Christian Conservative Hate Group causes cancellation of Tea Party Rally

Um, it was a liberal, NYCarbiner, that labeled them as "Christian". From my perusing their site, I have not seen them claiming to be Christian. I have not seen a conservative here claiming they are Christian.

In other words, it was a mis-labeling of the group by a liberal. They should not be considered Christian although maybe there are some Christian individuals who support them.


Thankies, Immie. You are always a note of fairness even when we vigorously disagree.

IMO, MassResistence is "christian" in the same way that the KKK is...or that Timothy McVeigh was a "patriot". Seems to me, people who really are should be even more outraged than I over misappropriation of their group's name.

What are we supposed to do about it?

We Christians believe that we are known by the fruits of our labors and that others are as well.

I made a statement about a year ago. I said, George W. Bush was no conservative and I got lamblasted by liberals for daring to insinuate that he was a liberal. He was "our" problem not theirs.

I do not see MassResistance as a Christian Organization. From my looking at their site, I don't much like what I see. I don't agree with them. I'm not overly fond of the Gay Rights Movement, but neither am I fond of the idea of discrimination against GLBT. I'd rather let people live their own lives as long as they leave me and mine alone. I do not see eye to eye with MassResistance or Westboro Baptist Church. In fact, as far as I am concerned WBC is anti-Christian... totally opposed to the word of God.

Groups such as these have the legal right to call themselves Christian if they want to do so. I have no right to deny them such rights. They will prove themselves for what they are in time.

The KKK has never been Christian despite the fact that they use Christian symbols. Satan has the ability to "appear" as an angel of light. The KKK is Satan on earth.

Timothy McVeigh was no patriot.


Yes, Immie, they do have a legal right to use the word "christian". It would just be nice if more people like you gave some thought as to whether they really are, and if not, pointed that out.

Too many react to labels, and not to conduct. The labels have power, much as we might wish otherwise and if they are misappropriated, that should be vocally objected to.

Thankies again for a fair-minded reply.
So they're anti homo... so what? Seems the problem is, simply, that you think anyone that's not on board with your pro homo agenda is a fringe group.


Actually, no. I don't fret that Immie will lie in wait outside a gay niteclub for a straggler so he can beat him half to death. I don't worry that he'd refuse to rent an apartment to a woman he suspected was a lesbian, or fire a good employee if he happened to learn that man is a cross-dresser.

We may not all agree on each issue, but I don't see moderates as people likely to actually harm GLBT people. I see this MassResistence group as advocating quite openly for exactly that...actual harm to GLBT folks.

There is a difference between legitimate public dialogue and hate speech.

I read mostly headlines on the MassResistance site, but I saw nothing that indicated they approved of violent tactics.

Who is degrading WHO'S DIGNITY, SECURITY AND PRIVACY????????

I didn't decide to change aspects of the gay life style.

It was the gays who decided to attack marriage.

Nice try.


NOW, all of a sudden out of the blue, after thousands of years going back to Ancient Greece and the touted homosexual relationship like Hercules and Hylas; NOW we have to gay marraige.

Sorry, that screams, POLITICAL AGENDA.

That screams desperate attack on something in the way of increasing gays' numbers and power in the US and that's CHRISTIAN MORALITY. That's TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE.

And everyone knows it or they would be voting for gay marriage at the polls. NO one is, because they KNOW what the gays are up to and they aren't fooling no one.

So, keep up your rhetoric, I'll keep stating the facts.


Wanting to be legally married is "attacking marriage"? :lol::lol::lol: Really? You just said that? :lol::lol::lol:

Then explain why there has been no mention of marriage EVER, going back to Ancient Greece, until now?

Why, all of a sudden is it soooooooo urgent?


You say there is no mention of marriage EVER? Seriously? Prove that assertion.
Lexington — Organizers have canceled a Tea Party rally scheduled for the Lexington Battle Green on Sunday, according to event organizer Jesse Segovia, chairman of the Lexington Republican Committee.

Plans for the event began to unravel Thursday when Eric Dahlberg, a Republican candidate for state Senate from the 3rd Middlesex District, withdrew after learning that Brian Camenker, president of MassResistance, was also scheduled to speak.

“Some consider MassResistance a hate group,” Dahlberg said. “I don’t want to be within a mile of an event that gives someone like that a

Lexington Tea Party rally canceled - Lexington, MA - Lexington Minuteman


Are they really a hate group though? Southern Poverty Law Center phony' hat'e scam

Thats the group defending itself from the claims.

Let it be known that this post is not me commenting on the cancellation or trying to defend the massresistance group, i'm just providing more information on the story as this is the first i've heard of the lexington event or that group massresistance.

I'll make a post about the topic once I know what is going on.

Read their website. They are fixated on gays. They seem like a hate group to me. SPLC has nationally recognized them as such.

