Cloverfield Paradox

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Now that is how you do a prequel. Starts off like a space sci-fi similar to Event Horizion & Dead Space (video game trilogy) but ends on earth with an EPIC final 20 seconds.
Is there a strong minority leader or strong female as main protagonists? I really don't feel like I get my money's worth unless I see a 5'3" 90lb female ghetto stomp the dog piss out of 10 men. I hope so...there doesn't seem to be enough of that in Sci-Fi these days.
Great. Now I can watch 10 Cloverfield and this Cloverfield Paradox also --- I'm a huge fan of the original, didn't see the second. I read they are doing a Cloverfield 4, also. Thanks for the intel.
Great. Now I can watch 10 Cloverfield and this Cloverfield Paradox also --- I'm a huge fan of the original, didn't see the second. I read they are doing a Cloverfield 4, also. Thanks for the intel.

A 4th movie is apparently in the works. 10 Cloverfield Lane was the best of the bunch.

I'm glad to hear you say that --- I haven't seen 10 Cloverfield Lane, but now I will. Okay, Himself and I will watch Cloverfield Paradox tonight (we're subscribers to Netflix --- it's apparently not out on DVD) and then I'll watch Cloverfield again, I really love it, and then the last one, waiting for No. 4. I hope No. 4 is highly creative and original, because I expect that of Cloverfields.
Is there a strong minority leader or strong female as main protagonists? I really don't feel like I get my money's worth unless I see a 5'3" 90lb female ghetto stomp the dog piss out of 10 men. I hope so...there doesn't seem to be enough of that in Sci-Fi these days.
Don't leave out the female lead can jump through air are while doing a somersault, fire a pistol 40 times at a moving target 100 yards away and hit it.
Is there a strong minority leader or strong female as main protagonists? I really don't feel like I get my money's worth unless I see a 5'3" 90lb female ghetto stomp the dog piss out of 10 men. I hope so...there doesn't seem to be enough of that in Sci-Fi these days.
Don't leave out the female lead can jump through air are while doing a somersault, fire a pistol 40 times at a moving target 100 yards away and hit it.
You two snowflakes CLEARLY watched a different movie lol
I watched a movie a couple days ago that was filmed 5 years ago but never released until Netflix bought the rights to it. Weird
Now that is how you do a prequel. Starts off like a space sci-fi similar to Event Horizion & Dead Space (video game trilogy) but ends on earth with an EPIC final 20 seconds.
I had no idea that this was a series of films. Saw the original Cloverfield and liked it. Just dissapointed there was no explanation. Had no clue that 10 Cloverfield was connected. Got some watching to do.
So we saw Cloverfield Paradox. We discussed it for some time after and then looked it up. No, originally no connection with Cloverfield, and no plausible one now. (The timeline is drastically off: as a supposed immediate precursor, the CP world has a severe energy crisis: nothing like that pertains to Cloverfield.)

The cast is very strong and the special effects are excellent --- so it's entertaining on its own terms, which unfortunately don't make much sense in several cases. Why the sentient arm? What about the worms and the big metal ball inside the Russian?
Did the pod fall into the mouth of the giant monster? (I thought I saw that.)

Well, too bad. I like things to make sense. And be coherent.

Now I'm going to rewatch Cloverfield and then the third one. By then maybe No. 4 will be out.
We started watching it last night but didnt finish. It was ok
Im not sure how this ties into aliens like the other 2.
My wife guessed it ties into it because the aliens were there to steal our resources? IDK
I loved both of the first two. The first one, despite the controversial shaky-handycam-firsthand method, did a fantastic job of portraying what a random like, Godzilla or Kaiju type event would be like from the perspective of an average, city dwelling yuppie, and had just enough of the monster to really give you a sense of the scale of the situation. Even though impaled girl got pried off the rebar and then was jogging along with the rest of the crew wasn't enough to ruin this one for me.

Then the second one, John Goodman was, well, John Goodman, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead knocked it out, too. Vastly different from the first movie, very actor and character driven, and they both knocked it out of the park. The ending I thought was pretty cheesy. These living space-ships will essentially eat what you throw at 'em from the ground if you time it right, they're also highly flammable from the inside. . . and they took over the fucking planet? Not so much. Fortunately, by the time all that shit gets unfurled, the very twist of it combined with the movie up to that point had already been worth the price of admission. Which was zero. Should've dropped it in theaters, I would've gone to see it.

This third one, though, I'm torn. I wanna like it. I LOVE the ending. That beast shoving its head up through that upper cloud layer. . . HOLY FUCK! MOUNTAIN SIZED! And the dude's like, "Don't let her come back to those. . . THINGS!" ThingS! Plural! What I wouldn't give for like 30 more minutes of movie past that point. I also dig that they went multiverse with their plotline. Unfortunately, the dominant portion of the movie was seemingly random, heavy handed plot devices that seemed like lazy ways to solve problems that then ended up coming off like a poor attempt to fill time. It was like they had a great general concept for a scifi-horror plot but didn't have a writer who could flesh it out into two hours of movie. Why the fuck did the hand know where to find the gyroscope?! Anyway, I feel like they should've cut most of that movie, cropped it all down into one solid hour, and submitted it as an episode of Black Mirror.

Can't wait to see the fourth one, though. I'm such a fanboy of the first one, the very fact that a similar, but whoa larger, creature appeared in the third one, makes me excited to see what JJ and the gang are planning with this fun little collection of cosmic horror.
I loved both of the first two. The first one, despite the controversial shaky-handycam-firsthand method, did a fantastic job of portraying what a random like, Godzilla or Kaiju type event would be like from the perspective of an average, city dwelling yuppie, and had just enough of the monster to really give you a sense of the scale of the situation. Even though impaled girl got pried off the rebar and then was jogging along with the rest of the crew wasn't enough to ruin this one for me.

Yessssss................I have seen Cloverfield over and over but "impaled girl" running along at a good clip like that, it's an issue. Otherwise I love it, especially the jerky handheld. The found-footage thing is what resonates with me, and so I also love Blair Witch and the Paranormal movies. In fact, I'm sending for those again. It's like reading a diary or someone's mail --- we're not supposed to see that, it isn't public! Found-footage just works for me.

I'll look at No. 4, but it's getting clear they are just smacking that Cloverfield name onto pretty much anything. I don't want to see another movie with as many glaring plot holes as C. Paradox.

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