China Is Sweeping The Oscars


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
China is cleaning up at the Oscars.

Best picture
Best actress
Best supporting actress
Best supporting actor



China is cleaning up at the Oscars.

Best picture
Best actress
Best supporting actress
Best supporting actor

View attachment 765241

The Chinese are among the most creative people in the world. It's not surprising to me they did this. Congratulations! Please do not make the Academy Awards political, it's all about the art. Have you ever seen the performing arts company production " Shen Yun " ? It's totally spectacular. Do yourself a great favor and go see it next time they're in your area. It will set you back a bit but you will thoroughly enjoy it. Everyone raved about it when we went. Never heard a bad review about it. Even small children enjoy it.
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Why is it such a big problem for there being two genders?
It's not a problem, it's an opportunity to take us out of the dark ages. Do you get out much ? I live in a small town ( under 10,000. Every time I go out I see more and more young people who I have to try to figure out their gender. Society is changing and hopefully for the better. When sexism and racism die out we can really move ahead as a truly civilized people.
The Chinese are among the most creative people in the world. It's not surprising to me they did this. Congratulations! Please do not make the Academy Awards political, it's all about the art. Have you ever seen the performing arts company production " Shen Yun " ? It's totally spectacular. Do yourself a great favor and go see it next time they're in your area. It will set you back a bit but you will thoroughly enjoy it. Everyone raved about it when we went. Never heard a bad review about it. Even small children enjoy it.

The Oscars is now all politics....Hollywood wants to keep China happy so this year it was all Asian actors all the time, everywhere....
Because God created men and the left, who hate God and his creations, want to erase what he made....
Actually they don't want to destroy anything, they want to acknowledge all that GOD created, including all the genders. Don't worry heterosexuals will still probably keep their majority status. Even though the latest generational study young people have indicated they are less than 50% exclusively heterosexual. Thank GOD they don't have all the hangups my generation had, and we were suppose to be the forefront of the sexual revolution. It's finally, actually come of age.
The Chinese are among the most creative people in the world. It's not surprising to me they did this. Congratulations! Please do not make the Academy Awards political, it's all about the art. Have you ever seen the performing arts company production " Shen Yun " ? It's totally spectacular. Do yourself a great favor and go see it next time they're in your area. It will set you back a bit but you will thoroughly enjoy it. Everyone raved about it when we went. Never heard a bad review about it. Even small children enjoy it.
If you think the academy voters vote because of the art you're nuts.

Whatever political push the left is involved in at the moment...that is the statement is being made with these awards.
Right now China is spying on and murdering millions of people all over the planet and Hollywood and the NBA is kissing their asses.
It's not a problem, it's an opportunity to take us out of the dark ages. Do you get out much ? I live in a small town ( under 10,000. Every time I go out I see more and more young people who I have to try to figure out their gender. Society is changing and hopefully for the better. When sexism and racism die out we can really move ahead as a truly civilized people.
Best actor won by a guy playing an extremely obese homosexual.
Tell me that isn't political.
The best supporting actor is not Chinese, he was born in Vietnam.

The best supporting actress is a white woman from Cali

The best actress is Malaysian

The best actor is a white guy from Indiana
The best supporting actor is not Chinese, he was born in Vietnam.

The best supporting actress is a white woman from Cali

The best actress is Malaysian

The best actor is a white guy from Indiana
The point should be obvious to anyone paying attention.
China won the Oscars despite the fact that China is pumping Fentanyl into the US murdering 200 Americans per day, and despite the fact that we had to shoot down a Chinese spy balloon that was spying on our nuke sites.

It's clear that Hollywood is making these Oscars about Asians/China just like the NBA is all about backing China.
The choice was between backing a movie about black females or Chinese/Asians....and this year the Asians and China won.

And the best actor award is about fighting homophobia and fat-shaming...which is another political statement entirely.

I wouldn't have issue with any of this if it weren't for the constant virtue-signalling this represents.
I haven't seen either movie, so I can't judge if they're worth a shit, but looking at the trailers, it sortof turned me off to both of them.
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Just the level of the intelligence we’ve come to expect from you. laughing at your stupidity indicates a lack of intelligence?
Great come-back.
Rather is shows the opposite. Try again.

Hollywood is filled with virtue-signalling sellouts that wouldn't know what the real world is like if it walked up to them and kicked em in the Koochie.
Everything about their meaningless lives is political.

Take a lesson from the GOAT, Michael Jordan:

From the Mark Kaye Show, Mar 13, 2023,

"I went to High School in North Carolina.

In 1990 (I think I was a sophomore) there was a heated election between Senator Jesse Helms and a hope-filled democrat named Harvey Gant.

Jesse Helms had always been branded an old, white, good-ol-boy, racist and Harvey Gant was black. It made for a VERY heated and sometimes dangerous senate campaign.

Supporters would burn each others yard signs and scratch up cars with opposing bumper stickers. You know, much like what happens with Donald Trump these days.

Anyhoo, Michael Jordan, who was arguably the most famous North Carolina resident at the time, was asked repeatedly to jump into the campaign and pledge support for Harvey Gant.

The democrats believed having a super-popular black basketball star endorse a long-shot black candidate would be just the thing to drive a wooden stake through the life-long career of Jesse Helms.

But Michael Jordan declined. He didn't want to get political.

When asked why he simply answered:

"Republicans buy sneakers too."

Man, did that pi$$ off a lot of democrats.

They assumed, like always, that Michael Jordan would do their bidding simply because he's black. The black athlete obviously supports the black candidate. Because, you know, BLACK! (And they called Jesse Helms a racist. SMH.)

Incidentally, when it comes to selling stuff, I'm a lot like Jordan. Take my "Joe Biden Top Secret Document Notepads," which are currently ALL the rage.

I will send them to republicans, democrats, libertarians, vegetarians, communists, wiccans, swingers...I don't care! It's like I always tell poeple:

"Liberal lunatics buy notepads too."

But, unlike Michael Jordan, I'll tell you to your face that you're ruining this country and vow to fight against you 'till my dying day.

Also, he has a better jump shot than I do."

-Mark Kaye
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