Chris Christie for President?

Any chance of him entering the fray? Can he win?

I think he will probably run, and may very well win.
It appears that Rick Perry may have exhausted his "15 minutes of fame," based on his performance during the debates.

Despite a multitude of candidates, the Republicans/Tea Party needs yet another "pretty face" to prop up interest.

If Christie is smart, he'll wait until 2016!

We need a president, not a debater. Don't count Perry out. He's used to winning and knows how.
Any chance of him entering the fray? Can he win?

I think he will probably run, and may very well win.

Timing is everything, and he cannot grow any stronger in NJ from here on out. Now is his time. He certainly is better than Perry, Sarah, Michelle, and the others to the Far Right loony bin.

Can he win? He would have a better opportunity than any of the above.
I'd take either one of them over the clown the Dems are tied to and his record. Good luck trying to blame his record on someone else.

Yeah, what a terrible record - saved/created 3 million jobs and kept us from entering a depression with the stimulus, got HC reform, financial reform, fair pay for women, Latino SC justice, saved Detroit, pulled out of Iraq, focused on Afghanistan - killing Bin Laden and decimated AQ.

ROFLMAO! You;re kidding, right?
9+% unemployment. Black unemployment about 14%. Afghanistan strategy a failure. Stimulus a trillion dollar failure. Health care boosting premiums, among the most unpopular programs of all time. Sotomaior the most incompetent jurist of all times. Detroit is a cesspool.
He authorized killing Osama. One positive and about a million negatives.

But even the Left hates him. Extended the Bush tax cuts. Caved on increasing debt ceiling. Dithered on DADT. Didnt close Gitmo. Didnt push for single payer.


UE would have been higher without the stimulus. According to the CBO (not me) it saved/created 3 million jobs. When Obama took office, we were losing 750,000 jobs per month. Are we now? No, we're not. So, obviously the stimulus had an effect on the economy. And anyway, it was 2/3 tax cuts, which is something you cons like, right?

HC reform isn't as unpopular as you cons like to make believe it is. A lot of people who don't like it think that it it didn't go far enough. A clear majority of Americans (including Republicans) wanted a public option. Republicans in congress made sure that single payer and public option were not even considered.

Sotomayor is incompetent? Why? Just because you don't like her? Sorry, pal, whether or not you like somebody doesn't mean a thing about their qualifications or abilities.

Afghanistan strategy a failure? :lol::lol::lol: Perhaps you should ask the Taliban and AQ how it's going. I'd tell you to ask Bin Laden, but Obama already silenced him (something GW Bush failed miserably at).

Call it dithering all you want, but he ended DADT. And he did it the right way - through Congress.

He caved on the debt ceiling because once again Republicans held the country, and the economy, hostage. We all know who gets the blame for the downgrade - Republicans do. S&P said it themselves.

Didn't close Gitmo because of Republican obstructionism (are you seeing a pattern here?).

ANything else you need straightened out for you?
He may run, but he can't win the nomination or the general election. Face it, cons, you're stuck with Romney or Perry :lol::lol::lol: Good luck
I'd take either one of them over the clown the Dems are tied to and his record. Good luck trying to blame his record on someone else.

Yeah, what a terrible record - saved/created 3 million jobs and kept us from entering a depression with the stimulus, got HC reform, financial reform, fair pay for women, Latino SC justice, saved Detroit, pulled out of Iraq, focused on Afghanistan - killing Bin Laden and decimated AQ.

you really are a monumental moron.
Yeah, what a terrible record - saved/created 3 million jobs and kept us from entering a depression with the stimulus, got HC reform, financial reform, fair pay for women, Latino SC justice, saved Detroit, pulled out of Iraq, focused on Afghanistan - killing Bin Laden and decimated AQ.

ROFLMAO! You;re kidding, right?
9+% unemployment. Black unemployment about 14%. Afghanistan strategy a failure. Stimulus a trillion dollar failure. Health care boosting premiums, among the most unpopular programs of all time. Sotomaior the most incompetent jurist of all times. Detroit is a cesspool.
He authorized killing Osama. One positive and about a million negatives.

