
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Chuck Schumer yesterday admited he's not an adult, and also in his deflection speach inadvertantly called Hillary and his Party liken to childrens behavior. I love when they admit their trying to harm others is childish, but in reality it's their sadistic nature that is making them go after every single person in this administration.
I wonder how the MSM perceived his
speach, as it relates to their behavior as well.
Hey Morning Joe, Chuck Schumer thinks you guys are childish. ;-)
Chuck Schumer yesterday admited he's not an adult, and also in his deflection speach inadvertantly called Hillary and his Party liken to childrens behavior. I love when they admit their trying to harm others is childish, but in reality it's their sadistic nature that is making them go after every single person in this administration.
I wonder how the MSM perceived his
speach, as it relates to their behavior as well.
Hey Morning Joe, Chuck Schumer thinks you guys are childish. ;-)
I would have left a link but the news is nothing like his actual speech and of course I am using his logic and reason since he is deflecting his own behavior and INADVERTANTLY criticizing himself and his own party.

Try this link,

it might be his actual speech, but the clip I saw on a major network (ABC?) had just the part about how he correlates hurting people to being childish, which is ironic since his speaches are to do just that, and never addresses anything of use to our Country or his State.
Ole Chucky reminds me of a little kid who's milk money was taken from them every morning, I real panzie

Chucky hasn't matured since the days of being in his mommies shopping carriage crying in the cereal isle when mommy kept putting his apple jacks back on the shelf.
when Chucky went to see the Yeccorsist in the theaters (1973ish?),,,within 30 minutes he was out of the theater and ran home to mommy crying for the rest of the day. Mommy couldn't understand.
I would have left a link but the news is nothing like his actual speech and of course I am using his logic and reason since he is deflecting his own behavior and INADVERTANTLY criticizing himself and his own party.

Try this link,

it might be his actual speech, but the clip I saw on a major network (ABC?) had just the part about how he correlates hurting people to being childish, which is ironic since his speaches are to do just that, and never addresses anything of use to our Country or his State.

I fail to see your point
That's a laugher. All I have to do is look t the childish responses of Trump supporters. There is no difference between the two sides. Both act like petulant children. Trump acts like a spoiled child when he doesn't get his way which includes twitter temper tantrums.
Hopefully, Putin will punish Schumer and the Dems for their non-stop, fictional "Russia interfered" narrative by flipping this Senate seat back into the R column
Chuck Schumer yesterday admited he's not an adult, and also in his deflection speach inadvertantly called Hillary and his Party liken to childrens behavior. I love when they admit their trying to harm others is childish, but in reality it's their sadistic nature that is making them go after every single person in this administration.
I wonder how the MSM perceived his
speach, as it relates to their behavior as well.
Hey Morning Joe, Chuck Schumer thinks you guys are childish. ;-)

Is there anything that Chuck U Schumer does not whine about?
I would have left a link but the news is nothing like his actual speech and of course I am using his logic and reason since he is deflecting his own behavior and INADVERTANTLY criticizing himself and his own party.

Try this link,

it might be his actual speech, but the clip I saw on a major network (ABC?) had just the part about how he correlates hurting people to being childish, which is ironic since his speaches are to do just that, and never addresses anything of use to our Country or his State.

I fail to see your point

My point has been the same for just about every section and topic in these forums.
If you are gonna talk smack about your opponents to demonize them you better "mirror reflect"
(reflection method of learning)
in order to see when you are deflecting your own issues onto your opponent and hitting yourself.
And that includes the constant displacement of blame.
People are just starting to realize action=reaction & Cause=affect? No, they should have known this charade they are playing would end up opening their own can of worms and boomerang back to hurt them.
They just saw that happen to HILLARY's Political career and they still don't get it.
I would have left a link but the news is nothing like his actual speech and of course I am using his logic and reason since he is deflecting his own behavior and INADVERTANTLY criticizing himself and his own party.

Try this link,

it might be his actual speech, but the clip I saw on a major network (ABC?) had just the part about how he correlates hurting people to being childish, which is ironic since his speaches are to do just that, and never addresses anything of use to our Country or his State.

I fail to see your point

My point has been the same for just about every section and topic in these forums.
If you are gonna talk smack about your opponents to demonize them you better "mirror reflect"
(reflection method of learning)
in order to see when you are deflecting your own issues onto your opponent and hitting yourself.
And that includes the constant displacement of blame.
People are just starting to realize action=reaction & Cause=affect? No, they should have known this charade they are playing would end up opening their own can of worms and boomerang back to hurt them.
They just saw that happen to HILLARY's Political career and they still don't get it.

Schumer, once again is acting like the only adult in the room

Trump is being childish and petty by intentionally hurting people in retaliation for not getting his way in repealing Obamacare
I would have left a link but the news is nothing like his actual speech and of course I am using his logic and reason since he is deflecting his own behavior and INADVERTANTLY criticizing himself and his own party.

Try this link,

it might be his actual speech, but the clip I saw on a major network (ABC?) had just the part about how he correlates hurting people to being childish, which is ironic since his speaches are to do just that, and never addresses anything of use to our Country or his State.

I fail to see your point

My point has been the same for just about every section and topic in these forums.
If you are gonna talk smack about your opponents to demonize them you better "mirror reflect"
(reflection method of learning)
in order to see when you are deflecting your own issues onto your opponent and hitting yourself.
And that includes the constant displacement of blame.
People are just starting to realize action=reaction & Cause=affect? No, they should have known this charade they are playing would end up opening their own can of worms and boomerang back to hurt them.
They just saw that happen to HILLARY's Political career and they still don't get it.

Schumer, once again is acting like the only adult in the room

Trump is being childish and petty by intentionally hurting people in retaliation for not getting his way in repealing Obamacare

Denial, displacement behavior can be considered a child like behavior.
As you grow up you notice self reflection helps see and address issues in order to fix them not displace them.
It's part of the 3-4 steps of Teshuva.
1)Admitting one's sin(s). This step is called vidui.
2)Feeling regret that one sinned.
3)Making a commitment not to repeat the sin.
4th is to make restitutions when possible.
I would have left a link but the news is nothing like his actual speech and of course I am using his logic and reason since he is deflecting his own behavior and INADVERTANTLY criticizing himself and his own party.

Try this link,

it might be his actual speech, but the clip I saw on a major network (ABC?) had just the part about how he correlates hurting people to being childish, which is ironic since his speaches are to do just that, and never addresses anything of use to our Country or his State.

I fail to see your point

My point has been the same for just about every section and topic in these forums.
If you are gonna talk smack about your opponents to demonize them you better "mirror reflect"
(reflection method of learning)
in order to see when you are deflecting your own issues onto your opponent and hitting yourself.
And that includes the constant displacement of blame.
People are just starting to realize action=reaction & Cause=affect? No, they should have known this charade they are playing would end up opening their own can of worms and boomerang back to hurt them.
They just saw that happen to HILLARY's Political career and they still don't get it.

Schumer, once again is acting like the only adult in the room

Trump is being childish and petty by intentionally hurting people in retaliation for not getting his way in repealing Obamacare

Denial, displacement behavior can be considered a child like behavior.
As you grow up you notice self reflection helps see and address issues in order to fix them not displace them.
It's part of the 3-4 steps of Teshuva.
1)Admitting one's sin(s). This step is called vidui.
2)Feeling regret that one sinned.
3)Making a commitment not to repeat the sin.
4th is to make restitutions when possible.

Your OP makes no sense

Trump is being childish and cruel by using people who need healthcare subsidies just because he did not get his way

His healthcare plan seems to be to make people suffer to the point the Republican plan is the only game in town

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