Press Must Be Held Accountable For Fake Gaza Story That Instigated Violence Worldwide


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Press Must Be Held Accountable For Fake Gaza Story That Instigated Violence Worldwide

We know corporate media are biased, but the reporting on Gaza shows they’re willing to be propagandists — even if their false reports are likely to get people killed.
19 Oct 2023 ~~ By Mark Hemingway

Tablet’s Armin Rosen, a really great reporter who’s no stranger to covering Israel and the Middle East, had this to say about the erroneous media coverage of a missile that supposedly hit a hospital in Gaza on Wednesday:
Last night was the worst media f-ckup I’ve ever seen. In terms of the range/seriousness of info gotten wrong, #/prestige/geographic diversity of outlets that f-cked up, overall credulousness, real-world impact, the lack of reflection/remorse etc. Scores a 10 in every category.​
As a true connoisseur of media malpractice, I’m not sure it’s the worst ever, but it’s a definite contender. Because I’m old school, and I like to keep my kids offline, I have a hard copy of The Wall Street Journal delivered to my house every day. A WSJ subscription is not cheap. In fact, I pay hundreds of dollars a year for home delivery, and I do this in spite of the fact I have serious issues with the paper.
The news pages have never shared the conservative bent of the editorial pages — in fact, the internal political tensions between the two sections of the paper have been playing out rather publicly in recent years — and slide into hysterical and ideological coverage by the WSJ news team has been noticeable. Wednesday morning, I woke up to the headline you see above: “Blast at Gaza Hospital Kills Hundreds.” The second paragraph credulously cites Hamas officials blaming Israel for the attack and saying 500 were killed, before citing Israeli denials. Of course, by the time the paper landed in my yard that morning, people had been blowing holes in Hamas’ credulous claims about the attack for hours.
Indeed, according to American intelligence officials, the blast was caused by a Hamas rocket that fell short, validating Israeli claims about what happened. Further, the “decimation” of the hospital cited by the WSJ didn’t really happen either. The rocket appears to have hit a parking lot near the hospital, and the casualties are far fewer than Hamas officials claimed.
In any event, The New York Times, along with almost every other major corporate media organization, needs to be held accountable for what happened next:

These protests were not inconsequential. In several cities, angry crowds gathered at American embassies, leading to serious concerns that there would be another Benghazi-style attack. Then there were examples of random violence, such as this from Tunisia: “The synagogue [in Tunisia] attack came hours after false media reports claimed that the Israel Defense Forces had bombed the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza. US and Israeli officials, along with independent intelligence analysts, have all concluded that the blast was due to an errant rocket launched by the Gaza-based Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group,” reports The Algemeiner. I don’t know whether it’s fortunate or depressing to note that it was not a functioning synagogue, since any sizable Jewish community has long since been driven out of Muslim Tunisia.
And it’s only been a day since these false reports out of Gaza were published by virtually every major media outlet. The idea that the anger has subsided or the outrage stoked by this massive media failure won’t lead to a terror attack or some other tragic outcome is far from determined. Nor have the media learned their lesson. They’re still credulously repeating Hamas propaganda in all sorts of other stories:
At this point, it’s beyond tiresome to point out that the media are biased and wrong, but this is a whole new level. If they continue to defer to propaganda because it suits their deranged worldview, they’re going to make an already tragic conflict so much worse and get even more people killed.
This simply can’t be tolerated. Over the past week, we saw several major donors withdraw money from universities condoning and tolerating pro-terror protests. If the media persist in reporting pro-Hamas propaganda, they deserve to start acutely feeling pain from subscribers and advertisers alike.

What mainstream media does today for cash and prizes is to generate anger and violence. Journalists and the editors should receive prison time for such stories.
What mainstream media does today for cash and prizes is to generate anger and violence. Journalists and the editors should receive prison time for such stories.
To repeat my previous sentiments, The Fourth Estate has become the Fifth Column decades ago.
Not only will the Quisling Media never be held accountable, It's fully expected to double-down with the Hamas propaganda.
No one should believe anything put out by Hamas. I don’t believe anything put out by the Quisling media either. I don’t believe anything put out by the Israelis and I certainly don’t believe anything put out by U.S. intelligence. Dept. of Justice, or FBI. They've all passed that point long ago.
Please note that not one of the so called media entities have retracted their miss statements regarding their statements regarding the hospital bombing that was an errant Hamas rocket that killed no one as it landed in a parking lot near the hospital.
Even Joe Biden broke his lying record by acknowledging that it was a Hamas rocket and not Israel that caused the near hit at the hospital.
Same thing media does when they show Floyd getting his head held down by a boot like 5000 times on TV over and over, inciting anger and riots beginning.

