Chris Christie is reconsidering !!!!!!!

I almost think it's too late to organize a campaign in every state. The logistics are overwhelming. The posters, workers, volunteers...almost too much. I say it's a no.
You're partially right.

But it was more the Eisenhower deferred tax liability on overseas profit that started it. And it was a means to help struggling third world nations. But it came with no strings attached and the affect was that third world nations got the business but didn't do anything about sharing the profits. So they are still third world nations with some very rich people in them. Then Clinton signed NAFTA into law. He did attach some strings. He gave states funding to re-educate people displaced by the law. Worked like a charm here..but not so much overseas. Same effect as Eisenhower. THEN Bush came in and issued a TAX HOLIDAY. That's when things went into overdrive..and companies started closing plants here and opening them up overseas. It was a double whammy. Loss of jobs labor there and not much to bring many countries out of the third world.

What you are saying is that business left because of low taxes.

I just cant buy that. There is a ton more to it.

You may not believe that..but that's the case. Sure there is more to it but you may not "like" those factors either.

The bottom line in any business is profit. And the fact is before regulations were put into place, many businesses were doing things like using child labor, locking factory workers into workplaces so they couldn't leave, putting poison into their products and making defective goods.

Upon leaving office, Greenspan said he didn't factor in how greedy people could be when he was making policy.

But that should always be a factor.

Great non answer dude.
sources say Christie is reconsidering about staying out of the presidential race !!lwith an almost certain win by the GOP over Obama in 2012 and kick in the fact that conservatives,independents,and moderates are going to turn out in record numbers to vote for whomever wins the primary Christie knows that the biggest battle will not be in defeating Obama but winning the GOP nomination !! and with his blunt ,direct way of getting his point across that Americans love this guy could very well do it !!!:cool:

I wonder how many of the current "candidates" will drop out immediately if Christie decides to throw his fat ass into the ring?

Drop out - you mean on purpose, or like they were standing on a trampoline when he landed on it?
sources say Christie is reconsidering about staying out of the presidential race !!lwith an almost certain win by the GOP over Obama in 2012 and kick in the fact that conservatives,independents,and moderates are going to turn out in record numbers to vote for whomever wins the primary Christie knows that the biggest battle will not be in defeating Obama but winning the GOP nomination !! and with his blunt ,direct way of getting his point across that Americans love this guy could very well do it !!!:cool:

I wonder how many of the current "candidates" will drop out immediately if Christie decides to throw his fat ass into the ring?

Drop out - you mean on purpose, or like they were standing on a trampoline when he landed on it?

you have nothing of substance to contribute, so you continue with fat jokes.

sources say Christie is reconsidering about staying out of the presidential race !!lwith an almost certain win by the GOP over Obama in 2012 and kick in the fact that conservatives,independents,and moderates are going to turn out in record numbers to vote for whomever wins the primary Christie knows that the biggest battle will not be in defeating Obama but winning the GOP nomination !! and with his blunt ,direct way of getting his point across that Americans love this guy could very well do it !!!:cool:

No, he is not reconsidering.
Chris Christie Not Running for President - Yahoo! News

He isn't running. The fact that you guys still dont know despite the fact that he has said it multiple times doesnt say much for you.

It doesn't say much for you, the fact that it was confirmed by multiple sources that he was considering it, and now that he made his decision, you are acting like there was never a chance...
No it wasn't.

All that tells you is those sources sucked.
sources say Christie is reconsidering about staying out of the presidential race !!lwith an almost certain win by the GOP over Obama in 2012 and kick in the fact that conservatives,independents,and moderates are going to turn out in record numbers to vote for whomever wins the primary Christie knows that the biggest battle will not be in defeating Obama but winning the GOP nomination !! and with his blunt ,direct way of getting his point across that Americans love this guy could very well do it !!!:cool:

No, he is not reconsidering.

Is that new news as of today? Because as of yesterday, he seemed to be headed in the direction of an announcement.
Chris Christie Not Running for President - Yahoo! News

He isn't running. The fact that you guys still dont know despite the fact that he has said it multiple times doesnt say much for you.

It doesn't say much for you, the fact that it was confirmed by multiple sources that he was considering it, and now that he made his decision, you are acting like there was never a chance...
No it wasn't.

All that tells you is those sources sucked.

the "sources" were engaged in wishful thinking and trying to put pressure on him to run, imo.
sources say Christie is reconsidering about staying out of the presidential race !!lwith an almost certain win by the GOP over Obama in 2012 and kick in the fact that conservatives,independents,and moderates are going to turn out in record numbers to vote for whomever wins the primary Christie knows that the biggest battle will not be in defeating Obama but winning the GOP nomination !! and with his blunt ,direct way of getting his point across that Americans love this guy could very well do it !!!:cool:

No, he is not reconsidering.

Is that new news as of today? Because as of yesterday, he seemed to be headed in the direction of an announcement.
Christie Decides Against White House Run - TIME

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