China says US will 'bear all consequences' if Pelosi visits Taiwan


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
China says US will 'bear all consequences' if Pelosi visits Taiwan

China warned Wednesday that Washington would "bear the consequences" if US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan, with tensions soaring ahead of an expected phone call between the two countries' leaders.
Beijing has hit back hard against the United States after reports emerged last week that Pelosi, a Democrat who is second in line to the presidency, could visit the self-ruled island of Taiwan in August.
The potential visit is likely to dominate a phone call between Chinese President Xi Jinping and US counterpart Joe Biden, which the US leader has said he expects will take place this week.
Ties between the two global superpowers have continued to deteriorate under Biden's presidency, over issues including Taiwan, human rights and technology sector competition.
Beijing this week warned that it was "getting ready" for a possible visit by Pelosi, which would be the first to Taiwan by a sitting US House speaker since 1997.
"We are firmly opposed to Speaker Pelosi's visit to Taiwan," Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a regular press conference Wednesday.
"If the US pushes ahead and challenges China's bottom line... the US side will bear all the consequences," he added.
A possible visit by Pelosi -- yet to be confirmed by the senior Democrat -- has stirred alarm in President Joe Biden's administration, which fears the trip may cross red lines for China.
Last week Biden said the US military "thinks it's not a good idea right now".

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Democratic Taiwan lives under constant threat of being invaded by China, which views the self-ruled island as part of its territory to be seized by force if necessary.
China's air incursions near Taiwan have risen sharply this year as Beijing works to isolate the island on the international stage.
Any trip by the senior Democrat could come at an especially fraught time as Chinese President Xi Jinping prepares to cement his rule later this year at a major party meeting amid economic headwinds.
Pelosi told reporters last week it was "important for us to show support for Taiwan," while denying Congress was pushing for independence for the island.
Taiwan enjoys bipartisan backing in divided Washington and China's warnings have only fueled calls for Pelosi to go ahead.
She has long been an outspoken critic of Beijing's human rights record, in 1991 outraging her hosts by unfurling a banner in Tiananmen Square in memory of pro-democracy demonstrators killed there two years earlier.
CIA chief Bill Burns said last week that Xi appears committed to the option of using force against Taiwan, despite lessons from Russia's struggles in Ukraine.
"I wouldn't underestimate President Xi's determination to assert China's control" over self-ruled Taiwan, he said.
© 2022 AFP

Local : 2022-07-28(Thursday) 03 : 25 : 18
Remote : 1658919352
Found via the developer's version (my version) of , currently offline due to a prolonged hospital visit during which i've taken all harddisks from my home office with me to the hospital to prevent theft and cyberwarfare attacks against my company.
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somebody give this woman a medal, please :)

and eh, Taiwan is a long-standing ally of the USA, as are South-Korea and Japan.
i said that yesterday as well, Chinese.
and we of NATO do a much better job defending our true allies than you Chinese ever have.
wanna lose your fleet and coastal defenses? keep on threatening us.
Chinese government, you didn't really think i was going to let your rapid expansion phase slide, did you?

i listened to plenty of stories about Hitler's blitzkrieg in Europe, and what it did to those millions (far more than 6 million Jews) of humans.
and all of it made me puke. and very angry.
you think that's a weakness.
we over here don't. after the puking, there's still food in the intestines and stomach. and you just become cold in your thinking and actions.
very calculating. very accurate.

very efficient in warfare.

ha ha ha. and you thought you had us, with your overtures of making peace and then installing poisons (immigrant refugee groups) into our immigrant populations and tourist populations.

just friendly advice. we can be friends again when you teach our kids karate again, and have your cooks make us good healthy asian food.
after the war(s).
China says US will 'bear all consequences' if Pelosi visits Taiwan

China warned Wednesday that Washington would "bear the consequences" if US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan, with tensions soaring ahead of an expected phone call between the two countries' leaders.
Beijing has hit back hard against the United States after reports emerged last week that Pelosi, a Democrat who is second in line to the presidency, could visit the self-ruled island of Taiwan in August.
The potential visit is likely to dominate a phone call between Chinese President Xi Jinping and US counterpart Joe Biden, which the US leader has said he expects will take place this week.
Ties between the two global superpowers have continued to deteriorate under Biden's presidency, over issues including Taiwan, human rights and technology sector competition.
Beijing this week warned that it was "getting ready" for a possible visit by Pelosi, which would be the first to Taiwan by a sitting US House speaker since 1997.
"We are firmly opposed to Speaker Pelosi's visit to Taiwan," Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a regular press conference Wednesday.
"If the US pushes ahead and challenges China's bottom line... the US side will bear all the consequences," he added.
A possible visit by Pelosi -- yet to be confirmed by the senior Democrat -- has stirred alarm in President Joe Biden's administration, which fears the trip may cross red lines for China.
Last week Biden said the US military "thinks it's not a good idea right now".

