Clear up confusion,America and full auto weapons


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Some of you seem confused about full auto gun ownership.

It is possible to obtain a license to own full auto weapons in the USA.

A person applies for a full-auto license (20 years ago I heard it was $1500) then they have to be cleared by the feds which means a spotless criminal record. The location of the gun has to be declared and the person gives the feds the permission to enter the gun's location at any time.

Nevada is a popular place for people with full-auto weapons.

If the shooter owned the guns legally that means he had a perfect record.

The police believe his guns were illegally converted to full auto.

There's also a rumor he tried to use a silencer (which will not work on those weapons)
You know..................even if EVERYONE in the audience had a CCL and was in possession of a handgun, it wouldn't have made any difference, even if they knew exactly where he was shooting from.


Because there are no handguns that I am aware of that can shoot up 32 stories, and over several hundred yards to reach where the shooter was at.

Still think that a good guy with a gun is going to stop a bad guy with a gun?

Still think that allowing people to have assault rifles that can easily be modified to full auto is a good idea?

If you want to have a rife, fine. Make sure it is single shot or semi auto only, but I have reservations about semi auto weapons. Bolt action rifles are more accurate, and that is what I hunted with as a kid back in MT.

You want to have a handgun? Fine. However, do you REALLY need to be able to shoot 30 rounds before reloading?
Unless the gun was manufactured before 1986, there are even more restrictions and qualifications to possession such a weapon. The full-auto gun applicant has to be a dealer and must have been commissioned by local law enforcement to build and maintain a "sample" or "demo" weapon for law enforcement to use or purchase. The applicant can't just decide to build one for the fun of it. It's highly restrictive, requiring multiple levels of scrutiny from law enforcement and probably a really close working relationship with the local police department.

Most people could go through all the licensing b.s. and STILL not be allowed to obtain a full-auto.
Unless the gun was manufactured before 1986, there are even more restrictions and qualifications to possession such a weapon. The full-auto gun applicant has to be a dealer and must have been commissioned by local law enforcement to build and maintain a "sample" or "demo" weapon for law enforcement to use or purchase. The applicant can't just decide to build one for the fun of it. It's highly restrictive, requiring multiple levels of scrutiny from law enforcement and probably a really close working relationship with the local police department.

Most people could go through all the licensing b.s. and STILL not be allowed to obtain a full-auto.

There are instructions and kits you can get on the internet that you can use to convert semi automatic weapons to full auto. And, if you know someone in the black market and have enough money (he was a millionaire), you can buy one direct.

And then, there are the techniques that are on the 'net about how to do "bump fire" and other quick fire techniques. can even buy a little crank device that fires the trigger 3 times faster than what the human finger can manage.
Still think that a good guy with a gun is going to stop a bad guy with a gun?
I would rather be a good guy with a gun and have a fighting chance than a meat target with no recourse but to die unchallenged.

Still think that allowing people to have assault rifles that can easily be modified to full auto is a good idea?
Assault rifles are full-auto. What civilians usually have is a semi-auto replica of an assault rifle.

A full-auto rifle can be build with relatively cheap tools, from hardware store components. You can't stop it from happening.

You want to have a handgun? Fine. However, do you REALLY need to be able to shoot 30 rounds before reloading?
Most well-trained police officers reload 3 times in a shootout, and miss all over the place. In a high-stress situation (like a home invasion) accuracy is VERY limited, compounded by light conditions. More ammo without reloading could save your ass.

This is all horseshit. NOTHING could have stopped the shooting. Stop trying to pretend gun grabbing legislation will do it.
There are instructions and kits you can get on the internet that you can use to convert semi automatic weapons to full auto. And, if you know someone in the black market and have enough money (he was a millionaire), you can buy one direct.
Sounds to me like gun grabbing legislation would do JACK SHIT to stop mass shootings.

Give me my guns and give up on gun grabbing. It is useless.
Still think that a good guy with a gun is going to stop a bad guy with a gun?
I would rather be a good guy with a gun and have a fighting chance than a meat target with no recourse but to die unchallenged.