They should take the media with a grain of salt but they (society) don't and anger erupts and you have riots.

But by the same token, you have a story of a black man beaten and folks don't wait for the videos, they let the media start the frenzy and the rioting begins

These news brands/anchors should be sued when they let a story run wild that has not been verified.
Even the reports that were nominally objective were presented in a very slanted way, to wit...

"Israel bombs Baptist hospital, killing 500 innocent Palestinians, Hamas says."

By the time you hear "Hamas says," the impact of the headline is already made.
I haven't seen any proof that Israel did not fire that missile.
Have you seen any proof that they did? Use some common sense, Synth (I know that's hard for you...but try!). Hamas is firing off thousands of rockets...many of which are made from repurposed water pipes they've pulled out of the ground being fired by badly trained terrorists. What do you think the odds are that one of those is going to malfunction and hit Gaza instead of Israel?

Press Must Be Held Accountable For Fake Gaza Story That Instigated Violence Worldwide

We know corporate media are biased, but the reporting on Gaza shows they’re willing to be propagandists — even if their false reports are likely to get people killed.
19 Oct 2023 ~~ By Mark Hemingway

Tablet’s Armin Rosen, a really great reporter who’s no stranger to covering Israel and the Middle East, had this to say about the erroneous media coverage of a missile that supposedly hit a hospital in Gaza on Wednesday:
Last night was the worst media f-ckup I’ve ever seen. In terms of the range/seriousness of info gotten wrong, #/prestige/geographic diversity of outlets that f-cked up, overall credulousness, real-world impact, the lack of reflection/remorse etc. Scores a 10 in every category.​
As a true connoisseur of media malpractice, I’m not sure it’s the worst ever, but it’s a definite contender. Because I’m old school, and I like to keep my kids offline, I have a hard copy of The Wall Street Journal delivered to my house every day. A WSJ subscription is not cheap. In fact, I pay hundreds of dollars a year for home delivery, and I do this in spite of the fact I have serious issues with the paper.
The news pages have never shared the conservative bent of the editorial pages — in fact, the internal political tensions between the two sections of the paper have been playing out rather publicly in recent years — and slide into hysterical and ideological coverage by the WSJ news team has been noticeable. Wednesday morning, I woke up to the headline you see above: “Blast at Gaza Hospital Kills Hundreds.” The second paragraph credulously cites Hamas officials blaming Israel for the attack and saying 500 were killed, before citing Israeli denials. Of course, by the time the paper landed in my yard that morning, people had been blowing holes in Hamas’ credulous claims about the attack for hours.
Indeed, according to American intelligence officials, the blast was caused by a Hamas rocket that fell short, validating Israeli claims about what happened. Further, the “decimation” of the hospital cited by the WSJ didn’t really happen either. The rocket appears to have hit a parking lot near the hospital, and the casualties are far fewer than Hamas officials claimed.
In any event, The New York Times, along with almost every other major corporate media organization, needs to be held accountable for what happened next:

These protests were not inconsequential. In several cities, angry crowds gathered at American embassies, leading to serious concerns that there would be another Benghazi-style attack. Then there were examples of random violence, such as this from Tunisia: “The synagogue [in Tunisia] attack came hours after false media reports claimed that the Israel Defense Forces had bombed the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza. US and Israeli officials, along with independent intelligence analysts, have all concluded that the blast was due to an errant rocket launched by the Gaza-based Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group,” reports The Algemeiner. I don’t know whether it’s fortunate or depressing to note that it was not a functioning synagogue, since any sizable Jewish community has long since been driven out of Muslim Tunisia.
And it’s only been a day since these false reports out of Gaza were published by virtually every major media outlet. The idea that the anger has subsided or the outrage stoked by this massive media failure won’t lead to a terror attack or some other tragic outcome is far from determined. Nor have the media learned their lesson. They’re still credulously repeating Hamas propaganda in all sorts of other stories:
At this point, it’s beyond tiresome to point out that the media are biased and wrong, but this is a whole new level. If they continue to defer to propaganda because it suits their deranged worldview, they’re going to make an already tragic conflict so much worse and get even more people killed.
This simply can’t be tolerated. Over the past week, we saw several major donors withdraw money from universities condoning and tolerating pro-terror protests. If the media persist in reporting pro-Hamas propaganda, they deserve to start acutely feeling pain from subscribers and advertisers alike.

