Church of England

Problem is the Gypsies and Travellers barely make it out of school, their education statistics are shocking low. Two in three of these two groups probably don't make it out of high school and if they do they don't have good qualifications.

Source? I dont believe that really. And it certainly changed 180 degrees recently. I dont know about travellers because they do have a specific lifestyle, thats why they are travellers but actually they are ethnically just british, but roma are a unique ethnic group, and dont have a specific lifestyle except being largely a underclass.
Source? I dont believe that really. And it certainly changed 180 degrees recently. I dont know about travellers because they do have a specific lifestyle, thats why they are travellers but actually they are ethnically just british, but roma are a unique ethnic group, and dont have a specific lifestyle except being largely a underclass.

Of course.

Here's the British government statistics.

GCSEs are the exams taken at 16. Without them you don't go any further in academic education. I'm a little unsure of the system, but it looks like you get a score of 1 to 9 for each of 8 subjects. 9 being a top grade and 1 being a low grade. So English and Maths count double, so that's 9*10 = 90.

Gypsy Roma got 23.3% got 8 GCSEs. Which means they get, on average 2.3 out of 9 for each subject. This is the lowest of any group.

Travellers are 31.8.

The next lowest is 44.8, which is Black Carribean.

For Gypsy boys is 21.2

That's awful. That's less than half the attainment for boys (47.4)

1/3rd (37.2%) of all Gypsies are eligible for free school meals, compared to 15.7% for the national average. (this means they're so poor they get these free meals)

Absence from school. Gypsies have an absence rate of 13% (travellers are at 18.8%), this means on average they're missing 13% of days at school. Next highest is 6.1% for Black Caribbean.

This goes up to 14.6% for High School.

Persistent absence for Gypsies is 48.5%. This means half of all Gypsies will spend a lot of time taking big chunks of time not at school. This goes up to 52.2% for High Schools.
They picked on them because they were racist, and anti-gypsy. Anti-gypsism is a specific form of racism.

Yes, perhaps. But why did they pick on them?

I think the thing that unites the Jews and Gypsies together is that each group assimilates less and sticks together in their group more. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, but it's something common for both. And it's something that might cause resentment.

If you get into an argument with an individual Gypsy, you might end up fighting the whole of the Gypsy community. This probably wouldn't happen for other groups. Jews have a tendency of working together to enrich themselves, not a bad thing, but again, leads to people's hatred.
Roma Holocaust Memorial Day London
Anglican Church of England

This roma woman with roots in slovakia made it possible.

First Roma woman in UK to have a personal meeting with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge


On Aug 2
THE Church of England First time in the British history will ring their bells 100x in memory of 1.5 million Roma who lost their lives in Roma Holocaust.
Thanks to our allies and friends like padre Gareth with who will make this happen.

Anyone knows huge crimes of Nazis against Roma
But which number is right?
You claim 1.5m perished, but another sources something between 250-500k.

It is estimated that at least 250,000 European Roma View This Term in the Glossarywere killed during World War II. But the number may be as high as 500,000


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