Chris Cuomo and CNN stage a fake coronavirus resurrection

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I don't know why Cuomo and CNN would mislead about this when there were so many reports about him already being outside his residence. This should prove how badly our mental health system should be fixed

I say prove it........go to the hospital and start hugging coronavirus patients......

If he doesn't fall ill again then I might believe him.
SInce when does the CDC have the time or manpower to clear individual Covid-19 patients?
its the free speech for me but not for thee mentality that's always on the left!
Fredo didn't have corona...he is full of crap....he should be ashamed of himself....
Yep, it REALLY looks like he made it up. What a surprise!

Fake illness, fake Fredo. = fake news.
I did notice that when Chris emerged from the basement, his wife who was supposed to be sick too, was there to greet him. And, she looked healthy!
Fredo has no cred-o!!!
Cuomo used to be a beloved award-winning journalist. now he's letting his hatred of Trump cloud his judgement. he thinks he's Inspector Clouseau out there!

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