What mainstream media does today for cash and prizes is to generate anger and violence. Journalists and the editors should receive prison time for such stories.
What mainstream media does today for cash and prizes is to generate anger and violence. Journalists and the editors should receive prison time for such stories.
To repeat my previous sentiments, The Fourth Estate has become the Fifth Column decades ago.
Not only will the Quisling Media never be held accountable, It's fully expected to double-down with the Hamas propaganda.
No one should believe anything put out by Hamas. I don’t believe anything put out by the Quisling media either. I don’t believe anything put out by the Israelis and I certainly don’t believe anything put out by U.S. intelligence. Dept. of Justice, or FBI. They've all passed that point long ago.
Please note that not one of the so called media entities have retracted their miss statements regarding their statements regarding the hospital bombing that was an errant Hamas rocket that killed no one as it landed in a parking lot near the hospital.
Even Joe Biden broke his lying record by acknowledging that it was a Hamas rocket and not Israel that caused the near hit at the hospital.

Thank you for that! :clap:
Have you seen any proof that they did? Use some common sense, Synth (I know that's hard for you...but try!). Hamas is firing off thousands of rockets...many of which are made from repurposed water pipes they've pulled out of the ground being fired by badly trained terrorists. What do you think the odds are that one of those is going to malfunction and hit Gaza instead of Israel?
I know you Trumpers believe wild claims without a shred of proof, but I do not.
I haven't seen any proof that Israel did not fire that missile.
Well, I'm gonna have to side with Israel on this one. Earlier in the week, they published pictures of the bombing in Northern Gaza that Israel carried out. Demolished buildings, gaping holes in buildings, impassable streets, slabs of concrete everywhere, cars obliterated, impact craters (a few). When I saw the footage of the hospital blast, the buildings were largely intact but the windows, doors had the glass blown out of them. The buildings were singed and burned. Cars also had the glass blown out of them and were burned to a crisp, but they were parked in place, not obliterated and strewn about.

That's why I didn't jump to any conclusions. Admittedly, this is to the layman's eye. But it looked like a rocket fell out of the sky, landed in the parking lot..and exploded. Which aligns with our intelligence reports that IJ was firing rockets over the hospital to Israeli targets.

Press Must Be Held Accountable For Fake Gaza Story That Instigated Violence Worldwide

We know corporate media are biased, but the reporting on Gaza shows they’re willing to be propagandists — even if their false reports are likely to get people killed.
19 Oct 2023 ~~ By Mark Hemingway

Tablet’s Armin Rosen, a really great reporter who’s no stranger to covering Israel and the Middle East, had this to say about the erroneous media coverage of a missile that supposedly hit a hospital in Gaza on Wednesday:
Last night was the worst media f-ckup I’ve ever seen. In terms of the range/seriousness of info gotten wrong, #/prestige/geographic diversity of outlets that f-cked up, overall credulousness, real-world impact, the lack of reflection/remorse etc. Scores a 10 in every category.​
As a true connoisseur of media malpractice, I’m not sure it’s the worst ever, but it’s a definite contender. Because I’m old school, and I like to keep my kids offline, I have a hard copy of The Wall Street Journal delivered to my house every day. A WSJ subscription is not cheap. In fact, I pay hundreds of dollars a year for home delivery, and I do this in spite of the fact I have serious issues with the paper.
The news pages have never shared the conservative bent of the editorial pages — in fact, the internal political tensions between the two sections of the paper have been playing out rather publicly in recent years — and slide into hysterical and ideological coverage by the WSJ news team has been noticeable. Wednesday morning, I woke up to the headline you see above: “Blast at Gaza Hospital Kills Hundreds.” The second paragraph credulously cites Hamas officials blaming Israel for the attack and saying 500 were killed, before citing Israeli denials. Of course, by the time the paper landed in my yard that morning, people had been blowing holes in Hamas’ credulous claims about the attack for hours.
Indeed, according to American intelligence officials, the blast was caused by a Hamas rocket that fell short, validating Israeli claims about what happened. Further, the “decimation” of the hospital cited by the WSJ didn’t really happen either. The rocket appears to have hit a parking lot near the hospital, and the casualties are far fewer than Hamas officials claimed.
In any event, The New York Times, along with almost every other major corporate media organization, needs to be held accountable for what happened next:

