Children of the Parkland Tragedy Vilified for Speaking Out and Condemned as Phonies

Then let's debate the incident and the anomalies of the Aurora movie theater finding a second gas mask? How James Holmes was armed to the hilt and found drooling and dazed by his car while surrendering without a fight? There are NUMEROUS things about the shooting that the bullets that were recovered by an independent investigative team that is exclusive only to military and the DHS?
No! No! No.! I will not let you troll my thread. You can't deal with the current topic and the stupidity and dishonesty that is going on so you want to inject a red herring fallacy and I'm not having it. The answer is NO!

Hey, dude, it was YOUR pals that took it off topic. I made my point and it is a fact that CNN was feeding questions to the students to blame the NRA for this event.
I do not know for a fact that CNN "fed them questions" but if they did it changes nothing including the fact that you are interjecting Aurora as a red herring to avoid the inconvenient truth can't deal with the logic of my OP

#1 Yes, it does matter that the kids are being used as pawns by CNN to push an matters a great deal.

#2 It was your fellow gun grabbers that were accusing me of denying that this event ever happened....which is a lie.

I have spent thousands upon thousands of hours researching the things I know and putting the pieces to this puzzle together.
The scales fell from my eyes six years ago when the realization hit me that I had been duped by the neocons and I will not be fooled again. I question every thing I am told because we have been lied to all of our lives. Don't like what I post? You don't wish to weigh and consider? I can't help's out of my control. I find you to be incredibly articulate and intelligent and we have agreed in the past and have agreed to disagree in the past. I respect your opinion even if it differs from mine.
Thank you for the kind words. You too are one of the more intelligent, rational and well spoken people here . However, I am always suspicious of these conspiracy theories. Maybe I should be more leery of the official version, I'll admit that. Perhaps you would like to start a thread about Aurora and present you findings. I would be interested,

As far as Parkland goes, help, guiding and encouraging the kids is not using them . I firmly believe that they are doing this of their own initiative and feel deeply about ending the madness.

Many thanks and a tip of the cyber cap to you because you have critical thinking skills and you are not a "drone in the hive" that suffers from tribalism. You have the ability to think outside of the box. We should all be leery of "conspiracy theories" but we should also be just as leery as to what we are told on the mainstream media that is owned by the same six conglomerates whose CEOs belong to the same exclusive "think tank" groups.....control the narrative and you control the debate. As far as I am concerned, nothing changed after the Church Committee hearings of the mid 1970's where Operation Mockingbird was brought out.

Control the opposition by owning them. Here is an example of where I found that I finally had the gift of discernment. I use to listen to rightwing neocon radio....Rush, Mark Levin,etc, etc.....just a steady diet of neocon propaganda for YEARS. I did some research about Rush before he went into syndication that he would talk about the JFK assassination, the shadow government that was created with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. He sold out for money and those topics are not allowed on his show. Mark Levin, an alleged constitutionalist scholar squashes anyone that talked about the Fed Bank and it's origin and what it really is.

When I had my epiphany, I would listen to them on occasion to see if topics like the ones mentioned would be discussed. What I found was that all the years I had spent being indoctrinated was simply used to put us all into camps....divide and conquer is the name of the game. After all this time and at this place in my life after all the reading and researching that I have done, I have a good grasp on the nature of the cage that we are trapped in. The Hegelian Dialectic has been played out all through history, especially ours. There hasn't been a war since 1898 that hasn't used false flags to entice Americans to fight in a war that hasn't benefited the owners of USA.INC.

