CNN Analyst: 'Train' Young Journalists to 'Do Away' with Conservative Media


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
CNN Analyst: 'Train' Young Journalists to 'Do Away' with Conservative Media

CNN Analyst: 'Train' Young Journalists to 'Do Away' with Conservative Media
10 Jul 19 ~ By Mark Finkelstein
Tucker Carlson and Rep. Ilhan Omar got into a dust-up yesterday, and CNN analyst Errol Louis took advantage to make a pitch for training more liberal journalists and using them to "do away" with conservative media. On his Fox News show om Tuesday night, Carlson said that Omar "hates this country more than ever," and that Omar "is living proof that the way we practice immigration has become dangerous to this country."
Co-host John Berman, after claiming that "many" found Carlson's comments on Omar to have been "flat-out racist," invited CNN analyst Errol Louis to comment. Louis proceeded to call for a new cadre of young liberal journalists to be trained, with the express being to "do away" with that "racist garbage" like Carlson's show. Here was Louis:
"We need to train young people, get them into the media, get them into broadcasting, and do away with that stuff [the "racist garbage" of Tucker and "talk radio"], so it will just be a bad memory."​
Get the rest of the story and view the video here.
CNN Analyst: 'Train' Young Journalists to 'Do Away' with Conservative Media

So desperate liberals are now that they outright say what their intentions are with out disguise.
As if the MSM isn’t already overrun with liberals, CNN analyst wants to train more of them in order to “do away” with conservative media. We can only believe the Colleges turning out these Leftist Journ0lists are failing in their objectives. So in other words Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA talking heads, journ0ists, and drive by media seek to destroy Free Speech, and our First Amendment rights. They don't even try to disguise it anymore.
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The problem here is that networks are run by ancients who still have the mindset that it is the 80's and there are limited channel spaces available, or that people even need TV for news.

"We need to train young people, get them into the media, get them into broadcasting, and do away with that stuff [the "racist garbage" of Tucker and "talk radio"], so it will just be a bad memory."

They have already done that. Just watch CNN. A gaggle of intellectually stunted rubber-stamping shitheads bereft of all logic and common sense. Their nonsense is obtuse with full intent.
aN Analyst: 'Train' Young Journalists to 'Do Away' with Conservative Media

CNN Analyst: 'Train' Young Journalists to 'Do Away' with Conservative Media
10 Jul 19 ~ By Mark Finkelstein
Tucker Carlson and Rep. Ilhan Omar got into a dust-up yesterday, and CNN analyst Errol Louis took advantage to make a pitch for training more liberal journalists and using them to "do away" with conservative media. On his Fox News show om Tuesday night, Carlson said that Omar "hates this country more than ever," and that Omar "is living proof that the way we practice immigration has become dangerous to this country."
Co-host John Berman, after claiming that "many" found Carlson's comments on Omar to have been "flat-out racist," invited CNN analyst Errol Louis to comment. Louis proceeded to call for a new cadre of young liberal journalists to be trained, with the express being to "do away" with that "racist garbage" like Carlson's show. Here was Louis:
"We need to train young people, get them into the media, get them into broadcasting, and do away with that stuff [the "racist garbage" of Tucker and "talk radio"], so it will just be a bad memory."​
Get the rest of the story and view the video here.
CNN Analyst: 'Train' Young Journalists to 'Do Away' with Conservative Media

So desperate liberals are now that they outright say what their intentions are with out disguise.
As if the MSM isn’t already overrun with liberals, CNN analyst wants to train more of them in order to “do away” with conservative media. We can only believe the Colleges turning out these Leftist Journ0lists are failing in their objectives. So in other words Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA talking heads, journ0ists, and drive by media seek to destroy Free Speech, and our First Amendment rights. They don't even try to disguise it anymore.
the media has already been trained on how to dismantle political opposition, they have been doing this through attrition,[the way they recommend everyone to fight a war against us] what louis is really calling for is an acceleration of what is being done already...just look at the evidence, one party, no private guns, continuous end runs around the constitution, calling for the censorship of the media while claiming trump is a threat for calling them the enemy without advocating censorship...
...the somewhat good news is that this cry sounds as though it comes from a place of desperation borne out of the realization that trump really is sticking it to the communist left but good.
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PFFFFFT As if that hasn't already happened. 95% of all American "journalists" are members of the card carrying Democrat hit squad. Journalism is dead in America and it was Hillary's defeat that provided the death blow.

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