climate change rigging is a fact


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
Breaking: New Climate Data Rigging Scandal Rocks US Government

"A newly-uncovered and monumental calculating error in official US government climate data shows beyond doubt that climate scientists unjustifiably added on a whopping one degree of phantom warming to the official "raw" temperature record. Skeptics believe the discovery may trigger the biggest of all “climate con” scandals in Congress and sound the death knell on American climate policy."
I do not subscribe to either the link provide or the link I am provide. I am only presenting both sides. Right now I am so damn tired of the GW white sh..t in my driveway I am leaning towards GW fearists should be sent to LaLa land. All I know for sure is that I look out my window and I see little or no difference in the weather or anything else. And I am not sure why a 1 degree rise is so bad, warmth brings life, cold brings death.

Are surface temperature records reliable?

I don't think so.

Although English is my second language, I think that when you discontinue something, you stopped it, while if you have incontinence, you can't.

Am I wrong?
Government manipulation of record-keeping formulas for production of desired results is not surprising. Bill Clinton's people did it to "produce" a surplus (where no other Presidents have)...Atlanta Government School System did it to "produce" higher test scores for students in the failing system.

It doesn't take much thought to deduce the most likely cause....that being money. The conniving scientists are trying to alarm us into thinking more money is needed (to be paid to them) for additional research. The APSS is wanting more money from the feds...that being based on student test scores.
The skewing or data can usually be tied to GREED! ...either for money, power or glory...or any combination of the three!
Government manipulation of record-keeping formulas for production of desired results is not surprising. Bill Clinton's people did it to "produce" a surplus (where no other Presidents have)...Atlanta Government School System did it to "produce" higher test scores for students in the failing system.

It doesn't take much thought to deduce the most likely cause....that being money. The conniving scientists are trying to alarm us into thinking more money is needed (to be paid to them) for additional research. The APSS is wanting more money from the feds...that being based on student test scores.
The skewing or data can usually be tied to GREED! ...either for money, power or glory...or any combination of the three!

James Hansen is making hundreds of thousands of dollars every year jetting around on private planes to give speeches on AGW. It there's no problem, there goes all his exorbitant speaking fees.
This is an old revelation. Dr. Spencer found this by comparing the phonied US temperature record with data from sarellites.. When yyou take the difference, look at what pops out..


The same phoney 0.3degC ""adjustment"". Theres no debate. The data is CONSTANTLY being monkey wrenched.
Breaking: New Climate Data Rigging Scandal Rocks US Government

"A newly-uncovered and monumental calculating error in official US government climate data shows beyond doubt that climate scientists unjustifiably added on a whopping one degree of phantom warming to the official "raw" temperature record. Skeptics believe the discovery may trigger the biggest of all “climate con” scandals in Congress and sound the death knell on American climate policy."

Principia Scientific is the creation of Tim Ball and is simply another denialist rag indulging in buddy-reviewed "papers". Steven Goddard has a bachelor's degree in geology and a masters in Electrical Engineering. He claims to be an environmentalist but has never published ANYTHING on climate science in a peer-reviewed journal.

This is just more crap.
Breaking: New Climate Data Rigging Scandal Rocks US Government

"A newly-uncovered and monumental calculating error in official US government climate data shows beyond doubt that climate scientists unjustifiably added on a whopping one degree of phantom warming to the official "raw" temperature record. Skeptics believe the discovery may trigger the biggest of all “climate con” scandals in Congress and sound the death knell on American climate policy."

Principia Scientific is the creation of Tim Ball and is simply another denialist rag indulging in buddy-reviewed "papers". Steven Goddard has a bachelor's degree in geology and a masters in Electrical Engineering. He claims to be an environmentalist but has never published ANYTHING on climate science in a peer-reviewed journal.

This is just more crap.

Not more crap if it's true.. And it is ABSOLUTELY true. From MANY sources. Having the Communist Daily reprint your work doesn't impeach what you say.

There is a BIG BUMP in the manipulated land temp record for the USA right there in the graph I posted. Doesn't appear in the satellite data. Doesn't appear in VERSION 1 of USHCN. It's one of those monkeyed corrections to keep the temperature records coming.
Sorry but I don't buy it.

How come Goddard starts out describing it as a "mistake" and then, with no explanation, suddenly begins charging Hansen and GISS with having falsified the data. Why's that?
Sorry but I don't buy it.

How come Goddard starts out describing it as a "mistake" and then, with no explanation, suddenly begins charging Hansen and GISS with having falsified the data. Why's that?

Because the US Surface Temp didn't take a 0.3degC jump between 1997 and 1999.. That's over a DECADE'S worth of warming. This monkey biz shows ONLY in VER 2 USHCN. Not in the earlier version, and NOT IN THE SATELLITE RECORD..

Don't care what you buy.. You're gullible anyway... Do you understand the CHARTS that have been posted? Especially the one from UAH I put in a post just above? Describe what you're seeing to me..
Breaking: New Climate Data Rigging Scandal Rocks US Government

"A newly-uncovered and monumental calculating error in official US government climate data shows beyond doubt that climate scientists unjustifiably added on a whopping one degree of phantom warming to the official "raw" temperature record. Skeptics believe the discovery may trigger the biggest of all “climate con” scandals in Congress and sound the death knell on American climate policy."

Total and complete bullshit from a lying bullshit site. So what you are saying is that all the various groups keeping track of the warming, in all the major nations in the world, are publishing false data? Why? And how do you get that many scientists in on a conspriracy?

You have better stock up on the aluminum foil:razz:
Sorry but I don't buy it.

How come Goddard starts out describing it as a "mistake" and then, with no explanation, suddenly begins charging Hansen and GISS with having falsified the data. Why's that?

Because the US Surface Temp didn't take a 0.3degC jump between 1997 and 1999.. That's over a DECADE'S worth of warming. This monkey biz shows ONLY in VER 2 USHCN. Not in the earlier version, and NOT IN THE SATELLITE RECORD..

Don't care what you buy.. You're gullible anyway... Do you understand the CHARTS that have been posted? Especially the one from UAH I put in a post just above? Describe what you're seeing to me..

That doesn't explain how what he says was a mistake (and let me make it clear that I don't believe there is anything wrong with GISS's data) becomes a conspiratorial fraud.

And don't think of accusing me of being gullible. I'm not the one who buys every harebrained idea or conspiracy theory that comes down the pike whether or not it has any evidence or PASSES A SANITY TEST.
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Breaking: New Climate Data Rigging Scandal Rocks US Government

"A newly-uncovered and monumental calculating error in official US government climate data shows beyond doubt that climate scientists unjustifiably added on a whopping one degree of phantom warming to the official "raw" temperature record. Skeptics believe the discovery may trigger the biggest of all “climate con” scandals in Congress and sound the death knell on American climate policy."

Principia Scientific is the creation of Tim Ball and is simply another denialist rag indulging in buddy-reviewed "papers". Steven Goddard has a bachelor's degree in geology and a masters in Electrical Engineering. He claims to be an environmentalist but has never published ANYTHING on climate science in a peer-reviewed journal.

This is just more crap.

Do you have the required hard evidence to prove the claim wrong, or is an ad hominem the best you can muster?

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