These protests were not inconsequential. In several cities, angry crowds gathered at American embassies, leading to serious concerns that there would be another Benghazi-style attack. Then there were examples of random violence, such as this from Tunisia: “The synagogue [in Tunisia] attack came hours after false media reports claimed that the Israel Defense Forces had bombed the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza. US and Israeli officials, along with independent intelligence analysts, have all concluded that the blast was due to an errant rocket launched by the Gaza-based Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group,” reports The Algemeiner. I don’t know whether it’s fortunate or depressing to note that it was not a functioning synagogue, since any sizable Jewish community has long since been driven out of Muslim Tunisia.
And it’s only been a day since these false reports out of Gaza were published by virtually every major media outlet. The idea that the anger has subsided or the outrage stoked by this massive media failure won’t lead to a terror attack or some other tragic outcome is far from determined. Nor have the media learned their lesson. They’re still credulously repeating Hamas propaganda in all sorts of other stories:
At this point, it’s beyond tiresome to point out that the media are biased and wrong, but this is a whole new level. If they continue to defer to propaganda because it suits their deranged worldview, they’re going to make an already tragic conflict so much worse and get even more people killed.
This simply can’t be tolerated. Over the past week, we saw several major donors withdraw money from universities condoning and tolerating pro-terror protests. If the media persist in reporting pro-Hamas propaganda, they deserve to start acutely feeling pain from subscribers and advertisers alike.

What mainstream media does today for cash and prizes is to generate anger and violence. Journalists and the editors should receive prison time for such stories.
What mainstream media does today for cash and prizes is to generate anger and violence. Journalists and the editors should receive prison time for such stories.
To repeat my previous sentiments, The Fourth Estate has become the Fifth Column decades ago.
Not only will the Quisling Media never be held accountable, It's fully expected to double-down with the Hamas propaganda.
No one should believe anything put out by Hamas. I don’t believe anything put out by the Quisling media either. I don’t believe anything put out by the Israelis and I certainly don’t believe anything put out by U.S. intelligence. Dept. of Justice, or FBI. They've all passed that point long ago.
Please note that not one of the so called media entities have retracted their miss statements regarding their statements regarding the hospital bombing that was an errant Hamas rocket that killed no one as it landed in a parking lot near the hospital.
Even Joe Biden broke his lying record by acknowledging that it was a Hamas rocket and not Israel that caused the near hit at the hospital.

Sure, what about the Big Squeal and it’s falsehoods?

Just going to pass on those lies guckup.
Same thing media does when they show Floyd getting his head held down by a boot like 5000 times on TV over and over, inciting anger and riots beginning.

They should take the media with a grain of salt but they (society) don't and anger erupts and you have riots.

But by the same token, you have a story of a black man beaten and folks don't wait for the videos, they let the media start the frenzy and the rioting begins

These news brands/anchors should be sued when they let a story run wild that has not been verified.
I like this. Fox will have nobody on the air if this is the new punishment for lying.
Have you seen any proof that they did? Use some common sense, Synth (I know that's hard for you...but try!). Hamas is firing off thousands of rockets...many of which are made from repurposed water pipes they've pulled out of the ground being fired by badly trained terrorists. What do you think the odds are that one of those is going to malfunction and hit Gaza instead of Israel?

It wasn't Hamas. It was a jihadi group. The rockets have no guidance system.
The Guilty in the United States.....

The New York Times
- Israel strike kills hundreds in hospital.
Associated Press - Hamas-run heath ministry says Israeli airstrike on hospital kills hundreds.
CNN - Palestinian Health Ministry (which doesn't exist, Hamas runs their health ministry) says an estimated 200 - 300 people killed in Israeli Strike.
RUETERS - Hundreds killed by Israeli airstrike on hospital

Their retraction after realizing it was propaganda issued by a terrorist organization -


The Guilty in the United States.....

The New York Times
- Israel strike kills hundreds in hospital.
Associated Press - Hamas-run heath ministry says Israeli airstrike on hospital kills hundreds.
CNN - Palestinian Health Ministry (which doesn't exist, Hamas runs their health ministry) says an estimated 200 - 300 people killed in Israeli Strike.
RUETERS - Hundreds killed by Israeli airstrike on hospital

Their retraction after realizing it was propaganda issued by a terrorist organization -

Is Derek chauvin still an innocent man on all wingnut fuckup media sites…

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