CNN Advocated Violence On-Air In Defense of Violent Russian-Funded Antifa


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"CNN spent a lot of time attacking President Donald Trump for his criticism of journalists, saying his words could lead to actual physical attacks on reporters. Yesterday, CNN’s Chris Cuomo came to the defense of Antifa after members of that radical group had physically attacked reporters and police. To Cuomo, “all punches are not equal.” He justifies the violence of Antifa because they “fight hate.” He did so with no sense of irony or, seemingly, sense of self-awareness. We play the audio and dissect it."

Abandoning any charade that CNN is an actual NEWS REPORTING outlet, CNN's Cuomo delivered an obviously SCRIPTED MONALOGUE defending Antifa's attack on Police and on American citizens exercising their Constitutional and Legal Right to peacefully assemble and Freedom of Speech.

Cuomo stated that people (triggered liberal nut jobs) have an obligation to attack - to 'fight' and 'stamp out' - bigots (who they define as anyone who supports Trump and / or opposes their opinions and ideology). He stated that while illegal doing so is 'morally right'.

So, CNN is openly encouraging and advocating violence against anyone liberals dislike / oppose / deem to be 'morally wrong', making it clear that CNN believes that such violence is 'morally right'.

:wtf: Thank you CNN for demonstrating you are truly what and who we always believed you to be!

Antifa, by the way, is one of the Liberal groups who were proven with evidence to have eagerly taken cash from the Russians to spread racial division and violence.

I wonder how much the Russians paid for this last round of violence and how much the Russians are paying CNN and Cuomo to promote / advocate / justify the violence.....

Liberals Rally Around Disgraced Former FBI Agent, CNN Justifies Antifa’s Violence

Isn't Cuomo the same idiot that wants to sue over a Supreme Court decision that never happened? Dude is a moron.

Antifa is a bunch of pussy fascists. Fucking babies that are easily manipulated.
"CNN spent a lot of time attacking President Donald Trump for his criticism of journalists, saying his words could lead to actual physical attacks on reporters. Yesterday, CNN’s Chris Cuomo came to the defense of Antifa after members of that radical group had physically attacked reporters and police. To Cuomo, “all punches are not equal.” He justifies the violence of Antifa because they “fight hate.” He did so with no sense of irony or, seemingly, sense of self-awareness. We play the audio and dissect it."

Abandoning any charade that CNN is an actual NEWS REPORTING outlet, CNN's Cuomo delivered an obviously SCRIPTED MONALOGUE defending Antifa's attack on Police and on American citizens exercising their Constitutional and Legal Right to peacefully assemble and Freedom of Speech.

Cuomo stated that people (triggered liberal nut jobs) have an obligation to attack - to 'fight' and 'stamp out' - bigots (who they define as anyone who supports Trump and / or opposes their opinions and ideology). He stated that while illegal doing so is 'morally right'.

So, CNN is openly encouraging and advocating violence against anyone liberals dislike / oppose / deem to be 'morally wrong', making it clear that CNN believes that such violence is 'morally right'.

:wtf: Thank you CNN for demonstrating you are truly what and who we always believed you to be!

Antifa, by the way, is one of the Liberal groups who were proven with evidence to have eagerly taken cash from the Russians to spread racial division and violence.

I wonder how much the Russians paid for this last round of violence and how much the Russians are paying CNN and Cuomo to promote / advocate / justify the violence.....

Liberals Rally Around Disgraced Former FBI Agent, CNN Justifies Antifa’s Violence

This is what Cuomo really said:
"You attack cops, you slap the media, you are in the wrong, period," Cuomo said in a commentary on "Cuomo Prime Time." "But I argue to you tonight all punches are not equal, morally".... "Antifa or whomever ... or malcontent or misguided, they are also wrong to hit, but fighting hate is right," Cuomo said later. "And in a clash between hate and those who oppose it, those who oppose it are on the side of right.”
CNN's Cuomo defends Antifa: Those who oppose hate 'are on the side of right'

One could follow Easy around all day correcting his twisted misinformation. I watch Cuomo enough to know that your OP was only telling part of that story.
Violent Russian-Funded Antifa

Excuse me, it's actually Soros funded. It's a new BS from Deep State Americans are going to buy so easy?

