Chris Hedges on Death of the Liberal Class

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
One of his best lectures.
Journalist and author Chris Hedges delivers a lecture based on his book Death of the Liberal Class. Hedges argues that there are five pillars of the liberal establishment - the press, liberal religious institutions, labor unions, universities and the Democratic Party - but that these institutions have failed the constituents they purport to represent.
One of his best lectures.
Journalist and author Chris Hedges delivers a lecture based on his book Death of the Liberal Class. Hedges argues that there are five pillars of the liberal establishment - the press, liberal religious institutions, labor unions, universities and the Democratic Party - but that these institutions have failed the constituents they purport to represent.

1. The Press: The liberal press has become a cult of personality and opinion. Liberal journalists no longer investigate or analyze Democratic Candidates and their platforms but rather explain away and justify their positions, while 24/7 relentlessly attacking conservative views and politicians with overt propaganda. In conjunction with the liberal Twitter Mob, the liberal press has become a de facto organ of the liberal American apparatchik.

2. Liberal Religious Institutions: See: Postmodernism, the Church of.

3. Labor Unions: See Amazon.

4. Universities: Enclaves of postmodernist (neo-Marxist) intelligentsia whose professors of social science and the humanities thoroughly brainwash our youth into believing they can fly without airplanes because biological wings are a mere social construct.

5. The Democratic Party - No longer. The Postmodernist Party, more like.
News to me. The commie-socialists and their libtard allies have infiltrated and ursurped the entire public school system (from preschool through college). Been using them as indocrination centers ever since the mid-1960s, and all paid for by public money. These are the factories that mass produce the SJWs, NPCs, Feminazis, and related 'true believers'. The 'Liberal Class' ain't dying...just metamorphosing into their true form (commies, socialists, marxists, Leninists, and other varieties of leftists). The ugly ole caterpillar finally becoming The Snowflake Butterfly.

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