Climate Change?

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
I don't know. I suspect the residents of Joplin, MO; Tuscaloosa, AL and the states which border the Mississippi River and its tributaries might be beginning to question the conventional wisdom (i.e. propaganda) of the right wing spin machine.
Even on a worldwide scale, the climatic events of the last twelve months are within scope of a cluster of stronger than normal events caused by the strong La Nina. Barely.

By 2025, if we continue to see more of these types of events, we may be able to look back and say this was the beginning of the change. For sure, we know that the Arctic is already undergoing major changes. As are the alpine areas of the world. We are creating a very interesting future for our descendents. I doubt they will appreciate it.
I don't know. I suspect the residents of Joplin, MO; Tuscaloosa, AL and the states which border the Mississippi River and its tributaries might be beginning to question the conventional wisdom (i.e. propaganda) of the right wing spin machine.

I don't know, it's been a long time since a consistent majority of citizens actually voted in their own best interests,...hopefully, you are correct. There are some signs which seem to indicate that extreme weather events can help some people understand the importance of remedial action, but its generally short lived and fades in extended periods of normalty. The following report on floods and California's water supply talks about "Flood Memory half-life,"

Managing California’s Water: From Conflict to Reconciliation - Managing California’s Water: From Conflict to Reconciliation (PPIC Publication)

excerpt - "...Flood memory half-life. Perception of risk directly changes
pressure for improving flood management. Longer periods of
time since a natural disaster reduce the perception of risk—a
phenomenon referred to as the “flood memory half-life.” The
problem is well in evidence in Californian’s flood insurance
coverage behavior, which peaked soon after the 1997 floods—
the last large floods within the state—and has declined ever

More directly to the point however, "The dragons of inaction: Psychological barriers that limit climate change mitigation and adaptation" I'm afraid I've only got a link to abstract but if you've got access to a good public library or a local university library, it is worth the effort to read (of course you could buy it, but I subscribe to so many journals, I have a real hang-up about paying so much for individual papers!) -

Abstract -
Most people think climate change and sustainability are important problems, but too few global citizens engaged in high-greenhouse-gas-emitting behavior are engaged in enough mitigating behavior to stem the increasing flow of greenhouse gases and other environmental problems. Why is that? Structural barriers such as a climate-averse infrastructure are part of the answer, but psychological barriers also impede behavioral choices that would facilitate mitigation, adaptation, and environmental sustainability. Although many individuals are engaged in some ameliorative action, most could do more, but they are hindered by seven categories of psychological barriers, or “dragons of inaction”: limited cognition about the problem, ideological worldviews that tend to preclude pro-environmental attitudes and behavior, comparisons with key other people, sunk costs and behavioral momentum, discredence toward experts and authorities, perceived risks of change, and positive but inadequate behavior change. Structural barriers must be removed wherever possible, but this is unlikely to be sufficient. Psychologists must work with other scientists, technical experts, and policymakers to help citizens overcome these psychological barriers.
I don't know. I suspect the residents of Joplin, MO; Tuscaloosa, AL and the states which border the Mississippi River and its tributaries might be beginning to question the conventional wisdom (i.e. propaganda) of the right wing spin machine.

Why? There have been larger floods in the past, and the problem with this particular flood is directly attributable to man's efforts to turn the Mississippi from a river that changed its course every year to a little stream that went where it was supposed to. Only a massive stretch of the imagination could make global warming responsible for the levees that were built by the Army corps of Engineers. I find it hard to believe that even an AGW cultist would try to argue that one.
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Globull Warmists need to sell their cars, recycle their HVAC units, give up their cell phones, stop using electricity, and move into caves. Walk the walk motherfuckers!

I generate more energy than I consume and do so through renewable and sustainable (non-CO2 emitting) sources, I would prefer to simply have more people follow a similar path. But I agree with you that life would be much more simple if people that seem to hate technology and the advancements and economic benefits of modern scientific understanding would simply "walk the walk" of their rejectionist luddite talk, the rest of us could go about building the future. As Frank Rowland (president of the AAAS back in the early 90s and a Nobel laureate atmospheric chemist honored for his work on the discovery of stratospheric chlorofluorocarbons' role in ozone depletion), is quoted as saying; "...What’s the use of having developed a science well enough to make predictions, if in the end, all we’re willing to do is stand around and wait for them to come true?..."
Even on a worldwide scale, the climatic events of the last twelve months are within scope of a cluster of stronger than normal events caused by the strong La Nina. Barely.

By 2025, if we continue to see more of these types of events, we may be able to look back and say this was the beginning of the change. For sure, we know that the Arctic is already undergoing major changes. As are the alpine areas of the world. We are creating a very interesting future for our descendents. I doubt they will appreciate it.

Yup..........just like the world was supposed to end Saturday!!!

You have to hand it to whoever came up with the ideas to facilitate the building of the religion of the Global Warming Alarmists. Fcukkers were true genius's!!!!