I will agree with you that there should be steps put in place that doesn't allow an 18 year old to buy a semi-automatic weapon or ANY type of gun. 18 year olds today are not the 18 year olds that fought in WWII like my Uncle Raymond......different time and different era. Those that exhibit anti-social behavior on social media by posting pics of themselves with weapons and using it as a form of intimidation are not mature enough to own so much as a BB-gun. Where we will probably agree to disagree is that the FBI was given warning back in September that the Lakeland shooter was a danger and they did nothing and I believe that certain rogue elements nurtured that.Witnesses have claimed that there was more than one shooter just like the Las Vegas shooting and just like the Aurora movie theater shooting in 2012 because there is an agenda afoot and the end game is even further enslavement of the populace and an end to the facade that we have a constitution. The owners of USA.INC and every country that has a central bank want is a one world government and one world currency with only two classes....the serfs and the elites. If you want to see what the elites envision for us serfs, watch the series "The Hunger Games"......because it is straight out of the vision of those that proposed Agenda 21 and "sustainable development" and it includes a massive depopulation plan. Poor people are easier to control and leave less of a carbon footprint and they are dependent on the state and since they will be unarmed? They have no way to rise up and fight. Call me "crazy" if you want......but I have read their own documents laying this entire plan out in great detail. What they fear is that the masses will wake up to this. Good on ya.....
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The movement is spreading!!

And it is indeed of the kids own doing!!

The Parkland Teens Are Giving These Columbine Survivors Hope | HuffPost

Today, Columbine no longer even ranks among the top 10 deadliest shootings in modern U.S. history. That the government has done so little to reduce the frequency of shootings like the one they experienced has become a source of frustration, anger and, occasionally, cynicism among five Columbine survivors who spoke with HuffPost.

But in the last week, something has changed. Watching the Stoneman Douglas students scream for gun control ever since the attack on their own school in Florida, some of the survivors of the Columbine attack have found a renewed sense of hope they didn’t expect to feel again for some time.

“I actually got almost excited with anticipation that this might be the change that we’ve all tried for for so long,” said Anne Marie Hochhalter, who was paralyzed at Columbine after being shot in the back.
Wow............................something amazing just happened in this thread................

2 people on different sides of the spectrum (Dale Smith and Progressive Patriot) were able to express their opinions and agree to disagree without being disagreeable.

Wish that could happen more often in these times......................
then you can stfu on having an opinion about it one way or the other as to who exhibits anti christianity.
I am more of a Christian right now than you have ever been.

Democrat scum have thrown out Christianity from public life in America while allowing Muslims to do whatever the fuck they want and even telling NASA to support Islam during Obama's presidency.

uh-huh. i am not a (D).

try again.
You are a useful idiot for the Democrats either way.

not really. i've voted across party lines- including voting for nader against my own state senator.

i am amused about how ignorant deplorables can be.
Trump is better than the Democrats and pretty much all of the Republicans because western society is turning into a complete shithole.

The ignorant deplorables voted for Hillary or against Trump.

I didn't vote FOR hillary. i voted AGAINST fascism.

god bless robert mueller.
Liberals and terrorists have a lot in common.

Both put children in front of them so they don't have to take the bullet themselves.

The high schoolers (not kids) are just too ignorant to realize that they are simply being used as pawns by the left. The left loves school shootings, it gives them a reason to push their anti-gun agenda.

Some of these "kids" who are preaching were nowhere NEAR the shooter and were across campus when it happened. But don't think that would stop the left from using them as "victims."

No, the victims are being buried. The rest are just kids at school.

I mean I was walking at a public park in 2004 and 4 mexicans jumped this mexican guy in front of me and killed him. Do I act like a victim? Um no.
Dale,you will be denying it actually happened before the weekend you sad fuck.

Go fuck yourself, Tommy. I am not saying that this event didn't happen. I am saying that we are not being given the whole story and the FBI isn't having their feet held to the fire like they should but the 2nd amendment is.

you were all over them being crisis actors. another false flag as your hero likes to call it.

There are often victims of false flag events and they use crisis actors, The Aurora shooting is a perfect example. You are absolutely clueless as to what is really going on. It is absolutely sickening watching the operation mockingbird lamestream media feeding questions to students in order to attack Dana Loesch of the NRA and Marco Rubio WHILE not giving the other students the chance to speak.

aurora was fake too????????????????? god DAMN you need help.