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Democratic Taiwan lives under constant threat of being invaded by China, which views the self-ruled island as part of its territory to be seized by force if necessary.
China's air incursions near Taiwan have risen sharply this year as Beijing works to isolate the island on the international stage.
Any trip by the senior Democrat could come at an especially fraught time as Chinese President Xi Jinping prepares to cement his rule later this year at a major party meeting amid economic headwinds.
Pelosi told reporters last week it was "important for us to show support for Taiwan," while denying Congress was pushing for independence for the island.
Taiwan enjoys bipartisan backing in divided Washington and China's warnings have only fueled calls for Pelosi to go ahead.
She has long been an outspoken critic of Beijing's human rights record, in 1991 outraging her hosts by unfurling a banner in Tiananmen Square in memory of pro-democracy demonstrators killed there two years earlier.
CIA chief Bill Burns said last week that Xi appears committed to the option of using force against Taiwan, despite lessons from Russia's struggles in Ukraine.
"I wouldn't underestimate President Xi's determination to assert China's control" over self-ruled Taiwan, he said.
© 2022 AFP

Local : 2022-07-28(Thursday) 03 : 25 : 18
Remote : 1658919352
Found via the developer's version (my version) of , currently offline due to a prolonged hospital visit during which i've taken all harddisks from my home office with me to the hospital to prevent theft and cyberwarfare attacks against my company.
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somebody give this woman a medal, please :)

and eh, Taiwan is a long-standing ally of the USA, as are South-Korea and Japan.
i said that yesterday as well, Chinese.
and we of NATO do a much better job defending our true allies than you Chinese ever have.
wanna lose your fleet and coastal defenses? keep on threatening us.
The elder Bush threw Taiwan under the bus immediately following the Tienanmen Square debacle. The US agreed with China that Taiwan was Chinese and there was only one China.
Democrats constantly provoking war. Its a screwed up thing.

BTW where did the anti-war left go?

It's the problem of a two party system. There's no oversight because everyone's constantly defending the indefensible.
1. China is a bad actor. It was and IS dumb of US to trade with them, massively growing their economy and thus military.

2. We should stop that immediately.
China says US will 'bear all consequences' if Pelosi visits Taiwan

China warned Wednesday that Washington would "bear the consequences" if US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan, with tensions soaring ahead of an expected phone call between the two countries' leaders.
Beijing has hit back hard against the United States after reports emerged last week that Pelosi, a Democrat who is second in line to the presidency, could visit the self-ruled island of Taiwan in August.
The potential visit is likely to dominate a phone call between Chinese President Xi Jinping and US counterpart Joe Biden, which the US leader has said he expects will take place this week.
Ties between the two global superpowers have continued to deteriorate under Biden's presidency, over issues including Taiwan, human rights and technology sector competition.
Beijing this week warned that it was "getting ready" for a possible visit by Pelosi, which would be the first to Taiwan by a sitting US House speaker since 1997.
"We are firmly opposed to Speaker Pelosi's visit to Taiwan," Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a regular press conference Wednesday.
"If the US pushes ahead and challenges China's bottom line... the US side will bear all the consequences," he added.
A possible visit by Pelosi -- yet to be confirmed by the senior Democrat -- has stirred alarm in President Joe Biden's administration, which fears the trip may cross red lines for China.
Last week Biden said the US military "thinks it's not a good idea right now".

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Democratic Taiwan lives under constant threat of being invaded by China, which views the self-ruled island as part of its territory to be seized by force if necessary.
China's air incursions near Taiwan have risen sharply this year as Beijing works to isolate the island on the international stage.
Any trip by the senior Democrat could come at an especially fraught time as Chinese President Xi Jinping prepares to cement his rule later this year at a major party meeting amid economic headwinds.
Pelosi told reporters last week it was "important for us to show support for Taiwan," while denying Congress was pushing for independence for the island.
Taiwan enjoys bipartisan backing in divided Washington and China's warnings have only fueled calls for Pelosi to go ahead.
She has long been an outspoken critic of Beijing's human rights record, in 1991 outraging her hosts by unfurling a banner in Tiananmen Square in memory of pro-democracy demonstrators killed there two years earlier.
CIA chief Bill Burns said last week that Xi appears committed to the option of using force against Taiwan, despite lessons from Russia's struggles in Ukraine.
"I wouldn't underestimate President Xi's determination to assert China's control" over self-ruled Taiwan, he said.
© 2022 AFP

Local : 2022-07-28(Thursday) 03 : 25 : 18
Remote : 1658919352
Found via the developer's version (my version) of , currently offline due to a prolonged hospital visit during which i've taken all harddisks from my home office with me to the hospital to prevent theft and cyberwarfare attacks against my company.
-- -- -

somebody give this woman a medal, please :)

and eh, Taiwan is a long-standing ally of the USA, as are South-Korea and Japan.
i said that yesterday as well, Chinese.
and we of NATO do a much better job defending our true allies than you Chinese ever have.
wanna lose your fleet and coastal defenses? keep on threatening us.
Taiwan should join NATO
Xi-Pingpong .. ah sorry: Xi-Jinping ... has to give absolutelly no one in the world the order which people have not to meet each other when they like to meet each other. This man is absurde.
Xi-Pingpong .. ah sorry: Xi-Jinping ... has to give absolutelly no one in the world any orders whom to visit or not to visit.

They seem to be willing to fight a war, to deny the people of Taiwan self determination.

IMO, we should not be trading with them, thus helping to grow their economy.
How does that relate to my point?

Your economy is not able to do so. I guess the markets in the USA are not essential for the Chinese economy. And the Chinese live in another time-sphere. I heard for example the Chinese have the plan to overtake Taiwan in 2049.
Just another wage the dog moment by Xiden using his masters the CCP to help…

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