Russia is your one and only ally if you still want to fight your Deep State (unless you prefer to help it spreading its idiotic fakes).
So CNN has morphed into a gigantic version of Maxine Waters? Just when I think that network can't get any more slime-dripping.....
"You attack cops, you slap the media, you are in the wrong, period," Cuomo said in a commentary on "Cuomo Prime Time." "But I argue ....

Whoa, who, whoa.....CNN is a self-declared unbiased NEWS REPORTING AGENCY, OL. Cuomo is giving a MONOLGUE. He's not REPORTING sh!t! He is advocating a side, a bias, a belief....

Yup, CNN finally 'came out of the closet' and embraced their Fake News Propaganda / Left-pushing Liberal 'Brown Shirt' identity!

" But I argue to you tonight all punches are not equal, morally".... "Antifa or whomever ... or malcontent or misguided,
they are also wrong to hit, but fighting hate is right," Cuomo said later.

Excuse me, oh Russian-funded Fascist Supporter and terrorist-defender, but Cuomo is DEFINITELY declaring it is morally right to completely IGNORE THE LAW, that it is right to IGNORE THE CONSTITUTION that gives EVERYONE in this country the Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble and of Free Speech. Cuomo is PLAINLY declaring that CNN / he ADVOCATES . JUSTIFIES using violence in stripping the Constitutional rights of those who do not agree with you (or those you do not agree with) and who don't support your ideology (or those whose ideology you do not support).

"And in a clash between hate and those who oppose it, those who oppose it are on the side of right.”

CNN / Cuomo is to preaching to their SHEEP followers and parrots who repeat everything they say, lecturing us on how moral criminally physically attacking someone is and how physically attacking someone in violation of everything the Constitution and Rule of law stands for is being 'on the side of right'!

Again, :wtf:?!


Hillary Clinton's campaign was already proven to have hired groups to send thugs to Trump Rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...


The Left has already caused the attempted assassination of GOP politicians, unprovoked attacks on KIDS wearing a logo hat, ...

....and now CNN is openly justifying and emboldening more LEFTIST VIOLENCE by declaring engaging is such is being 'on the right side' and is 'morally right'!

I spent 30 years in the military fighting for this country and protecting EVERONE's Constitutional Right and the Rule of law. I have never seen a major Media openly justify and advocate for the attacks on others, calling for Americans' Constitutional Rights to be stripped, denied, and laws violated...WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT CUOMO WAS DOING!

And snowflakes are also Defending WHAT RUSSIA PAID FOR:
Evidence proved Antifa was one of 3 Liberal groups that eagerly took Russian cash, beginning in 2014, to spread racial division, hatred, and violence...and they are still doing it...and CNN is fanning the flames, justifying it, and encouraging more in the name of being 'morally correct' and 'in the right'.

Personally, I hope the next time Antifa or some thug-ass snowflake asshole attempts to physically attack another American citizen, as Cuomo argues is 'morally right', I hope the individual is a card-carrying concealed permit owner with a weapon and blows the radical criminal attacking M*erF*er away....

...and the blood will be on CNN's hands.

OL, you can try to spin this in defense of CNN, a PROVEN political advocate / propaganda, hate-fake news pushing organization that is advocating violence while supporting Putin's proven attack dogs and the Democratic Socialist Party's Brown Shirts if you want, but you helped post the truth / facts about what Cuomo said and what he and CNN are finally doing - coming fully out of the closet.
"You attack cops, you slap the media, you are in the wrong, period," Cuomo said in a commentary on "Cuomo Prime Time." "But I argue ....

Whoa, who, whoa.....CNN is a self-declared unbiased NEWS REPORTING AGENCY, OL. Cuomo is giving a MONOLGUE. He's not REPORTING sh!t! He is advocating a side, a bias, a belief....

Yup, CNN finally 'came out of the closet' and embraced their Fake News Propaganda / Left-pushing Liberal 'Brown Shirt' identity!

" But I argue to you tonight all punches are not equal, morally".... "Antifa or whomever ... or malcontent or misguided,
they are also wrong to hit, but fighting hate is right," Cuomo said later.
Excuse me, oh Russian-funded Fascist Supporter and terrorist-defender, but Cuomo is DEFINITELY declaring it is morally right to completely IGNORE THE LAW, that it is right to IGNORE THE CONSTITUTION that gives EVERYONE in this country the Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble and of Free Speech. Cuomo is PLAINLY declaring that CNN / he ADVOCATES . JUSTIFIES using violence in stripping the Constitutional rights of those who do not agree with you (or those you do not agree with) and who don't support your ideology (or those whose ideology you do not support).