Do you have ANY reading comprehension skills at ALL??? False flags will have you even know what a false flag is or the Hegelian Dialectic of "cause, effect, solution"? You are just flailing around and letting your emotions rule your opinions instead of doing any type of reading or research.

Go fuck yourself, Tommy. I am not saying that this event didn't happen. I am saying that we are not being given the whole story and the FBI isn't having their feet held to the fire like they should but the 2nd amendment is.

you were all over them being crisis actors. another false flag as your hero likes to call it.

There are often victims of false flag events and they use crisis actors, The Aurora shooting is a perfect example. You are absolutely clueless as to what is really going on. It is absolutely sickening watching the operation mockingbird lamestream media feeding questions to students in order to attack Dana Loesch of the NRA and Marco Rubio WHILE not giving the other students the chance to speak.
View attachment 178387My God! Where do you get this moronic shit from??

Then let's debate the incident and the anomalies of the Aurora movie theater finding a second gas mask? How James Holmes was armed to the hilt and found drooling and dazed by his car while surrendering without a fight? There are NUMEROUS things about the shooting that the bullets that were recovered by an independent investigative team that is exclusive only to military and the DHS?

Got a link to all those claims?

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The left loves hiding behind children.

They think their idiotology won't be challenged if they put the kids out there.

So you think those kids were "put up to this?" They sounded pretty passionate and sincere to me.
They always are. They are children. They came out of theaters after watching Avatar sobbing and suicidal because there was no Pandora.

Avatar fans suicidal because planet Pandora is not real

This is a huge school. Few of these children saw anyone killed. Out of 3,000 students, few of these children knew anyone killed. They had adults preying on their emotions and manipulating them.

Many of the students that were interviewed disagreed with the pro gun grabbers. One father who lost a child at Sandy Hook made a plea to arm teachers. We are seeing only the one, politically correct side.
Question: Who would dare, who has the temerity, who has the viciousness in them to target distraught, children who survived a school shooting and are desperate for adults to stop the killing, with a smear campaign? Who is willing to join in the chorus of voices advancing the absurd claim that they, the student survivors of the Parkland massacre are puppets of larger, nefarious forces” and participants in a conspiracy.

Answer: (A partial list)

1) Fox News

2) Donald Trump Jr.

3) The Gateway Pundit

4) One America News Network

5) Rush Limbaugh

6) Alex Jones

My guess is that I will soon be adding USMB participants to this list

(selected excerpts)

The unifying principle of the right-wing smear campaign against the student survivors of the Parkland massacre is that they are puppets of larger, nefarious forces. The attacks first gained prominence on Monday on the pro-Trump blog Gateway Pundit which claimed, without any evidence, that student David Hogg was a pawn of the FBI and was “merely reciting a script” in media interviews. By Tuesday, as the initial attacks gained support from Donald Trump Jr. and a former congressman, Gateway Pundit escalated the attacks, suggesting. Hogg and other students were crisis actors recruited from the school’s theater department by far-left groups controlled by George Soros. Similar outlandish claims went viral on Facebook.

Even if these kids are being coached or encouraged in some way, even if they are networking as part of a larger movement- and I hope that they are-it’s no excuse for people who are supposed to be adults to vilify them. That is no different than what right-wingers do in order to advance their agenda They were even called un-American. What is more American than protesting and exercising one’s right to free speech?

This is a thinly vailed attempt to silence them. This is evidence that the right is running scared. Scared of these children who are livid and rising up. The NRA, Trump, and their lackeys may have well met their match.

The initial attack was even more despicable and vicious:

(selected excerpts)

Students who survived the gun massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have emerged as powerful advocates of gun control and fierce critics of the NRA. Now they are being targeted by a right-wing smear campaign.

David Hogg, a senior at the school, was one of the first to appear on national television and demand action. “We’re children. You guys are the adults. You need to take some action and play a role. Work together. Come over your politics and get something done,” Hogg said, looking directly into the camera.