Somebody was sitting around one day sipping a beer and thought to themselves, " anomoloies happen all the time and are 100% unpredictable. We'll tie this to a natural warming trend, blame it on humans and create a green industry and profit our asses off!!! And we'll have hordes of OCD losers to assist us with our 'cause'!!!! It'll be the greatest public bamboozle job of the century..........and foolproof due to the nature............of nature!!! Best of all........nobody ever checks the facts of history related to freak weather events!!! Throw in the 24 hour news cycle and we'll have the masses shitting in their pants":rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::D

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I don't know. I suspect the residents of Joplin, MO; Tuscaloosa, AL and the states which border the Mississippi River and its tributaries might be beginning to question the conventional wisdom (i.e. propaganda) of the right wing spin machine.

Remember, folks, when the weather's bad, it's evidence of Global Climate Change. When the weather is pleasant, it's just weather and has nothing to do with the climate.

"I don't know. I suspect the residents of Joplin, MO; Tuscaloosa, AL and the states which border the Mississippi River and its tributaries might be beginning to question the conventional wisdom (i.e. propaganda) of the right wing spin machine."

Notice several members of the echo chamber all chime in with their usual cocksure opinions, one even called those who listen to professional scientists "motherfuckers" and another that the debate on climate change is a vast left wing conspiracy.

I'll bet my chips on that the vast number of scientists around the world who suggest human behavior has been a contributor to the change in sea temperature, which impacts global weather.
Globull Warmists need to sell their cars, recycle their HVAC units, give up their cell phones, stop using electricity, and move into caves. Walk the walk motherfuckers!

I generate more energy than I consume and do so through renewable and sustainable (non-CO2 emitting) sources, I would prefer to simply have more people follow a similar path. But I agree with you that life would be much more simple if people that seem to hate technology and the advancements and economic benefits of modern scientific understanding would simply "walk the walk" of their rejectionist luddite talk, the rest of us could go about building the future. As Frank Rowland (president of the AAAS back in the early 90s and a Nobel laureate atmospheric chemist honored for his work on the discovery of stratospheric chlorofluorocarbons' role in ozone depletion), is quoted as saying; "...What’s the use of having developed a science well enough to make predictions, if in the end, all we’re willing to do is stand around and wait for them to come true?..."

The problem with your post is that you've created a Straw Man. Who are these "rejectionist luddites" you're talking about? No one on this board that I know of!!!

"I don't know. I suspect the residents of Joplin, MO; Tuscaloosa, AL and the states which border the Mississippi River and its tributaries might be beginning to question the conventional wisdom (i.e. propaganda) of the right wing spin machine."

Notice several members of the echo chamber all chime in with their usual cocksure opinions, one even called those who listen to professional scientists "motherfuckers" and another that the debate on climate change is a vast left wing conspiracy.

I'll bet my chips on that the vast number of scientists around the world who suggest human behavior has been a contributor to the change in sea temperature, which impacts global weather.

Its just as bad as the proponents of AGW that connect any event to ZOMG CLIMATE CHANGE.

The reason this tornado was worse than others is basically cause it went through the center of a town, instead of the usual farmland. It was not the strongest ever seen, in fact it was only an F4.

This region of the US is known for tornados, i.e. TORNADO ALLEY. As they continue to investigate what likely happened is that it developed very close to the town, giving no time for warning.
Globull Warmists need to sell their cars, recycle their HVAC units, give up their cell phones, stop using electricity, and move into caves. Walk the walk motherfuckers!

I generate more energy than I consume and do so through renewable and sustainable (non-CO2 emitting) sources, I would prefer to simply have more people follow a similar path. But I agree with you that life would be much more simple if people that seem to hate technology and the advancements and economic benefits of modern scientific understanding would simply "walk the walk" of their rejectionist luddite talk, the rest of us could go about building the future. As Frank Rowland (president of the AAAS back in the early 90s and a Nobel laureate atmospheric chemist honored for his work on the discovery of stratospheric chlorofluorocarbons' role in ozone depletion), is quoted as saying; "...What’s the use of having developed a science well enough to make predictions, if in the end, all we’re willing to do is stand around and wait for them to come true?..."

The problem with your post is that you've created a Straw Man. Who are these "rejectionist luddites" you're talking about? No one on this board that I know of!!!

Its not a rejection of technology per se, it is more a rejection of technology that requires either: A) direct government subsidies or B) government legislation to replace the existing technology.

As I have stated in other posts, "green" technology is unique in that its implementation over existing technology requires something outside of the standard course of technological replacement. Horses were replaced by cars as they needed less work to maintain, cost less to operate, and required less skill to use sucessfully. Light bulbs replaced candles and refigerators replaced ice boxes for the same reason. Today "green" replacements for current technology often have greater apparent drawbacks than the tech they are trying to replace, with only the abstract concept of "fighting climate change" to make them theoretically superior to the product they are replacing.