"And in a clash between hate and those who oppose it, those who oppose it are on the side of right.”

CNN / Cuomo is to preaching to their SHEEP followers and parrots who repeat everything they say, lecturing us on how moral criminally physically attacking someone is and how physically attacking someone in violation of everything the Constitution and Rule of law stands for is being 'on the side of right'!

Again, :wtf:?!


Hillary Clinton's campaign was already proven to have hired groups to send thugs to Trump Rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...

View attachment 210279

The Left has already caused the attempted assassination of GOP politicians, unprovoked attacks on KIDS wearing a logo hat, ...

....and now CNN is openly justifying and emboldening more LEFTIST VIOLENCE by declaring engaging is such is being 'on the right side' and is 'morally right'!

I spent 30 years in the military fighting for this country and protecting EVERONE's Constitutional Right and the Rule of law. I have never seen a major Media openly justify and advocate for the attacks on others, calling for Americans' Constitutional Rights to be stripped, denied, and laws violated...WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT CUOMO WAS DOING!

And snowflakes are also Defending WHAT RUSSIA PAID FOR:
Evidence proved Antifa was one of 3 Liberal groups that eagerly took Russian cash, beginning in 2014, to spread racial division, hatred, and violence...and they are still doing it...and CNN is fanning the flames, justifying it, and encouraging more in the name of being 'morally correct' and 'in the right'.

Personally, I hope the next time Antifa or some thug-ass snowflake asshole attempts to physically attack another American citizen, as Cuomo argues is 'morally right', I hope the individual is a card-carrying concealed permit owner with a weapon and blows the radical criminal attacking M*erF*er away....

...and the blood will be on CNN's hands.

OL, you can try to spin this in defense of CNN, a PROVEN political advocate / propaganda, hate-fake news pushing organization that is advocating violence while supporting Putin's proven attack dogs and the Democratic Socialist Party's Brown Shirts if you want, but you helped post the truth / facts about what Cuomo said and what he and CNN are finally doing - coming fully out of the closet.

This is going to make for some great mid term political ads!!
"You attack cops, you slap the media, you are in the wrong, period," Cuomo said in a commentary on "Cuomo Prime Time." "But I argue ....

Whoa, who, whoa.....CNN is a self-declared unbiased NEWS REPORTING AGENCY, OL. Cuomo is giving a MONOLGUE. He's not REPORTING sh!t! He is advocating a side, a bias, a belief....

Yup, CNN finally 'came out of the closet' and embraced their Fake News Propaganda / Left-pushing Liberal 'Brown Shirt' identity!

" But I argue to you tonight all punches are not equal, morally".... "Antifa or whomever ... or malcontent or misguided,
they are also wrong to hit, but fighting hate is right," Cuomo said later.
Excuse me, oh Russian-funded Fascist Supporter and terrorist-defender, but Cuomo is DEFINITELY declaring it is morally right to completely IGNORE THE LAW, that it is right to IGNORE THE CONSTITUTION that gives EVERYONE in this country the Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble and of Free Speech. Cuomo is PLAINLY declaring that CNN / he ADVOCATES . JUSTIFIES using violence in stripping the Constitutional rights of those who do not agree with you (or those you do not agree with) and who don't support your ideology (or those whose ideology you do not support).

"And in a clash between hate and those who oppose it, those who oppose it are on the side of right.”

CNN / Cuomo is to preaching to their SHEEP followers and parrots who repeat everything they say, lecturing us on how moral criminally physically attacking someone is and how physically attacking someone in violation of everything the Constitution and Rule of law stands for is being 'on the side of right'!

Again, :wtf:?!


Hillary Clinton's campaign was already proven to have hired groups to send thugs to Trump Rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...

View attachment 210279

The Left has already caused the attempted assassination of GOP politicians, unprovoked attacks on KIDS wearing a logo hat, ...

....and now CNN is openly justifying and emboldening more LEFTIST VIOLENCE by declaring engaging is such is being 'on the right side' and is 'morally right'!

I spent 30 years in the military fighting for this country and protecting EVERONE's Constitutional Right and the Rule of law. I have never seen a major Media openly justify and advocate for the attacks on others, calling for Americans' Constitutional Rights to be stripped, denied, and laws violated...WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT CUOMO WAS DOING!

