’t assault her, right? Just be honest

You've been told several times, and had it proven, with video evidence, that he did just that.

Clearly you are a lying low life.
You’re delusional. She reached into his body to grab the mic and he reacted how anybody would react if somebody were to violate your personal space by knocking her arm away. Not even close to an assault you snowflake.

You can keep tap-dancing, but everyone knows you're lying.
Let’s make this really simple... did she reach in across his body and try to grab the mic? Yes or no

Amusing that the term 'simple' doesn't lodge in your throat, you being as mentally and morally 'simple' as you are.

But....what the heck.....let's smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser:

1. Here's Acosta using a karate-like chop on the young lady's elbow:

2. Then he claims he never touched her.

"CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern"
CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern

3. Then CNN says it's about silencing what the assaulter says....

"CNN and Acosta attempt to portray the suspension as a reaction to the "content" of Acosta's reporting:

But on November 7, 2018, Defendants revoked Acosta’s White House credentials because, in the President’s own words, Acosta failed to “treat the White House with respect” at a White House press briefing. This severe and unprecedented punishment is the culmination of years of hostility by President Trump against CNN and Acosta based on the contents of their reporting—an unabashed attempt to censor the press and exclude reporters from the White House
who challenge and dispute the President’s point of view.

That plainly is a false accusation. Acosta has been a showman and loudmouth for years at these press briefings. He only lost his pass when he got physical with an intern and refused to relinquish the microphone."
CNN sues Trump over suspension of Jim Acosta's press pass after he got physical with White House intern (Update: Hearing 11/14/18 3:30 p.m.)

Now.....don't forget:
Save the barrel…and you can go back to being a rodeo clown.

This is too good. Your arguments are soooo dumb. Here since you are acting like a child I’ll use a child like argument to prove you wrong and rip apart each of your points.

1. Twice she tried to reach in for the mic and he recoiled. The third time she quickly reached in and he reacted by blocking her arm as he recoiled for a third time. He immediately said “pardon”. There was no aggression from Acosta, she made the move and instigated contact.

2. His hand was never on her. Look for yourself his wrist was touching her as her arm was reaching across his body.

3. This point is irrelevant to our argument about whether he assaulted her or not.

You’re done
You've been told several times, and had it proven, with video evidence, that he did just that.

Clearly you are a lying low life.
You’re delusional. She reached into his body to grab the mic and he reacted how anybody would react if somebody were to violate your personal space by knocking her arm away. Not even close to an assault you snowflake.

You can keep tap-dancing, but everyone knows you're lying.
Let’s make this really simple... did she reach in across his body and try to grab the mic? Yes or no

Amusing that the term 'simple' doesn't lodge in your throat, you being as mentally and morally 'simple' as you are.

But....what the heck.....let's smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser:

1. Here's Acosta using a karate-like chop on the young lady's elbow:

2. Then he claims he never touched her.

"CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern"
CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern

3. Then CNN says it's about silencing what the assaulter says....

"CNN and Acosta attempt to portray the suspension as a reaction to the "content" of Acosta's reporting:

But on November 7, 2018, Defendants revoked Acosta’s White House credentials because, in the President’s own words, Acosta failed to “treat the White House with respect” at a White House press briefing. This severe and unprecedented punishment is the culmination of years of hostility by President Trump against CNN and Acosta based on the contents of their reporting—an unabashed attempt to censor the press and exclude reporters from the White House
who challenge and dispute the President’s point of view.

That plainly is a false accusation. Acosta has been a showman and loudmouth for years at these press briefings. He only lost his pass when he got physical with an intern and refused to relinquish the microphone."
CNN sues Trump over suspension of Jim Acosta's press pass after he got physical with White House intern (Update: Hearing 11/14/18 3:30 p.m.)

Now.....don't forget:
Save the barrel…and you can go back to being a rodeo clown.

How about you answer my very easy yes or no question instead of ignoring it and pasting a bunch of crap that you’ve already posted. I’m not going to take the time to read anything you write if you are going to ignore my questions. Care to try again?


Sure thing...