Still think that allowing people to have assault rifles that can easily be modified to full auto is a good idea?
Assault rifles are full-auto. What civilians usually have is a semi-auto replica of an assault rifle.

A full-auto rifle can be build with relatively cheap tools, from hardware store components. You can't stop it from happening.

You want to have a handgun? Fine. However, do you REALLY need to be able to shoot 30 rounds before reloading?
Most well-trained police officers reload 3 times in a shootout, and miss all over the place. In a high-stress situation (like a home invasion) accuracy is VERY limited, compounded by light conditions. More ammo without reloading could save your ass.

This is all horseshit. NOTHING could have stopped the shooting. Stop trying to pretend gun grabbing legislation will do it.

NOBODY at the concert had a fighting chance, and yeah, they were all meat targets because nobody there would have had the range or the firepower to take him out.

Do you really need to have a semi automatic weapon? Bolt action rifles have worked pretty well for me thus far.

And...............sorry................but if I can't hit an intruder with 15 rounds in a room that is house sized (meaning they are closer than cops usually are when they are chasing suspects), then maybe I should have spent more time at the range.
Do you really need to have a semi automatic weapon?
Yes. I need more. I need a full-auto. I am governed by a bunch of commies who want to take my rights, and they have armies with lots of full-autos. I should get them too as a final check on tyranny. And fuck you, I don't care if I have no chance against my own government, The thought of fighting against citizens would put a stop to any hostile takeover. We will eventually get our state-of-the-art, current production full-autos. This is not over and we will not stop until we get them.

And...............sorry................but if I can't hit an intruder with 15 rounds in a room that is house sized (meaning they are closer than cops usually are when they are chasing suspects), then maybe I should have spent more time at the range.
Are you a better shot than cops? Because they have accuracy problems at close range in shootout situations too.

You clearly do not know what the fuck you are talking about.
Do you really need to have a semi automatic weapon?
Yes. I need more. I need a full-auto. I am governed by a bunch of commies who want to take my rights, and they have armies with lots of full-autos. I should get them too as a final check on tyranny. And fuck you, I don't care if I have no chance against my own government, The thought of fighting against citizens would put a stop to any hostile takeover. We will eventually get our state-of-the-art, current production full-autos. This is not over and we will not stop until we get them.

And...............sorry................but if I can't hit an intruder with 15 rounds in a room that is house sized (meaning they are closer than cops usually are when they are chasing suspects), then maybe I should have spent more time at the range.
Are you a better shot than cops? Because they have accuracy problems at close range in shootout situations too.

You clearly do not know what the fuck you are talking about.

So, you say you need full auto weapons? Why? Because of the commie government? Okay, paranoid much? Trump is president and Obama is gone.

As far as being able to hit a target in 15 rounds? Had to practice every month on the range when I was part of the Security Force in the Navy. And yeah, apparently I would have been a better shot than most cops because I was Sharpshooter qualified.
As far as being able to hit a target in 15 rounds? Had to practice every month on the range when I was part of the Security Force in the Navy. And yeah, apparently I would have been a better shot than most cops because I was Sharpshooter qualified.
Name the time you were in a real shootout where you hit better than well-trained cops.
So you have no rational reason. Full auto weapons are designed for one purpose, and that is to throw a lot of rounds downrange to kill a lot of people. They are only useful in war, because they aren't very accurate.

I want to be able to kill humans. Humans are the fucking assholes who typically try to overthrow my government, Bolshevik-style.
As far as being able to hit a target in 15 rounds? Had to practice every month on the range when I was part of the Security Force in the Navy. And yeah, apparently I would have been a better shot than most cops because I was Sharpshooter qualified.
Name the time you were in a real shootout where you hit better than well-trained cops.

Honestly, never had to pull my weapon while on patrol.

However...............there was one time in Newport RI where we trained with the Newport police, and they had a shoot off with us, as well as other training exercises.