But even the Left hates him. Extended the Bush tax cuts. Caved on increasing debt ceiling. Dithered on DADT. Didnt close Gitmo. Didnt push for single payer.


UE would have been higher without the stimulus. According to the CBO (not me) it saved/created 3 million jobs. When Obama took office, we were losing 750,000 jobs per month. Are we now? No, we're not. So, obviously the stimulus had an effect on the economy. And anyway, it was 2/3 tax cuts, which is something you cons like, right?

HC reform isn't as unpopular as you cons like to make believe it is. A lot of people who don't like it think that it it didn't go far enough. A clear majority of Americans (including Republicans) wanted a public option. Republicans in congress made sure that single payer and public option were not even considered.

Sotomayor is incompetent? Why? Just because you don't like her? Sorry, pal, whether or not you like somebody doesn't mean a thing about their qualifications or abilities.

Afghanistan strategy a failure? :lol::lol::lol: Perhaps you should ask the Taliban and AQ how it's going. I'd tell you to ask Bin Laden, but Obama already silenced him (something GW Bush failed miserably at).

Call it dithering all you want, but he ended DADT. And he did it the right way - through Congress.

He caved on the debt ceiling because once again Republicans held the country, and the economy, hostage. We all know who gets the blame for the downgrade - Republicans do. S&P said it themselves.

Didn't close Gitmo because of Republican obstructionism (are you seeing a pattern here?).

ANything else you need straightened out for you?

lovely democratic talking points.

Don't happen to have a real argument in there anywhere... do you?
Harry Reid once congratulated Barack Obama for giving a magnificent speech. To which Barack Obama simply replied "I have a gift".

Obama once referred to himself "I am the one you have been waiting for!"

President Obama does have a gift for public speaking. To deny that would show someone to be a fool.

He never said that HE is the one we've been waiting for.
ROFLMAO! You;re kidding, right?
9+% unemployment. Black unemployment about 14%. Afghanistan strategy a failure. Stimulus a trillion dollar failure. Health care boosting premiums, among the most unpopular programs of all time. Sotomaior the most incompetent jurist of all times. Detroit is a cesspool.
He authorized killing Osama. One positive and about a million negatives.

But even the Left hates him. Extended the Bush tax cuts. Caved on increasing debt ceiling. Dithered on DADT. Didnt close Gitmo. Didnt push for single payer.


UE would have been higher without the stimulus. According to the CBO (not me) it saved/created 3 million jobs. When Obama took office, we were losing 750,000 jobs per month. Are we now? No, we're not. So, obviously the stimulus had an effect on the economy. And anyway, it was 2/3 tax cuts, which is something you cons like, right?

HC reform isn't as unpopular as you cons like to make believe it is. A lot of people who don't like it think that it it didn't go far enough. A clear majority of Americans (including Republicans) wanted a public option. Republicans in congress made sure that single payer and public option were not even considered.

Sotomayor is incompetent? Why? Just because you don't like her? Sorry, pal, whether or not you like somebody doesn't mean a thing about their qualifications or abilities.

Afghanistan strategy a failure? :lol::lol::lol: Perhaps you should ask the Taliban and AQ how it's going. I'd tell you to ask Bin Laden, but Obama already silenced him (something GW Bush failed miserably at).

Call it dithering all you want, but he ended DADT. And he did it the right way - through Congress.

He caved on the debt ceiling because once again Republicans held the country, and the economy, hostage. We all know who gets the blame for the downgrade - Republicans do. S&P said it themselves.

Didn't close Gitmo because of Republican obstructionism (are you seeing a pattern here?).

ANything else you need straightened out for you?

lovely democratic talking points.

Don't happen to have a real argument in there anywhere... do you?

Just the facts. Something you are incapable of understanding.

UE would have been higher without the stimulus. According to the CBO (not me) it saved/created 3 million jobs. When Obama took office, we were losing 750,000 jobs per month. Are we now? No, we're not. So, obviously the stimulus had an effect on the economy. And anyway, it was 2/3 tax cuts, which is something you cons like, right?

HC reform isn't as unpopular as you cons like to make believe it is. A lot of people who don't like it think that it it didn't go far enough. A clear majority of Americans (including Republicans) wanted a public option. Republicans in congress made sure that single payer and public option were not even considered.

