CNN admits truth again


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Just you understand what the real intent of the so called investigation into collusion, which was never a fucking crime even IF there was collusion. Which, there is no evidence.

They are scumbags folks and this will have no effect on the toad brains of the left.
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I'd guess Anderson Cooper didn't appreciate such reasonable candor flying in the face of his efforts.

Toobin is right, and there may be a middle ground here where maybe some provable nasty shit did happen, but it wasn't illegal. Then the Dems would have to decide whether they want to scream endlessly about it or change their behaviors and finally provide the American voter with an attractive alternative. With ideas n' stuff.
Of course this is the case, and most Americans surely know this by now.

He was running an election. Just as the Democrats pranced out women who apparently were going to sue Trump or sexual abuse, and oddly disappeared after the election. Just as the Access Hollywood video was "leaked" in a timely fashion, and comically, Clinton has openly stated that she found it odd that the WikiLeaks came within hours of that video, not even addressing the irony of her comment when an obscure clip secretly recorded against Trump was unearth over a decade later. We could go on and on.

Was there collusion between the MSM and the Clinton campaign? Should Mueller, or someone more with connections to conservative donors to be fair on the imbalance of the Russian Prove, be investigating Clintons collusion with CNN and others to ensure Bernie is not the nominee?

This is all smoke and mirrors and rabbit chasing in attempt to take down the presidency, try and find a few nuggets of dirt to use against him and keep his agenda off track. If there's one thing we know Trump is a fighter, and I hope he confronts all of this bs the way he has confronted all the dirty tricks against him so far in his short political career.

I do think it's a problem if he was colluding with Russia. It should bad taste and a potential threat to the system. You could say the same about ANY outside force trying to sway the election (compare those in Hillary's camp within the media, Hollywood, entertainment industry AND foreign actors). However, they didn't hack the vote. Nothing was stolen. Americans above all voted for change, this was inevitable, and Clinton was the poster woman for Establishment candidate.

Get 'er done Trump! People are hurting, struggling and need leadership, the Russian bs won't even resonate with those who want change.
Why do nutbags need someone to interpret words for them? Whoever that freak is who needs his mug on the screen at all times. I don't need him to tell me what Toobin just said.
False premise, but nice try.

Specifically, in the language of the letter appointing Mueller:
The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:
(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals
associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

I'm sure it seems to sycophantic partisans (Is that redundant?) as though the video's narrator made a compelling argument about something.....

The "Russia" investigation under Bob Mueller isn't charged with discovering whether there was collusion. A central question that remains unsatisfactorily answered is:

Did, per press reports, Russian underworld figures have a relationship with Trump? If so, did Russian political leaders' awareness of these ties put the president in a position in which he might be subject to coercion?​

Why are those questions unsatisfactorily answered? Quite simply because the detailed documents that would make unequivocally clear what be the answers are documents Trump refuses to release, and insofar as Trump has a long track record of not telling the truth about all manners of things, including his own damn name, we can't take his word for it regarding the nature and extent to which he was not at risk of or indeed under any coercion (direct or indirect) by the Russian government.

Regarding the concern about the nature and extent of any possible coercion, Trump has, in his interview with The New York Times, alluded obliquely. He stated, "I mean, it's possible there's a condo or something, so, you know, I sell a lot of condo units, and somebody from Russia buys a condo, who knows?"

Well, we all know who knows the answer to that question. What we all don't know, however, is whether Trump did make money from Russians, in particular money funnelled his way via "whatever" machinations
Separately, members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and others have said they want to know whether Trump might have obstructed justice by firing FBI Director James Comey and taking other actions to try to protect himself or his aides -- whatever the merits of the underlying DOJ investigation into possible collusion with Russia.
False premise, but nice try.

Specifically, in the language of the letter appointing Mueller:
The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:
(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals
associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

I'm sure it seems to sycophantic partisans (Is that redundant?) as though the video's narrator made a compelling argument about something.....

The "Russia" investigation under Bob Mueller isn't charged with discovering whether there was collusion. A central question that remains unsatisfactorily answered is:

Did, per press reports, Russian underworld figures have a relationship with Trump? If so, did Russian political leaders' awareness of these ties put the president in a position in which he might be subject to coercion?​

Why are those questions unsatisfactorily answered? Quite simply because the detailed documents that would make unequivocally clear what be the answers are documents Trump refuses to release, and insofar as Trump has a long track record of not telling the truth about all manners of things, including his own damn name, we can't take his word for it regarding the nature and extent to which he was not at risk of or indeed under any coercion (direct or indirect) by the Russian government.

Regarding the concern about the nature and extent of any possible coercion, Trump has, in his interview with The New York Times, alluded obliquely. He stated, "I mean, it's possible there's a condo or something, so, you know, I sell a lot of condo units, and somebody from Russia buys a condo, who knows?"