And snowflakes are also Defending WHAT RUSSIA PAID FOR:
Evidence proved Antifa was one of 3 Liberal groups that eagerly took Russian cash, beginning in 2014, to spread racial division, hatred, and violence...and they are still doing it...and CNN is fanning the flames, justifying it, and encouraging more in the name of being 'morally correct' and 'in the right'.

Personally, I hope the next time Antifa or some thug-ass snowflake asshole attempts to physically attack another American citizen, as Cuomo argues is 'morally right', I hope the individual is a card-carrying concealed permit owner with a weapon and blows the radical criminal attacking M*erF*er away....

...and the blood will be on CNN's hands.

OL, you can try to spin this in defense of CNN, a PROVEN political advocate / propaganda, hate-fake news pushing organization that is advocating violence while supporting Putin's proven attack dogs and the Democratic Socialist Party's Brown Shirts if you want, but you helped post the truth / facts about what Cuomo said and what he and CNN are finally doing - coming fully out of the closet.

I gave you the context for your "quote." Cuomo clearly states the violence is wrong ON BOTH SIDES. He says the fight against hate is not wrong. I think he got out on a moral tightrope with that one, and I'm not going to get involved, but you should at least be fair, Easy.
You never are, though, so I don't know why I would expect it.
At least his words in context are here for the record.
I gave you the context for your "quote."
WORDS MEAN SOMETING. You try so hard to get around that, choosing to ignore where Cuomo declares that attacking people, physically criminally attacking people' is the morally right thing to do and those who do so are 'in the right / on the right side'.

Spinning, spinning, wonder you always sound so dizzy....
"You attack cops, you slap the media, you are in the wrong, period," Cuomo said in a commentary on "Cuomo Prime Time." "But I argue ....

Whoa, who, whoa.....CNN is a self-declared unbiased NEWS REPORTING AGENCY, OL. Cuomo is giving a MONOLGUE. He's not REPORTING sh!t! He is advocating a side, a bias, a belief....

Yup, CNN finally 'came out of the closet' and embraced their Fake News Propaganda / Left-pushing Liberal 'Brown Shirt' identity!

" But I argue to you tonight all punches are not equal, morally".... "Antifa or whomever ... or malcontent or misguided,
they are also wrong to hit, but fighting hate is right," Cuomo said later.
Excuse me, oh Russian-funded Fascist Supporter and terrorist-defender, but Cuomo is DEFINITELY declaring it is morally right to completely IGNORE THE LAW, that it is right to IGNORE THE CONSTITUTION that gives EVERYONE in this country the Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble and of Free Speech. Cuomo is PLAINLY declaring that CNN / he ADVOCATES . JUSTIFIES using violence in stripping the Constitutional rights of those who do not agree with you (or those you do not agree with) and who don't support your ideology (or those whose ideology you do not support).

"And in a clash between hate and those who oppose it, those who oppose it are on the side of right.”

CNN / Cuomo is to preaching to their SHEEP followers and parrots who repeat everything they say, lecturing us on how moral criminally physically attacking someone is and how physically attacking someone in violation of everything the Constitution and Rule of law stands for is being 'on the side of right'!

Again, :wtf:?!


Hillary Clinton's campaign was already proven to have hired groups to send thugs to Trump Rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...

View attachment 210279

The Left has already caused the attempted assassination of GOP politicians, unprovoked attacks on KIDS wearing a logo hat, ...

....and now CNN is openly justifying and emboldening more LEFTIST VIOLENCE by declaring engaging is such is being 'on the right side' and is 'morally right'!

I spent 30 years in the military fighting for this country and protecting EVERONE's Constitutional Right and the Rule of law. I have never seen a major Media openly justify and advocate for the attacks on others, calling for Americans' Constitutional Rights to be stripped, denied, and laws violated...WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT CUOMO WAS DOING!

And snowflakes are also Defending WHAT RUSSIA PAID FOR:
Evidence proved Antifa was one of 3 Liberal groups that eagerly took Russian cash, beginning in 2014, to spread racial division, hatred, and violence...and they are still doing it...and CNN is fanning the flames, justifying it, and encouraging more in the name of being 'morally correct' and 'in the right'.