Sotomayor is incompetent? Why? Just because you don't like her? Sorry, pal, whether or not you like somebody doesn't mean a thing about their qualifications or abilities.

Afghanistan strategy a failure? :lol::lol::lol: Perhaps you should ask the Taliban and AQ how it's going. I'd tell you to ask Bin Laden, but Obama already silenced him (something GW Bush failed miserably at).

Call it dithering all you want, but he ended DADT. And he did it the right way - through Congress.

He caved on the debt ceiling because once again Republicans held the country, and the economy, hostage. We all know who gets the blame for the downgrade - Republicans do. S&P said it themselves.

Didn't close Gitmo because of Republican obstructionism (are you seeing a pattern here?).

ANything else you need straightened out for you?

lovely democratic talking points.

Don't happen to have a real argument in there anywhere... do you?

Just the facts. Something you are incapable of understanding.

you're the definition of partisan hack on this board. You're almost as much a laughing stock as TM and Rdean.

For having both started at the same time, the difference in our Rep power, thanks, etc. says which of us is more highly thought of in here, and which of us backs up his arguments with facts, vs. Democratic bullshit talking points.
Last edited:
Harry Reid once congratulated Barack Obama for giving a magnificent speech. To which Barack Obama simply replied "I have a gift".

Obama once referred to himself "I am the one you have been waiting for!"

President Obama does have a gift for public speaking. To deny that would show someone to be a fool.

He never said that HE is the one we've been waiting for.

Really? Can you quote any memorable phrases from any of his speeches?

He's not my first choice, but he has done a nice job as governor.....

I know he's fat, but he could conceivably overcome that weakness, because Obama is the worst incumbent since Carter, and it appears the base likes him more than anyone in the field now.

I like Perry, but the conservative establishment is moving away from him...I love Cain, but he's viewed as too risky....

Romney is the safe bet, and personally I'd rather have Christie.
Christie has unfinished business to conduct. He isn't running. I won't vote for Romney...he has Liberal baggage, and I cannot vote for Perry...he's stepped on himself too many times.

Romney and Perry are NOT the front runners by anyone's real choice...but by Media/Repubican elite manipulation. The choice of Cain in Florida sent a clear message to both the Repubicans and the Media...the people are in charge this time. WE refuse to have another McCain debacle.
then you might as well vote for Obama !!:doubt:

UE would have been higher without the stimulus. According to the CBO (not me) it saved/created 3 million jobs. When Obama took office, we were losing 750,000 jobs per month. Are we now? No, we're not. So, obviously the stimulus had an effect on the economy. And anyway, it was 2/3 tax cuts, which is something you cons like, right?

HC reform isn't as unpopular as you cons like to make believe it is. A lot of people who don't like it think that it it didn't go far enough. A clear majority of Americans (including Republicans) wanted a public option. Republicans in congress made sure that single payer and public option were not even considered.

Sotomayor is incompetent? Why? Just because you don't like her? Sorry, pal, whether or not you like somebody doesn't mean a thing about their qualifications or abilities.

Afghanistan strategy a failure? :lol::lol::lol: Perhaps you should ask the Taliban and AQ how it's going. I'd tell you to ask Bin Laden, but Obama already silenced him (something GW Bush failed miserably at).

Call it dithering all you want, but he ended DADT. And he did it the right way - through Congress.

He caved on the debt ceiling because once again Republicans held the country, and the economy, hostage. We all know who gets the blame for the downgrade - Republicans do. S&P said it themselves.

Didn't close Gitmo because of Republican obstructionism (are you seeing a pattern here?).

ANything else you need straightened out for you?

lovely democratic talking points.

Don't happen to have a real argument in there anywhere... do you?

Just the facts. Something you are incapable of understanding.

Facts? No, no facts there. Facts are a stranger to you.
What fact is there that UE would have been worse without the stimulus? I say it would have been better. Show proof.
The Dems had a supermajority in Congress the day Obama was inaugurated. How could the GOP have blocked closing Gitmo, especially since that was his first presidential act?
Sotomayor's decisions have almost entirely been overturned. If that doesnt indicate something, I dont know what does.
The "tax cuts" were temporary targeted cuts, the kind Michigan instituted and failed. These failed too.
No, there are no facts in your argument. You don't even know what a fact is.
lovely democratic talking points.