Well, we all know who knows the answer to that question. What we all don't know, however, is whether Trump did make money from Russians, in particular money funnelled his way via "whatever" machinations
Separately, members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and others have said they want to know whether Trump might have obstructed justice by firing FBI Director James Comey and taking other actions to try to protect himself or his aides -- whatever the merits of the underlying DOJ investigation into possible collusion with Russia.
No way to know yet. Mueller's good at what he does, so we'll see.

Since Trump is obviously the ultimate target, they'll have to have solid evidence and solid indication of laws broken.
Mac surveys the current political landscape and determines that it is the Dems who need to change their behavior. That's fucking perfect.
Ol' Mac can trigger the Regressives with virtually no effort.


Uh-huh, just you waking up in the morning seems to piss them off.

Jolly Good Show Mac, you should hold a seminar on how to do that. :)
The News Media laughed at Trump when he made the claim that he was wire tapped..............Including CNN...........Politicians laughed at him........................ usual they hyped a LIE................As it now is apparent that a FISA Court order reveals..............that in FACT...............something the lamestream media no longer cares about.........Trump Towers WAS WIRE TAPPED during the Obama administration....................

The FISA warrant was DEEMED CLASSIFIED..............

I said this very same thing many a moon again...............If the wire taps showed illegal activity.......proof of collusion...............then why haven't charges been made or recommended to the DOJ..............

Because they don't have jack squat.

US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman - CNNPolitics
Mac surveys the current political landscape and determines that it is the Dems who need to change their behavior. That's fucking perfect.
Ol' Mac can trigger the Regressives with virtually no effort.


You've never established that I fit your definition of a regressive, Mac. You'll need a new insult for me. Make it classy.

What behaviors that the Dems are exhibiting should they change in order to get more votes. Given that they have gotten more votes in just about every election cycle since the 1990's?

Should they spend all of their effort lying to the citizenry about GOP policies in order to frighten people into hating them (think ACA and DACA ) while doing nothing to develop new policies?

Would that win the fucking elections in gerrymandered districts? Would that be a positive behavioural change?
Just you understand what the real intent of the so called investigation into collusion, which was never a fucking crime even IF there was collusion. Which, there is no evidence.
The interesting part to me is that I have yet to see anybody define exactly what they mean by "collusion", according to some it appears "collusion" includes anybody associated to any degree with the Trump Campaign talking to a Russian that has any sort of connection to the Russian Government. So for example if the Trump Campaign Caterer talked to the cousin of a maid that works at the Kremlin, it seems some would claim "collusion!".

Perhaps there needs to be an exact definition of what they think the Trump Campaign and the Russians did together that would form the basis of such a charge and it can't be simply talking to each other, that's simply way too low of a bar and if that is a *problem* it would indicate that our election system is way too fragile.
Come on Mac. Tell us that the Dems should welcome bigots with open arms so they can convince white, non-college educated men that they are loved?

You don't have a problem with identity politics. You just want the identity to be different. You think the Dems have to try harder to appeal to white working class voters. At the expense of promoting equality.

They won't do it. Dems do not believe that highlighting the fact that minorities have not been given a fair shake is an insult to white workers. They don't see white workers as victims who need to be coddled.

Just you understand what the real intent of the so called investigation into collusion, which was never a fucking crime even IF there was collusion. Which, there is no evidence.

They are scumbags folks and this will have no effect on the toad brains of the left.

Yep.....he did not know of any wire-tapping in Trump Tower, you can keep your doctor, Benghazi was caused by a disgusting video, and I didn't not have sex with that woman...Monica Lewinsky.
False premise, but nice try.

Specifically, in the language of the letter appointing Mueller:
The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:
(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals
associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

I'm sure it seems to sycophantic partisans (Is that redundant?) as though the video's narrator made a compelling argument about something.....

The "Russia" investigation under Bob Mueller isn't charged with discovering whether there was collusion. A central question that remains unsatisfactorily answered is:

Did, per press reports, Russian underworld figures have a relationship with Trump? If so, did Russian political leaders' awareness of these ties put the president in a position in which he might be subject to coercion?​

Why are those questions unsatisfactorily answered? Quite simply because the detailed documents that would make unequivocally clear what be the answers are documents Trump refuses to release, and insofar as Trump has a long track record of not telling the truth about all manners of things, including his own damn name, we can't take his word for it regarding the nature and extent to which he was not at risk of or indeed under any coercion (direct or indirect) by the Russian government.

Regarding the concern about the nature and extent of any possible coercion, Trump has, in his interview with The New York Times, alluded obliquely. He stated, "I mean, it's possible there's a condo or something, so, you know, I sell a lot of condo units, and somebody from Russia buys a condo, who knows?"