Personally, I hope the next time Antifa or some thug-ass snowflake asshole attempts to physically attack another American citizen, as Cuomo argues is 'morally right', I hope the individual is a card-carrying concealed permit owner with a weapon and blows the radical criminal attacking M*erF*er away....

...and the blood will be on CNN's hands.

OL, you can try to spin this in defense of CNN, a PROVEN political advocate / propaganda, hate-fake news pushing organization that is advocating violence while supporting Putin's proven attack dogs and the Democratic Socialist Party's Brown Shirts if you want, but you helped post the truth / facts about what Cuomo said and what he and CNN are finally doing - coming fully out of the closet.

I gave you the context for your "quote." Cuomo clearly states the violence is wrong ON BOTH SIDES. He says the fight against hate is not wrong. I think he got out on a moral tightrope with that one, and I'm not going to get involved, but you should at least be fair, Easy.
You never are, though, so I don't know why I would expect it.
At least his words in context are here for the record.

He clearly justified it by making the claim they were fighting evil.
I gave you the context for your "quote."
WORDS MEAN SOMETING. You try so hard to get around that, choosing to ignore where Cuomo declares that attacking people, physically criminally attacking people' is the morally right thing to do and those who do so are 'in the right / on the right side'.

Spinning, spinning, wonder you always sound so dizzy....
Yes, words do mean something. So I gave you exactly what he said, all of it.
"You attack cops, you slap the media, you are in the wrong, period," Cuomo said in a commentary on "Cuomo Prime Time." "But I argue ....

Whoa, who, whoa.....CNN is a self-declared unbiased NEWS REPORTING AGENCY, OL. Cuomo is giving a MONOLGUE. He's not REPORTING sh!t! He is advocating a side, a bias, a belief....

Yup, CNN finally 'came out of the closet' and embraced their Fake News Propaganda / Left-pushing Liberal 'Brown Shirt' identity!

" But I argue to you tonight all punches are not equal, morally".... "Antifa or whomever ... or malcontent or misguided,
they are also wrong to hit, but fighting hate is right," Cuomo said later.
Excuse me, oh Russian-funded Fascist Supporter and terrorist-defender, but Cuomo is DEFINITELY declaring it is morally right to completely IGNORE THE LAW, that it is right to IGNORE THE CONSTITUTION that gives EVERYONE in this country the Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble and of Free Speech. Cuomo is PLAINLY declaring that CNN / he ADVOCATES . JUSTIFIES using violence in stripping the Constitutional rights of those who do not agree with you (or those you do not agree with) and who don't support your ideology (or those whose ideology you do not support).

"And in a clash between hate and those who oppose it, those who oppose it are on the side of right.”

CNN / Cuomo is to preaching to their SHEEP followers and parrots who repeat everything they say, lecturing us on how moral criminally physically attacking someone is and how physically attacking someone in violation of everything the Constitution and Rule of law stands for is being 'on the side of right'!

Again, :wtf:?!


Hillary Clinton's campaign was already proven to have hired groups to send thugs to Trump Rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...

View attachment 210279

The Left has already caused the attempted assassination of GOP politicians, unprovoked attacks on KIDS wearing a logo hat, ...

....and now CNN is openly justifying and emboldening more LEFTIST VIOLENCE by declaring engaging is such is being 'on the right side' and is 'morally right'!

I spent 30 years in the military fighting for this country and protecting EVERONE's Constitutional Right and the Rule of law. I have never seen a major Media openly justify and advocate for the attacks on others, calling for Americans' Constitutional Rights to be stripped, denied, and laws violated...WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT CUOMO WAS DOING!

And snowflakes are also Defending WHAT RUSSIA PAID FOR:
Evidence proved Antifa was one of 3 Liberal groups that eagerly took Russian cash, beginning in 2014, to spread racial division, hatred, and violence...and they are still doing it...and CNN is fanning the flames, justifying it, and encouraging more in the name of being 'morally correct' and 'in the right'.

Personally, I hope the next time Antifa or some thug-ass snowflake asshole attempts to physically attack another American citizen, as Cuomo argues is 'morally right', I hope the individual is a card-carrying concealed permit owner with a weapon and blows the radical criminal attacking M*erF*er away....

...and the blood will be on CNN's hands.