Don't happen to have a real argument in there anywhere... do you?

Just the facts. Something you are incapable of understanding.

you're the definition of partisan hack on this board. You're almost as much a laughing stock as TM and Rdean.

For having both started at the same time, the difference in our Rep power, thanks, etc. says which of us is more highly thought of in here, and which of us backs up his arguments with facts, vs. Democratic bullshit talking points.

What a fucking tool.

"For having both started at the same time, the difference in our Rep power, thanks, etc. says which of us is more highly thought of in here"


What is this - high school? Rep points don't mean a thing to me. They certainly are no way to judge a person's abilities or worth. Though, the fact that you have more rep points than me does tell me that there are a lot of stupid cons on this board. Go ahead and cling to your points like a self-absorbed high school girl. You'll still be one of the dumbest people on this board. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Moron
lovely democratic talking points.

Don't happen to have a real argument in there anywhere... do you?

Just the facts. Something you are incapable of understanding.

Facts? No, no facts there. Facts are a stranger to you.
What fact is there that UE would have been worse without the stimulus? I say it would have been better. Show proof.
The Dems had a supermajority in Congress the day Obama was inaugurated. How could the GOP have blocked closing Gitmo, especially since that was his first presidential act?
Sotomayor's decisions have almost entirely been overturned. If that doesnt indicate something, I dont know what does.
The "tax cuts" were temporary targeted cuts, the kind Michigan instituted and failed. These failed too.
No, there are no facts in your argument. You don't even know what a fact is.

FACT: you're clueless
Just the facts. Something you are incapable of understanding.

you're the definition of partisan hack on this board. You're almost as much a laughing stock as TM and Rdean.

For having both started at the same time, the difference in our Rep power, thanks, etc. says which of us is more highly thought of in here, and which of us backs up his arguments with facts, vs. Democratic bullshit talking points.

What a fucking tool.

"For having both started at the same time, the difference in our Rep power, thanks, etc. says which of us is more highly thought of in here"


What is this - high school? Rep points don't mean a thing to me. They certainly are no way to judge a person's abilities or worth. Though, the fact that you have more rep points than me does tell me that there are a lot of stupid cons on this board. Go ahead and cling to your points like a self-absorbed high school girl. You'll still be one of the dumbest people on this board. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Moron
thank you for proving my point so nicely. Just got some additional rep for telling the truth about you.

:rofl: @ you
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is defending his pick of a Muslim for a state judgeship, saying critics of a lawyer who represented suspects after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks are “ignorant” and “crazies”.

Christie Defends Muslim Pick for New Jersey Judge, Calls Critics

When Christie used the words, "ignorant" and "crazies", do Republicans understand who the "critics" are he is referring to?????????????????????
you're the definition of partisan hack on this board. You're almost as much a laughing stock as TM and Rdean.

For having both started at the same time, the difference in our Rep power, thanks, etc. says which of us is more highly thought of in here, and which of us backs up his arguments with facts, vs. Democratic bullshit talking points.

What a fucking tool.

"For having both started at the same time, the difference in our Rep power, thanks, etc. says which of us is more highly thought of in here"


What is this - high school? Rep points don't mean a thing to me. They certainly are no way to judge a person's abilities or worth. Though, the fact that you have more rep points than me does tell me that there are a lot of stupid cons on this board. Go ahead and cling to your points like a self-absorbed high school girl. You'll still be one of the dumbest people on this board. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Moron
thank you for proving my point so nicely. Just got some additional rep for telling the truth about you.

:rofl: @ you

You got rep for saying stupid shit and you think that proves a point? :lol::lol::lol: Jesus H Christ, you are a moron. Have fun creaming your panties over some meaningless rep points. Dumb ass :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Poll ratings always go up after a hurricane if the guy did a half decent job.

Just thought I would point out one thing:

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is defending his pick of a Muslim for a state judgeship, saying critics of a lawyer who represented suspects after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks are “ignorant” and “crazies”.

Who are the "ignorant" and "crazies"? Give you one guess which party they are from.

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