I'm fixated on beautiful women. I don't think anyone can honestly claim I hate them though.
Pale Rider will always excuse anything done by far right harassment groups. There is no point in assuming otherwise.

And I can always count on you homos coming out of the wood work to demonize me or anyone else every time they voice their opinion against your homo agenda.

You're all to predictable.

If you aren't gay yourself, and have no loved ones who are, then why does this issue trip your trigger every time?

I mean good grief...I care deeply about people not picking endangered wildflowers, but I ain't hanging around every hiking trial annoying folks about it. It is not front and center in my life, yanno?

You better check the OP. I'm not the one who brought this subject up.
And I can always count on you homos coming out of the wood work to demonize me or anyone else every time they voice their opinion against your homo agenda.

You're all to predictable.

You do more to prove that you are nothing but a rapidly marginalized hate group. far as I know, I am the only "homo" on this thread. But you probably believe that anyone who supports equal rights for all tax-paying, law-abiding citizens is a "homo". If people like YOU are the alternative....that makes it a good thing to be called.

So "I" am a "group?"

And I was under the impression that Sky Dancer is a lesbian. If I'm wrong I'm wrong. Whatever.

I support Civil Unions for homos. What more do you want? You want me to accept your perversion? Ain't gonna happen. It's sick, disgusting, and turns my stomach. Course I've told you that a hundred times, and I'll tell you that another hundred times if you'd like.

I don't hate the person, I hate the perversion, the sin. You homos are free to do whatever you want as far as I'm concerned. Just don't try and push it on me. Keep it to yourself.

Isn't it interesting how people like you think more about gay sex than we gays do? That always struck me as so very odd.
The name Pale Rider brings forth an image of a white supremacist on a motorcycle. I wonder if that was intentional?

And now the insults begin. Guess you got nothin' left. You're pathetic.


Oh dear. Tissue?
I have a question for you.

What is wrong with fighting back against an agenda, designed to destroy the Christian idea of marriage?

Hate my foot. That's self defense.

Gays attacked first!

We didn't say, "hey let's change the idea of homsexuality."

They came in and said, "let's change the idea of marriage, remove that plank of morality, and then we will further degrade morals in this country so we have make more recruits!"

And we should do nothing???????????????

I don't think so.

There are many, many GLBT gay people. There are many, many straight christian folk who accept and respect gay people.

I have a question for is someone else's dignity, security and respect degrading to yours?

Who is degrading WHO'S DIGNITY, SECURITY AND PRIVACY????????

I didn't decide to change aspects of the gay life style.

It was the gays who decided to attack marriage.

Nice try.


NOW, all of a sudden out of the blue, after thousands of years going back to Ancient Greece and the touted homosexual relationship like Hercules and Hylas; NOW we have to gay marraige.

Sorry, that screams, POLITICAL AGENDA.

That screams desperate attack on something in the way of increasing gays' numbers and power in the US and that's CHRISTIAN MORALITY. That's TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE.

And everyone knows it or they would be voting for gay marriage at the polls. NO one is, because they KNOW what the gays are up to and they aren't fooling no one.

So, keep up your rhetoric, I'll keep stating the facts.


Please explain to why a homosexual marriage degrades a heterosexual one? Unless, of course, you're still licking your wounds over the loss of anti-miscegnation laws.
You do more to prove that you are nothing but a rapidly marginalized hate group. far as I know, I am the only "homo" on this thread. But you probably believe that anyone who supports equal rights for all tax-paying, law-abiding citizens is a "homo". If people like YOU are the alternative....that makes it a good thing to be called.

So "I" am a "group?"

And I was under the impression that Sky Dancer is a lesbian. If I'm wrong I'm wrong. Whatever.

I support Civil Unions for homos. What more do you want? You want me to accept your perversion? Ain't gonna happen. It's sick, disgusting, and turns my stomach. Course I've told you that a hundred times, and I'll tell you that another hundred times if you'd like.

I don't hate the person, I hate the perversion, the sin. You homos are free to do whatever you want as far as I'm concerned. Just don't try and push it on me. Keep it to yourself.

Isn't it interesting how people like you think more about gay sex than we gays do? That always struck me as so very odd.

So now you want to attempt to demonize me by insinuating I'm exactly what you are? :cuckoo:
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You're clueless about the marriage equality issue.

Is anyone stopping them from forming any relationship they so desire? Or calling it whatever they desire in the comforts of their own home or in public?

The answer is no.
Immie, if you show up at an event I have organized carrying a hate sign and I make no effort to shame you away, I leave people with the impression that I can accept you as part of the group. Hate is a deal breaker for me and many like me. I cannot participate, support or even view as legitimate the Tea Party if it is willing to tolerate hate extremists within its midst.

One or the other, brotherman...not both.