Hogg is now being targeted by Gateway Pundit, a far-right blog that has press credentials from the Trump White House. A post published on Monday by the site’s White House correspondent, Lucian Wintrich, features Hogg’s photo with the word “EXPOSED” stamped in red.

The Gateway Pundit story is spreading quickly on Facebook and has already been picked up by One American News Network, another right-wing outlet with White House media credentials.

In yet another account of what is happening…

(selected excerpts)

The teenagers of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., who a week ago lost 17 of their classmates and school staff members in a mass shooting, have emerged as passionate advocates for reform, speaking openly of their anger in the hope of forcing a reckoning on guns.

But in certain right-wing corners of the web — and, increasingly, from more mainstream voices like Rush Limbaugh and a commentator on CNN — the students are being portrayed not as grief-ridden survivors but as pawns and conspiracists intent on exploiting a tragedy to undermine the nation’s laws.

The theories are far-fetched. But they are finding a broad and prominent audience online. On Tuesday, the president’s son Donald J. Trump Jr. liked a pair of tweets that accused David Hogg, a 17-year-old who is among the most outspoken of the Parkland students, of criticizing the Trump administration in an effort to protect his father, whom Mr. Hogg has described as a retired F.B.I. agent.
This is what happens when the media uses kids to commit fraud.
Liberals and terrorists have a lot in common.

Both put children in front of them so they don't have to take the bullet themselves.

The high schoolers (not kids) are just too ignorant to realize that they are simply being used as pawns by the left. The left loves school shootings, it gives them a reason to push their anti-gun agenda.

Some of these "kids" who are preaching were nowhere NEAR the shooter and were across campus when it happened. But don't think that would stop the left from using them as "victims."

No, the victims are being buried. The rest are just kids at school.

I mean I was walking at a public park in 2004 and 4 mexicans jumped this mexican guy in front of me and killed him. Do I act like a victim? Um no.

& you got your talking points straight from the dana bitch.
The left loves hiding behind children.

They think their idiotology won't be challenged if they put the kids out there.

So you think those kids were "put up to this?" They sounded pretty passionate and sincere to me.

They were put up to this or they weren't allowed to speak at all. Some of the kids didn't want to be put up to anything and told how this little exhibition was scripted. If it was scripted by CNN it was political theater.
Question: Who would dare, who has the temerity, who has the viciousness in them to target distraught, children who survived a school shooting and are desperate for adults to stop the killing, with a smear campaign? Who is willing to join in the chorus of voices advancing the absurd claim that they, the student survivors of the Parkland massacre are puppets of larger, nefarious forces” and participants in a conspiracy.

Answer: (A partial list)

1) Fox News

2) Donald Trump Jr.

3) The Gateway Pundit

4) One America News Network

5) Rush Limbaugh

6) Alex Jones

My guess is that I will soon be adding USMB participants to this list

(selected excerpts)

The unifying principle of the right-wing smear campaign against the student survivors of the Parkland massacre is that they are puppets of larger, nefarious forces. The attacks first gained prominence on Monday on the pro-Trump blog Gateway Pundit which claimed, without any evidence, that student David Hogg was a pawn of the FBI and was “merely reciting a script” in media interviews. By Tuesday, as the initial attacks gained support from Donald Trump Jr. and a former congressman, Gateway Pundit escalated the attacks, suggesting. Hogg and other students were crisis actors recruited from the school’s theater department by far-left groups controlled by George Soros. Similar outlandish claims went viral on Facebook.

Even if these kids are being coached or encouraged in some way, even if they are networking as part of a larger movement- and I hope that they are-it’s no excuse for people who are supposed to be adults to vilify them. That is no different than what right-wingers do in order to advance their agenda They were even called un-American. What is more American than protesting and exercising one’s right to free speech?

This is a thinly vailed attempt to silence them. This is evidence that the right is running scared. Scared of these children who are livid and rising up. The NRA, Trump, and their lackeys may have well met their match.

The initial attack was even more despicable and vicious:

(selected excerpts)

Students who survived the gun massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have emerged as powerful advocates of gun control and fierce critics of the NRA. Now they are being targeted by a right-wing smear campaign.

