CIA leakers undermining Trump:MBS communicated with adviser during Khashoggi killing


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2018
Mohammed Bin Salman participated directly in the murder of Jamal Khashoggi by communications with his man the butcher before and after the murder.

Donald Trump is complicit in the coverup because he has the CIA communication intercepts which demonstrate that MBS was lying.

Leakers in the CIA are undermining Donald Trump's lies in defense of murderer MBS.

MBS communicated with adviser during Khashoggi killing: WSJ

MBS communicated with adviser during Khashoggi killing: WSJ
Wall Street Journal reviews a classified CIA assessment that cites messages between MBS and aide, Saud al-Qahtani.
01 Dec 2018 13:39 GMT

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) sent 11 messages to his closest adviser, who reportedly oversaw the operatives who killed journalist Jamal Khashoggi, in the hours before and after the journalist's murder on October 2, according to a Wall Street Journal report.

The Journal said on Saturday it had reviewed excerpts of an intelligence file that was classified as "highly confidential", which cites electronic intercepts and other covert information between Prince Mohammed and his aide, Saud al-Qahtani.

However, the content of the messages between the two parties is unknown.
"To be clear, we lack direct reports that the crown prince issued the order of murder," the assessment notes, according to the Journal.

The assessment reports that Qahtani, who supervised the 15-man team that killed Khashoggi, was also in direct communication with the team's leader in Istanbul.

Al-Qahtani worked as a media adviser to MBS after serving in several positions within the royal court [Al Jazeera screengrab]
"We assess it is highly unlikely this team of operators … carried out the operation without Mohammed bin Salman's authorisation," it says.

Khashoggi, an outspoken critic of the Saudi crown prince, was murdered inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. He had left Saudi Arabia in self-imposed exile last year and settled in the US state of Virginia, where he was a regular contributor to The Washington Post.

According to the assessment, Prince Mohammed told associates in August 2017 that if efforts to persuade Khashoggi to return to Saudi Arabia were not successful, saying, "We could possibly lure him outside Saudi Arabia and make arrangements."

The assessment said that this "seems to foreshadow the Saudi operation launched against Khashoggi".
The Wall Street Journal said it was not clear from the extracts whether the 2017 comments on luring Khashoggi to a third country were mentioned directly by MBS or by another person who described his remarks.
A CIA spokesperson declined to comment on the report. A White House official said on Friday that the administration was not commenting on intelligence matters.

Last month, it was reported that the CIA determined MBS had likely ordered Khashoggi's killing.
However, President Donald Trump later cast doubt on the reported CIA conclusion about the prince, saying "maybe he did; and maybe he didn't." ... ]
The CIA shouldn't be leaking that stuff. I suppose they had to, since Trump was not about to face facts. But still.
A Saudi citizen, living in Turkey with his Turkish girlfriend, gets whacked by Saudis, at the Saudi embassy located in Turkey.

How does this have anything to do with us?
No matter how you slice it. The Khashoggi murder has nothing to do with us.

Donald Trump and Jared Kushner are complicit.
The CIA shouldn't be leaking that stuff. I suppose they had to, since Trump was not about to face facts. But still.
I'm not sure it's accurate to say the CIA "leaked" the information since there was no apparent effort by the administration to keep it secret. The point is Saudi Arabia is a key ally in the US's efforts to bring about peace between Israel and the Arabs and in the US effort to thwart Iran's imperialist adventures. Considering that the US has been assassinating troublesome politicians and political activists around the world for many years, it would be hypocritical of us to punish Saudi Arabia for doing the same thing.
Who gives a flying f’ what the Saudis did to someone they consider a traitor. They don’t need our permission to take out their traitors. We do the same thing using drones or Special Forces on foreign lands frequently, sometimes with collateral damage. I think we should use Saudi Arabia more than we do now. Pull most of our troops out of the Middle East and supply the Saudis with everything they need to keep the reigon tolerable. They are motivated to stabilize the area andwe would have far fewer casualties. We could bring those troops and station them on the Southern border until the wall is built. They have experience working in desert climates.

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