From my understanding attempts have been made to shoo the people carrying such signs away. However, this being a free country, it is illegal to make them leave.

Now, I am fully prepared to accept that there are racists involved with the tea party as soon as someone provides proof that this is the case.

I and five of my friends could very easily appear at a gay pride parade with signs demanding that NAMBLA members be allowed to freely accost young boys. They could even ask that we leave, but they could not make us leave. They could say over loudspeakers that they don't support our message, but we could claim to be supporters of them.

Would that make the organizers of the parade supportive of such policy? No, it would not and neither does the fact that someone shows up at a tea party event with a racist sign mean that the organizers of the event support that individual.


All of what you say is true, Immie. Except prominent tea party members/leaders could have condemned the likes of Mark Williams months ago for hate speech, and did not. Just because there is no perfect solution does not mean that total passivity is the answer.

And as I have said, some of the tea party's (apparent) messages have resonance for me. I am pretty tired of trying to revitalize the Republican Party and might jump ship....but never, as long as hate speech is tolerated. This presence among them of a few (several, many, who knows) with that agenda marks the group as off-limits to some (many, most, who knows) that could turn this grass roots movement into a real political party. But for that to happen, the movement must divorce itself from hate, publicly, once and for all.

I dun wanna discuss the nation's finances with former members of the John Birch Society, yanno?

A couple of weeks ago, I made similar statements about the leaders of the tea party movement denouncing racists in their midst. I am not a tea partier and have no intention of becoming one, but several people told me that denouncing it in their midst would only give their enemies more ammunition against them, and I have to say, that makes sense.

For the time being, I am going with the assumption that at least a few of the individuals that are holding racists and/or stupid signs are hateful liberals trying to detract from the message of the tea party.

I have a question for the christians here:

Take a pause, read the MassResistence website, and reflect please:

Now can any of you tell me what is "christian" about this group? Isn't it just a wee bit possible that hate is the real agenda and "christian" is just a dodge?

Do any of you know of this group (before this story broke, I mean)? Does it have any sort of relationship to your church? Cuz I look at it and see nothing but a web version of the Westboro Baptist Church...and if these are christians, then the word simply has no meaning.

Twenty years ago, these people most likely would have been claiming to be "patriots" and aiming their hate at blacks or women. Do you really want to remain passive when others with bad intentions take the name of your faith and make it synoymous with hate....or do you mebbe sometimes wanna criticisize the fake christians who do harm in your faith's name?

I've been asking that since the beginning.
From my understanding attempts have been made to shoo the people carrying such signs away. However, this being a free country, it is illegal to make them leave.

Now, I am fully prepared to accept that there are racists involved with the tea party as soon as someone provides proof that this is the case.

I and five of my friends could very easily appear at a gay pride parade with signs demanding that NAMBLA members be allowed to freely accost young boys. They could even ask that we leave, but they could not make us leave. They could say over loudspeakers that they don't support our message, but we could claim to be supporters of them.

Would that make the organizers of the parade supportive of such policy? No, it would not and neither does the fact that someone shows up at a tea party event with a racist sign mean that the organizers of the event support that individual.


All of what you say is true, Immie. Except prominent tea party members/leaders could have condemned the likes of Mark Williams months ago for hate speech, and did not. Just because there is no perfect solution does not mean that total passivity is the answer.

And as I have said, some of the tea party's (apparent) messages have resonance for me. I am pretty tired of trying to revitalize the Republican Party and might jump ship....but never, as long as hate speech is tolerated. This presence among them of a few (several, many, who knows) with that agenda marks the group as off-limits to some (many, most, who knows) that could turn this grass roots movement into a real political party. But for that to happen, the movement must divorce itself from hate, publicly, once and for all.

I dun wanna discuss the nation's finances with former members of the John Birch Society, yanno?

A couple of weeks ago, I made similar statements about the leaders of the tea party movement denouncing racists in their midst. I am not a tea partier and have no intention of becoming one, but several people told me that denouncing it in their midst would only give their enemies more ammunition against them, and I have to say, that makes sense.

For the time being, I am going with the assumption that at least a few of the individuals that are holding racists and/or stupid signs are hateful liberals trying to detract from the message of the tea party.


Some statements should offend everytime, Immie...and having given offense, be met with resistence. And this excus-a-rama that racist signs etc. at tea party gatherings are merely the subversive work of liberal conspiracists is beneath you.

Would you reach for such apologies if the KKK wanted to march in your city, or would you instead stand on the sidelines and voice your public opposition?
What's anti-gay about not wanting sexuality promoted to children?

I get so tired of being labeled as a hater for not approving of open promotion of homosexuality.
I don't think sex should be taught to children period, beyond the basic stuff.

I think the parents should be in charge of that, but hey, that's a radical idea these days isn't it?

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