David Hogg, a senior at the school, was one of the first to appear on national television and demand action. “We’re children. You guys are the adults. You need to take some action and play a role. Work together. Come over your politics and get something done,” Hogg said, looking directly into the camera.

Hogg is now being targeted by Gateway Pundit, a far-right blog that has press credentials from the Trump White House. A post published on Monday by the site’s White House correspondent, Lucian Wintrich, features Hogg’s photo with the word “EXPOSED” stamped in red.

The Gateway Pundit story is spreading quickly on Facebook and has already been picked up by One American News Network, another right-wing outlet with White House media credentials.

In yet another account of what is happening…

(selected excerpts)

The teenagers of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., who a week ago lost 17 of their classmates and school staff members in a mass shooting, have emerged as passionate advocates for reform, speaking openly of their anger in the hope of forcing a reckoning on guns.

But in certain right-wing corners of the web — and, increasingly, from more mainstream voices like Rush Limbaugh and a commentator on CNN — the students are being portrayed not as grief-ridden survivors but as pawns and conspiracists intent on exploiting a tragedy to undermine the nation’s laws.

The theories are far-fetched. But they are finding a broad and prominent audience online. On Tuesday, the president’s son Donald J. Trump Jr. liked a pair of tweets that accused David Hogg, a 17-year-old who is among the most outspoken of the Parkland students, of criticizing the Trump administration in an effort to protect his father, whom Mr. Hogg has described as a retired F.B.I. agent.
This is what happens when the media uses kids to commit fraud.
Except that the media did not use kids. You bastard are now and have many times in the past!
Liberals and terrorists have a lot in common.

Both put children in front of them so they don't have to take the bullet themselves.

The high schoolers (not kids) are just too ignorant to realize that they are simply being used as pawns by the left. The left loves school shootings, it gives them a reason to push their anti-gun agenda.

Some of these "kids" who are preaching were nowhere NEAR the shooter and were across campus when it happened. But don't think that would stop the left from using them as "victims."

No, the victims are being buried. The rest are just kids at school.

I mean I was walking at a public park in 2004 and 4 mexicans jumped this mexican guy in front of me and killed him. Do I act like a victim? Um no.

& you got your talking points straight from the dana bitch.

I have no idea who that is or what her "points" were but everything I said is truth and you know it. That's why you didn't even attempt to dispute a thing I said.

As they say, the truth hurts.
Liberals and terrorists have a lot in common.

Both put children in front of them so they don't have to take the bullet themselves.

The high schoolers (not kids) are just too ignorant to realize that they are simply being used as pawns by the left. The left loves school shootings, it gives them a reason to push their anti-gun agenda.

Some of these "kids" who are preaching were nowhere NEAR the shooter and were across campus when it happened. But don't think that would stop the left from using them as "victims."

No, the victims are being buried. The rest are just kids at school.

I mean I was walking at a public park in 2004 and 4 mexicans jumped this mexican guy in front of me and killed him. Do I act like a victim? Um no.

& you got your talking points straight from the dana bitch.

I have no idea who that is or what her "points" were but everything I said is truth and you know it. That's why you didn't even attempt to dispute a thing I said.

As they say, the truth hurts.

wherever those kids were doesn't matter. they had no idea if there was a lone gunman or there were more crazies loose on campus. those speaking out sure as shit know the score. they have known nothing but recurrent school shootings for most of their school aged lives. they also can put a sentence together coherently without repeating & regurgitating what they have seen from the likes of re talking pundits & the bitches at the NRA.
they had no idea if there was a lone gunman or there were more crazies loose on campus. those speaking out sure as shit know the score. they have known nothing but recurrent school shootings for most of their school aged lives. they also can put a sentence together coherently repeating & regurgitating what they have seen from the likes of re talking pundits & the bitches at CNN