OL, you can try to spin this in defense of CNN, a PROVEN political advocate / propaganda, hate-fake news pushing organization that is advocating violence while supporting Putin's proven attack dogs and the Democratic Socialist Party's Brown Shirts if you want, but you helped post the truth / facts about what Cuomo said and what he and CNN are finally doing - coming fully out of the closet.

I gave you the context for your "quote." Cuomo clearly states the violence is wrong ON BOTH SIDES. He says the fight against hate is not wrong. I think he got out on a moral tightrope with that one, and I'm not going to get involved, but you should at least be fair, Easy.
You never are, though, so I don't know why I would expect it.
At least his words in context are here for the record.

He clearly justified it by making the claim they were fighting evil.
Yeah, I read it.
"You attack cops, you slap the media, you are in the wrong, period," Cuomo said in a commentary on "Cuomo Prime Time." "But I argue ....

Whoa, who, whoa.....CNN is a self-declared unbiased NEWS REPORTING AGENCY, OL. Cuomo is giving a MONOLGUE. He's not REPORTING sh!t! He is advocating a side, a bias, a belief....

Yup, CNN finally 'came out of the closet' and embraced their Fake News Propaganda / Left-pushing Liberal 'Brown Shirt' identity!

" But I argue to you tonight all punches are not equal, morally".... "Antifa or whomever ... or malcontent or misguided,
they are also wrong to hit, but fighting hate is right," Cuomo said later.
Excuse me, oh Russian-funded Fascist Supporter and terrorist-defender, but Cuomo is DEFINITELY declaring it is morally right to completely IGNORE THE LAW, that it is right to IGNORE THE CONSTITUTION that gives EVERYONE in this country the Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble and of Free Speech. Cuomo is PLAINLY declaring that CNN / he ADVOCATES . JUSTIFIES using violence in stripping the Constitutional rights of those who do not agree with you (or those you do not agree with) and who don't support your ideology (or those whose ideology you do not support).

"And in a clash between hate and those who oppose it, those who oppose it are on the side of right.”

CNN / Cuomo is to preaching to their SHEEP followers and parrots who repeat everything they say, lecturing us on how moral criminally physically attacking someone is and how physically attacking someone in violation of everything the Constitution and Rule of law stands for is being 'on the side of right'!

Again, :wtf:?!


Hillary Clinton's campaign was already proven to have hired groups to send thugs to Trump Rallies to beat and bloody Trump supporters...

View attachment 210279

The Left has already caused the attempted assassination of GOP politicians, unprovoked attacks on KIDS wearing a logo hat, ...

....and now CNN is openly justifying and emboldening more LEFTIST VIOLENCE by declaring engaging is such is being 'on the right side' and is 'morally right'!

I spent 30 years in the military fighting for this country and protecting EVERONE's Constitutional Right and the Rule of law. I have never seen a major Media openly justify and advocate for the attacks on others, calling for Americans' Constitutional Rights to be stripped, denied, and laws violated...WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT CUOMO WAS DOING!

And snowflakes are also Defending WHAT RUSSIA PAID FOR:
Evidence proved Antifa was one of 3 Liberal groups that eagerly took Russian cash, beginning in 2014, to spread racial division, hatred, and violence...and they are still doing it...and CNN is fanning the flames, justifying it, and encouraging more in the name of being 'morally correct' and 'in the right'.

Personally, I hope the next time Antifa or some thug-ass snowflake asshole attempts to physically attack another American citizen, as Cuomo argues is 'morally right', I hope the individual is a card-carrying concealed permit owner with a weapon and blows the radical criminal attacking M*erF*er away....

...and the blood will be on CNN's hands.

OL, you can try to spin this in defense of CNN, a PROVEN political advocate / propaganda, hate-fake news pushing organization that is advocating violence while supporting Putin's proven attack dogs and the Democratic Socialist Party's Brown Shirts if you want, but you helped post the truth / facts about what Cuomo said and what he and CNN are finally doing - coming fully out of the closet.

I gave you the context for your "quote." Cuomo clearly states the violence is wrong ON BOTH SIDES. He says the fight against hate is not wrong. I think he got out on a moral tightrope with that one, and I'm not going to get involved, but you should at least be fair, Easy.
You never are, though, so I don't know why I would expect it.
At least his words in context are here for the record.

He clearly justified it by making the claim they were fighting evil.
Yeah, I read it.

So whats your point?
He was making excuses for antifa violence.

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