Our squad kicked the crap out of every one of them. But that's because we were trained by a Marine, and we practiced on a regular basis. Apparently, the cops didn't.

And.................where is the weapons control? In each of the range exercises where we were bouncing from target to target, taking various positions, we never fired more than 3 rounds at any one target. Do you really need to empty your gun into a suspect, reload, empty your gun again, and then reload for a third time?

That's just crappy training IMHO.
So, you say you need full auto weapons? Why?
Because, fuck you. That's why.

So you have no rational reason. Full auto weapons are designed for one purpose, and that is to throw a lot of rounds downrange to kill a lot of people. They are only useful in war, because they aren't very accurate.

Except for machine guns...American assault weapons are not set on full auto.
They fire in a three round burst. Waste of ammo and too much spray
on full auto.

They can quickly be adapted in a fire fight when heavily outnumbered
and they are defending a position, but when they assault they use the
3-round burst
You are assuming that shooting in a controlled environment is the same as a real shootout.

Situational Stress and Shooting Accuracy For Police

You personally may be better at hitting your target, but the person not as well trained, in a high-stress situation like a shootout, will be much better served with more ammunition. An AR-15 with at least 1 30-round magazine will save even the most inexperienced shooter in a home defense situation. You cannot ignore that.
So, you say you need full auto weapons? Why?
Because, fuck you. That's why.

So you have no rational reason. Full auto weapons are designed for one purpose, and that is to throw a lot of rounds downrange to kill a lot of people. They are only useful in war, because they aren't very accurate.

Except for machine guns...American assault weapons are not set on full auto.
They fire in a three round burst. Waste of ammo and too much spray
on full auto.

They can quickly be adapted in a fire fight when heavily outnumbered
and they are defending a position, but when they assault they use the
3-round burst
I'll take a 3-round burst for now. Why wouldn't government give us that, especially if they are trying to limit magazine capacity?
Do you really need to have a semi automatic weapon?
Yes. I need more. I need a full-auto. I am governed by a bunch of commies who want to take my rights, and they have armies with lots of full-autos. I should get them too as a final check on tyranny. And fuck you, I don't care if I have no chance against my own government, The thought of fighting against citizens would put a stop to any hostile takeover. We will eventually get our state-of-the-art, current production full-autos. This is not over and we will not stop until we get them.

And...............sorry................but if I can't hit an intruder with 15 rounds in a room that is house sized (meaning they are closer than cops usually are when they are chasing suspects), then maybe I should have spent more time at the range.
Are you a better shot than cops? Because they have accuracy problems at close range in shootout situations too.

You clearly do not know what the fuck you are talking about.
You are exactly the type of fruitloop that should not be allowed within ten feet of a gun.
You are assuming that shooting in a controlled environment is the same as a real shootout.

Situational Stress and Shooting Accuracy For Police

You personally may be better at hitting your target, but the person not as well trained, in a high-stress situation like a shootout, will be much better served with more ammunition. An AR-15 with at least 1 30-round magazine will save even the most inexperienced shooter in a home defense situation. You cannot ignore that.

Yeah, we may have been in a controlled environment, but having a Marine yell at you that you aren't fast enough or your position is wrong is pretty stressful as well. Maybe that is why we kicked the crap out of the cops.

How many people exactly are you expecting to be attacked by?
So, you say you need full auto weapons? Why?
Because, fuck you. That's why.

So you have no rational reason. Full auto weapons are designed for one purpose, and that is to throw a lot of rounds downrange to kill a lot of people. They are only useful in war, because they aren't very accurate.

Except for machine guns...American assault weapons are not set on full auto.
They fire in a three round burst. Waste of ammo and too much spray
on full auto.

They can quickly be adapted in a fire fight when heavily outnumbered
and they are defending a position, but when they assault they use the
3-round burst
I'll take a 3-round burst for now. Why wouldn't government give us that, especially if they are trying to limit magazine capacity?
Given the tenor of your posts, why should you even be allowed to have any kind of gun. You come across as someone with some major mental problems.

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