Clive Bundy Arrested in Oregon-Holdouts Scheduled to Surrender to FBI


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
CNN and are reporting Clive Bundy was arrested as soon as his plane landed in Oregon about an hour ago and that the holdouts at the refuge are saying they will surrender to FBI this morning.
The link to Oregon Live may change, but it is on the front page this morning. Should be all over the news shortly.
Gotta follow the law folks. It sucks sometimes but that's the deal.

The more I read about this the more I agree they have a legitimate gripe with the Feds....especially the whole sentencing/double jeopardy issue.

But....just like burning Ferguson isn't the way to handle it....neither is this.
Good! He owes all the tax payers of the US money for grazing his cows on federal land. He will get what he deserves, I hope.

Well lets string up Sharpton. He owes more than Bundy. Let's just see you cheer on "tax justice" I'll be waiting to see if and when you care.
CNN and are reporting Clive Bundy was arrested as soon as his plane landed in Oregon about an hour ago and that the holdouts at the refuge are saying they will surrender to FBI this morning.
The link to Oregon Live may change, but it is on the front page this morning. Should be all over the news shortly.
Papa Bear in Handcuffs

FBI Arrests Cliven Bundy, Tightens Grip On Final Occupiers At Oregon Wildlife Refuge
FBI Arrests Cliven Bundy, Tightens Grip On Final Occupiers At Oregon Wildlife Refuge

The militants were indicted last week along with 12 others previously arrested on charges of conspiring to impede federal officers.


The occupation, led by Idaho rancher Ammon Bundy, also was directed as a protest against federal control over millions of acres public land in the West.

Cliven Bundy, his father, was arrested on Wednesday when he arrived at Portland International Airport on his way to the wildlife refuge to support the militants, according to the Oregonian newspaper.
Good! He owes all the tax payers of the US money for grazing his cows on federal land. He will get what he deserves, I hope.

Well lets string up Sharpton. He owes more than Bundy. Let's just see you cheer on "tax justice" I'll be waiting to see if and when you care.
Blatant racism. The two cases have no similarities and nothing to do with each other. One is about taxes to an alleged non-profit group and the other is about interfering with law enforcement and refusing to pay court ordered fees for using federal land for profit.
Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher who touched off one armed showdown with federal authorities and applauded another started in Oregon by his sons, was arrested late Wednesday at Portland International Airport and faces federal charges related to the 2014 standoff at his ranch.

Bundy, 74, was booked into the downtown Multnomah County jail at 10:54 p.m.

He faces a conspiracy charge to interfere with a federal officer -- the same charge lodged against two of his sons, Ammon and Ryan, for their role in the Jan. 2 takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Burns. He also faces weapons charges.

The Bundy Ranch Facebook page reported Cliven Bundy was surrounded by SWAT officers and detained after his arrival from Nevada.

He was arrested at 10:10 p.m., authorities said.
Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy arrested by FBI in Portland
Good! He owes all the tax payers of the US money for grazing his cows on federal land. He will get what he deserves, I hope.

Well lets string up Sharpton. He owes more than Bundy. Let's just see you cheer on "tax justice" I'll be waiting to see if and when you care.
Blatant racism. The two cases have no similarities and nothing to do with each other. One is about taxes to an alleged non-profit group and the other is about interfering with law enforcement and refusing to pay court ordered fees for using federal land for profit.

Tell it to the Dann sisters. The BLM and the DOE have worked for decades destroying the Western Shoshone nation. Bundy is just another victim of these assholes.
FBI tactical teams had quietly moved into the refuge compound Tuesday night, entering the buildings undetected by the occupiers. They apparently were in the buildings through the day Wednesday before agents moved against the encampment.

The occupiers talked over each other as the call moderator, identified on the Youtube feed as Gavin Seim, tried to sort out the identities and relayed calls for help to outside parties.

"Just hang in there," he said as he tried to give the occupiers encouragement and calm them down.

At one point on the audio, Sean Anderson was heard yelling, "Did your boss send you here to kill innocent Americans?"

At another point, an agent over a loudspeaker said: "David, I want to talk to you."