Give me an electric car that costs less to operate than an ICE car, has the same range and abilities, and requires the same level of operator skill, then I'm sold. until then, I'll keep my Sentra.

"I don't know. I suspect the residents of Joplin, MO; Tuscaloosa, AL and the states which border the Mississippi River and its tributaries might be beginning to question the conventional wisdom (i.e. propaganda) of the right wing spin machine."

Notice several members of the echo chamber all chime in with their usual cocksure opinions, one even called those who listen to professional scientists "motherfuckers" and another that the debate on climate change is a vast left wing conspiracy.

I'll bet my chips on that the vast number of scientists around the world who suggest human behavior has been a contributor to the change in sea temperature, which impacts global weather.
I expect the residents of Joplin, MO; Tuscaloosa, AL and the states which border the Mississippi River and its tributaries might be trying to put their lives back together and don't give a shit about your pathetic spin on the disasters which affected them.

Joplin hasn't even buried their dead yet and you're holding up the bodies to push your AGW cult.

Disgusting. Just fucking disgusting.

"I don't know. I suspect the residents of Joplin, MO; Tuscaloosa, AL and the states which border the Mississippi River and its tributaries might be beginning to question the conventional wisdom (i.e. propaganda) of the right wing spin machine."

Notice several members of the echo chamber all chime in with their usual cocksure opinions, one even called those who listen to professional scientists "motherfuckers" and another that the debate on climate change is a vast left wing conspiracy.

I'll bet my chips on that the vast number of scientists around the world who suggest human behavior has been a contributor to the change in sea temperature, which impacts global weather.
I expect the residents of Joplin, MO; Tuscaloosa, AL and the states which border the Mississippi River and its tributaries might be trying to put their lives back together and don't give a shit about your pathetic spin on the disasters which affected them.

Joplin hasn't even buried their dead yet and you're holding up the bodies to push your AGW cult.

Disgusting. Just fucking disgusting.

An ad hominem spun into self righteous indignation. Nice job Dave. You actually might be smarter than a 3rd grader.

"I don't know. I suspect the residents of Joplin, MO; Tuscaloosa, AL and the states which border the Mississippi River and its tributaries might be beginning to question the conventional wisdom (i.e. propaganda) of the right wing spin machine."

Notice several members of the echo chamber all chime in with their usual cocksure opinions, one even called those who listen to professional scientists "motherfuckers" and another that the debate on climate change is a vast left wing conspiracy.

I'll bet my chips on that the vast number of scientists around the world who suggest human behavior has been a contributor to the change in sea temperature, which impacts global weather.
I expect the residents of Joplin, MO; Tuscaloosa, AL and the states which border the Mississippi River and its tributaries might be trying to put their lives back together and don't give a shit about your pathetic spin on the disasters which affected them.

Joplin hasn't even buried their dead yet and you're holding up the bodies to push your AGW cult.

Disgusting. Just fucking disgusting.

An ad hominem spun into self righteous indignation. Nice job Dave. You actually might be smarter than a 3rd grader.
Yeah. You dance on graves, and it's MY fault.

Y'know, I've stopped questioning leftists' patriotism.

Now I question their humanity.
I don't know. I suspect the residents of Joplin, MO; Tuscaloosa, AL and the states which border the Mississippi River and its tributaries might be beginning to question the conventional wisdom (i.e. propaganda) of the right wing spin machine.
Hey man, Shit Happens. Read the Bible some time. Just saying.
Hijacking the claims of the causes of catastrophic events, is pretty disingenuous, don't you think.
Maybe we should be asking more questions than coming to false conclusions based on preconceived notions???
I don't know. I suspect the residents of Joplin, MO; Tuscaloosa, AL and the states which border the Mississippi River and its tributaries might be beginning to question the conventional wisdom (i.e. propaganda) of the right wing spin machine.

What a fucking lowlife fucking asshole.

Show me one repeatable lab experiment where a 60PPM increase in CO2 any of what you allege or

To all the AGW Cultists

Show me one repeatable lab experiment where a 60PPM increase in CO2 any of what you allege or

I expect the residents of Joplin, MO; Tuscaloosa, AL and the states which border the Mississippi River and its tributaries might be trying to put their lives back together and don't give a shit about your pathetic spin on the disasters which affected them.

Joplin hasn't even buried their dead yet and you're holding up the bodies to push your AGW cult.

Disgusting. Just fucking disgusting.

An ad hominem spun into self righteous indignation. Nice job Dave. You actually might be smarter than a 3rd grader.
Yeah. You dance on graves, and it's MY fault.

Y'know, I've stopped questioning leftists' patriotism.

Now I question their humanity.

Good for you Dave. The first step is always the hardest. Let me know your decision on my humanity.

If I may be so bold, would you please describe a "leftist" and how you evaluate a patriot?

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