CIA Joins FBI In 'Proven Traitor / Threat To US Democracy Status', Involved In JFK Assassination

Full metal jacket bullets don’t splinter on soft tissue. They did experiments. Two guns. Go back and graze sheeple
No one ever said it splintered and no one ever conducted such experiments.

The bullet broke apart when it struck bone.

Try a schookl rather than dreaming up crap
Of course there is. They think it's awful falafel. But first of all we already know what it is, and secondly after Trump and Biden what could possibly be all that bad? lol :p
There is always Hillary. She might be worse than Trump, Biden, Obama and Bush the Younger combined.
Johnson reportedly said:

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference... I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for the next two hundred years".

His quote makes more sense after discovering he was a member of the KKK.

No wonder he did not want that bit of information released.
It simply amazes me that the blacks have not yet woke up to the way they have been manipulated by the Democrats.
"A top intelligence source, who has reportedly seen unclassified documents on the assassination of John F. Kennedy, has accused the CIA of being “involved” in the former president’s death.'

President Trump released a second treasure of documents later that year.

One of the documents revealed that Democrat President Lyndon Johnson was a KKK member.

On Thursday the National Archives released thousands of documents on JFK.

However, the disgraced FBI and CIA have refused to allow the release of all of the documents.

Around 3% of the JFK documents are still being withheld from release to the public, more than 50 years after the assassination."

The CIA is reportedly refisibg to allow the release of the remainder of the documents ... for 50 more years.

(How can the CIA, who work for us, withhold informationike this from US ... until a time when those who might have been involved are dead ?)

So the government sealed the JFK Assassination files so no one could look at them for decades?

What did the FBI just do with Seth Rich's laptop / files? -
Sealed them for 66 years.


Yeah...nothing to see here.

Both need to be abolished .......

Everybody knew LBJ was a Klan member, thats NO SECRET.
Shit, I remember hearing adults talk about that when I was little. I didn't know what it meant, but apparently it was a "thing" back then.

JFK was murdered by the Communist government. The Communist Democrat side of the DNC, NOT the Democrats that JFK was or promoted.
JFK was a REAL, TRUE American. He wanted what was best for the PEOPLE and for the COUNTRY. He was NOT interested in power or wealth.
He saw where government was going, and had to interviene. Sure he was a notorious "ladies man", but that was his personal life, not his professional life.
Even though MM got "suicided" for just knowing JFK.

The Communist Democrats created a way to get rid of like Trump is.........he was a huge roadblock in their way of corrupting the entire politicial system in this country to THEIR advantage. So they had to get rid of him, and the Democrats have done with Trump...........created a scenario to get him out of the way.

Luckily for Trump, we live in a instant technological society.......and they couldn't do to Trump, with what they did to Kennedy, without being seen or caught on camera.
So they had to contrive, concoct, and conceive other ways, such as fake and phony lawsuits, slanderous accusations, and fake impeachments. Which all failed, because none of them were true.

Every single person in and affilliated with the FBI, DOJ, and CIA need to be exterminated........along with thier puppetmasters, the DNC.
Everybody knew LBJ was a Klan member, thats NO SECRET.
Shit, I remember hearing adults talk about that when I was little. I didn't know what it meant, but apparently it was a "thing" back then.

JFK was murdered by the Communist government. The Communist Democrat side of the DNC, NOT the Democrats that JFK was or promoted.
JFK was a REAL, TRUE American. He wanted what was best for the PEOPLE and for the COUNTRY. He was NOT interested in power or wealth.
He saw where government was going, and had to interviene. Sure he was a notorious "ladies man", but that was his personal life, not his professional life.
Even though MM got "suicided" for just knowing JFK.

The Communist Democrats created a way to get rid of like Trump is.........he was a huge roadblock in their way of corrupting the entire politicial system in this country to THEIR advantage. So they had to get rid of him, and the Democrats have done with Trump...........created a scenario to get him out of the way.

Luckily for Trump, we live in a instant technological society.......and they couldn't do to Trump, with what they did to Kennedy, without being seen or caught on camera.
So they had to contrive, concoct, and conceive other ways, such as fake and phony lawsuits, slanderous accusations, and fake impeachments. Which all failed, because none of them were true.

Every single person in and affilliated with the FBI, DOJ, and CIA need to be exterminated........along with thier puppetmasters, the DNC.
Everybody knew LBJ was a Klan member, thats NO SECRET.
Shit, I remember hearing adults talk about that when I was little. I didn't know what it meant, but apparently it was a "thing" back then.

JFK was murdered by the Communist government. The Communist Democrat side of the DNC, NOT the Democrats that JFK was or promoted.
JFK was a REAL, TRUE American. He wanted what was best for the PEOPLE and for the COUNTRY. He was NOT interested in power or wealth.
He saw where government was going, and had to interviene. Sure he was a notorious "ladies man", but that was his personal life, not his professional life.
Even though MM got "suicided" for just knowing JFK.

The Communist Democrats created a way to get rid of like Trump is.........he was a huge roadblock in their way of corrupting the entire politicial system in this country to THEIR advantage. So they had to get rid of him, and the Democrats have done with Trump...........created a scenario to get him out of the way.

Luckily for Trump, we live in a instant technological society.......and they couldn't do to Trump, with what they did to Kennedy, without being seen or caught on camera.
So they had to contrive, concoct, and conceive other ways, such as fake and phony lawsuits, slanderous accusations, and fake impeachments. Which all failed, because none of them were true.

Every single person in and affilliated with the FBI, DOJ, and CIA need to be exterminated........along with thier puppetmasters, the DNC.
Oswald was a communisty but he was just a man not a government

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