Christianity and the roots of gylany


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Mar 28, 2014
Gylany: Social organization prior to patriarchy existed in Europe between 7000 and 3500 BC and characterized from equality between the sexes and the substantial absence of hierarchy and centralized authority. Between 4300 and 2800 BC the g. would have been superseded by another Neolithic culture, that of the kurgan, a patrilineal society androcratic and emerged from the Volga basin. The term was coined by archaeologist M. Gimbutas of Lithuanian origin using the Greek roots gy (woman) and an (man).


The discovery of society ' gilaniche is due to the famous archaeologist Marija Gimbutas , followed by the anthropologist Riane Eisler , its cultural heir .
Marija Gimbutas was the one who coined the term ' GILAN ' , which derives from the combination of ' GI ' + ' AN ' , an abbreviation of the Greek origin ( woman) and andros (man ) .
The letter ' ELLE ' in the middle has two major meanings :
1 ) the phonetic sign greek Leyn / lyo which means ' FREE ' .
2 ) a sign of cultural union between the sexes.
Even the famous Irish-American archaeologist James Patrick Mallory is busy long the company non-authoritarian (or headless , or gilaniche ) pre-Indo , he is a professor at Queen's University of Belfast. In the practice of everyday life, everything is translated as self-organized and non-violent civilization , in which men and women have the same rights . We're talking about the temporal phase that arises between the Neolithic and the birth of the states, then we are embracing a large span of time that goes roughly 7000-3500 BC (sometimes up to 1500 BC ), where in the South -East of Europe , including the islands , peaceful societies flourished , fine , no hierarchies , no government, no state, no army . Non-patriarchal societies , anarchist , before its time , where self- organization existed for thousands of years has never generated chaos and violence.
In no grave site or gylanic weapons have been found , even in the age of metalworking. No representation or vascular wall shows scenes of war . And the many figurines of the Mother Goddess ( ' Venus ' or ' Great Goddess ' as it is called by M. Gimbutas ) show that historically the beginning God was a woman , and that , consequently , these companies did not cover the use of physical force ( as an organizational tool , offensive and defensive , male prerogative were opportunistically used by the creators of exercises and institutionalized repression and legalized ) . At these peoples art was flourishing and sophisticated individuals were in constant harmony with nature and professed to worship for life, then the instruments of death were not covered , nor allowed. As a result there was no intention to harm or to subdue , no armies , no repression , no injustice , no hierarchies , no walls : In a free and peaceful environment so they could not be born equally free and peaceful individuals , capable to perpetuate this pattern of social justice. All this also responds to those people who are anchored to the idea (wrong) according to which the human being by its nature tent domination, evil , and is even unable to self-organize . The true human being is born anarchist , cooperative , supportive, peaceful , viable, free ( ' no man has received from nature the right to rule others - D. Diderot ) .
Specifically anarchists and anthropological studies , the innate instinct of the native cooperative human beings ( Gilani ) is also attested by the writer Colin Ward proves that in most occasions, and also , as mentioned before, by Erick Fromm . The Goddesses mothers are the expression of the sacred and votive gilaniche society and are featured heavily throughout South-Eastern Europe , including the islands , that is, a vast area in which men and women lived in constant search for the social betterment , in the name of freedom without authorities .
Their cultural system , based on sorting and matured horizontal (non- hierarchical and pyramidal ) , had produced the best social expressions , the healthy development of technological , scientific, architectural and artistic face to the true personal and collective well-being . In social life gylanic the ' personal' and the ' collective ' were not considered dissociated elements , but interdependent.
Therefore Bakunin often said : ' I can not be completely free , as long as the others are not completely ' . In an anarchist society , such as those in gilaniche , there is no subject, because the collective consciousness and the same egalitarian social organization from the outset will prevent this , there are the necessary conditions for the creation of any form of oppression or revenge . All this in a nutshell ( forgive us for that matter) , is not mentioned in any textbook ' official ' .
The art of being human is that expression that reveals , he says, summarizing the social context , the culture of a people. And it is thanks to the artistic objects we can touch the vast difference between the Gilanici and Kurgan , we can see the sharp cultural break , the disastrous moral and social decline occurred because the domain of the barbarian peoples indokurganici FREE on the peoples of Europe .
The populations Indokurganiche , patriarchal and warlike , were introduced in Europe by extinguishing or asoggettando ( with weapons ) , the populations of free and peaceful gilaniche , imposing a hierarchical social model and belligerent .
The order - egalitarian and peaceful anarchist was repressed . He instituted private property. The people were kept asoggiettati and "normalized" by strict laws ( so-called divine , actually martial ) and permanent condition of servitude .
This easement and this was , by the time he was metabolized by human consciousness and has become " normal," customary platitudes. to which you are accustomed .
And 'a unque here , and for these reasons, that comes the "culture" of the domain and the pyramidal structure of the state. And it is from this oppressive logic to be born what today is called , paradoxically, " " CIVILIZATION ' . "
Our understanding of politics , the current social organization, established authority , borders and armies , then result from Kurgan and it is obvious that after 3000 years of culture halogen Europe , it seems impossible today to conceive another system of social organization different from the present.
The significance of this discovery is so great and 'dangerous' that Justified His constant complaint by the institutions.
This finding, Which Has Also split the front of archaeologists, our aim deeply imprinting, according to Functional Which there is no other form of power (and "civilization") if not hierarchical, That current.
Anarchism Has always maintained That the states are artificial creations and deceitful, Specifically designed to oppress and control Entire rural populations, Their Rights, Their Freedom, Their needs, for the benefit of a handful oligarchic, who wants to control individuals and have all privileges.
The company gilaniche give us proof That You can do without the sovereign, state laws, taxes, and hierarchies of hosts, to feed peace and brotherhood, forging Consciences refined and cultured.