Well, we all know who knows the answer to that question. What we all don't know, however, is whether Trump did make money from Russians, in particular money funnelled his way via "whatever" machinations
Separately, members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and others have said they want to know whether Trump might have obstructed justice by firing FBI Director James Comey and taking other actions to try to protect himself or his aides -- whatever the merits of the underlying DOJ investigation into possible collusion with Russia.
No way to know yet. Mueller's good at what he does, so we'll see.

Since Trump is obviously the ultimate target, they'll have to have solid evidence and solid indication of laws broken.
So you think this bullshit is right?
The op pointed out the Mueller isn't investigating crimes.
He's trying to invent them.
False premise, but nice try.

Specifically, in the language of the letter appointing Mueller:
The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:
(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals
associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

I'm sure it seems to sycophantic partisans (Is that redundant?) as though the video's narrator made a compelling argument about something.....

The "Russia" investigation under Bob Mueller isn't charged with discovering whether there was collusion. A central question that remains unsatisfactorily answered is:

Did, per press reports, Russian underworld figures have a relationship with Trump? If so, did Russian political leaders' awareness of these ties put the president in a position in which he might be subject to coercion?​

Why are those questions unsatisfactorily answered? Quite simply because the detailed documents that would make unequivocally clear what be the answers are documents Trump refuses to release, and insofar as Trump has a long track record of not telling the truth about all manners of things, including his own damn name, we can't take his word for it regarding the nature and extent to which he was not at risk of or indeed under any coercion (direct or indirect) by the Russian government.

Regarding the concern about the nature and extent of any possible coercion, Trump has, in his interview with The New York Times, alluded obliquely. He stated, "I mean, it's possible there's a condo or something, so, you know, I sell a lot of condo units, and somebody from Russia buys a condo, who knows?"

Well, we all know who knows the answer to that question. What we all don't know, however, is whether Trump did make money from Russians, in particular money funnelled his way via "whatever" machinations
Separately, members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and others have said they want to know whether Trump might have obstructed justice by firing FBI Director James Comey and taking other actions to try to protect himself or his aides -- whatever the merits of the underlying DOJ investigation into possible collusion with Russia.
No way to know yet. Mueller's good at what he does, so we'll see.

Since Trump is obviously the ultimate target, they'll have to have solid evidence and solid indication of laws broken.
So you think this bullshit is right?
The accusations? Hell, I have no idea, no more than anyone else here.

If Mueller's reputation is deserved, at least we'll get a pretty good picture of whatever happened. Or didn't.

Otherwise, I have no inside information.
Obama was spying on Americans before, during, and after he was president.
Obama is a criminal.
He assumes that everyone has at one point broken the he has.
The trick is finding which laws they broke and using it to blackmail people with or punishing his enemies with.
That's been his M.O. all along.
False premise, but nice try.

Specifically, in the language of the letter appointing Mueller:
The Special Counsel is authorized to conduct the investigation confinned by then-FBI Director James 8. Corney in testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on March 20, 2017, including:
(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals
associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a).

I'm sure it seems to sycophantic partisans (Is that redundant?) as though the video's narrator made a compelling argument about something.....

The "Russia" investigation under Bob Mueller isn't charged with discovering whether there was collusion. A central question that remains unsatisfactorily answered is:

Did, per press reports, Russian underworld figures have a relationship with Trump? If so, did Russian political leaders' awareness of these ties put the president in a position in which he might be subject to coercion?​

Why are those questions unsatisfactorily answered? Quite simply because the detailed documents that would make unequivocally clear what be the answers are documents Trump refuses to release, and insofar as Trump has a long track record of not telling the truth about all manners of things, including his own damn name, we can't take his word for it regarding the nature and extent to which he was not at risk of or indeed under any coercion (direct or indirect) by the Russian government.

Regarding the concern about the nature and extent of any possible coercion, Trump has, in his interview with The New York Times, alluded obliquely. He stated, "I mean, it's possible there's a condo or something, so, you know, I sell a lot of condo units, and somebody from Russia buys a condo, who knows?"

Well, we all know who knows the answer to that question. What we all don't know, however, is whether Trump did make money from Russians, in particular money funnelled his way via "whatever" machinations
Separately, members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and others have said they want to know whether Trump might have obstructed justice by firing FBI Director James Comey and taking other actions to try to protect himself or his aides -- whatever the merits of the underlying DOJ investigation into possible collusion with Russia.
No way to know yet. Mueller's good at what he does, so we'll see.

Since Trump is obviously the ultimate target, they'll have to have solid evidence and solid indication of laws broken.
So you think this bullshit is right?
The accusations? Hell, I have no idea, no more than anyone else here.

If Mueller's reputation is deserved, at least we'll get a pretty good picture of whatever happened. Or didn't.

Otherwise, I have no inside information.
I think you need to look a bit deeper into Mueller's reputation.
He has a reputation of abusing his authority.

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