There you go, corrected for accuracy.
they had no idea if there was a lone gunman or there were more crazies loose on campus. those speaking out sure as shit know the score. they have known nothing but recurrent school shootings for most of their school aged lives. they also can put a sentence together coherently repeating & regurgitating what they have seen from the likes of re talking pundits & the bitches at CNN

There you go, corrected for accuracy.

ummmmm.... next time you try to be clever, try making sure you know who you are trying to screw around with or you will look exactly like the poorly educated mook that trump loves. :290968001256257790-final: .
Question: Who would dare, who has the temerity, who has the viciousness in them to target distraught, children who survived a school shooting and are desperate for adults to stop the killing, with a smear campaign? Who is willing to join in the chorus of voices advancing the absurd claim that they, the student survivors of the Parkland massacre are puppets of larger, nefarious forces” and participants in a conspiracy.

Answer: (A partial list)

1) Fox News

2) Donald Trump Jr.

3) The Gateway Pundit

4) One America News Network

5) Rush Limbaugh

6) Alex Jones

My guess is that I will soon be adding USMB participants to this list

(selected excerpts)

The unifying principle of the right-wing smear campaign against the student survivors of the Parkland massacre is that they are puppets of larger, nefarious forces. The attacks first gained prominence on Monday on the pro-Trump blog Gateway Pundit which claimed, without any evidence, that student David Hogg was a pawn of the FBI and was “merely reciting a script” in media interviews. By Tuesday, as the initial attacks gained support from Donald Trump Jr. and a former congressman, Gateway Pundit escalated the attacks, suggesting. Hogg and other students were crisis actors recruited from the school’s theater department by far-left groups controlled by George Soros. Similar outlandish claims went viral on Facebook.

Even if these kids are being coached or encouraged in some way, even if they are networking as part of a larger movement- and I hope that they are-it’s no excuse for people who are supposed to be adults to vilify them. That is no different than what right-wingers do in order to advance their agenda They were even called un-American. What is more American than protesting and exercising one’s right to free speech?

This is a thinly vailed attempt to silence them. This is evidence that the right is running scared. Scared of these children who are livid and rising up. The NRA, Trump, and their lackeys may have well met their match.

The initial attack was even more despicable and vicious:

(selected excerpts)

Students who survived the gun massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have emerged as powerful advocates of gun control and fierce critics of the NRA. Now they are being targeted by a right-wing smear campaign.

David Hogg, a senior at the school, was one of the first to appear on national television and demand action. “We’re children. You guys are the adults. You need to take some action and play a role. Work together. Come over your politics and get something done,” Hogg said, looking directly into the camera.

Hogg is now being targeted by Gateway Pundit, a far-right blog that has press credentials from the Trump White House. A post published on Monday by the site’s White House correspondent, Lucian Wintrich, features Hogg’s photo with the word “EXPOSED” stamped in red.

The Gateway Pundit story is spreading quickly on Facebook and has already been picked up by One American News Network, another right-wing outlet with White House media credentials.

In yet another account of what is happening…

(selected excerpts)

The teenagers of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., who a week ago lost 17 of their classmates and school staff members in a mass shooting, have emerged as passionate advocates for reform, speaking openly of their anger in the hope of forcing a reckoning on guns.

But in certain right-wing corners of the web — and, increasingly, from more mainstream voices like Rush Limbaugh and a commentator on CNN — the students are being portrayed not as grief-ridden survivors but as pawns and conspiracists intent on exploiting a tragedy to undermine the nation’s laws.

The theories are far-fetched. But they are finding a broad and prominent audience online. On Tuesday, the president’s son Donald J. Trump Jr. liked a pair of tweets that accused David Hogg, a 17-year-old who is among the most outspoken of the Parkland students, of criticizing the Trump administration in an effort to protect his father, whom Mr. Hogg has described as a retired F.B.I. agent.
This is what happens when the media uses kids to commit fraud.
Except that the media did not use kids. You bastard are now and have many times in the past!
Yeah...fuck you. You're a lying POS.
I'm supposed to not pay attention to what I see every day since the shooting....yah lying fuck.

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