Class action lawsuit filed yesterday against Trump and his three oldest children. A brand new scam!


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
New lawsuit claims Trump, kids made millions off scams

The new lawsuit filed Monday contends that, as in the Trump University case, the Trump brand and the apparent endorsement from Trump himself were critical in luring unsuspecting investors to the sham companies he promoted.

Trump defrauded investors in marketing scheme, lawsuit says

Four anonymous plaintiffs filed a class-action lawsuit against President Donald Trump, his business and his three eldest children in federal court Monday, alleging that the Trumps helped promote fraudulent investments that duped investors.

Trump scammed cash-strapped investors with false promises, lawsuit says

The Manhattan federal lawsuit names Trump as a defendant, along with his children, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump, and the Trump Corporation. Legal claims include false advertising, fraud and negligent misrepresentation. The Trumps are also being sued for their connection to two other business ventures.


I wonder how much he will have to pay out this time?
What is amazing is how people like D is drooling over this information, yet doesn't realize that it is TAX FUCKING DOLLARS that are being spent on this frivolous pursuit of trying to bring down the president. Now if D is a "worker"(as liberal call them) he is wasting his time and effort for this shit. If he is a welfare queen then no big deal until the debt gets so high(thanks Obama for his 9.5 trillion dollar increase) that we just cant pay poor shitfucks to sit on their ass and do nothing but smoke dope and bitch about the trumps....
WTF is a “cash strapped investor”? If you don’t have money to gamble on an investment, then don’t.
Trump has ALWAYS BEEN and will FOREVER BE a CON MAN.

The sad fact is ~63 million brain dead assholes voted for Trump CON MAN.

~63 million voters GAMBLING with America's future.

How fvcking shameful.

you bet YOUR OWN nation on a con man TV personality.

It does NOT get any more shameful than that deplorable shit.
Trump has ALWAYS BEEN and will FOREVER BE a CON MAN.

The sad fact is ~63 million brain dead assholes voted for Trump CON MAN.

~63 million voters GAMBLING with America's future.

How fvcking shameful.

you bet YOUR OWN nation on a con man TV personality.

It does NOT get any more shameful than that deplorable shit.
Thank you for that, because that was exactly what the sickly bitch vagina candidate thought about US too. Look where it got her, another failed election even with the WHOLE lickspittle, liberal, lapdog, media behind her wouldn't couldn't get her across the finish line...Please, oh please, run her again...….
Trump has ALWAYS BEEN and will FOREVER BE a CON MAN.

The sad fact is ~63 million brain dead assholes voted for Trump CON MAN.

~63 million voters GAMBLING with America's future.

How fvcking shameful.

you bet YOUR OWN nation on a con man TV personality.

It does NOT get any more shameful than that deplorable shit.
not this?

or this?

or how about this?

I know this...

Trump has ALWAYS BEEN and will FOREVER BE a CON MAN.

The sad fact is ~63 million brain dead assholes voted for Trump CON MAN.

~63 million voters GAMBLING with America's future.

How fvcking shameful.

you bet YOUR OWN nation on a con man TV personality.

It does NOT get any more shameful than that deplorable shit.

Your endless partisanship rants are stupid and boring, try new material to regale readers with.
What is amazing is how people like D is drooling over this information, yet doesn't realize that it is TAX FUCKING DOLLARS that are being spent on this frivolous pursuit of trying to bring down the president. Now if D is a "worker"(as liberal call them) he is wasting his time and effort for this shit. If he is a welfare queen then no big deal until the debt gets so high(thanks Obama for his 9.5 trillion dollar increase) that we just cant pay poor shitfucks to sit on their ass and do nothing but smoke dope and bitch about the trumps....
A class action civil suit does not involve tax dollars.
New lawsuit claims Trump, kids made millions off scams

The new lawsuit filed Monday contends that, as in the Trump University case, the Trump brand and the apparent endorsement from Trump himself were critical in luring unsuspecting investors to the sham companies he promoted.