1. Here's Acosta using a karate-like chop on the young lady's elbow:

2. Then he claims he never touched her.

"CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern"
CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern

3. Then CNN says it's about silencing what the assaulter says....

"CNN and Acosta attempt to portray the suspension as a reaction to the "content" of Acosta's reporting:

But on November 7, 2018, Defendants revoked Acosta’s White House credentials because, in the President’s own words, Acosta failed to “treat the White House with respect” at a White House press briefing. This severe and unprecedented punishment is the culmination of years of hostility by President Trump against CNN and Acosta based on the contents of their reporting—an unabashed attempt to censor the press and exclude reporters from the White House
who challenge and dispute the President’s point of view.

That plainly is a false accusation. Acosta has been a showman and loudmouth for years at these press briefings. He only lost his pass when he got physical with an intern and refused to relinquish the microphone."
CNN sues Trump over suspension of Jim Acosta's press pass after he got physical with White House intern (Update: Hearing 11/14/18 3:30 p.m.)

Some people see you as half empty, I see you as being half full of it.
You've been told several times, and had it proven, with video evidence, that he did just that.

Clearly you are a lying low life.
You’re delusional. She reached into his body to grab the mic and he reacted how anybody would react if somebody were to violate your personal space by knocking her arm away. Not even close to an assault you snowflake.

You can keep tap-dancing, but everyone knows you're lying.
Let’s make this really simple... did she reach in across his body and try to grab the mic? Yes or no

Amusing that the term 'simple' doesn't lodge in your throat, you being as mentally and morally 'simple' as you are.

But....what the heck.....let's smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser:

1. Here's Acosta using a karate-like chop on the young lady's elbow:

2. Then he claims he never touched her.

"CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern"
CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern

3. Then CNN says it's about silencing what the assaulter says....

"CNN and Acosta attempt to portray the suspension as a reaction to the "content" of Acosta's reporting:

But on November 7, 2018, Defendants revoked Acosta’s White House credentials because, in the President’s own words, Acosta failed to “treat the White House with respect” at a White House press briefing. This severe and unprecedented punishment is the culmination of years of hostility by President Trump against CNN and Acosta based on the contents of their reporting—an unabashed attempt to censor the press and exclude reporters from the White House
who challenge and dispute the President’s point of view.

That plainly is a false accusation. Acosta has been a showman and loudmouth for years at these press briefings. He only lost his pass when he got physical with an intern and refused to relinquish the microphone."
CNN sues Trump over suspension of Jim Acosta's press pass after he got physical with White House intern (Update: Hearing 11/14/18 3:30 p.m.)

Now.....don't forget:
Save the barrel…and you can go back to being a rodeo clown.

This is too good. Your arguments are soooo dumb. Here since you are acting like a child I’ll use a child like argument to prove you wrong and rip apart each of your points.

1. Twice she tried to reach in for the mic and he recoiled. The third time she quickly reached in and he reacted by blocking her arm as he recoiled for a third time. He immediately said “pardon”. There was no aggression from Acosta, she made the move and instigated contact.

2. His hand was never on her. Look for yourself his wrist was touching her as her arm was reaching across his body.

3. This point is irrelevant to our argument about whether he assaulted her or not.

You’re done

I didn't 'make an argument'....

I provided proof that you are a lying low-life.


But....what the heck.....let's smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser:

1. Here's Acosta using a karate-like chop on the young lady's elbow:

2. Then he claims he never touched her.

"CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern"
CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern

3. Then CNN says it's about silencing what the assaulter says....

"CNN and Acosta attempt to portray the suspension as a reaction to the "content" of Acosta's reporting:

But on November 7, 2018, Defendants revoked Acosta’s White House credentials because, in the President’s own words, Acosta failed to “treat the White House with respect” at a White House press briefing. This severe and unprecedented punishment is the culmination of years of hostility by President Trump against CNN and Acosta based on the contents of their reporting—an unabashed attempt to censor the press and exclude reporters from the White House
who challenge and dispute the President’s point of view.

That plainly is a false accusation. Acosta has been a showman and loudmouth for years at these press briefings. He only lost his pass when he got physical with an intern and refused to relinquish the microphone."
CNN sues Trump over suspension of Jim Acosta's press pass after he got physical with White House intern (Update: Hearing 11/14/18 3:30 p.m.)

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