China is a serious threat, militarily & otherwise.Handsome Josh Hawley is a rare senator who gets it


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
US senator seeks foreign policy reset and sees ‘clear and present danger’ from China

"China has been in the midst of major military modernization and buildup for some years now, and we, frankly, have not appreciated the extent to which they are gaining a military and strategic advantage in the Indo-Pacific. Specifically, I’m thinking about the ability to project their power in a sort of quick strike on Taiwan.

It’s not clear that we would be able to help resist a military strike, invasion of Taiwan before it was already done, before it’s a fait accompli. The National Defense Strategy sets out in somewhat alarming but very accurate terms China’s anti-access and area-denial capabilities, its seagoing capabilities, its ballistic missile and other advanced missile capabilities. It’s acquired the ability to deny us access at least for the short term, while projecting its power to the first island chain, if not beyond. That could really shift the balance of power in that region in a way that’s very unfavorable to us."

our military was depleted until Don The Saviour came along!
Trump's tariffs are knocking their dicks in the dirt. Their GDP keeps dropping like a rock.
Trump's tariffs are knocking their dicks in the dirt. Their GDP keeps dropping like a rock.
but they're so strong. SO STROOOOONG!

Watch: They'll be eating their own if Trump's trade war continues for any length of time...
It's taken china over 2 decades of OUR MONEY to build up their military.

Along comes super-Trump & puts a halt to it in less than 2 years. He uses tariffs like a sword :banana:
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Tariffs schmariffs. these people cant wait to kill us...all of us!
US senator seeks foreign policy reset and sees ‘clear and present danger’ from China

"China has been in the midst of major military modernization and buildup for some years now, and we, frankly, have not appreciated the extent to which they are gaining a military and strategic advantage in the Indo-Pacific. Specifically, I’m thinking about the ability to project their power in a sort of quick strike on Taiwan.

It’s not clear that we would be able to help resist a military strike, invasion of Taiwan before it was already done, before it’s a fait accompli. The National Defense Strategy sets out in somewhat alarming but very accurate terms China’s anti-access and area-denial capabilities, its seagoing capabilities, its ballistic missile and other advanced missile capabilities. It’s acquired the ability to deny us access at least for the short term, while projecting its power to the first island chain, if not beyond. That could really shift the balance of power in that region in a way that’s very unfavorable to us."

our military was depleted until Don The Saviour came along!

No, he's playing politics without benefit of expert insight. China is unpredictable to a certain degree, always has been. They are having some major problems right now but not something they couldn't overcome eventually. The biggest uncertainty for lack of a better word is Xi himself, he's become more strict, more totalitarian but that may be a sign his hold on power is tenuous. He has many enemies inside China and if one of them ultimately wins out China could go a whole different direction.
That said the last thing we need to do right now is treat China as an enemy, go cold war on them, that would be stupid for a multitude of reasons primarily of which would be losing the good will of the Chinese people. That would drive them into the arms of Xi and his hardliners, we don't want that, we want us and our allies to constrain not contain to put proper pressure on Beijing so as not to alienate the Chinese.
US senator seeks foreign policy reset and sees ‘clear and present danger’ from China

"China has been in the midst of major military modernization and buildup for some years now, and we, frankly, have not appreciated the extent to which they are gaining a military and strategic advantage in the Indo-Pacific. Specifically, I’m thinking about the ability to project their power in a sort of quick strike on Taiwan.

It’s not clear that we would be able to help resist a military strike, invasion of Taiwan before it was already done, before it’s a fait accompli. The National Defense Strategy sets out in somewhat alarming but very accurate terms China’s anti-access and area-denial capabilities, its seagoing capabilities, its ballistic missile and other advanced missile capabilities. It’s acquired the ability to deny us access at least for the short term, while projecting its power to the first island chain, if not beyond. That could really shift the balance of power in that region in a way that’s very unfavorable to us."

our military was depleted until Don The Saviour came along!

...who's ''we''' have not appreciated this.....??
....any one with military knowledge knows this
..we didn't beat them in Korea when we had naval and air superiority
"In our relations with Russia, we have turned away from a policy of confrontation to one of negotiation. For the first time since World War II and the Cold War, the world's two strongest powers are working together toward peace in the world. With the People's Republic of China after a generation of hostile isolation, we have begun a period of peaceful exchange and expanding trade.
Peace has returned to our cities, to our campuses" - President Trump
brothers and sisters: China and Russia both dont want Europe to disintegrate, each for their personal reasons.

China wants to have Europe as a market it can sell its goods.
Putin needs Europe to provide the capacity to produce stuff
"At the Stockholm China Forum, a semi-annual meeting of Americans, Chinese and Europeans to discuss China’s rise and the new world order, the mood was largely gloomy.⁠"

The West is now surer that China is not about to liberalise. But it is far less certain what to do about it.⁠
China is a counterweight to the United States that causes a lotta problems.

the world would be better off without China, my friends.
China is a much more formidable competitor than our politicians, academics, and news media realize. we accept a fantasy version of China. the truth is, the real modern China is a totalitarian communist dictatorship that wants to be the world's dominant superpower, and America is in the way
US senator seeks foreign policy reset and sees ‘clear and present danger’ from China

"China has been in the midst of major military modernization and buildup for some years now, and we, frankly, have not appreciated the extent to which they are gaining a military and strategic advantage in the Indo-Pacific. Specifically, I’m thinking about the ability to project their power in a sort of quick strike on Taiwan.

It’s not clear that we would be able to help resist a military strike, invasion of Taiwan before it was already done, before it’s a fait accompli. The National Defense Strategy sets out in somewhat alarming but very accurate terms China’s anti-access and area-denial capabilities, its seagoing capabilities, its ballistic missile and other advanced missile capabilities. It’s acquired the ability to deny us access at least for the short term, while projecting its power to the first island chain, if not beyond. That could really shift the balance of power in that region in a way that’s very unfavorable to us."

our military was depleted until Don The Saviour came along!

Too bad he just drove our strongest ally in the region closer to China
It's taken china over 2 decades of OUR MONEY to build up their military.

Along comes super-Trump & puts a halt to it in less than 2 years. He uses tariffs like a sword :banana:

Trump gets it.

That worthless asshole Obama either didn't give a damn because he was too busy kissing Muslim ass or he was clueless on this issue like he was on everything else.
Trump's tariffs are knocking their dicks in the dirt. Their GDP keeps dropping like a rock.

The quarter Trump started the trade war with China they had a 6.8% GDP growth, it was 6% the latest quarter...a drop of 12%.

During that same time the US went from 3.5 to 1.9, a 46% drop.

Winning!! :113:

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