"What do you want?" Fry replied, then yelled, "You guys killed LaVoy" and "You let Obama bring terrorists into our country."

Sean Anderson said there were five armored vehicles around the camp. "They have way more guns than us. We need help. ... We will not fire until we're fired upon," he said.
Oregon standoff: FBI moves in on last refuge occupiers
For those that don't understand this struggle an how far it goes back one has to look at how the feds have screwed over the Western Shoshone.
You lefties today are a strange bunch. You yell and scream over eminent domain and the Keystone but you back the feds stealing land from First Nations and ranchers.
Good! He owes all the tax payers of the US money for grazing his cows on federal land. He will get what he deserves, I hope.

Well lets string up Sharpton. He owes more than Bundy. Let's just see you cheer on "tax justice" I'll be waiting to see if and when you care.
Blatant racism. The two cases have no similarities and nothing to do with each other. One is about taxes to an alleged non-profit group and the other is about interfering with law enforcement and refusing to pay court ordered fees for using federal land for profit.

Tell it to the Dann sisters. The BLM and the DOE have worked for decades destroying the Western Shoshone nation. Bundy is just another victim of these assholes.
You persist in bringing up unrelated cases. The case of the Dann sisters was caused when they refused to adhere or honor a settlement made between their tribe and the government via the Bureau of Indian Affairs. All the hateful stuff you have said and native north American tribes in Canada and they US while defending the construction of the pipelines that wanted to acquire land via rights of way and eminent domain and now you want us to think you have this great concern for the Shoshoni sisters.
You lefties today are a strange bunch. You yell and scream over eminent domain and the Keystone but you back the feds stealing land from First Nations and ranchers.
Nobody stole shit from the Bundy's...Cliven Bundy and his sons are Free shit army that Cliven Bundy is in Jail move in on his Ranch and dismantle the meth labs

can you imagine this government going around arresting 70-80 year old citizens and FOR WHAT? Living under the progressive/democrats is a threat to all our lives. I'm just surprised they haven't burned out the protesters in Oregon like they did the 80 Branch Dividians under Billy Clinton/Janet Reno administration.

How the hell can we ever forget this picture all because Fidel Castro requested the boy be sent back to Cuba. so the Clinton administration sent his goons out to capture the FIVE/SIX Year old refugee.
can you imagine this government going around arresting 70-80 year old citizens and FOR WHAT? Living under the progressive/democrats is a threat to all our lives. I'm just surprised they haven't burned out the protesters in Oregon like they did the 80 Branch Dividians under Billy Clinton/Janet Reno administration.

How the hell can we ever forget this picture all because Fidel Castro requested the boy be sent back to Cuba. so the Clinton administration sent his goons out to capture the FIVE/SIX Year old refugee.
For what....for crossing State lines in a conspiracy to commit that the Cliven goon is in a cage move in on his Nevada ranch and collect what he owes...
You lefties today are a strange bunch. You yell and scream over eminent domain and the Keystone but you back the feds stealing land from First Nations and ranchers.
Native American property rights can not be compared to ranchers. Once again, you try to deflect away from the topic by bringing forth unrelated topics. Your argument for the defense of the criminal ranchers can not be defended on it's own merits. That is why you have to drag in these unrelated topics.
Good! He owes all the tax payers of the US money for grazing his cows on federal land. He will get what he deserves, I hope.

Well lets string up Sharpton. He owes more than Bundy. Let's just see you cheer on "tax justice" I'll be waiting to see if and when you care.
Blatant racism. The two cases have no similarities and nothing to do with each other. One is about taxes to an alleged non-profit group and the other is about interfering with law enforcement and refusing to pay court ordered fees for using federal land for profit.

Tell it to the Dann sisters. The BLM and the DOE have worked for decades destroying the Western Shoshone nation. Bundy is just another victim of these assholes.

Have you ever watched American Outrage? I found it be illuminating as well as heartbreaking.
It's amazing how Bundy gets under the left loon's skin. Simply amazing, why he is almost Sarah Palin level on the rabid factor scale

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