Catholicism is nothing more than a badly mangled form of Christianity, and to adapt it to mix the barbaric cult of the Nordic Indo-Europeans, who, as a result of the barbarian invasions, and also of the Crusades, they seized and took possession of Christianity, making it something of its own . E 'for this reason that Jesus has always been depicted with strong ethnic characteristics / anthropological Nordic-Scandinavian Germanic in the paintings of the Middle Ages, which had certainly not.

At the base of the first schism there was always the same problem / ethnic anthropology, where the Nordic Indo-European footprint that has long occupied the Mediterranean wanted to break away from the Judeo-Hellenic origin of Christianity, which arose in the footsteps of ancient peoples identity and ideological gilanici and pre-Indo-Europeans culture.
The Orthodox qualla form part of the Indo-European native that has repudiated the papal Catholic Church as too heretical and Latin, both the true and pure Christianity ancient and original.
A Christian is one who believes in the word of jesus, is the one who brings his word in the world, is the one who believes in the gospel, is the one who believes in the apostolic community of goods, is the one who follows in the footsteps of the lord jesus.
Conservatism, fundamentalism, the religious exaltation and the dogmatic, religious persecution and discrimination are things that are not part of the basic principles of early Christianity.

jesus said:

Blessed are you who are poor,
for yours is the kingdom of God
Blessed are you who are hungry now,
ye shall be filled.
Blessed are you who weep now,
for you shall laugh.
Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they banned and revile and reject your name as evil, for the Son of man. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven. In the same manner did their fathers unto the prophets.
But woe to you who are rich,
for ye have received your consolation.
Woe unto you that are full!
for ye shall hunger.
Woe unto you that laugh now!
for ye shall mourn and weep.
Woe to you when all men speak well of you.




mother goddess, the goddess of the Mediterranean, Sardinia (Italy)
Conservatism, fundamentalism, the religious exaltation and the dogmatic, religious persecution and discrimination are things that are not part of the basic principles of early Christianity.

With nons, it always comes down to: how much money can I take you for? I remember when I was poor, the loony left told me to sell everything I had to give to the poor. Problem was, I had nothing to sell and I was poor myself.

That's the kind of charity you get from them.
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By the way, you butchered the crap out of the Sermon on the Mount:

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons[a] of God.

"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

"Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
The Eighth Beatitude ends happily with the sequence in which Jesus chose to outline - in broad terms - the story of the journey of the Church to the Kingdom of God Certainly , a prospect so puzzling and paradoxical had to scare more than a few listeners , although the Master's words were seasoned with infinite goodness and supported by spectacular miracles , that is for show , but absolutely superhuman .
Jesus , speaking of the Bliss of persecution, he almost wanted to give an early sign of what was to happen to him , indeed: for he knew what was going to happen . "The Son of Man ( and alluded to Himself ) must suffer greatly and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and rise again the third day " (Luke 9:22).
This foreshadowing Jesus repeated it several times , until the end, when - in the long farewell speech before his passion - he said to the Twelve : "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before you . If ye were of the world , the world would love you as its own ; because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you (...) . If they persecuted me , they will persecute you "(John 15:18-20 ) .
The persecution unleashed on Jesus is fully described by all four evangelists. It is the climax, with the Resurrection , not only of the Gospel writings but of the whole story of Jesus and the history of mankind. Jesus wanted to make her the suffering of humanity , to be " sorrowful, even to death " and to ask my Father , if it were possible , to remove him from the cup of bitterness (Mt 26.38 to 39 ) .
But even as a child Jesus was persecuted . It is still there that Matthew narrates , with the flight into Egypt and the massacre of the innocents (Matthew 2:13
18) . And before that, after the rite of circumcision of Jesus, the old man Simeon had foretold : "He is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and as a sign of contradiction , and also to you ( Mary ), a sword shall pierce the ' soul ' ( Luke 2:34-35 ) .