Trump defrauded investors in marketing scheme, lawsuit says

Four anonymous plaintiffs filed a class-action lawsuit against President Donald Trump, his business and his three eldest children in federal court Monday, alleging that the Trumps helped promote fraudulent investments that duped investors.

Trump scammed cash-strapped investors with false promises, lawsuit says

The Manhattan federal lawsuit names Trump as a defendant, along with his children, Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump, and the Trump Corporation. Legal claims include false advertising, fraud and negligent misrepresentation. The Trumps are also being sued for their connection to two other business ventures.


I wonder how much he will have to pay out this time?
Trump is a fantastic business man, getting free rent inside Leftard heads for over two years now.
What is amazing is how people like D is drooling over this information, yet doesn't realize that it is TAX FUCKING DOLLARS that are being spent on this frivolous pursuit of trying to bring down the president. Now if D is a "worker"(as liberal call them) he is wasting his time and effort for this shit. If he is a welfare queen then no big deal until the debt gets so high(thanks Obama for his 9.5 trillion dollar increase) that we just cant pay poor shitfucks to sit on their ass and do nothing but smoke dope and bitch about the trumps....
A class action civil suit does not involve tax dollars.
He is the president of the US, who do you think is going to pay the bill...God you are one stupid twit.
What is amazing is how people like D is drooling over this information, yet doesn't realize that it is TAX FUCKING DOLLARS that are being spent on this frivolous pursuit of trying to bring down the president. Now if D is a "worker"(as liberal call them) he is wasting his time and effort for this shit. If he is a welfare queen then no big deal until the debt gets so high(thanks Obama for his 9.5 trillion dollar increase) that we just cant pay poor shitfucks to sit on their ass and do nothing but smoke dope and bitch about the trumps....
A class action civil suit does not involve tax dollars.
He is the president of the US, who do you think is going to pay the bill...God you are one stupid twit.
Lol, you call me stupid but have no idea how this shit works.

Listen little tRumpling and I will educate you. I'll try to keep it simple, I know you have problems with complex concepts.

Sue the tRump administration, the government pays.

Sue the *president* (the office, not the man), the government pays.

Sue dOnald tRump, his sons, or the tRump oRganization, and they pay.

Hell kid, Bill Clinton had to pay his impeachment lawers outta his pocket.
What is amazing is how people like D is drooling over this information, yet doesn't realize that it is TAX FUCKING DOLLARS that are being spent on this frivolous pursuit of trying to bring down the president. Now if D is a "worker"(as liberal call them) he is wasting his time and effort for this shit. If he is a welfare queen then no big deal until the debt gets so high(thanks Obama for his 9.5 trillion dollar increase) that we just cant pay poor shitfucks to sit on their ass and do nothing but smoke dope and bitch about the trumps....
A class action civil suit does not involve tax dollars.
He is the president of the US, who do you think is going to pay the bill...God you are one stupid twit.
Lol, you call me stupid but have no idea how this shit works.

Listen little tRumpling and I will educate you. I'll try to keep it simple, I know you have problems with complex concepts.

Sue the tRump administration, the government pays.

Sue the *president* (the office, not the man), the government pays.

Sue dOnald tRump, his sons, or the tRump oRganization, and they pay.

Hell kid, Bill Clinton had to pay his impeachment lawers outta his pocket.
So what you are saying, is that if I wanted a class action lawsuit against Barrack Hussain Obama and Michael Obama, for allowing diseased children to cross the border from the south and infect US children thus causing them to die, you wouldn't have any problem with that? Or a lawsuit against them for bringing in Illegal Criminals who shot and killed a young girl in San Fran? Shall we open the door? How about when Eric Holder allowed assault weapons to cross into Mexico and kill 10,000 + Mexican Citizens, with his blessing? What about the Gays in Orlando who were gunned down, while Obama's FBI knew all about the Muslim on their terror list. How about we put a class action lawsuit against all Democrat Voters as it was that party that fought against the freeing of slaves, so after we take your money, we can give it to blacks for reparations? Only stupid dickhead is you....

