Christianity is a religion, the Bible is the book that governs it, and as Bern stated, there are liberal issues that come into direct conflict with Christianity and the Bible.

Not hard, really.

There are Biblical issues that come in driect conflict with Christianity and the Bible, dude.

Where does JC whine about homosexuality in the Bible?

Nowhere that I can think of.

Is my memory failing me?
Jesus was a liberal, and he owned a gun. I think he used it against the conservative Pharisees in the temple.:lol:

There are Biblical issues that come in driect conflict with Christianity and the Bible, dude.

Where does JC whine about homosexuality in the Bible?

Nowhere that I can think of.

Is my memory failing me?

In my opinion Jesus spent most of His time teaching peace, forgiveness, loving thy neighbor and enemy, feeding the hungry, and healing the sick...the sins he preached against, mostly involved Pride-self glorifying righteousness and Greed...

-with the good samaratan story where the religeous priest and levite passed the nearing dead, lowly samaratan man without helping him...because they THOUGHT they would be breaking one of God's laws of the Sabbath, and the uncleanliness of blood perhaps too...

-with the group of men ready to stone the adulterous woman for her sin/crime...while they were all sinners themselves

-with the pharisees questioning and trying to trick jesus, where he told them they were to give unto caesar what is his when it came to paying their taxes...

-with the money changers, making a dime off of true religious laymen, who went to worship by charging very high interest rates on the exchange.

-and with those on judgement day who thought they were righteous and going on to their glory, who had not fed all the hungry, visited the sick and those in jail, helped the stranger etc, or had taken care of the least among if they were taking care of Him.

He didn't spend any time preaching against sexual sins...he had his handful with just the basics in getting them to understand who He really was and what He was here for....

and also in straightening out His followers on what they had been shown and taught by their religious leaders- wasn't 'quite right', mainly due to their humanly pride and greed that they let permeate the teachings and practices within their religion.

care do you explain me?

I'm sure the comment was directed towards the overt Marxist and not the 'independent, moderate, centrist, progressives which the Marxists needs to ascend to power... at which time they will go to work culling their cultural herd of the aforementioned anointed.

Oh there can be no doubt that the world is loaded with liberals professing to be Christians... and to the individual they're all fools in the extreme. But that's the purpose of the leftist ideology... it serves to provide a political voice to those incapable of reason.

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