So , all in Christ is the prospect of persecution; and so it must be for Christians , that is for us too. Jesus foretold from the beginning of his preaching , just to make it clear once and for all take seriously its mission and we reduce faith to a delightful pleasure trip .
The eighth is the most bliss described by Jesus :
" Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when men revile you and persecute you and say , lying, all kinds of evil against you because of me " (Mt 5.10 to 11 ) .
The persecution reaches us " justice ," that is because of our faithfulness to Jesus and full consistency with the Gospel. Not any persecution , therefore , is the bearer of happiness : only one unleashed against fidelity to the project of infinite love and justice of the supreme resting in God's heart
We observe : if a Christian lives all the first seven beatitudes , will inevitably be , in some way, persecuted. If no persecution reaches us - it's terrible to say, but it's true - it is a sign that we are not living fully the beatitudes . No true Christian is exempt from suffering persecution ! Jesus repeatedly told us : " Do not be afraid ! " (Cf. Mt 10:28) .
It is good that we explore on this point , each on its behalf , reflection ... and we learn not to ever escape the hatred and persecution of those who fight Jesus in his disciples .

But Jesus speaks of that justice ? We have already mentioned . This is the full fidelity to Christ and to the Gospel of consistency . Unfortunately, we see almost every day to acts of injustice , corruption , and newspapers seem to have fun in the report such injustices .
We should , we Christians first, sow around us , and with the testimony of our behavior and then also with the words , a style of fidelity and consistency. Even Jesus says to us : " Do not be afraid ." Today persecution, in our land , not unleashed against those who say being a Christian , but it can easily lash out against those who have the courage to bring their own fidelity to the Gospel until the last consequences .
Today it is not easy to live the Beatitudes , and yet we are all called to live them fully, with Jesus And in the end we will find hatred, ridicule and persecution. Being honest in a board of directors , to preserve the purity of the heart in any endeavor , be detached from money and false riches , keep us meek ​​and humble when others would like to get involved in the business of arrogance and abuse of power , to require all mercy , especially in regard the poor and the weak ...
Is ... a whole world to rebuild , redoing the foundation , which can not be anything other than the foundation of the Beatitudes ! To each of us, Jesus asks us to listen to him and to imitate him ... and pray for those who persecute us ! (Matthew 5:44) .

Don Rodolfo Reviglio

true Christianity is not meant for those who defend and praise continually materialistic wealth, but it is made ​​for those who defend and praise only the wealth SPIRITUAL!
A rich wealthy to gain the kingdom of heaven should first of all divide your bread with it has none, and make the goods of the communion of his strength, his life!
The Gospel should not be interpreted as free of any constitutional form of the planet, precisely because it is not about materialism, economic power, selfishness and coldness of the worshipers of Satan, but regards the celestiality, the good is above all what!


The powerful aristocratic Sadducees were the main responsible for the death of the son of man, look at the case.

Approximate extension of the first civilization of Europe, that gylanic. The term "Old Europe" was introduced to indicate the civilization that lasted approximately 7000-3500 BC in South Eastern Europe, but it could apply to the whole of Europe before the Indo-European invasions, including the megalithic cultures of Western Europe (Ireland, Malta, Sardinia, and some areas of Britain, Scandinavia, France, Spain and Italy), the V to the third millennium BC.


Land of origin and expansion of Indo-European peoples

The Kurgan were discovered by archaeologist Marija Gimbutas in 1956 and historical that brings together the theories of archeology with those of linguistics in order to locate the "homeland" of the Proto- Indo- Europeans ( the ' Urheimat ) . It supposes a series of waves of migration that would lead the Kurgan from the South of Russia ( according to Gimbutas prorpio this would be the ' Urheimat , ie, their "homeland" the original ) , and other Indo-European peoples who lived in the Pontic - Caspian steppe from the present-day nations of Daghestan, Azerbaijan , Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan , Tajikistan , Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan , Pakistan, Iran and Iraq , to the Old Europe , where it then " dominating " culture gylanic , suppressing and \ or hybridizing European civilization , thus determining the social upheavals of nature : fleeing from violence , confusion, disorderly movements of peoples and , above all , the introduction of elements that will form the basis of Eurocentric thought : patriarchy, classism , authority, hierarchy , caste systems , oligarchy , slavery , etc. .

Nations and peoples of the historical territory of the steppes:

Indo-Aryans / Arians XX-XV century B.C.
Cimmerians VIII-VII century BC
Scythians VIII-IV century BC
Sarmatian fifth century B.C. - 5th century A.D.
Goths III-VI century
Bulgari III-VI century
Unni IV-VIII century
Alani V-XI century
Eurasian Avars VI-VIII century
Göktürk VI-VIII century
Onoguri eighth century
Sabiri VI-VIII century
Khazars VI-XI century
Pechenegs VIII-XI century
Kipcaki and Cumans XI-XIII century
Golden Horde XIII-XV century
Cossacks XIV-XVIII century
Khanate of Crimea, the Volga Tatars, Nogai Turks and other states and tribes of the XV-XVII centuries
Russian Empire XVII-XX century
Soviet Union twentieth century
Moldova, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine XX-XXI century

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