What is amazing is how people like D is drooling over this information, yet doesn't realize that it is TAX FUCKING DOLLARS that are being spent on this frivolous pursuit of trying to bring down the president. Now if D is a "worker"(as liberal call them) he is wasting his time and effort for this shit. If he is a welfare queen then no big deal until the debt gets so high(thanks Obama for his 9.5 trillion dollar increase) that we just cant pay poor shitfucks to sit on their ass and do nothing but smoke dope and bitch about the trumps....
A class action civil suit does not involve tax dollars.
He is the president of the US, who do you think is going to pay the bill...God you are one stupid twit.
Lol, you call me stupid but have no idea how this shit works.

Listen little tRumpling and I will educate you. I'll try to keep it simple, I know you have problems with complex concepts.

Sue the tRump administration, the government pays.

Sue the *president* (the office, not the man), the government pays.

Sue dOnald tRump, his sons, or the tRump oRganization, and they pay.

Hell kid, Bill Clinton had to pay his impeachment lawers outta his pocket.
So what you are saying, is that if I wanted a class action lawsuit against Barrack Hussain Obama and Michael Obama, for allowing diseased children to cross the border from the south and infect US children thus causing them to die, you wouldn't have any problem with that? Or a lawsuit against them for bringing in Illegal Criminals who shot and killed a young girl in San Fran? Shall we open the door? How about when Eric Holder allowed assault weapons to cross into Mexico and kill 10,000 + Mexican Citizens, with his blessing? What about the Gays in Orlando who were gunned down, while Obama's FBI knew all about the Muslim on their terror list. How about we put a class action lawsuit against all Democrat Voters as it was that party that fought against the freeing of slaves, so after we take your money, we can give it to blacks for reparations? Only stupid dickhead is you....

Look kid, one more time:

Sue the tRump administration, the government pays.

Sue the *president* (the office, not the man), the government pays.

Sue dOnald tRump, his sons, or the tRump oRganization, and they pay.

You are talking about the actions of the president, not the private citizen. The government would pay since you are in essence suing it.

Some days I wonder how you conservitards manage to function in day to day life.
Trump has ALWAYS BEEN and will FOREVER BE a CON MAN.

The sad fact is ~63 million brain dead assholes voted for Trump CON MAN.

~63 million voters GAMBLING with America's future.

How fvcking shameful.

you bet YOUR OWN nation on a con man TV personality.

It does NOT get any more shameful than that deplorable shit.

It’s funny how liberals can call conservatives “brain dead assholes”. But if a conservative calls a liberal an idiot the moderator will give us a warning or points.
What’s up with that moderator?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What is amazing is how people like D is drooling over this information, yet doesn't realize that it is TAX FUCKING DOLLARS that are being spent on this frivolous pursuit of trying to bring down the president. Now if D is a "worker"(as liberal call them) he is wasting his time and effort for this shit. If he is a welfare queen then no big deal until the debt gets so high(thanks Obama for his 9.5 trillion dollar increase) that we just cant pay poor shitfucks to sit on their ass and do nothing but smoke dope and bitch about the trumps....
Where do I sign up for that?
Trump has ALWAYS BEEN and will FOREVER BE a CON MAN.

The sad fact is ~63 million brain dead assholes voted for Trump CON MAN.

~63 million voters GAMBLING with America's future.

How fvcking shameful.

you bet YOUR OWN nation on a con man TV personality.

It does NOT get any more shameful than that deplorable shit.

