Clueless & Classless Voters, Tomorrow is Primary Day.

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Clueless & Classless Voters, Tomorrow is Primary Day.

Primaries Test Mood of Voters at Midterm

Primaries Test Mood of Voters at Midterm -

The races here are among the most high-profile — and costly — of the primary contests that will play out in 11 states on Tuesday, in one of the largest tests of voter remonstrance animating this midterm election cycle.

So you think you know the mood of the electorate because you watch FOX/MSNBC?


see you tomorrow night. look for analysis without the spin you are used to.


Right Now - Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties

Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties
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We will see how it all plays out.

GOP losing ground on Big Issue: read Bullshit: In Iowa, Other Issues Crowd Out Gay Marriage Other Issues Sideline Same-Sex Marriage as No. 1 Issue in Iowa -

Races to Watch in Tuesday's Elections
Twelve states will hold elections on Tuesday. Some of the key races are discussed below, many of which will test the strength of the Tea Party or anti-incumbency fever.
Races to Watch in Tuesday's Elections - Graphic -


Will the people who screwed up things with Joe Lieberman screw things up with Lincoln too?

But if things in the capital were not going as the activists wanted, they held out hope for change should Senator Blanche Lincoln, a Democrat they deem too conservative, lose in a runoff on Tuesday night for her party’s nomination. Liberal groups had mobilized behind her rival, Bill Halter, in what they called “a shot across the bow” to other centrists who obstruct or weaken the Democratic agenda.


Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties
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Will the Myth meet the Reality?

“This is the greatest reform president since Lyndon Johnson, and every progressive in the movement is dismayed and disaffected,” said Robert L. Borosage, the co-director of the liberal Campaign for America’s Future. “Some of that is expectations that were shattered” — by Mr. Obama’s lack of support for a public health insurance option and liberalized rules for union organizing, and his escalation in Afghanistan. Political Memo - Pushing a Liberal Agenda, With Democrats as Target -

What planet do people like Mr. Borosage live on? He is basing an opinion on Obama being a reformist on campaign slogans vs 1-2 years of governing?

Let us see what tomorrow brings, but more importantly, what the coming months bring when maybe people wake up to reality vs myth..


Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties
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What is the USMB conventional wisdom on how the vote today will play out tomorrow and going into the general election? :eusa_whistle:

In the general elections, after tripping all over themselves to appeal to the most energized force in GOP politics - the Tea Party - all these candidates will have to walk a delicate electoral tightrope that won't alienate the radical right while also appealing to moderates and Independents.

We believe they'll fall off.

The winning GOP candidates are in a lose-lose position because if they try to turn away from their primary positions and run back the center,..

Why Today's GOP Winners Are Already Losers

Will the American public pay attention to reality or soundbites?

The evidence of the wreckage of the Bush years can be found everywhere. Under this conservative president, federal spending rose from 18.5 percent of GDP in 2001 to 21 percent in 2008, while a $125.3 billion surplus became a $364.4 billion deficit.

Median family income, which had grown from $42,429 in 1980 to $46,049 in 1990, and which grew again during the Clinton Administration to $50,557 by 2000, shrank under George W. Bush, standing at $50,223 in 2007 before the start of the recession.

During the Bush presidency, three million jobs were created. That compares to 23.1 million during Bill Clinton's two terms, and 16 million during Ronald Reagan's. The rate of job creation under Bush was the lowest under any post-World War II president.

The Rove Legacy...remember Rove, the GOP Conservative Wizard?


Poll: The sagging popularity of the tea parties
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Results not very conclusive. So much for the rants and ravings of the Tea Party Lunatics @ USMB.

Primary election results send mixed message from voters -


Voters send mixed message in primary
Elections across the U.S. don't exactly indicate broad trends about incumbents, the 'tea party' and more heading into November's general election.

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