It’s funny how liberals can call conservatives “brain dead assholes”. But if a conservative calls a liberal an idiot the moderator will give us a warning or points.
What’s up with that moderator?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
probably for no topical input..
What is amazing is how people like D is drooling over this information, yet doesn't realize that it is TAX FUCKING DOLLARS that are being spent on this frivolous pursuit of trying to bring down the president. Now if D is a "worker"(as liberal call them) he is wasting his time and effort for this shit. If he is a welfare queen then no big deal until the debt gets so high(thanks Obama for his 9.5 trillion dollar increase) that we just cant pay poor shitfucks to sit on their ass and do nothing but smoke dope and bitch about the trumps....
A class action civil suit does not involve tax dollars.
He is the president of the US, who do you think is going to pay the bill...God you are one stupid twit.
Lol, you call me stupid but have no idea how this shit works.

Listen little tRumpling and I will educate you. I'll try to keep it simple, I know you have problems with complex concepts.

Sue the tRump administration, the government pays.

Sue the *president* (the office, not the man), the government pays.

Sue dOnald tRump, his sons, or the tRump oRganization, and they pay.

Hell kid, Bill Clinton had to pay his impeachment lawers outta his pocket.
So what you are saying, is that if I wanted a class action lawsuit against Barrack Hussain Obama and Michael Obama, for allowing diseased children to cross the border from the south and infect US children thus causing them to die, you wouldn't have any problem with that? Or a lawsuit against them for bringing in Illegal Criminals who shot and killed a young girl in San Fran? Shall we open the door? How about when Eric Holder allowed assault weapons to cross into Mexico and kill 10,000 + Mexican Citizens, with his blessing? What about the Gays in Orlando who were gunned down, while Obama's FBI knew all about the Muslim on their terror list. How about we put a class action lawsuit against all Democrat Voters as it was that party that fought against the freeing of slaves, so after we take your money, we can give it to blacks for reparations? Only stupid dickhead is you....

Look kid, one more time:

Sue the tRump administration, the government pays.

Sue the *president* (the office, not the man), the government pays.

Sue dOnald tRump, his sons, or the tRump oRganization, and they pay.

You are talking about the actions of the president, not the private citizen. The government would pay since you are in essence suing it.

Some days I wonder how you conservitards manage to function in day to day life.
They are not suing the Trump administration this is a civil lawsuit over business operations.
A class action civil suit does not involve tax dollars.
He is the president of the US, who do you think is going to pay the bill...God you are one stupid twit.
Lol, you call me stupid but have no idea how this shit works.

Listen little tRumpling and I will educate you. I'll try to keep it simple, I know you have problems with complex concepts.

Sue the tRump administration, the government pays.

Sue the *president* (the office, not the man), the government pays.

Sue dOnald tRump, his sons, or the tRump oRganization, and they pay.

Hell kid, Bill Clinton had to pay his impeachment lawers outta his pocket.
So what you are saying, is that if I wanted a class action lawsuit against Barrack Hussain Obama and Michael Obama, for allowing diseased children to cross the border from the south and infect US children thus causing them to die, you wouldn't have any problem with that? Or a lawsuit against them for bringing in Illegal Criminals who shot and killed a young girl in San Fran? Shall we open the door? How about when Eric Holder allowed assault weapons to cross into Mexico and kill 10,000 + Mexican Citizens, with his blessing? What about the Gays in Orlando who were gunned down, while Obama's FBI knew all about the Muslim on their terror list. How about we put a class action lawsuit against all Democrat Voters as it was that party that fought against the freeing of slaves, so after we take your money, we can give it to blacks for reparations? Only stupid dickhead is you....

Look kid, one more time:

Sue the tRump administration, the government pays.

Sue the *president* (the office, not the man), the government pays.

Sue dOnald tRump, his sons, or the tRump oRganization, and they pay.

You are talking about the actions of the president, not the private citizen. The government would pay since you are in essence suing it.

Some days I wonder how you conservitards manage to function in day to day life.
They are not suing the Trump administration this is a civil lawsuit over business operations.

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